It took longer than I thought.
The trimming, de-papering, strip inserting, re-squaring process of making this border.
I LOVE pieced borders. I do. I think you know that. If there is going to be a border I like it to really make a statement, and if it is pieced, it ends the quilt right there. Very rarely is there a “plain fabric” border outside of my pieced one.
Usually because the quilt is already reached maximum size!
And because I feel the statement made by a pieced border is somehow diminished and minimalized by the addition of a plain fabric border outside of it.
I just want the design to stop at the edge of the canvas. If this were a painting, adding another border would be the same as leaving an unpainted margin around the outside of the picture.
Of course, it depends on the quilt, but I do love it when I have a pieced border and it stops. Right there. At the edge of the piecing.
Things were trimmed and ready to be de-papered when I realized I could be multi-tasking, and it would be SO “EASY!?”
I do solemnly swear to never purchase an oven that does not include an auto clean feature ever again! Contrary to what this label says, it was not easy, and it didn't come off. #heinousjob #chemicalwarfare #nolovinfromthisoven
After posting this on Facebook, I received so many alternative (and not nearly so caustic) cleaning ideas that I vow to never use THIS STUFF again, either!
The oven culprit? The amazing sweet potato casserole from Christmas had boiled over during baking and there was a burned sugar mess that I had put off dealing with mostly because I didn’t have anything up here at the cabin to deal with it, and once here, who wants to run to town for forgotten items?
Oh, and for those wanting the recipe? It was so good. I pinned it here.
Job done. back to this:
Inserting strips!
“I Heart Canada!”
I do NOT Heart Sliver Trimming, but it had to happen!
Oh Geeze.
By this time it was getting late. This job had taken ALL DAY. I’m talking 10pm late here. And it can’t all be blamed on the time it took to clean the dang oven. But I kept going.
Must document the LAST SEAM!
And we have a TOP!!
Dawn’s Early Light is now a TOP! This has been an ongoing project for months and months, and finally we are here.
I am headed home today, I’ve got to finish up the pattern writing for both En Provence, the DIGITAL version and for Garlic Knots as well. As soon as those are done, En Provence the MYSTERY version will be retired and unavailable. Be SURE you have saved and printed all of your parts, and KNOW where to find them. I will be unable to provide steps for you.
Depending on how long finishing touches take, it may be late on Feb 1st before the switch happens, and it may be Feb 2nd. Ground Hog day could use a bit of excitement, couldn’t it? Be watching. Just to give you a heads up, there is likely to be a sale on ALL digital patterns once these two are uploaded and ready to roll.
Weather on the mountains!
I am at a low enough elevation that things are not accumulating here, but can you see the white on the upper ridge in the distance? That top ridge is the Blue Ridge Parkway. They’ve got snow. We don’t. This makes me happy!
But Quilt Villa VA is at a much higher elevation. There will be much more snow in my future winters!
Time for breakfast, packing up Moby, and heading home.
There are book orders to get out. There is a backing to piece, and a quilt top to quilt, and pattern writing to do.
Oh, and along with the Quiltville Creative Grids 2 1/2’’ x 6 1/2’’ ruler, PLAYING CARDS are now back in stock. I’ve got a limited amount of cards, but more are on their way. You’ll find them in the Quiltville Store.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage grandmother's fan quilt found in North Carolina.
The truth is, we find what we search for. If you look for beauty, you will find it everywhere.
Have a great Monday, everyone!

To save yourself time cleaning even a self cleaning oven, look for a silicone oven liner. You just put it in the bottom of the oven and if there is a spill you just wipe it off. I've had one for years and it has saved a lot of oven cleaning.
ReplyDeleteWhat Jobro said and whenever there is a spill take time while the oven is hot to scrape as much of the hot goo as possible up with a spatula. It makes a huge difference in the horrible clean up. When do you close on Quilt Villa 2?
ReplyDeleteAnother great quilt. Will be anxiously waiting for the patterns. Have a beautiful day.
ReplyDeleteLove the quilt topππ
ReplyDeleteI also hate cleaning the oven. YUK YUK YUK!!!!!!
Love the quilt topππ
ReplyDeleteI also hate cleaning the oven. YUK YUK YUK!!!!!!
I was told that the self cleaning ovens get so hot that they can burn out the electronic parts quickly so I clean mine the old fashioned way. New appliances aren't made to last more than 10 years so how often do you need to clean your oven anyways? (just kidding)
ReplyDeleteHere in Phoenix it is too hot to use the oven nine months of the year, so I don't have to clean mine often. It is self-cleaning, so I sually run the clean cycle after the holiday baking and dinners are over, them I'm good for another year! love the new quilt!
ReplyDeleteI am really in love with the paper pieced string border. Oh my, it is gorgeous. As far as cleaning the oven.....yuk!..But it is done now and maybe there will be no cleaning in your future. "as if!" :) :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the "BE SURE" reminder.. I "thought" I had everything printed!!! but was missing 6 & 7.. yikes.. everyone go check..
ReplyDeleteLove the string border .. can't wait to see what you do next, lol
I use one of those pinterest ideas for my oven and it works great.. so much easier .. and it works on the racks too.
I absolutely LOVE Dawn's Early Light!! When and where will a pattern be available? I wanna make it NOW!!! :o))
ReplyDeleteWill Garlic Knots use the block making technique you showed on Quilt Cam? I thought that was really fast and clever.
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you wish for. I used the self-cleaning feature on my oven last year,
ReplyDeletethe week before Thanksgiving so it would be bright and shiny for the big bird. The intense heat melted some wires. Had to buy a new stove. Had to cook turkey in a portable electric roaster....just not the same.
Yes, you will be getting more snow at your new place, but the summer temps will be much nicer. no mosquitoes either.
ReplyDeleteI always used a piece of silicone oven liner left over from oven to use by iron. My DH made iron boards from pegboard insulabrite and my silver ironing board cover. I covered with an old pillow case. First day red ran on it. I took an oven liner and covered my little iron board and no more stains!
ReplyDeleteDawn's Early Light is beautiful. I was enthralled after watching the Cam video the other night. Made we want to get out my string quilt box and work some more on it, which I did Monday night. If I continue maybe I will have my "84" blocks done by the time DEL is in print. My blocks aren't as large as yours so I will need more, but I will figure that out when the time comes. The Charge of the "84" begins... Thanks for the give away opportunity. Would so love to have it. So glad I found your sight.
ReplyDeleteFor any sweet veggie overflow/caramelization, like sweet potato, but anything sugary, pour on straight vinegar and let it sit. There is a chemical reaction that dissolves/loosens the gluey mess. LOVE THE BORDER.
ReplyDeleteSelf-cleaning ovens have an atrocious smell during the cleaning stage! We only clean ours when we can have doors and windows open.