I want to introduce you to the ladies in pink –for a very special purpose!
I received the following email from Judy Simcock in Bordertown, Australia! She and her group held a quilt retreat benefiting the BCNA, the Breast Cancer Network of Australia.
Judy writes:
Hi Bonnie,
You sure are one busy lady. I love to read of your travels and see the photos that you post. It is a great way to travel without leaving home. If I traveled anywhere it would be to the US, but that’s not likely to happen, so I love to take your trips with you.
Thank you for your permission to print your Scrappy Trips instructions, and the girls loved their packs of pink strips. It certainly saved me the time of designing a pattern for them, which I do for the mystery retreats we have. And I am in the process of moving so time is really short. So thank you once again.
I had the “bright”,good idea to use mainly pink strips. And this has seriously depleted my pink stash. So it will be a good excuse now to shop for more pink fabrics.
Each lady received a pack of 100 pink strips in their little case of goodies.Sorry I forgot to take a photo of these. This would make 16 blocks, and then they could add borders, to finish it how they liked.
I have posted photos of a few of the quilts that were sewn, on my blog in case you would like to see. We raised $1100 for the Breast Cancer Network Australia, with proceeds from the pink auction and the raffle quilt. 10 ladies stayed at The Sanctuary for the weekend.

What a fab retreat, ladies!! Well done!

I want to come retreat with these gals!
I just LOVE heart warming and fun stories like this. 16 blocks is a perfect size lap quilt for someone undergoing some tough times, and how cheery! The more pink, the merrier!
Visit Judy’s Post HERE for more photos! The quilts weren’t the only thing in pink..the whole retreat is a pink thing to be seen! Really, this is just a preview – GO SEE the post!
If you have an event like this that you would like me to share on the blog, just take photos throughout your retreat or event, send them to me in email, or send me a link to YOUR blog post and I am happy to feature you here in Quiltville!
So here I am –toying with the idea of running to the cabin for the weekend. Once this blog has posted, and I do a few things around the house, I’m free until Sunday evening when I have to make that jury duty phone call.
I was all fine thinking that I have the month off, and if I have to do it so be it – so yesterday when I was calling to make an appointment for my mammogram ((Yes, see –there IS a reason I posted about pink today!)) I asked for a mid- January appointment.
The receptionist told me that there were plenty of openings in December, would I like to come sooner? And I told her that my schedule is up in the air because of jury duty. And THEN….She went on about how she’s served twice – the first one took 3 weeks, and the second one 5 1/2 weeks! OH. FREAKING. NO!!
I had only heard from people who had either been dismissed or had served for a short week before.
This would be my luck!
So the plan is – when I go..I take my contract for my Plano teaching on Dec 30th, and my airfare receipt that has already been purchased and I go plead my case. I can do it if it doesn’t go past Dec 28th –but time is of the essence here!
Remember, I’ll be drawing for the Quiltmaker Jan/Feb issue TONIGHT – likely from the cabin! Did you get your entry in? Comment THERE on that post to enter!
Have a great Thursday, everyone!
Wonderful!! Love the Pink Quilts!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, when I was called for jury duty, we where told that they would take things like vacations and business obligations into consideration. Things are not so hard and fast these days. There is a recognition that people have lives and are very busy.
ReplyDeleteI've found that they are helpful and understanding about prior commitments like work. The judge offered to go to a basketball game in my place though 😊
ReplyDeleteLove the pink ladies and their quilts!
ReplyDeleteWhen you "plead your case" for jury duty, stress that you are self-employed...if you have to cancel commitments due to jury duty, you don't get paid.
YES, it's a Runaway Day. The cabin is so inviting! I loved seeing it on QuiltCam. Thanks for sharing the Pink Ladies retreat. Hope your Jury stint is SHORT!
ReplyDeleteIt's very hard in my town to get out of jury duty unless it's for medical reasons. It depends on the judge in most cases. Have a great weekend at the cabin.
ReplyDeleteBonnie - you are a self-employed business owner....OWNER... you spend December writing patterns, creating marketing plans, making product samples, and contracting the next years work... (you are not on vacation)... you sell your print work on the web, and are filling and shipping orders on a daily basis... anytime away from your business will affect your income. Just like you were Sam the Plumber - you don't work, you don't make money. And work isn't just your traveling to teach.
ReplyDeleteI have seen them let the self-employed business owners go whenever they possibly can, cause it will be a hardship. But you have to spell it out clearly - practice your very short explanation until it rolls off your tongue. Good luck, hun !
Jury duty was one of the most interesting experiences I've ever had. Unless you are seated for a murder trial or some other capital offense, the length of service is typically very short. If you make it as far as the voir dire, you might be excused for any number of reasons. The case I was on was drug-related, and anyone who said they'd known a family member with a drug problem was excused. It involved firearms, so the defense attorney excused anyone who was a member of the NRA. So there are lots of ways to get excused later rather than sooner and if you stick with it for as long as you can, you will get to see the legal process, which is really eye-opening.
ReplyDeleteChecked out the blog of the pink ladies...HA!! loved the quilt show! Think that will happen at one of your show & share? What a fun retreat for a great cause, thanks for sharing it! The pink ladies rock!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your retreat to your wonderful cabin, hope jury duty goes your way.
Makasih ya atas informasinya ..
ReplyDeleteGood Luck on the Jury Duty thing! Last year when I had Federal Jury duty, it was for two months. Then some people got chosen for jury that lasted more than 3 months. We could get excused from the last 2 weeks, if we so requested it. I did request it, as it was tourist season, and we were really swamped at that time at the Quilt Shop.
ReplyDeleteThis year I got local District Jury Duty, and it was only for a month. I was lucky and did not have to report more than once. Hopefully I will not get chosen next year. I should be ok for two years, but around here, who knows.
Enjoy the weekend at the Cabin!
Don't panic if the clerk won't excuse you. The last jury duty I was called for (Wake County), voir dire included questions about schedule conflicts. The judge dismissed one juror who met the official hardship definition. The attorneys dismissed the others with schedule/work concerns after a few further questions.
ReplyDeleteMy husband served on Federal Jury Duty and he was self employed. No excuse. At the same time he served with men who were truck drivers and didn't get paid if they wern't on the road. They didn't get excused. Wishing you the best.
ReplyDeleteBonnie--it varies from state to state, but don't wait until the day of jury assignment. Send copies of your contract and flight tickets to the clerk of the court NOW--and include a copy of your travel schedule for early 2016--and explain that you are self-employed and travel weekly, etc.
ReplyDeleteLouisa Enright
Thanks for posting Judy's pink retreat, she is a much loved long arm quilter and breast cancer fundraiser in our part of the world. Book the mammogram in!! Here if you get called for jury duty but dont get picked you are excused from being picked for two years. But not sure if a mammogram appointment is going to be enough to get you out of it. Being self employed might? Thanks for all the great free patterns. Enjoy your break.