Beautiful views, wide open and weathered DECK – but it isn’t a porch.
Cabin number 3 was lovely, don’t get me wrong.
It will be perfect for someone, and someone is going to love it.
Very close to West Jefferson, North Carolina, this cabin sits near the top of a steep mountain face. And though it comes with acreage, it is all VERTICAL and there is no yard to speak of really. Just a drive that goes to the house, and the rest of the property is either straight up or straight down.
I am keeping in consideration that I like to hike and walk, but I perfer there to be some “across” spaces in between the steep up and very steep down.
The road going up to the cabin is barely one car width wide, and I’d hate to meet another car going up or down when I was trying to go down or up, there wasn’t really anywhere to pull off, and I’m not a good backer-upper. It was just one of those roads that makes you go “WOAH.”
But that view!
Room to quilt in the basement, if you can get rid of the pool table.
Funny story about the tile floors in the basement, we had the exact same tile in our house in Waxahachie, Texas! While it felt cool in the hot hot summer months, it was painfully hard on my feet and I found myself wearing shoes all of the time.
Imagine this space without the stuff.
One of the fun things about house or cabin hunting is getting a glimpse into the owner’s lives through memorabilia and photos – and this family has had a lifetime of great adventure and making the most of family time together. There is a lot of love and togetherness in this family. It is evident in every photo on the walls. They are active outdoorsy people, lots of shots of boating and fishing and traveling the globe, and there is quite a bit of taxidermy to prove it! HA!
Goose not included!
I tell myself again – this stuff wouldn’t be here if we were to buy anyway, so try to imagine it without furniture!
Deal Breaker.
This is the tiny kitchen for this cabin that is nearly 3,000 square feet. It’s SO small that you can barely put the dishwasher door down. The counter space is split both on the sink side and the stove side with barely any work space. It’s lovely for those who are just “reheaters” in the kitchen, but I need more space than this. My current cabin has more space, more cupboards more walking room than this.
Isn’t it funny? What one person loves, another thinks just will not do? Could I make it work? Well yes, but I don’t have to. This plus the fact that the property is so steep that I wouldn’t really be able to walk Sadie tells me that while it will be perfect for someone else, it isn’t perfect for the next Quilt Villa.
So we will keep looking!
Units are building!
I’ve been working hard on my Dawn’s Early Light quilt from Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks vol 13! Boy, there are a lot of pieces in this quilt! LOL!
When you just submit one block to the magazine for the issue, you don’t stop to think how many pieces will go into a full REAL QUILT. Or at least, I didn’t!
This was most of my yesterday.
Essential Triangle Tool and NARROW strips!
Sewing, sewing, sewing!
I am telling myself to JUST SEW! DON’T COUNT! They are short seams and they go very quickly.
And they are SO SUPER CUTE!
There will be more of this happening today, I’m just shy of half-way to the number of units I need for those small friendship stars shown in the block.
At least the red has me feeling a BIT Christmassy! And Mona is coming to sew this afternoon, so that will be fun.
Have you seen all of the links coming in for yesterday’s Mystery Monday Link Up for Part 3? Click HERE!
Our Quilting Cozy Gift-Away is still open, be sure you click to enter ON THAT POST. Drawing on Thursday evening!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage bow tie quilt found in North Carolina.
Our best teacher is our last mistake! Learn from it and move on. Don't let it define you, it’s just a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.
Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!

Oooh! I can't wait! This quilt is going to be sew FANTASTIC!!
ReplyDeleteyou'll know it when you see it bonnie...
ReplyDeleteThe place was beautiful but did not look like you LOL. Am enjoying the process of the 4 patches and just smile when I press and spin and they all spin with little effort. It's the little things in life that make me happy. Thank you again for such a fun MQ. Glad you are seeing Mona today. DH and I loved the one in Virginia. He even sat and looked at the pics with me :). Have a wonderful day and thank you for again for all you do for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI still like the one with the beautiful views and the porch and the deck!
ReplyDeleteWe call those kind of one way roads scenic highways due to some crazy vacation adventures...that's what the road maps called them!
ReplyDeleteThe quilt is going to be gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Totally agree with your cabin summary: kitchen too small, lot too steep. Let's repurpose the pool table to a horizontal design wall!!! Keep looking, you'll find it. Best Christmas wishes!!
ReplyDeleteYou are giving me ideas for cabin looking... Retirement is getting clser for my DH. A beach place might suit me better, Somplace warmer at least on this sub-freezing day with 7" of the white stuff. Would the steep cabin have issues of Snow?? Fun to have another Mona day. Tiny friendship stars of red will be so perfect to stitch on. One and a half inch hsts are tiny, and the mystery has 3 1/2 units, I see questions of how small on FB. Laughing at that. Have a great day, I'll be stitching my purples!
ReplyDeleteKeep looking. You will find one that suits you! I guess you can say that the "joy is in the journey". Looking at your post made me miss my "cabin" which is a cottage on one of the Finger Lakes in Upstate NY. :).
ReplyDeleteNo doubt you will find your cabin in the woods and it will be a keeper! Your quilt is quite charming, with those little itsy bitsy pieces. Lots of love going into it and it shows.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at the pool table comment. When I bought the house I live in now there was a pool table in the basement. I had it written in the contract that the table would be gone before I would close on the house. You will find the right place. I like the first one better also. Looks more like you. Have fun looking at cabins
ReplyDeleteI like the sneak peak into how you organize your units for a quilt! Watching how you've progressed with Dawn's Early Light has been great, from the list of units to the project case. good luck cabin-hunting!
ReplyDeleteThat quilt is going to be gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteBoy howdy is today's quote one to keep in mind as you go through life. It's a bit like, "That's the sort of thing you learn from the first time it happens, if you're smart."
ReplyDeleteOMG, that pool table. We almost bought a house and the owner would NOT take a giant TV, like the biggest I have ever seen not in a bar, with them when we tried to put that in the contract. We decided there were some other things that we didn't like and the combo just made it not a deal for us. You'll find Quilt Villa, Part Deux. Hang in there.
This quilt is going to be lovely. I can't look at that picture without expecting that fish on the wall to start singing. Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteWhen we wrap up this mystery can we discuss our sewing spaces with respect to flooring, table height, etc? Our house is a slab foundation with ceramic tile except in the bedrooms. I spent a year struggling with heel spurs before I learned to buy and wear a very springy, supportive shoe. Its miserable. I want to know how to make my sewing room more hospitable for ME. And I just bet you and your followers have some experience to help :)
ReplyDeletePretty please with sugar and scrap fabric on top?
I'm enjoying these house hunting posts and your thoughts on the places you are looking at. Since you are not in a real hurry to find just the right place, I'm sure it will be there when you least expect it.
ReplyDeleteI just love your bits of wisdom and encouragement. Just love love the stepping stone and not a stumbling block. How did you get so wise?
ReplyDeleteI am dreaming about moving to a new place (if I could just get hubs to agree) so I am enjoying living the dream through your cabin hunting. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love looking at houses, until I *have* to. The final decision is always so hard as I second guess myself that if I just looked one more day I may find one that's even better. LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd oh my stars I laughed so hard at your comment about there being so many pieces in your quilt. That's how I feel every single time I work on one of yours! But in the end, every tiny piece is worth it.
Yada Yada looks nice but I don't think it is a save place it you are out there by yourself.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever relax or is 100 mph all the time.
I agree - too much steep and too much stuff.