
Saturday, October 22, 2011

“Point Me…..In the direction of Albuquerque…”

Any of you who are somewhere around my age just MIGHT remember these lyrics from a song David Cassidy and the Partridge Family sang back in the 70’s -- Which is probably the only reason I ever LEARNED to spell Albuquerque!

I loved that whole album and wore it out on my little portable record player! Those were the days---

So today as I boarded my flight in Greensboro, I was humming this song…….

About an hour into our flight, after beverages had been served, our captain came on and told us that something was wrong, and that we were going to make an emergency landing in Greenville/Spartanburg SC.


I was sitting in the exit row, and what REALLY scared me was when the flight attendant came back to our row and told us to bone up on the emergency info in the card in the seat back pocket.

A few minutes later, the pilot came back on and said we were going to push through to Knoxville, Tennessee, as there was a much greater chance of getting us all on to Houston since they had more connections going through there.

20 minutes later we were on the ground. We were ushered into the terminal but told to stay by the gate, because our boarding passes all said Greensboro to Houston, and if we went out of security they would not let us back in.

3 hours later…and we were finally boarding our plane after it had been fixed. By this time I was REALLY singing!

2 hours later, we landed in Houston, all was well. We all ran for our connections --- Mine was already boarding and I walked right on the plane without even stopping for the ladies room ---I was sure hoping my bags would make it! But at this point, I figured there was nothing I could do but get on that plane and hope for the best.

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I arrived in Albuquerque with no further incident! And look….tile designs in the ladies room! LOL!! Yep, that’s me in the mirror in the lower right corner! My bags showed up, my ride Susan and her hubby showed up….and knowing I was still recovering and that I had been traveling all day, they dropped me off at my hotel.

After a rest, I decided to venture out and find dinner! And a walk was definitely in order as sunset drew closer!

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What a beautiful day! That’s also my long tall shadow on the road as I took pics of the mountains to the east! Susan said to watch them at sunset, they turn red with the setting sun….

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Sure enough! On my way back……as the sun was setting in the west, the mountain to the east turned rosy! What a gorgeous evening!

There is excitement building for tomorrow’s “Oklahoma Backroads” workshop with the New Mexico Quilters Association! Pics to follow!


  1. I watched every episode of Partridge Family and had a huge crush on David Cassidy, but can't say I remember that song!

  2. You need to take the gondola ride up the mountain. It's beautiful! My great-aunt and great grandmother lived there for years. Also, try to visit Old Town. Lots to see there (and good Mexican food, too).

  3. I really liked the pictures of the mountains. You are getting to be quite good at photographing nature. The restroom picture is quite artistic too. Sure glad that you made it to New Mexico safely.

  4. Yikes, that's a freaky thing to have to 'bone up' on the emergency row duties! Glad it all worked out safely.

    Beautiful mountains....love the sunset pic!

    And I watched every episode of Partridge Family, too....but I never had the album, and I don't remember that song! I like it though....I still like those kinds of songs....ones where you can understand every word they're saying! lol Yep...I'm old!

  5. I also watched Partridge family quite often, but never had an album and I don't remember the song. Maybe you owned the only copy of that album. : )
    That is an unnerving thing to be told on a plane. Glad it worked out. Haven't been to Albuquerque in decades, but I do remember enjoying Old Town.

  6. Anonymous1:33 AM EDT

    Last time I was in Al-can't spell the rest-que, was on the train. August 2000. And the train station had burned. We bought a genuine (probably made in China) Indian blanket because we kept getting cold on the train.

    Wish it had been late enough in the day that we could have seen mountains. Take more pics!

  7. Anonymous3:33 AM EDT

    Bonnie , what a scary flight. What a relief all are well and you made it to NM. Beautiful scenery.

  8. Glad you made it safely there. David Cassidy was another of my Teen Crushes on Singing Stars. I remember the song and had to listen to it again just so see if they spelled it for me. I didn't remember that in the song. Thanks for the 'Memory Lane' trip with the Video. I wish my kids could have watched more shows like the Partridge Family!

  9. great photos and cute shadow...LOL

  10. Anonymous7:48 AM EDT

    So glad you arrived safely in NM. Liked the Partridge Family as well, but I was more a Monkees fan, loved Davey Jones, but then didn't everyone!! Enjoyed the 'rosey' mountains, what a novelty. Be well and have fun.

  11. You just amaze me, it is all about attitude and there is nothing you can do but the most important thing in flying is safety. I flew into Chicago when they had waves of 25 ft, it was a very shaky ride but we made it.

  12. Those are the Sandia Mountains which mean Watermelon. On your way home, look up in the old part of the airport (where the escalators to the gates are) to see the old carved beams with your quilter's eyes. Enjoy your blog immensely!

  13. Those pictures of David Cassidy STILL make the teenages heart in me flutter.~ He sure was CUTE!
    I don't remember the song, but enjoyed hearing it. GLAD you are safe. DRINK water (RN in me) plentifully! Praying you are healthy and thriving.


  14. Please tell me this song isn't going to be stuck in my head all day! LOL! :)

  15. Don't remember that song either, but it was fun to hear. Glad you landed safely and safely again. Have funb.

  16. I was a little to young to see that show when it first ran, but not long later I was watching it as reruns. I ALWAYS sign this song whenever Albuquerque is mentioned (sometimes just in my head). My husband just rolls his eyes...


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