Whoowhooo!! I am SO excited to have a feature article in Britain’s Number 1 guide to fabric and patchwork, QUILT NOW!
How cool is this?!
I love the vignette they’ve set up with furnishings and flowers, accenting the colors from within the quilt.
I think I need a blue dresser and old grey enamel pot with some wild flowers right away.
It was a couple months ago that we did this little interview, and I had forgotten that it was coming out this month – just a few months ahead of my visit to England, coming up this August.
I will be attending the Birmingham Quilt Festival August 9-10 with my group of Quiltville Travelers. I hope to see many of my European Quiltvillians there!
We are arranging some book signings with some of the vendors at the show, and if you already own one of my books, feel free to bring it with you. I’ll be happy to sign it for you.
Based in the UK, but available in the USA!
If you're in the US you can find Quilt Now in Barnes & Noble nationwide as well as Michaels and Joann. Or online at www.moremags.com where digital copies are also available.
Funny comment from yesterday’s hot tub installation video!
I am still laughing hysterically at this comment….Linda, your hubby has a funny sense of humor. But then one COULD hide a lot of fabric in an empty hot tub! LOL!
Last minute cutting and kitting.
No more blocks were sewn yesterday, I turned instead to cutting out block kits that will be baggied up and taken on my trip to California on Monday.
I’m having so much fun deciding which fabric goes next to what – and pulling a fun neutral to be background. Some older, some newer, mix it up, shake it up!
I found that I can cut centers from neglected charm squares, and if the square measures right, I can also get 4 cornerstones form the trimmings of the charm square – using those in a different block.
Piles of pieces – I can’t wait to start sewing these.
I’m not sure how many I’m going to make, I just start sewing until I have “enough” and then decide what to do with them.
Diamond Tile Block found in May/June 18 Quiltmaker!
Are you joining in? I hope so! It’s an unofficial Sew-Along, with really no rules to it, just make as many blocks as you want, and turn them into something. I figure at some point we’ll do a link-up to see what everyone did with theirs.

Just too cute not to make a whole quilt full!
Oh, the possibilities!
Hopefully there will be some more cutting out today.
I’ve been up since 5am, leaving the house at 5:30am to get The Hubster to the airport for his flight to New York where he is working this week.
Sadie and I have already put in 4,000 steps around the neighborhood and I’m ready to get this day going.
Remember that “car inspection” thing that was supposed to happen on Saturday in Jefferson? Well, the one place that said they were open from 10-3 on Saturday was CLOSED when we got there. There was NO WHERE to get a car inspection done in that town other than that one place. The next closest location was an hour away. That’s mountain living for ya!
So needless to say, the car inspection will happen today.
So needless to say, the car inspection will happen today.
But I don’t mind being out and about when it comes to this beauty!
The redbuds are bursting with color, and dogwoods are also showing off their beautiful bouquet filled branches. It’s just dang COLD out there still. But oh, the color!
Ready to ship!
For those who were waiting so patiently for their orders that were placed over Easter weekend and through my spring break week at the cabin, I thank you for your patience. Everything is signed, sealed and ready to be shipped today.
I sacrificed my stitching time last night to get this done so I have today free and clear to do OTHER things – so I can get down to the quilting studio and that block kitting that much quicker.
Quiltville Quote of the Day
I chose this as my mantra today because there are some “behind the scenes” things that are keeping me from sleeping so soundly at night. Nothing life threatening, just day to day details – and I need to believe that things will all work out for my good in due time. I don’t need to borrow nor focus on the stress of things that might not even happen. Do you get that way too?
Have a lovely Monday, everyone!
Practice peace! I tend to "borrow trouble" sometimes, as well...what a great lesson to focus away from that! Hugs to you & hopes for all the behind the scenes issues working out perfectly!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Meri!
DeleteI started several weeks ago on the diamond tile block. A great neice requested woodland animals (wolf??????) for her coming child. I found several woodland animal prints on line.....these will be the center of the tile. I simplified the frame, and have 2/5 of the blocks made......Proceeding, trying not to stress because I cannot find more of the fabric I miscut. I will punt.
ReplyDeleteYes, I get that way too. I'm sorry you have to go through it. Keep moving forward. Something that always comforts me is to know that "do not worry" is in the bible 365 times; one for every day of the year. I'm having fun pulling and cutting for the Diamond Tile block. Going to be a great way to use up those fun large prints to feature them. See you on Quilt Cam -- thanks for doing this for us. Always fun to tune in. Hugs, Allison Bayer in Plano, Texas USA
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder!!
DeleteI never realized how great my husband is. He actually walks into a fabric store, finds the sale table and offers to check it out for me while I search for my original fabric goal. He has been know to find eight or ten great fabrics at good prices. I have never bought that many, but at least I have choices.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You are so international! I don't know if we want to share your time with anyone! Lol seriously, so proud and happy for you!
ReplyDeleteBonnie one question on the block you are kitting up are the piecing directions in the magazine the same as the way you are putting your blocks together, other than the chain style leader/ended you use with one block chasing another?
ReplyDeleteI hope you can answer in your next blog posting so all the inquiring block makers will know
Also a comment if you have no way to influence the "problem" don't let the "problem" worry you move your mind on to the things that you can do something about much easier to say.
I have had "problems" that I could not influence in any that drove me into depression and from that i got treatment and learned to change what I spend my energy mind and body on, do and work on what you can do
Anyway you know all that already it helps me to write it down to remind me to do it all the time everyday there is something that is just not "my problem" let it go work on the can do can change
Yes, the center of the block is a 9 patch. Assemble the 4 corners and sew them on.
DeleteFinally got to go back to my quilt group, Sassy Stitchers. Finishing up the pillowcase to go with the Ninja Turtle quilt I made for him. Looking forward to quilt-cam
ReplyDeleteFinally got to go back to my quilt group, Sassy Stitchers. Finishing up the pillowcase to go with the Ninja Turtle quilt I made for him. Looking forward to quilt-cam
ReplyDeleteJust for fun I looked at your vintage machine list. I thought you also owned some vintage Bernina machines. Love your freeing the machines spirit. Take care.
ReplyDeleteMy son is building a ramp to make it easier for my husband and I to get into our home. Steps are beginning to be a problem. He brought our 4 year old grandson to help - LOL No sewing for me for a couple of days but well worth the time spent with little Malaki. The ramp is also coming at a good time, as our granddaughter Gianni tore her ACL/Meniscus in a softball accident last Thursday. Things can change in a moment. We have to appreciate that God has a plan for us and trust Him. Praying he will give you peace for your worries.
ReplyDeletejust wondering--why do you have to have your car inspected? I live in Iowa and have never had to have it done.
ReplyDeleteIt was a lesson a long time coming for me- I stressed about everything. I always thought I'd be happy when this happened or that happened. Then looking back I realized things were never as bad as I stressed about and I was happy. There were a lot of happy times to remember. So on looking forward I decided to be happy- I hadn't known I could do that. And the stressful times I decided were adventures to enjoy. I choose the roller coaster over the merry-go-round. I choose to be happy, and let the stress go.
ReplyDeleteIt may be cold but that makes the beauty of the blooms last much longer!!!
ReplyDeleteMercury is in retrograde! For believers it's a bad time for things mechanical... i'm not a believer, but my computer "ate" my email and this blog had no place for comments yesterday... apparently the car inspection is part of it... mysteriously my email, including address book, re-appeared (miraculously?) this morning... sigh... i didn't know it was possible to hold my breath for 8'31"... about the elapsed time of your hot tub video... but i think i did watching the whole "installation" WOW... realized i was getting a little light-headed and reminded self to exhale! Congratulations and thanks, Cats from Carlsbad, CA ... oh, and i needa get mine smogged for registration... another mechanical thang... rather be sewing!! Hugs
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the magazines, Bonnie! Yes, I agree on your mantra. I stress on matters that way as well. Easy concept, difficult to embrace. Blessings!