I am writing this post a bit ahead.
Last night to be exact!
As this posts extra early this morning, my little red Ford Focus rental car and I are on our way back to Love Field in Dallas for my journey back home to North Carolina.
I am saving ALL of the great photos from retreat for tomorrow when I get home.
It went like this ---- either I could leave the retreat and go back to the hotel and edit down all of the photos and make the slide show and write the blog post and get it ready to go live last evening after class was over ---- OR:
I could stay and play and sew and laugh and eat and connect and JUST BE A QUILTER.
I chose to stay and play!
So instead, I want to share with you a bit of the powers that be behind this week’s events in Texas. Jill Baxter and Minding My Ps & Qs Quilt shop in Denton.
A rainbow of bolts ready to inspire!
I have to thank Jill for pulling this week together. Opening the Wednesday workshop to 50 students in Denton was no small feat. She had to find the place to hold this big event, do all of the planning and networking and organizing to make it happen and it was wonderful meeting with everyone for a fun filled workshop day.
If you missed the post about that workshop, you can find it HERE.
Minding my Ps & Qs is a quaint little shop in an office plaza, easily accessible from everywhere, and just as easily spotted by the old fashioned covered wagon out by the road.
You can’t miss this!
According to Jill, the iconic wagon has been their mascot for the past 7 years that she has been in business. It lets passers by KNOW instantly (especially quilters!) that this is where you turn into the office park to find the shop.
The wagon has had a rough life, and even in recent years has been knocked about by storms, its churn-dash cover being torn to shreds by wind and rain and force of nature.
The wagon bed has been put back together and shored up to remain an icon for a few more years.
Cute displays, kits and notions!
Old propane stove holds necessities behind the counter!
I spy a treadle sewing machine!
Jill apologized for it being green – laughing as she told me the story how if any piece of antique furniture stood still (back in the 70s…) her mother would quickly “Antique” it!
It kind of reminds me of the fad now of taking a perfectly good vintage piece and painting it all up with chalk paint in a rainbow of colors and then sanding the edges to “distress” it. I’m not a fan! If a piece of furniture is beyond saving, fine. But what happens as soon as that fad wears off? You’ve got to STRIP that paint! I’ll take an original wood finish any day ---and Jill agrees with me.
Gorgeous fabrics and adorable samples.
And yes, I found the scrap basket!
All of the nitty gritty!
There is a lot of great stuff in a very cute space in this little quilty place! If you are out near Denton, Texas – please stop on by and let them know that Bonnie sent you.
And I’ll be back in 2019 for more Minding My Ps & Qs fun. Be looking for dates to come.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
It’s really true. What you look for, and what you focus on you will find. This week I have found friendly quilters with hearts of gold everywhere I have turned, and I am taking all of this back with me to North Carolina.
Have you entered the Quiltmaker Bundle Giftaway that went live the morning I flew to Texas? The drawing will be Sunday evening. You don’t want to miss it. Info on THAT post.
Also -- I want to thank EVERYONE who participated in our LAST Mystery Monday Link-Up for our En Provence quilt! There were 126 participants, all with something gorgeous to share. If you have some time, and didn't visit in the past week, head on over and see what was shared HERE.
It was such a great experience and the En Provence finishes I've been seeing have been so wonderful. Great job, everyone!
Time to pack the little rental car and head back to Dallas. I'll catch you from home --
Quilt-Cam at some point this coming week?
Have a great Saturday, everyone!

Safe travels Bonnie. So glad you decided to play. Your truly deserve it. Looks like it was a fun time.
ReplyDeleteIt was awesome to see you at the "Scrappy 9-Patch" class in Denton on Wednesday! You bring such high energy and positivity to everything you do! See in in April at the Bear Creek Quilt Guild meeting!
ReplyDeleteThat Wagon cover is a great Landmark. You made the most of your time there. Hope your flights home were UN_eventful. Always good to just be a QUILTER! Judy D & I say 80 Days left til OUR Bonnie Retreat!
ReplyDeleteBe nice if quilt cam were not on Sunday afternoon (which is morning, and church time here), but I'll watch it later if so!
ReplyDeleteHope you are home for a bit. Love the Mackinac Straits colors. But, wait, how am I going to get everything done.....
Prayers for your travels & for you and your families health. I hope your hubster is doing OK. Thanks for everything. Hope quilt cam is soon- lol, no take a break 1st & spend time with your family. You know those pets & husband missed you!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you stayed and played