On a bright and sunny Monday, i grabbed my purse, my keys, a few goodies on special order via text, and headed out to Gastonia, NC.
Gastonia is known to quilters world wide as the home to the fabric mecca called Mary Jo’s.
I had been waiting for this day for months and months, ever since Cheri contacted me about a certain Singer Library table style cabinet she had found in Minnesota of all places.
“It’s lovely, but it’s too far away and shipping would be astronomical” I told her via email.
She twisted my arm further by telling me that she would be happy to “Pony Express” it down to me on a driving trip to Florida early February.
She didn’t have to twist very hard, I’m kind of a push over that way.
I checked my calendar, and we chose some dates when I would be in between out of town teaching gigs, and that settled, on the back burner it went.
Until about a week ago. In came this message with itinerary! it was time! And I found out that she was bringing along Joyce to ride shot-gun.
A reunion! Joyce was just on my October Caribbean cruise! Oh hooray!
Here we are!
So much fabric to fondle!
Caught in the act!
I had just indulged at the Pineapple Fabrics warehouse sale on Friday, but I didn’t leave empty handed. Some Fat Quarters and remnants still managed to jump into my basket, the little devils!
Cheri and Joyce have been shop-hopping all the way down from Minnesota!
They stopped at Barb Welch’s shop, the Quilted Rooster in Tomah, WI!
When they walked in, they spotted 3 of my book titles on the counter, and further evidence of Quiltvillian activity on the design wall. They told owner Barb that they were on their way to see me and asked if they could get her photo with her Allietare quilt in progress to share with me. I’m so happy they did!
Evidently, Barb was up for it too because she chose this gift especially for Cheri and Joyce to hand carry down to me:
A denim rug for Quilt Villa VA!
I love love love this rug. It’s hand woven by the Amish in the area, and I know just where it is going to go. Thank you for your kindness, Barb! if I ever make it to Tomah, WI you are first on the list of places I have to see. There is also a goodie in the mail on it’s way to you. Thank you!
(Aren’t the connections between quilters just the greatest?!)
And back on the road Cheri and Joyce went until they got to Gastonia, letting me know by text that they had arrived and were excited for our Monday meet up.
But they managed to catch Quilt-Cam by phone on Sunday!
And all of this goodness and fun happened because of this little bit of cargo:
Completely batting wrapped!! HA!!
And as I plan to move cabin to cabin, I’m thinking that batting scraps are a great thing to use for packing furniture, fragile items, and great grannie’s china…..these batting scraps are being saved for that purpose!
Looks like a bread box!
And this is the part I didn’t remember. I remembered the cabinet. But the problem with buying a cabinet? It often comes with a machine! OH BOY!!
Hello, little library table!
I think Cheri completely mummified the table with batting AND masking tape – it took a while to get it all off! It is is gorgeous shape!
With insert in place.
With insert lowered ready for machine!
Just drop the whole shebang in there, case, base and all.
Hello little knee controlled, 99!
Welcome home!
I’m so tickled!
Sadie and I are up at the cabin. I’ve got a few days to work hard and heavy on some projects. Deadlines loom. I’ll be joined by The Hubster on Friday evening.
Time here is winding down. After March 17th, even though this cabin hasn’t sold yet, we’ll be moving over to Quilt Villa, VA and I’ll no longer be sleeping here. It feels weird. I’m cherishing every moment, every nook and cranny, every familiar door frame, hand rail, sink faucet, committing them to memory.
And a new chapter will begin.
And here I sit at the end of this post realizing that my Quiltville Quote of the Day doesn’t gel with this post! HA!
So I will preface it with the observation that the positive people I have spent time with over the past week –Kim and the folks at Pineapple Fabrics, and Joyce and Cheri on their fun road trip down to Florida with a stop in Gastonia to see me –these are positive people that have shown me just the kind of person I want to be.
As for the others:
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage hearts quilt found in North Carolina. Perfect for the day after Valentine's Day!
Being thankful isn't easy, but it sure gives great perspective. Things could be worse, you could be just like them.
In fact, I’ll take it a bit farther. Let’s not be that person who is showing others who they do NOT want to be!
Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone!

Oh my, what a gorgeous machine and table. You're so lucky!! Have fun stitching on her.
ReplyDeleteBonnie I've packed and moved a few times and could totally relate to what you've experienced. Regret and rejoicing all rolled up in one. Your own quilt on your bed will help you rest easy, and pleasure will find you with your first cup of coffee in your new home. Enjoy your time!
ReplyDeleteHey! I was just at Mary Jo's last week. Enjoy that beautiful table! The machine that came with it looks like the one that I learned to sew on when I was a girl.
ReplyDeleteYour comment about enjoying each piece of your cabin hit home with me. Sunday I found a picture of my father (died in 1979) and my first son at age one. We had been down to the river to collect river dirt for a garden. As I looked at the picture, I wished that I had enjoyed the day more. Even so it is one of my favorite memories of that time.
ReplyDeleteYou will have some great new things to take to the VA QuiltVilla! So nice of them to Pony Express it down. The Knee control Cabinet is beautiful! Love your trips to Mary Jo's. I have to live vicariously on them. My Stash is beyond my Life expendecy for sure.
ReplyDeleteNothing like a road trip! I think I was in college when I first realized I could be thankful I wasn't "some people" or I could be like them in a different way. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteThat is a gorgeous machine and cabinet! You are certainly lucky to have it and to have had it practically delivered to your door! I know you will take good care of it.
ReplyDeletei love your quote. i have had to learn this lesson so much while serving in the military. i need to find me some tables like that!
ReplyDeleteYes, batting scraps are great for moving! The stand mixer that belonged to my mother is STILL wrapped in batting from it's move from AZ to ND. Now that I have lots of cabinets and counter space again, hopefully it will see the light of day soon!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Bonnie on a new machine and cabinet!🎉🍾👍🌻😍Quick, the machine needs a name and a christening sew along to belong to the Quiltville Sewing Machine Gang. What a gorgeous combo you purchased. Envie! By the way, I did not have the pleasure of going to Pineapple Fabrics but I did some heavy damage via the internet! Love to see what you purchased at Mary Jo's. I am a fabricholic even visually...now that is dangerous! You and Sadie have a great time at the cabin. What a lucky dog!
ReplyDeleteIn our long life together, John and I have owned 4homes...each has a special spot in my heart... memories from the days we lived, loved, worked and played are in the very structure of homes... but life is at times something that leads us to new places, new memories and wonderful people... you will love quiltvillaVA...
ReplyDeletePleae hug Sadie for me... swear if I met you both together, being a dog nut, probably would hug Sadie first!!! LOL
Bonnie, YOU are one of those people we want to be....
Great fun! Great post!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome is that!
ReplyDeleteI actually had that machine, and coffin, now I guess I need a table!
Wow, I recognize those women from Minnesota Quiltland!!! Great find, delivery and get together!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of vitamins do you take? I want to take them too. Love reading about your adventures every day with my morning coffee. I think I missed you posting which cabin you finally decided on. There was one I remember seeing that was gorgeous. Maybe it was that one. How about posting the picture of the VA cabin once again for us to see.
ReplyDeleteMy China and glassware moved perfectly in scrap batting two years ago. I highly recomennd it as packing material.
ReplyDeleteLove Mary Jos. We got stuck there in a power outage. So we bought with exact cash. Then had lunch and then went b a c k and bought with charge cards......what an incredible store,love your sewing cabinet.
ReplyDeleteBonnie- It is great to have wonderful people in your life that are willing to make deliveries on Road trips. I do the same. NOW, if I could find a wonderful old Singer Treadle in great shape with a nice cabinet, and have someone willing to make a great summer road trip to Alaska, that would make my day! Tomah, WI. I am quite familiar with it, after having spent many a military trip to Fort McCoy, WI, which Tomah is less than a half hour from. Too Bad I did not know about Barb's shop, but I never had any time off either, when I was there.
ReplyDeleteI think the little Library table is beautiful, and complete with insert. What a Find!
Kasilof, AK
Hi Bonnie, Love your "new" machine. I have the exact same set that I purchased from a yard sale several years ago. I call her Auntie Em... after the Aunt whose estate the machine came from. She's a beautiful 99K from 1924 and puts out a lovely stitch. For the life of me though, I cannot figure out how to get the knee control on the machine while it's in the table. Mine doesn't seem to fit. I've gone as far to purchase another 99k with the intention of having a welder fabricate me a new knee control to fit the table but haven't taken the time to do that yet. Maybe you know a trick I'm just not seeing? I'd love to use the machine in the table...not on it!
Fun post! Actually full circle moment for me. I finished Scrap Crystals that you taught it Plano in 2014 when I set up my "living room" with the little library table. Sooooooo, happy for you to have your very own WITH a knee lever controller. Sweet set up and the gals were awesome to pony express its mummified self to you. Cherish your time at the original Quilt Villa. Take care, Allison in Plano, Texas
ReplyDeleteCheri is a friend of mine here in MN! I've gone to quilt retreats with her! She found my Singer 302A for me, "Blondie"! She came with a 1950s blond cabinet which included a cradle. I love how she sews! Cheri is a very special friend and a great gal!! Glad you got to meet her!!
ReplyDeleteCindy in MN
Great story! I'd love to visit NC and Mary Jo's sometime. Love the cabinet as well. I guess I love everything about this post!