
Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's Eve!

Could it BE any better??

Guess WHO is home ALONE?! :cD

Jeff is working tonight and has my car...I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to! I am also splurging and ordered dominoe's pizza....and while at it TWO 2 litre bottles of diet coke. I'm all out, no car...they may as well bring two as one. When the guy on the phone asked me if there was anything else I'd like, I asked him if he couldn't bring a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk too, but it wasn't on their menu :c)

Remember this "Fabric Food Chain" teaching quilt? Well,it wasn't a quilt until today.Last night I found a big piece of "Where in the heck did THIS fabric come from?" backing...and it was big enough to use for both the backing and the sleeve. I was even frugal and pieced together batting scraps for the batting inside, and set to town on this thing, doodling myself into oblivion. The blocks in this quilt are FUSED ON, as are the letters. I'd never done much of fusing anything before. Things do not stay fused down unless you stitch them! I had to re-iron a few things to get them to stay in place.

I did a loopy loopy around the edges of all the pieces, quilting them in place, and then stitched around them and in them and through them and over them....filling in the areas with whatever hit my fancy.

I plan to bind this while watching all 418 blissful minutes of Bleak House that I checked out at the library. PERFECT!

Pizza, Binding, and a 418 minute chick flick! *hehehehe* I'm a happy camper!

I took several shots of this quilt....the light coming in through the den window was making nice patterns and showing off the texture. I also got a good one of Oscar in the window!

Yes..the windows are open here. It's warm out and there is a nice breeze after it raining for several days....

However you spend your New Year's Eve....I hope you spend it doing something you love with someone you love!

My 2008 teaching/lecturing schedule kicks off on Thursday with my visit to the Swamp Fox Quilters in Florence, SC! I'll get to put the Fabric Food Chain quilt to good use while I talk about the Scrap User's System to them. I'm looking forward to it! And then on MONDAY Jan 7th I'm flying to Houma, Louisiana to teach a couple workshops there. I'll be back on Thursday the 10th!

Happy New Year


  1. 418 minutes? You are a glutton for punishment! lol I hope you enjoy your pizza and diet coke on this New Year's Eve and have a Happy New Year.

  2. Bleak House, quilting, pizza and Diet Coke....you do know how to spoil yourself girl. We loved BH when on last year and I'll bet you do too. Happy New Year Bonnie!


  3. Coming out of Lurkdom to say it sounds like you have a fun evening planned! Enjoy! The best to you and your family for 2008.

  4. The Food Chain is wonderful! Enjoy your date with yourself, it sounds fantastic. I think Oscar might like a nibble of your Dominos too! ;) Happy New Year, Bonnie. It's gonna be a great one!! ;)

  5. Happy New Year from Winston Salem.
    we are all looking forward to getting to know you. Have safe trips and enjoy yourself!

  6. Happy New Year Bonnie. Here's to a wonderful 2008!

  7. Love this quilt, Bonnie, You have really had fun quilting it. Great teaching tool. Would love to go to that lecture.

    Happy New Year to you and I know you will be happy after you get all moved into your new home in WS.

  8. Boy that quilt is wonderful. So nice to find your blog! Happy New Year to you.

  9. Oh my - I think Charles Dickens must be rolling over in his grave about now. Bleak House - a chick flick! I never would have called it that in a million years! I presume this is the newer version. It's very well done, but I think I still like the previous one best, starring Diana Rigg of "The Avengers" fame and Denholm Elliot.

    Sure wish I were close enough to attend one of your lectures!

  10. Woohoo, the only thing that could make it better is Diet Dr Pepper! I know, beggars can't be choosers. The quilting looks incredible - looking forward to seeing that quilt one of these days. Lucky students!

  11. happy New Year!
    sounds like you had a fun night.
    What a great quilt....
    glad you found a backing in your stash for it! Thats where I am lacking in my stash.... another trip to Pa and looking in the 50 percent off racks..
    my new goal is $3. a yard or less fabric for backings!

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM EST

    Sounds like a good New Years Eve to me. And good for you for rounding out the old year with a new quilt.

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful evening. I am glad that I found this site and place to help me trim down my stash. Thanks for everything

  14. I was home alone too! Didn't have as much fun as you - should have got myself better organised :)

  15. I wish Houma wasn't so far of a drive from Lafayette. Hope you have a nice visit in Louisiana.

  16. Oh it is wonderful Bonnie! I was wondering how you pieced all those blocks like that - I forgot you had fused them! It is really great, but I'm so sad you didn't share the ugly fabric back!

  17. Just wanted to say I love that fabric food chain quilt. Soooo creative!! Keep the inspiration coming!

  18. I just found out I will be joining you in Houma, Louisiana. It is an eight hour drive on the most boring highway in America, but Bonnie, you are worth it!


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