I am just back from the doc with another whopping case of bronchitis. Coughing up the proverbial lung so to speak ((Or barely whisper, or squawk, as that is all the sound I can get out other than a horrible rumbly cough!))
I kind of “KNEW” I was in trouble when the tickle that I acquired in Maryland started to feel “chesty” on my way home last Tuesday. But I was flying to Maine on Wednesday and there was no time to get to a doc or get a prescription as I got home around 7pm, and my flight left at 7am the next morning!
I did what any other “home remedy” person would do and started on the mucinex DM, airborne, vitamin C, Advil cold & sinus, lots of fluids, good amount of sleep ---and it seemed to be doing pretty well until Saturday afternoon late when the cough turned “productive”. ((NO, I’m not going to sit here and describe to you how yellow/green is not your friend!!))
I also knew there was nothing I could do until I got home --- Rangeley doesn’t have a pharmacy, you have to drive an hour away down the mountain to get to one. I just had to hunker down and suck it up!
Yesterday morning before heading out, I called my doc and made an appt for this morning. 7:50am. After getting home at midnight? Okay. I can do it.
Bronchitis confirmed, and two shots in the tookass, and a long wait-around at Sam's club pharmacy for the other meds---I’m back to laying low at home waiting for the meds to kick this out of my system before I leave for New Mexico on Saturday.
On the home front --- along with coughing up a lung, I’m worried about my son’s wounded heart.
Jason and his long time girl friend of 4 years just broke up this week. There is always more than one side, and I’m not butting in. I’m just here to listen. And I hurt for him.
He's devastated of course, but he found an apartment in the same complex as his brother....though on the other end as to not be TOO close. I'm glad they are both there in Columbia. Jason seems to be doing okay, big rants and lots of anger and "Love stinks" kind of messages coming from his facebook --- but he is entitled. Time wounds all heels as they say.
The hardest part? Feeling like I’ve lost a daughter. Kim was the daughter that I never had. I love her parents too, and I’m just extremely sad. But THEY need to work this out, or not --- and I’m learning as a parent of a grown child just how hard it is to want to jump in and “fix” things, even when you can’t-- and it’s hard to sit on your hands, and just be here to listen and encourage and try to keep him focused on hope for the future.
And with that….meds are making me a bit sleepy, so I’m off to crash for a bit. Unpacking can wait for later!
Feel better soon, sweetie. Sorry about the break-up, it breaks our hearts too when these things happen. (Sometimes it hurts us worse, I've found, as we have to be "adult" about them!)
ReplyDeleteFrom one mom of sons to another, NEVER bad-mouth a girl, no matter how she's broken his heart. We've had two girls break up with our guys only to have them return, for keeps. One is now married to my oldest son, and mother to our grandchildren. The other is engaged to my second son. We love them and are all very happy to have them back.
ReplyDeleteOh, that is no fun--and no mention of this in those posts of beautiful pictures of the retreat. Hope the meds kick in and you can bounce back for your next trip quickly!
ReplyDeleteSo hard to be the mom and see our adult kids go through these tough times. We can't just make it all better for them, can we, even if we think we have the answers! And you are right--we get attached, too, and it can be hard for us to lose them, but we have to be strong for the injured child. There isn't time for us to lick our wounds.
Sounds like you need a good up of hot soup, a snuggly blanket, and a sappy movie to snooze through...Prayerfully you will be better soon (and your son as well).
ReplyDeleteOh blah, yuck--sorry about the bronchitus thing. I hope you're feeling better soon! And I can totally empathize with you on the break up and how it feels like loss for you. Been there; but you are so wise NOT to get involved! Hugs and more hugs! :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you need to get better! None of this sickly stuff. I hate to say it but maybe you need to slow down a little. Being the parents of adult children is both amazing and stressful. I am so proud of the adults my babies have grown into but when they are struggling it is so hard to not jump in and 'make it all better'. At least one of my kids has complained that I wouldn't make the tough decisions for them! All we can do is be there for them no matter what and dump piles of love on them without smothering them.
ReplyDeleteAwe Girl! You've got a lot on your plate. Don't add hospital stay to the list! Glad you got in to see the Doc and hope you're on the mend soon. Sorry to hear about Jason too. It was so much easier to fix things for them when they were 2. You're doing the right thing. I'm sure he feels your love and support, but it's still hard. Where are you teaching in NM?
ReplyDeleteDang the air planes!!!! Getting on one just seems to increase the speed of going from a common cold to a full blown sinus infection or bronchitus as you have done. Get well soon Bonnie. You're doing just what you need to do by laying low and resting taking meds and lots of fluids. You'll whip it! As for the son....I agree about how hard it is when a relationship has been such a long one. If she truly wants to be a "party" girl then he's better off and will figure that out in time. On the other hand she may find she really doesn't like that life style and wish she had him back. Time will take care of it all. If they are meant to be together they will be and will be stronger in their relationship then ever.
ReplyDeleteI learned something.. I thought Airborne was what you take before you get sick.. something you take if you are going to be flying all the time, so that all those airport germs don't get you.. goodness knows you get enough of those germies.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised you're sick after seeing you in action for 4 days and knowing you felt lousy on Sunday. Hope you feel a little better as the day goes one. Get well soon.
ReplyDeleteMaryella in Maine
So sorry about things going on with and close to you of late. It is hard when a separation trinkles down with nothing you have control to fix. Maybe over the course of time you can still have a friendship with Kim. For now get yourself well! Got to have "Bonnie" in New Mexico! Hope your doctor gave you some wonder meds... Sandi
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon Bonnie! You were quite the trooper to keep on going until you dropped! Ah, I feel for your boy. It happened to my daughter recently after 5 plus years...it's just so hard to keep out of it! One day at a time...and the love of family!
ReplyDeleteMOMS hurt when our kids hurt! Take care. I know you are, you went to bed instead of sewing all night at the retreat. Tell those germs to get out NOW. There are places to go and people to meet.
ReplyDeleteSo Sorry you are feeling rough. I pray you feel better soon. Also feel for your son. Hopefully things will work out. Kim may change her mind soon. She probably has a few wild oats to sow before she settles down. Happens to a lot of young couples.
ReplyDeleteHope you get to feeling better quickly. Heck of a way to start the fall/winter season. Hope your hectic schedule isn't wearing you down.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to watch your kids go through the end of relationships, but it happens. Just remind yourself that it could be harder and messier if they were married and there were children involved.
I hope you have enough down days to get well before your next travel.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your Son and his girl need a good break from each other to find out what they mean to one another. Sometimes it takes a break up to see what you really want.
Rest up and feel better real soon.
Hope you are feeling better soon! I wish I had heard you are coming to Albuquerque so I could come to see you. I don't belong to a quild or anything so your blog is the first I have heard about your trip here. I'm so sad to miss out!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to watch kids go through so much that we can't help out with. You are right to just be there to listen to him. Things will work out one way or another but it's for them to work through. Hope he feels better soon, too.
Sending good health karma and get well wishes your way. Hope you got some restorative rest ;-)
ReplyDeleteand feel better soon!
Wow, you really like to stretch your immune system,. Carry hand sanitizer, it's not that other areas are more buggy than yours, just that they may be different variations and with your weakened immune..........
ReplyDeleteGet better soon Bonnie !
ReplyDeleteGet better soon Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you and Jason. He will be okay even if you can't fix it for him. ;)
I went through the same thing with my daughter about a month ago. She had to be convinced she was a strong person and could get along on her own. Isn't it funny how we just naturally take in our kids friends and treat (and love) them like our own. And then, yes, our hearts break too from the breakup and loss of an extra child.