It’s that favorite kind of Monday!
A Mystery Monday Link-Up kind of happy day!
I have seen so many photos of such great progress happening all over blogland and in Facebook and Instagram – even on Pinterest photos are popping up and everyone is getting into the spirit of Allietare!
Do you remember what Allietare means?
To GLADDEN! To REJOICE! To become CHEERFUL! It’s the perfect name for this quilt, it made me so happy to watch it come together.
Especially as we go into the holidays and things wind up and get busy, let’s remember to BECOME Cheerful. It’s a choice. it doesn’t happen on its own. So find those small joys and expand them in your life.
You can find out how to pronounce Allietare HERE. Practice it until that "r" rolls right off of your tongue, and you’ll be shouting it out loud in public in no time!
Briony’s photo from our Open Studio group on Facebook!
I fell in love with her happy fabrics, those delicious reds and the sparkling fun neutrals!
She writes:
Clue 2 for me is finished! I used this clue to showcase some of the fun neutrals that have made it to my stash this year. Some from strips and some from the pulled yardage! In this clue I've got butterflies, jars, fences, farms, stars, words, street names, state signs, bikes, bingo cards, snowflakes.Great job, Jackie!
16 different reds.
And Paris architecture (bottom right) and also constellations (bottom left- Grand Central line of fabric from City Quilter, NYC).
Jackie Whitener’s Santa Hats!
And the official word is out.
While I originally called these things “headless geese” the consensus is that they look much more like Santa Hats once you add the neutral rectangles on!
One thing I forgot to include in the instructions was to press the headless goose toward the hat band. HA! I went and fixed it in the blog post, but I am unable to fix it in the pdf copy until I get home, so make note of that. Press toward the neutral.
Are you ready to link up? I’ll post the info again because we have loads more folks joining us this week, but I also want to mention some things that cropped up this last time:
- You are allowed ONE LINK UP per week, okay? JUST ONE.
- You MUST leave a URL. Do not leave the http: field blank when you link up or you will be deleted.
- LEAVE A LINK BACK to THIS PAGE (not my whole blog) or you will be deleted. That means if you post on Pinterest or anywhere you must put the URL to THIS BLOG ENTRY somewhere in your post or photo description. No exceptions. Do NOT be the dead end street.
After deleting more than 20 entries who didn't follow the simple rule of including the proper link back - I have written the following update. BEFORE you link up PLEASE READ THIS!
For an example of a blog post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Pinterest post including a link back, click HERE.
For an Instagram post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Flickr post including a link back, click HERE.
And the rest of the nitty gritty:For an example of a blog post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Pinterest post including a link back, click HERE.
For an Instagram post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Flickr post including a link back, click HERE.
If you have never participated in a Link-Up before, the first thing I want you to do is to read the entire tutorial I wrote about Link-Ups HERE so you can know a few things before you dive in head first.
There is a lot of good information there that will help you understand things like WHY we need the address or URL of your individual specific post, not just your main blog address. It will show you how to FIND the correct URL and link it correctly.
If you are adding a Pinterest photo and have never linked up with us before, Click to read the Pinterest tutorial HERE.
Remember, if you link to your main blog, and not the specific post I will have to delete your entry and have you try again because I can’t fix it for you.
To find the URL for the specific post, go to your blog and click on the title of the post you want to link. Look in the address bar at the top of your browser. The address of your post should end in .html NOT .com!
PLEASE LEAVE OFF the http:// part at the beginning of your blog address when you fill in your info below . The form auto-adds that for you. If I were linking, my address would start with NOT
Also: If you are linking from a mobile device – PLEASE delete the last /?=m from the mobile URL before posting! Those of us on a computer will get a really awkward looking page if you post your mobile URL from your tablet or phone. Your link should end in .html or just / not /?=m
If you don’t have a blog you may link to your Flickr photo or Allietare Album that you have created ((Not your whole account, please make it specific)) Or a photo you have posted on Pinterest sharing your progress ((Also specific, not your whole profile)) You can not link to Facebook. Any posts linking to a Facebook profile will be deleted.
Your blog, Flickr, Google+ Pinterest or Instagram photo must be view-able to ALL, not just a handful of people that you have invited. If your blog, Flickr, Instagram or Pinterest is private, please don't link up. It's frustrating to those who click to view and are told they can't because of your privacy settings.
If you leave the URL http:// field BLANK, your entry will be deleted. You can't post a photo that doesn't go anywhere.
You can link ANY progress of ANY step on any of the Link-Ups.
For instance, if we are on a Link-Up for part 6 – and you are just on part 1, you can still link that. Just SHARE where you are!
In your blog post, Flickr or Pinterest, Google+ or Instagram photo – You MUST include a link back to THIS POST not just a link to I often post more than once a day, so if someone clicks a link on your page to just my main address – they likely won’t find the link-up. That will only take them to the most recent post on the blog. They won't find any of the other links that people have taken time to place on this page. It will be a dead end street for them. Don't BE the DEAD END STREET!
Please include this link to me in your post or description:
Your Flickr or Pinterest doesn't have to have a clickable link, just copy the URL above and paste it into your photo description.
New links can be added until Sunday, December 13th at 11:55pm EST.
Let's share!
Just look at all of this Allietare!!
*NOTE* I will delete any entries that do not include a link-back to this post!
*NOTE* I will delete any entries that do not include a link-back to this post!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Good Morning Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping this works. This is my first time doing this.
I am now done with Clue 1 and 2. This week was a challenge for me. I have only been quilting for about two years now and I just love it. The stash is building up for sure.
I did last years GIMQ bug only go to Clue 3 because we moved and just never got back to it. So along with this years MQ I am going to do the steps for GI as well.
I will have to admit that I had 20 different reds and just as many neutrals and blacks. I'm happy that I will have so much variety.
Thank You Bonnie for all that you do!
I am Katie Dax on FB but my name is Carrie Lee. Katie is my Saint Bernard and Dax is my Beagle. Happy Sewing everyone!
Love looking at everyone's fabric choices. Pam in KC - where oh where did you get that scissor print fabric? Gotta have it! And Katydid Art - your colors are gorgeous - what a change the different colors make.
ReplyDeleteLove these linkys! I really look forward to seeing how everyone's clues are coming along. Sorry some folks just don't get directions!
ReplyDeleteCool to see all of those - Sorry for the delay in the link back - our internet went out - and the tech just left .... I have glitches when it is link up day...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mystery!!
I'm glad you suggested we not go "boring" with the neutrals for Clue #2. I love they way they look with some novelty fabric! Thanks Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing all the link-ups. I really know how to do the linky. My brain and fingers just weren't fast enough for you this am. Monday this time of year is my Favorite. Who knew your Geese would turn into Santa hats? LOL
ReplyDeleteApparently my cut/paste abilities are horrible. I fixed my link to actually point back to your post, and reposted my linky. Sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteI agree - best time of the year:-). Interesting photo you have on top of the post;-), absolutely looking forward to the next clue!
ReplyDeleteSo many gorgeous fabrics and different choices. First time doing a mystery quilt and I've still lots to learn in general. I'm really enjoying it so far. Exciting and fun! The hardest thing was taking items out of my stash and I had to tell myself off "why did you buy this fabric? Because you wanted to use it and now's the time, so do it!"
ReplyDeleteHaving chickens as pets I did spot a lovely little rooster fabric - the same one that I have here and just used for friend's present! Funny how some fabrics just jump out at you.
Thank you Bonnie and thank you ladies (and maybe some gents?) for sharing. Looking forward to next Friday.
Kerry in Hampshire UK
Would like to link-up, but I'm a visual learner and cannot make heads, or tails out of the tutorial. I will just be content to see the progress of others. Thank you Ms Bonnie, for all you do! You are certainly an inspiration for many. Can't wait to take a workshop with you.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed holiday!
Jonnie from Ingleside, IL