
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


  1. Congratulations on 10 years of fun - FOR US TOO! We can never thank you enough for sharing your talent and creativity with us! I plan to be making two of your mystery quilts forever!

    YOU ROCK! sao in Midlothian, VA

  2. There are so many wonderful moments. One was when I made your houses quilt and scrappy trip around the world. But the best moment was when you got the opportunity to publish your first book!

  3. Happy Anniversary, what a great day, 10 years are a lot.
    Thank you for this gorgeous giveaway. So, I want to hop in the drawing bucket, and maybe I am lucky.
    Have a great day,

  4. Nice prize Bonnie. I would love to win this. My favorite moment was when I stalked you at the Verona Antique Mall! You are even more fun in person than on Quiltcam! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.

  5. It's impossible to pick a favorite moment from your blog; there is just too much wonderfulness there every day. Your annual mystery quilts are an amazing quilting gift to all your fans. Thanks for everything you do and share with us.

  6. Hi Bonnie, thank you so much for all you do. With your help I have found a great love for quilting and wish I had discovered it years ago. Im only 1 year into Quilting but congrats to you on your 10 years!!!!! Imagine all the quilts that have been made just because of you!!!??? Safe traveling and hopefully someday I will get the pleasure of meeting and learning from you in person..


  7. Congrats on your anniversary. I love how generous you are with your quilting knowledge. You are responsible for me actually loving to make scrap quilts. I used to hate the site of them but you have a way of making them sing. I have made several of them since seeing you speak in Ann Arbor a few years ago. Thanks for all you do.

  8. Congratulations Bonnie....10 years is a fantastic milestone. You are my favorite quilting celebrity! Not many people share their talents like you do. It is a wish to meet you one day:)
    Take care of you.
    Alanna Morneau

  9. My favorite moments are Quilt Cam days! We get a peek at what you're working on and get inspired! Thanks for all you do!

  10. Congratulations! There are so many wonderful moments on our journey with you. I think one of the best was when you announced you had bought the cabin. Everyone has a place that feeds their soul and from reading all your post I think the cabin and the blue ridge mountains are yours. edrin1932@gmail.com

  11. Congratulations! My favorite time with you was at the Love Shack Class in Houston. Looks like a great prize - can't wait to make this quilt!

  12. Anonymous6:44 AM EDT

    Congrats to you my friend!
    My favourite moment? Meeting you in person in Tampa.
    Evelyn O'Brien

  13. My favorite moment is really three...taking three classes with you at Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA! Another favorite...your mystery quilts. They have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and make really large, complicated, scrappy quilts. LOVE them!

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM EDT

    I love anything that is free! If it's something that is not to my liking I simply share with a friend. Share the love and quilt chatter. Joanne stories@vnet.net

  15. I am a follower of only the last 9 months. I so enjoy each and every day of your posts. You are such an inspiration to my quilting. Love all that you do for the quilting world. Pcmoore59@gmail.com

  16. I would love to win. My favorite moments are the Mystery Quilts each year. Thanks for all you do to inspire us. Ekquilts@gmail.com. Elaine Krause Madison Heights MI

  17. Happy Anniversary! My most favorite memory is reading your blog for the very first time. I don't remember exactly how I found you, but it had something to do with a Blue Ridge Mountain Festival. Anyway.... I've been following you ever since, and especially like the annual mystery quilt (even though I haven't made all of them).

  18. Happy Anniversary! Loved both the mystery quilt and quilt cam - hard to choose which was my favorite. edwardsb54@gmail.com

  19. Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary.....I only joined the quilting world about 6 years ago so I missed the start, but have enjoyed all your tips for organizing and using scraps......Scrappy quilts are my favorites, and your Celtic Solstice Mystery quilt is my all time favorite. Thank you for all you do for the quilting community....your generosity is an inspiration to all.


  20. Anonymous6:50 AM EDT

    Happy Anniversary! I love your tips and I love that you use the fabric you have to make wonderful quilts. Thanks for all you do. lynnmorhous@verizon.net

  21. Thank you Bonnie and congratulations on 10 years! You're awesome!

  22. Congratulations on 10 amazing years! Just look at how many lives you have touched and changed!!! So happy our paths crossed!!!! Here's to the next 10 years!!!!!

  23. Congratulations on your anniversary i don't have a favorite post as I have only just found your blog but I have followed you on instagram for a while and have enjoyed your postsbthere

  24. Bonnie, congrats on this achievement! I so enjoy your blog and look for it daily! I have made 6 lap size tops from scraps in the last two months! You inspire me daily! Heather.haydn@gmail.com

  25. michele sanderson6:53 AM EDT

    congratulations on your 10 years. thank you for all you have done for the quilting community

  26. Congrats on 10 years. Love your scrappy ideas. Here is to another 10.


  27. Happy Anniversary, Bonnie. Love your blog and your column!


    susantmangus @ gmail .com

  28. Happy anniversary!
    Meeting you is on my bucket list!

  29. Anonymous6:55 AM EDT

    Huge congrats on 10 years. Many more to come. Love quilt cam and all you do. Keep up the great work.

  30. congratulations on your anniversary !
    My favorite moments are the Mystery Quilts each year !!!

  31. Congratulations on 10 years of making the quilting community a better place!

  32. Congratulations!! My sister and I are making your Sister's block out of scraps and then exchanging them. Such a fun project!!!

  33. Congrats! And thank you. You are such an inspiration. Here's to many more.

    Fat4addict@yahoo dot com

  34. Bonnie congrats on 10 years and thank you for being such a generous and inspirational person .I have loved your blog for years and look forward to many more .hugs Beth

  35. Anonymous6:56 AM EDT

    Happy anniversary! Love the curved layout on the log cabin quilt. I have followed you for several years and have made several mystery quilts and a lot of your freebies. Thanks to your scrap saver system I am slowly getting my scraps in order. I had been making quilts for quite a while and had containers filled with scraps and was about to toss them because I felt so overwhelmed and did not know where to start.

    Thank you for your generosity and kindness


  36. Love the blog and all the great ideas
    Safe travels
    Sandra K

  37. A favorite moment??? A very long time ago I found your scrap system page on a link on a publishers website. The words were in a yellow background. I was so excited to try this. Fear of cutting fabric up stopped me. A long time later I found your blog. I was so happy to see your words again. This time I took the plunge. I cut up all those pieces I had folded up inside my yardage. Wonder of wonders, there was enough for several baby quilts. I have made several or your free pattern quilts. My next major milestone was actually committing to make the Orca Bay mystery. This was given to my daughter. She picked the colors, which was unnerving to me. It came out beautiful and she loves on it everyday. Thank you for ten years of love, great ideas and motivation you give everyday.
    Aileen in Fl

  38. Happy Anniversary! I love it when something doesn't go as planned with your sewing, like you get a seam in the corner while binding. It proves you are just human, (with unbelievable strengths and talents).

    Thank you for all you do!
    Karen Brouillet

  39. Bonnie: Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary. I've been following you for about half of that. I love your scrappy ideas I often make the blocks from your section in Quiltmaker Mag. I love you mystery quilts.

  40. Anonymous6:59 AM EDT

    I have been following you since I took your Jamestown Landing class in Maine in 2012 or 2013. I wish I would've found you sooner!!
    Linda from Maine

  41. Thanks for all you do!!! Love reading your blog, appreciate your wonderful patterns, and enjoy having you as a teacher. Wishing you many more successful years of beautiful quilts and wonderful blogs!!!


  42. Ten years!! I stumbled on you 3 years ago and have learned so much. Thanks for all you do.

  43. Happy Anniversary! Please keep up the great blogging. It's so inspiring to read about your adventures.


  44. Anonymous7:04 AM EDT

    Thanks for 10 years of fun...Keep up the good work.

  45. Congratulations. I have only been with you for 4 of the 10 years. I quilt along with you on Quilt Cam, and have made the last 3 End of year Mystery Quilts. They have become part of my Christmas routine. lynnmcindoe at gmail dot com

  46. So many favourite moments, just love the dips into the archives you give us. We travel with you and visit the cabin, looking forward to more sights and adventures

  47. Happy 10th Anniversary! You continue to inspire me! Thank you!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Happy 10 year anniversary!!! I have LOVED and look forward to the mysteries and Quilt Cam. :D

  50. Congrats on 10 amazing years, you have influenced and inspired many. Hope the next 10 are as awesome as the last 10.

  51. Congrats, Bonnie. Sure wish you were coming back to the Rio Grande Valley again. Was at the LQS 2 days ago and had taken in my Grande Illusion quilt to show everyone and some one from Sioux Falls was in and said you were going to be in her area this summer. I had to tell her what a fun time she will have attending one of your workshops!
    Lila Helm

  52. terrific milestone bonnie! not only 10 years of fun for you but 10 years of quilting tips, patterns, eye candy for us! my favorite moment? would have to be the day i discovered quiltville and said, oh yeah, that is the kind of quilter i want to be....scrappy, thrifty, colorful.....it has definitely changed me as a quilter; now more thrifty (leaders/enders), more scrappy and way less matchy-matchy and wasteful....thank you wonderful bonnie, may the fun continue always!

  53. Happy Anniversary, Bonnie. I found you just over a year ago and was so inspired I have started a scrap quilt that I love. Your blog posts are wonderful. I live vicariously through them.

  54. Happy Anniversary, Bonnie. I found you just over a year ago and was so inspired I have started a scrap quilt that I love. Your blog posts are wonderful. I live vicariously through them.

  55. Favorite moment? Must be when I stumbled across your blog then your FB page. The knowledge you so generiously share has made me jump in and actually quilt. I now have the courage to cut into my stash. Thanks to you I realize "scrappy" is what I enjoy most. Thank you for being "Bonnie's Guild" to this shutin.
    Linda in Montreal

  56. Sorry for the mix up. Forget to check eckhart email box in my original post.

  57. Congratulations Bonnie

  58. Anonymous7:14 AM EDT

    Congratulations on 10 years of fun - FOR US TOO! YOU ARE my go to source for great patterns, I can never thank you enough for sharing your talent and creativity with us.



  59. Anonymous7:15 AM EDT

    Congratulations on ten years of blogging. I like everything you post, maybe Sadie Jean the most. She's so cute.
    LeeAnne, genwim2@gmail.com

  60. Anonymous7:15 AM EDT

    Great prize! I just joined the quilting world, but I acquired a quilt which was sold to support a mission trip. I saw a picture of the pattern on pinterest, and it was the Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll quilt that was one of your mystery quilts. I have purchased a couple of your books, and looking forward to making my own mystery quilt sometime.


    (use my name above) @ lahrweb. c o m

  61. Tina in NJ7:16 AM EDT

    Congrats on the anniversary! Wow, 10 years! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  62. Favorite moment.... the first time I found your blog probably 6 years ago. Still love what you do : ) Happy Anniversary!

  63. Happy 10th Anniversary for sure! My favorite moment has to be meeting you for Dinner at Denny's in SoCal when my lovely,daughter asked me to join her to meet her awesome quilty friend for dinner, and I'm sure glad I did, I so enjoy following your blog, Facebook & Instagram, I'm a pretty techno savy Grandmom for sure! Thank you for the kindness you show my gal! Those goodies of threads would sure look nice next to me as I bind away for you know who!!
    Again, looking forward to seeing what the next 10 years brings for you! Adventure on!!
    Sandy Herman

  64. Anonymous7:18 AM EDT

    Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing photos of you sewing on your deck. It just looks so peaceful. Keep 'em coming!


  65. Anonymous7:19 AM EDT

    I don't think I have been reading blogs for ten years! I am kind of new to the blog world. But y favorite times are quiltcam. Congrats on ten years!

    mindingmomma at aol dot com

  66. Congratulations Bonnie...Love your Quilt Cam!

  67. Anonymous7:21 AM EDT

    Congratulations Bonnie, 10 years of Quilting support, patterns, tutorials, and inspiration for all of us out here in blogland, a fantastic achievement.
    For me, the most exciting moment was learning how to sew a precise quarter inch seam, I saw you doing it with a seam guide and it was a lightbulb moment for me.
    Many thanks, hope to share the moments for another 10 years.
    Marie Mann: gemama@iinet.net.au

  68. Bonnie my favorite part of your blog was the Celtic Soltice Mystery, I love the colors! They make me Happy! I would love to win your giveaway. Mary F.

  69. Happy blogaverary, Bonnie. Not only have I gotten much quilt inspiration from your blog, but I have also lgotten a lot of blogging instruction. Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. Happy Anniversary Bonnie and Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I've been with you for three years but I plan on being a long-time fan! Thanks for the giveaway and for all you do for your followers.

    Myrna in KY

  71. Hello! I'm really new to you and scrap quilts. I love everything you do. My favorite moment is watching you make crumb blocks. I just learned about you a month or so ago. Bought your string quilt book and need to get more when my finances allow it. Congrats on 10 years! Love your blog!
    Stuffnsew@aol.com. sandy ott

  72. I have only recently found the world of blogs and came across your's about a month ago. I love your scrap busting storage ideas and your new hexie travel bag. Congratulations on 10 years, keep up the good work. Lisa at staceysrus@hotmail.com

  73. Anonymous7:24 AM EDT

    Hi Bonnie, Happy 10th Anniversary. I stumbled on to your Blog and Facebook page in November 2014 weeks before the GIMQ and have been inspired by your scappiness ever since. Thank you so much for everything you do!
    Wanda Walden

  74. Happy 10th Anniversary! I have loved watching your progress on your hexie quilts and you have inspired me to start my own. I'm still pulling the fabrics together and working on my final pattern, but it will happen. Thank you for the inspiration and wishing you another successful ten years!

    Patti Snyder

  75. I enjoy following all of your travel adventures. It was great to meet you when you made it to Manchester NH a few years back. I've learned a lot from your blog and quilt cam.
    Congratulations on 10 years. Hoping for may more.

  76. Mazel Tov from Israel. You do so much to encourage me. I've follow your blog for many years and I always feel like I'm hooking up with an old friend. I'm not saying you are old.

  77. Anonymous7:26 AM EDT

    You are one popular gal Bonnie. I scrolled forever to be able to leave my comment.
    Happy 10th anniversary my friend.
    My exciting moments with you were at Rangeley, Me. a few years ago and then again in Windham, Me. this past winter when we re-connected. Of course I connect with you each day of the year through your blog.
    I love your tips and tricks and down to earth friendship.
    Thanks so much,

  78. Happy anniversary! Thank you for all you do. We are so glad you love what you do. It shows. Your creativity inspires me every day. My favorite moment? Discovering leaders and enders. Then its kind of a toss up between my first Quilt Cam and when I first found your blog just over a year ago. Scrappy quilt ideas have completely changed my perspective. After that I am always finding favorite moments.

    But the best gift of all is your positive attitude every day in spite of whatever is going on in your life. I didn't realize how much a positive influence would have on me. It has simply changed my life for the better. Between retiring in 25 days (!), having scraps and ideas to create and quilt with, and the consistent positive input, life is good! Here's hoping yours remains as wonderful. Thank you again.

  79. Happy Anniversary!! sweetpeamarie2003@yahoo.com

  80. Anonymous7:27 AM EDT

    Congrats on ten years. I enjoyed taking your Virginia Bound class back in 2012, my son loves the quilt from the class. Catbird423@yahoo.com

  81. Anonymous7:27 AM EDT

    Congratulations, Bonnie on your anniversary. I just got introduced to you and your blog a year ago but faithfully read every day. Your quilts are beautiful! Candy. Drn@wiktel.com

  82. Anonymous7:27 AM EDT

    Cingratulazioni! I've followed you for so many years. I keep telling myself to never do a Bonnie mystery quilt again! So many little pieces! But every year, I can't resist. Just one more!
    Linda Ferraro

  83. Happy 10th! I enjoy your creativity in using your scraps! Dandmlloyd@juno.com

  84. Wow! 10 years. Excellent! As always Thanks for the opportunity! Mkloeti@gmail.com

  85. Happy Anniversary,,, I have been reading your blog for a while now,,and I have a love scrap quilts,,. I have 'utilized' your scrap storage,,,

  86. Wow! 10 years. Excellent! As always Thanks for the opportunity! Mkloeti@gmail.com

  87. Forgot my email,, caz63@live.co.uk

  88. Woohoo! Looking forward to a other 10 years!


  89. Quiltnut@gmail.com
    Happy anniversary! Enjoy yor blog and all of your adventures!

  90. Anonymous7:31 AM EDT

    A decade of blogging. Congratulations. Looking forward to the next . Thanks for teaching us and entertaining us for those years.

  91. Thank you for sharing your love of quilting with so many of us who, just thought it was way beyond us to try. Thank you! Colsanders78@gmail.com

  92. Anonymous7:32 AM EDT

    Congrats! Hapy 10th with many more to come we hope! Love all that you do.!

    THicks3219@aol.com. Colleen in Iowa. See you in July!!!!!! Can't wait!

  93. Bonnie, h
    Happy Anniversary,
    I enjoy watching you on quilt cam. Thank you so much for sharing your love for quilting. You came to our quilt guild a few years ago.
    I will always remember what you said, if a piece of fabric is ugly, it not small enough. LOL

  94. Happy Anniversary, Bonnie! I'm a long time fan, and proud to have completed several of your patterns. chriswith3boys@comcast.net

  95. Happy Anniversary!!!! My favorite part is your willingness to share!!! For those of us who aren't with you- when you post an entry, we feel we are with you!!!

    Here's to another 10 plus years!!!!


  96. Congratulations to you on surviving 10 years of blogging and still being here to share all the wonderful things you make and all the adventures you get up to, travelling around the world. My favourite moment was seeing you 'live' on you-tube for the first time - putting a voice to the face and listening to your accent, always smiling while chatting and sewing and enjoying yourself - thanks :)

  97. Anonymous7:35 AM EDT

    Wow 10 years, that's awesome.

  98. Anonymous7:36 AM EDT

    Happy anniversary Bonnie! I have loved doing the mystery quilts! Thanks so much for getting us out of our comfort zones. Joan Doezema jdoezema@sbcglobal.net

  99. Happy 10 years!!! My favorite moment with you was when I found your blog as a new quilter. I started quilting in 2011. I found your tutorial for Boxy Stars. Then I discovered your website. Then I discovered your blog. Then I discovered your books... The rest is history. Shahann@yahoo.com

  100. Congratulations on your anniversary. Though I haven't been following you the whole ten years, I am with you now!! Love your blog and read it daily. I loved your trip to Italy. Brought back happy memories of when we visited their six years ago. lewisnancy54@gmail.com

  101. Happy anniversary.

    Thanks for sharing with us all the patterns and information.

    And the trips we take with you only if on your blogs I surely enjoy them.

  102. 10 years have went to fast and so happy for you and all the energy you have and all the work and travel and still have time to share and care about us and fit quilt cam in also. You are such a down to earth person and I enjoy all you do and you share with us, I feel like i know you even though I have never met you. Keep up the good work and may God give you the strength to go on.
    Linda Denton

  103. Kim Webb7:42 AM EDT

    Happy 10 years!!!
    Thanks for all you share with us.
    I really enjoy the mystery quilts and quiltcam is pretty awesome as well.
    Kim Webb

  104. Anonymous7:42 AM EDT

    Congratulations ! I just love all you do, scraps are just so much fun! Thank you for all the free patterns, you are an inspiration. Toni Augustine swtpea51@ comcast .net

  105. Congratulations on 10 years in the blogosphere! Your love of quilting and your ggenerosity with your knowledge is inspiring! Anne Kusilek ( jeffkusilek@gmail.com )

  106. Congratulations! I so appreciate what you've done for the quilting world!

  107. Anonymous7:43 AM EDT

    Congratulations to a very generous lady for sharing life and quilts with those of us who love the whole process of quilting. My favorite moment is simply clicking on Quiltville and joining the adventures in the scrap quilt world of Bonnie Hunter. Looking forward to the next 10 years. Thank you for the scrap saver system, free patterns, mysteries and tips all available in one place.

    Linda S.

  108. Happy Anniversary! I have only been quilting for about 3-4 years now, but you were one of the first quilting blogs I found online. Your quilts are SO beautiful that you inspired me to really immerse myself in this wonderful activity. I'm hooked! Thank you again. lindapawlak at verizon dot net

  109. I love pretty much everything about your blog and read it faithfully every single day. But I really really love the mystery quilt and have done every single one since I discovered your blog.

  110. I forgot my email

    its po66jo@gmail.com

  111. Happy Anniversary! Here is to wishing you a very successful 10 more. ljg

  112. Every quilt I make with your patterns, gets great oohs and ahhs!. Happy Anniversary. I get better every day because of you.

    Paula in Omaha

  113. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I look forward to your posts everyday. My favorite is always the reveal of the mystery quilt. I haven't had the courage to jump in yet, but that is on my bucket list!! Maybe next year :-)

    Happy Quilting~


  114. Anonymous7:46 AM EDT

    Happy 10th Anniversary! I've followed and enjoyed your scrap busting designs for years and thoroughly enjoy your columns and adventures. Congrats!
    Sandy E-H in Northern MN

  115. Congratulations on 10 Years. I love reading about your travels. mamasamantha79@yahoo.com

  116. Happy Anniversary, Bonnie! I am thankful for all you do! Have a wonderful day!

  117. Congratulation on 10 years!! I can't wait to see what you get up to next!
    My favorite moment might be when I first stumbled over quiltville and saw your scrap organizing system. Then leaders and enders - which changed my life! Then every day and every post since...

  118. Happy 10th Anniversary! Love your blog, patterns, quilt cam, and, most of all, your boundless enthusiasm for quilting. Would love to win this terrific basket of goodies.
    lynn 1599 at verizon dot net

  119. Anonymous7:48 AM EDT

    Congratulations on 10 years!!. Love all your quilts. linda_g48059@yahoo.com

  120. Anonymous7:48 AM EDT

    Happy Anniversary Bonnie. Have a good trip.
    Carol P.

  121. I love following your blog....only one that I follow & read daily...and your patterns are about all I make anymore. I have learned do much from you. Thank you!

  122. Anonymous7:49 AM EDT

    Congratulations on 10 years!! I enjoy your scrappy quilts and wonderful patterns!! Thank you!! Sunshine2u4u@yahoo.com

  123. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! I have learned so much from your sites and tips. Orange Crush was my first quilt pattern of yours. My Mother had started it when she was diagnosed with ALS and asked me to finish it for her. Since I was new to quilting, your tips and posts helped me finish and she was able to see the completed quilt. Thank you so much for all your years and many more!

  124. Kathy K.7:50 AM EDT

    Congratulation!!! 10 years, WOW!!! I read your blog every night. It is an up lifting way to end the day and be inspired to quilt the next day. Thank you for all you do. Kathy at kewsew1@yahoo.com

  125. Anonymous7:51 AM EDT

    Congratulations! I've been a follower for a couple of years. My highlight was getting to meet you in person in Fredricksburg VA last summer. You are the most giving, generous and gifted teach. Thank You for allowing us to be apart of your life thru your blog.
    Sandy Royal

  126. Happy Anniversary I'm a new follower and your adventures this spring have kept me enthralled. Rehab for a hip. It's Been heaps of fun to travel to Italy and Alaska. While my hexies have come out to play. Great sharing.


  127. Anonymous7:54 AM EDT

    Bonnie happy 10th anniversary. My favorite would have to be less of your trips. It's like traveling with you. Rlbrph@aol.com thanks Robyn from Texas

  128. Congrats Bonnie! What a great offer! My favorite is, if it's still ugly after you've cut it, you haven't cut it small enough. :) nancynehez@gmail.com

  129. Anonymous7:54 AM EDT

    Happy Anniversary. Bonnie, you have help create a scrap- aholic in me ..... Thank you
    I have done many of your quilts from your blog as well as from your books and my favorite is tumalo trail.
    Still trying to coordinate my life with your teaching spots - one day soon I will make it to hear and play with fabric with you in person
    Thanks again for all you do

  130. Anonymous7:55 AM EDT

    Happy Ten Years, Bonnie! I remember when I first found your blog. A quilter from my home state, I was so excited. Then I learned about leaders and enders, such a game changer for me! I've watched many of your quilt cams and they've taught me much and made me laugh! I love your attitude and knowledge. I've followed many other quilt blogs but yours is just my absolute favorite.
    Also what a fun, giveaway, so kind of you! Here's to you and many more years of blogging!

  131. Congratulations on the big 10th anniversary! Now that is dedication! What's on to love...beautiful patterns, helpful hints and humor...virtual travel, wonderful photos, it feels like we are right there with you! Love all that you do! Here's to the next 10 years!

  132. Congratulations on the big 10th anniversary! Now that is dedication! What's on to love...beautiful patterns, helpful hints and humor...virtual travel, wonderful photos, it feels like we are right there with you! Love all that you do! Here's to the next 10 years!

  133. Happy Anniversary. It would be great fun to win your giveaway.

    I love log cabin quilts....wonder why I have only done one.

    Sherry V. crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

  134. Anonymous7:56 AM EDT

    Congratulations! Ten years of sharing your passion with others! I'm new to Quiltville but I have to say...while I greatly enjoy the blog...meeting you in Tampa earlier this year was the greatest!

  135. Congratulations on 10 wonderful years. I've learned many things from you over the years, especially the leader-enders. Thanks

  136. Congratulations. Thank you for the inspiration and your generosity! Starpatch3@yahoo.com

  137. Happy anniversery Bonnie- 10 years is great you have given us all so much, I read your blog daily, have been so inspired by your scrap quilts and leaders and enders. I most appreciate that you are such a down to earth person willing to share your travels with us through your beautiful photos makes me feel like I'm there with you. Someday I hope to meet you in person. Here is to 10 more years.

  138. Connie Gilbert7:57 AM EDT

    I joined your site about 1 year ago have enjoyed your blogs and quilt cams. Love the scrappy quilts. I wish I could do a scrappy quilt but I seem to always end up trying to match the fabrics.

  139. Congratulations n 10 years! I love the fact that I've cyber-known you for at least 15 years! :). It's been so much fun watching what you do/make be so wildly popular too! All the best! pattijg@icloud.com

  140. Woo Hoo 10 years! I've been following you for quite some time now and enjoy reading about your trips. I've also done the last 3 mysteries, well the tops are done. lol My favorite moment was when I attended a lecture you gave in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I loved it. I will be a devoted follower until you decide enough is enough. Hopefully not to soon! lol Congratulations!


  141. Anonymous7:59 AM EDT

    Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging!
    This is a wonderful giveaway and would be great In my traveling project bag this summer to the northwest.
    Thank you for all that you do and the motivation you give everyone.
    Happy Blogging Anniversary,
    Andrea Keith

  142. Anonymous8:00 AM EDT

    Congratulations on your first 10 years. I have enjoyed seeing what you do with all of your scraps. Loved following the purchase of your cabin and each and every Quilt Cam. Can't wait to see what is to come in the next 10 yrs. Andrea Jeppson

  143. Bonnie, congrats on your 10 year anniversary! How exciting! Idon't just have a moment. I will say my most memorable was your purchase of "Quiltvilla", your pics/posts of treadling outside and Quiltcam! I am looking forward to 10 more years.


  144. Sharon says happy 10th anniversary Bonnie!! Thank you for opening new adventures for me!!!

  145. Bonnie,
    I love the mystery quilts that you do. I am about a quarter the way done with my GIMQ. I also like the addicted to scraps column in the magazine. I am hoping to be able to get to see you in person when you come to Missouri.
    I just love the work that you do.
    Alison Saunders

  146. Bonnie I discovered you back when I was making my Dear Jane around 2004. You were doing the pink and brown storm at sea sashing and I absolutely loved it. I have one of your in progress pictures printed out and bound in my Dear Jane book for inspiration. Then I read about your scrap saver system and I was hooked! I have all your books and love them all. Your mysteries are so much fun and I have them all too. Thank you for all the things you do. You are so amazing in all you get done..so inspiring to all of us.

  147. Congratulations Bonnie: Love your blog and it is the first thing I do to start my day. My favorite postings is when you are away on a trip and I get to join in with you through your pictures and dialogue about where you are and what is significant about where you are. And lastly I love Scrappy.

  148. Congratulations on a decade of inspiration and encouragement to fellow quilters! Your patterns have changed the quilting world. Even with all your free patterns and instructions online there was still lots to learn from the class I took with you and your talk at our quilt guild. And I will say that your love of vintage machines, not just collecting but restoring and using them, has inspired innumerable number of quilters to begin their own sewing machine collections. What a nice tribute to you!
    All the best for the next decade! shaulap@featheredstarquilt.com

  149. Anonymous8:04 AM EDT

    Congrats Bonnie! Thanks for all you share with your readers! Loved the mystery quilt this past year, my first with you. Enjoyed meeting you in Sarasota, Florida in 2014. I have made several baby quilts with your Addicted to Scraps blocks. Love Quilt Cam!!

  150. Anonymous8:04 AM EDT

    Wow! Ten years is certainly worth a big congratulations! I always look forward to reading your daily posts.

  151. Bonnie,
    Congratulations on then years WOW!! I can't wait to see what the next ten years will bring! I love love love your blog!!!!!

  152. Congratulations on 10 great years - yours is the first blog I read

  153. alicekane@frontiernet.net8:07 AM EDT

    I 've been reading the blog for only a year. I don't have a favorite moment, but I have a couple of favorite themes. First, I love the hexie project and am eager to see how you complete it (there is a posting on Quilting Board.com that shows a way to finish the edges with the complete hexie and a really neat way to quilt it towgether). Next, I love the ShowNTell pictures from your classes. Lastly, I really like the postings of the sites (Alaska and Italy in particular) of your trips.

  154. Congratulations on your first ten years of blogging. Between your willingness to teach us sewing tips every day, and your sharing traveling adventures with us, I have learned so much.
    Thank you for everything you do for us.
    Chris Jensen

  155. Congrats on doing what you love for ten years, thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  156. Congrats on 10 years of blogging. Wow! I love everything about your blog. We travel fulltime in our RV and sometimes it gets pretty lonely out here as a quiltser. You are my quilt bee ( miss my bee group of 25 years). You are my inspiration. You are my encourager. I use your scrap saver system (it saves space). Love Quilt Cam. Love your patterns. I am now making Sisters Choice ( ready to assemble) Idaho Square Dance (leader Enders), deciding on border for Easy Street and kitting 3 more of your patterns. You keep me busy. Thank you so very much for the inspiration

    On the road in Indiana

  157. Anonymous8:11 AM EDT

    I'm so thankful you found your way to the blogging world! Where would we be without cheerful, scrappy talent? Wishing you all the best on your blog anniversary and may your bloggy reign long continue! :-)


  158. Happy anniversary!
    Love your blog, especially the sharing of your travel pictures, as I love to travel also.
    I have made one of your mysteries, Easy Street, and one of your free patterns,Scrappy Mountain Majesties. Hope to make more.

  159. Congratulations! My most memorable moment was when I began my first ever mystery with you doing Carolina Christmas and I finished it! We still love that quilt but it was you who took me from being a "Wanna-bee Quilter" to being a real quilter. I used to just stockpile fabric and dream of making quilts. Your step-by-step hand-holding instructions gave me the confidence to actually do it. Thank you so very much!!!
    Vic in NH

  160. Happy 10 years! My favorites were the classes you taught in Bloomigton and Lafayette and the time you shared my Smith Mountain Morning with your fans!

  161. Bonnie, wow! I didn't realize that I got married the year started your blog! There are so many favorites...I love that your blogs are positive, sharing and caring. There is enough ugliness in the world. Quilting shouldn't be. Thank you for all you share and I enjoy reading about your travels. Finally, I enjoyed taking a class with you at the Virginia Quilters Unlimited Show a few years back. Cheers to more happy blogging and save travels!


  162. Anonymous8:18 AM EDT

    Congratulations on 10 years! I have enjoyed following you the past year or more. I would love to win the magazine. Have a great time in the northeast.

  163. Happy Anniversary! I've only been watching your blog since Celtic Solstice, but I've had fun with the Grand Illusion Mystery, and the Old Tobacco Road, oh and Scrappy Mountain Majesties! I love the mystery quilts the best and am looking forward to November, one more thing to be Thankful for! annebethmi@gmail.com

  164. Happy 10th Anniversary! I am enjoying the inspiration on your blog. I am learning so much. I love your work and also your vintage machines!


  165. congratulations on 10 years! It's been a wonderful ride,following you along on your travels and I have learned so much. Thank you! I love Quiltmaker magazine and would love to win that sewing sampler pack.

  166. Been with you over 5 years now and I still think you write the best blog on the Net! You have shared so much that it is hard to pick a favourite, but for me it's probably the annual Mystery Quilt - have made three in my London studio on grey winter days and two in sunny Cape Town on long visits. Thank you for all the fun and long may it continue! stephen@magicfactory.org.uk

  167. Anonymous8:20 AM EDT

    Bonnie,Congratulation on your ten year anniversary.I love your Blog and your energy. You keep us all Quilting!!!

  168. Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the giveaway. I love your log cabin and am going to do that with my scraps right now. It will be my new leader ender.

  169. Happy 10th Anniversary to you:) I got my copy of Quiltmaker in the mail the other day and went on-line right away to see what was in store for the log cabin blocks but it wasn't up yet :( Now I'm gonna have to check again. Thanks for teaching me so much about quilting over the past few years, looking forward to 10 more years :)

  170. Congratulations. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. I enjoy the sewing tips, the mysterys, the show and tell from all your quilting classes, quilt cam and of course your scrap savers system. Keep it up as your are an inspiration and a joy to read.

  171. Happy Anniversary! how lucky we are to have you share your talents with us. I really enjoy Quilt Cam when I can fit it in and all those free patterns!!

  172. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I love your blog and your quilts. Thank you for sharing so much with us!

  173. Congratulations on 10 years. I know how difficult it can be to write every day, but I so look forward to your posts each morning. Have fun in New York.

  174. Congratulations on your decade blog. Quite an accomplishment! Continued Blessings!!!

  175. Anonymous8:24 AM EDT

    Happy anniversary to Quiltville. I don't remember when I first discovered your site, it may have been pre-blog. I was drawn to your scrappy designs and made one of your free pattern quilts. Your system of using scraps is something I am trying to do but I still have a long ways to go to get super organized like you. Lately I have enjoyed reading about your travels and the hexie quilt progress. Keep on doing what you love, because you have tons of people who love you for it! Thanks so much.

  176. Anonymous8:24 AM EDT

    I am so inspired by your energy and accomplishments. I like to follow your blog and to view your pictures and comments on Instagram. Recently discovered your Quiltcam and it helps to curb the loneliness at night. My husband works away from home and your discussions and ideas help to keep me company when I am also working on a quilt project. I just finished a single Irish chain for my daughter. I love your blog and would like to start a Leader and Ender project soon. Keep well!!! Hope your eyes get better soon. I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

    Sannie Cantal

  177. Congratulations!!! I just received my first book from you-the first Leaders and Enders book and the 4/6 inch Easy Angles! I'm looking forward to putting them to use.


  178. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge with us. I do appreciate your time, your knowledge and your wisdom in quilting. Thank you. melxenaramirezp@gmail.com


  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. Anonymous8:26 AM EDT

    Congratulations on TEN years. I am amazed by how much you get accomplished in one day! You inspire me daily. 😀💛🌻

  181. I really enjoyed making the chunky churndash (one you great free patterns) and I discovered in the process that while my first love is liberated quilt design and liberated piecing, the more traditional scrap quilts are also so much fun. I am known in my guild for really bright colors and sort of wacky quilts, and surprised some of the other ladies when they saw me working on this at a retreat. If it weren't for your site I doubt I would have learned how much I like scrap quilts and I am on my way with a new leader and ender project born from leftovers of the Churn-dash quilt and am planning to tackle Florabunda as soon as I get some time to wack into a huge pile of floral prints. Love reading about your adventures and thanks so much for the site and the generous use of your patterns. lsmucker@hotmail.com

  182. Anonymous8:27 AM EDT

    Thank you for sharing with all of us. I look forward to every post. Would love to win the prize! Katherine.tomasulo@gmail.com

  183. Everyday before work I check your blog, and wish I could quilt today instead of going to work. You give me inspiration to do more each and every morning.

  184. I loved your recent trip to Alaska. Thank you for being so generous and upbeat for quilters.

  185. My favorite part of watching quilt cam is you demonstrating how you choose the variety of colors for your blocks and your clear love of fabric. Lovely gift. Thanks for all you do. Brenda


  186. Bonnie, what I really need from someone like you is a tip on just how to use my time so wisely! I do not understand just how you manage to do everything you do and for each and everyone one of us. I, too, am excited to see what the next ten years will bring us with you in the driver's seat! Thank you so very much for your time, teaching, and talents! looking forward to the next ten!

  187. Congratulations! What a lovely prize!

  188. Anonymous8:29 AM EDT

    Happy Anniversary to the BLOG. Ten years. What an accomplishment. Thanks Bonnie for all that you do for the quilting world.

  189. Wish you only the best in the next 10 years! So enjoy your expertise in quilting.


  190. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to many more inspiration to come. Chipmarie81@yahoo.com

  191. Happy anniversary! What a great accomplishment!

  192. Happy Anniversary Bonnie! I was going to say my fav time with you was waiting for your annual Mystery Quilt to start, but when you came up and sewed with Kevin, Susie, Fay and I for a day at Fays shop, nothing compares with that! The shop is closed and we don't have a home to go to and meet anymore. I always look forward to what you are doing and your travels..please continue on! Becky

  193. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I love your tips and techniques and all of your patterns. You are so kind and generous to share your patterns and ideas with us. I have been quilting for 35 years and I feel that since I have been reading your blog I have learned so much about myself as a quilter!! Thank you for the chance to win! Sherry

  194. You've inspired me to do the Leaders and Enders--piecing on the sly ;). I am intrigued by Log Cabin quilts so would like the magazine. kckoehn83@gmail.com

  195. Congratulations for 10 years ! I've been following you for only 1 year and I've learnt heaps!! I'm wondering what I've missed in the other 9 years! I use your scrap user system now and it is truely magical to see a pile of 4 patches that I don't remember sewing. Thanks also for answering the few questions I have had along the way. From down under in NZ.
    Tina Mills

  196. Congratulations! Many more to come I hope. You are amazing.

  197. Congratulations on your 10 year bloggiversary, Bonnie! And wow, there are so many things I enjoy about your blog. I love when you show places you are visiting, and the vintage sewing machines are so yummy! Also the class pics - everyone looks so happy, and it is fun to see the different variations of your quilt designs by all your students. Have a super day! curlicuecreations @gmail.com

  198. Congratulations on 10 years! Thanks for the inspiration.

  199. Just 10 I've loved every minute of all of them and looking forward to the next 10.
    I'd love to win all those beautiful threads and the case. Hoping so. Shirley in Oklahoma


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