
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I just got a call that our offer on the house was accepted!!!

As you can tell I am doing the SNOOPY DANCE! Whooowhooowhooowhooowhooooo!!!!!

Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and positive energy (and the chocolate helps too!) I'm not sure what the moving time frame will be, but we are one step closer. This is all the Christmas gift I need!


  1. Yay! One less thing to worry about. Maybe you can get a full night's sleep tonight!

  2. Go Bonnie!!! You're goin' to North Carolina!!!!

  3. Congrats on the house! I hope the move goes smoothly. I am in the middle of buying my first house and it feels awfully similar to riding a roller coaster.

  4. Bonnie, I usually lurk around your blog, but I have to commiserate with you. DH and I have been condo hunting for a couple months. We had a deal on one, but then the appraisal came in $10,000 below the purchase price. The seller wouldn't come down to the appraisal so we walked away. Now we are in the middle of negotiating on another condo. Today we counter-offered and hope they accept it. If not, we'll be moving on to another one.

    I'm glad to hear your offer was accepted. Congrats!

  5. WOOHOO! Bonnie. Glad you got the house. Hope your move goes smooth and you are back to making all those beautiful quilts in no time.

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM EST

    Congrats Bonnie, what a relief for you both.

  7. What wonderful news Bonnie! Now you know what you're aiming for, you can start planning. I'm just thrilled for you hon!


    Congratulations on having your offer accepted what a wonderful holiday gift. The anticipation is such a killer but then to have all your hopes come to fruition is really a blessing.

    Winston-Salem is about to get another wonderful artisan.


  9. I just gave you an award ! Congrats on the house. Wish you were moving back here

  10. Oh girl -- lucky, lucky Winston Salem quilters! Hooray that this is settled and you can get on to some semblance of progress! And that house is just a dandy!!!

    I'm not blogging much but I AM wishing you the best of the move, without too much stress. This blogging is interesting in that I feel I should be thinking I won't 'see you anymore' but, I know you will be up and running in no time.

    Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year

  11. hooray and congrats! So glad that weight is off your shoulders!

    Love your dancing Snoopy graphic...LOL I might have to borrow it because my little black terrier mix Snoopy loves to dance on his back legs too. :cD

  12. Congratulations! Now the rest will be the easy part. :)

  13. Doing the Happy Dance right along with you Bonnie. What a wonderful Christmas present. I sincerely hope everything goes smoothly from here on and the move is as effortless as possible. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as I fox trot with joy around the office...vbg.


  14. Congratulations :-)

  15. Congratulations on the house! Such a great Christmas present.

  16. wooooohoo!!!! excellent news. fingers remain crossed for you though until you get settled in.

  17. So great, Bonnie! Hope it's all smooth sailing through the whole escrow process. A new home in 2008...hooray!

  18. As you say you couldn't find a better Christmas present - all systems go then now girl!

  19. Wonderful Christmas present to have the one sold and the other bought.

  20. You will love your basement quilt room! (This is the voice of experience talking!!)

    Pack the sewing room first. The rest is all downhill.


  21. I'm dancin' too! :) Congratulations!

  22. Oh Congrats! That is just such wonderful news! Yeahhhh!!!!

  23. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

  24. Hooray, hooray! What a great Christmas present for the two of you!


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