
Monday, December 05, 2016

En Provence Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 2!


There is so much magenta loveliness in all of its variety happening out there in Quiltville!!

Just doing a quick flip of our #quiltvillemystery and #enprovencequilt hash tags in instagram provided me with SO much happy browsing!

Magenta is a color that I love – and oh my quilters!  You wear it well!

At this point I can tell you that there is no worry on not having enough magenta.  We are done with it.  You’ve done all with the magenta that you were meant to do for this quilt, and there are other colors that demand some attention so we will be focusing on those over the next several weeks.

The only other thing you might decide, and I never decide this until the quilt is DONE – is if you want to use magenta as your binding.  And in that case, you might want to grab more while you can because binding is something I don’t figure into yardage requirements because everyone has a personal choice to make there.

We had an IMPROMPTU Quilt-Cam via Facebook Live yesterday, and it was so much fun!  A lot of mystery info was also shared during Quilt-Cam, so check it out if you haven’t yet.  It’s linked under the Quilt-Cam tab at the top of the blog.

How is your progress on the En Provence Mystery coming along?


Trish Cooper sews at 2am on a beautiful Red-Eye!


Loving Carol Smith’s Neutrals!

What is a quilt without a sock monkey??


Where there is a will there is a way!

Caryn is having some great success by glue-basting her pieces before sewing.  This was posted in a thread on our Quiltville’s Open Studio group in facebook, and if you search for glue-basting in the search bar on the page, you will find the conversation to try this method. 

So much sharing, learning and friendship building is happening, and that is the BEST part of our mystery!

Are you ready to share where you are?

No matter where you are in your En Provence, you can share blocks, design wall photos, completed tops, quilted tops waiting for binding, finished quilts, quilts with your dog, cat or grand baby on it – just share!

If you do not have a blog, you can link to an instagram post, google+ post, flickr photo or even a Pinterest photo.

So be sure when you are filling in your information below that you include a URL to your specific post or photo, not just your main blog or profile address.  We need the address of the page where your photo and post is, not the whole account.

For those who don’t understand HOW to find the URL of any given post PLEASE read this linky tutorial before you link up again.

For an example of a blog post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Pinterest post including a link back, click HERE.
For an Instagram post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Flickr post including a link back, click HERE.

If you have linked to my main blog address http://quiltville.blogspot.com that also needs to be changed to the URL for today's linky page. Please check your post or photo and make sure you have the right link.

Include this link in your post: http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2016/12/mystery-monday-link-up-part-2.html

If you don’t know how to link it so it is clickable in your blog post, don’t worry about it. Just copy and paste the above URL into your text.

The linky pages will be alive FOREVER in the archives, Your link will stay there so people can find you, please link correctly to my post so people can find me and the others who have shared their links as well.

There were MANY posts last week that did NOT include a link-back.  PLEASE take the time to do it.  Don’t be the dead end street for everyone else.  Thank you!

Also, there were several that didn’t link to an account anywhere, and I had to delete those who left the URL field blank.

Just look at all of this progress!

Link to your specific post about your progress by clicking the blue "Add Your Link" button.

Do not leave the http:// field blank. This is where you link to your photo or site.

Entries that do not link back to this page will be removed because they break the circle for others.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage Puss in the Corner quilt shared by Kevin H.

The learning curve is long and sometimes makes a wide swing in either direction but stick with it!

This is your love, your passion don't give up on it.

Have a great Monday, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow I just read http://www.dejongdreamhouse.com/ link up. She was using a different ruler and ended up cutting her finger. Please read this and if you have this type of ruler retire it and get the one Bonnie recommends!

  3. Hi Bonnie,
    I thought I would be the only inattentive cutter but I see other injuries today. Maybe we need to be reminded to keep our eyes on the blade. ;) I lost part of my left index finger and a good portion of the nail bed Saturday night and will always have a visual reminder of En Provence. We earn every scar and each has a story, this one comes from doing what I love. Thank you for giving of your talent and of your time for me.

  4. So, yesterday, before I read this post, I already ordered another yard of the magenta because I was afraid I didn't have enough. It is strawberries/raspberries and blueberries and so specific I didn't want to use something instead. Well, this will now be my binding as I think it will be stunning on the blueberries in the rest of my quilt. Carol

  5. I missed the Linky again! I kept going to the En Provence Main Page where you keep track of all the posts, and since it wasn't there, I kept waiting. I'll be more attentive next time. (But will you post the Linky Parties there in the future?)
    A fan,


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