
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Well, Isn't THAT Special?

Half of my County Clare blocks were at home.

The other half?  At the QPO Studio.

I've been working on them fairly diligently in between the lines of stitching other things - just as Leader & Ender projects are meant to do.

It's time to set them together - at least I think I have enough to start laying out and determining how I want to go with them and then?

Oh no!

Take a look at the nine-patch chain in the top row with the green diagonal quares.

Now look at them in the bottom row - notice anything"

They are built different.

Though the green squares chain the same direction, the rectangles are sometimes horizontal, and sometimes vertical. 

Which brings to mind this little response:

Well, isn't THAT special?!?

This changes things for me a bit, because those rectangles won't rotate around the way they should if they are already turned.

So instead I think I'm going with this layout:

Round and Round with sashings -

I think the sashings will help those wrong-way-rectangles be less noticeable. 

So this is where I am with this one - there are a lot of sashings and cornerstones to cut before I can lay anything out - but I'm excited to see this one coming together.

How are you doing on yours?

Yesterday was spent finishing up inn laundry, prepping towel baskets, making beds so that I can take today off with a planned outing for hitting some antique malls with a couple of friends.  It's been a while.  I feel the need to just go play away.

The rest of the time?  Getting Ladder Star ready for Friday!  We are all systems go in that department.

Chiropractor appointment mid afternoon got me home early.

By the time dinner was done all I wanted to do was curl up with my feet up and put some hand quilting stitches into the red/white/blue star.  I turned another corner!  Things are moving along.

When this happens to your clean laundry in the basket - do you re-wash it?  Or just brush it off?

I'm going with the brush it off scenario right now.  Oh, Lola!

Through my smudgy windshield.

Fall is happening here.

I took this photo about halfway up our drive - the hairpin turn is just ahead.  Leaves are turning somewhat.  It's not very brilliant this year, but it's definitely fall.

This morning's sunrise.

Or just before it rose anyway.

Temps were in the 30s this morning.  We won't get out of the 40s today.  It's time for warm sweaters, wool socks, favorite boots.

I'm meeting up with Martha and Cindy to head down to Wilkesboro at 10am.

Hubster Dave and Son Jeff are putting the storm window back in place at the kitchen window at the inn today.  It's time for winterizing all the things.

There are only 4 retreats left of  Quiltville Inn, Season 5!

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

While this could apply in many circumstances, it especially applies today.

Remember those days? No cell coverage? 

I think we need to bring more of that back! 

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



  1. Enjoy the day with the girls!

  2. I had an "Ain't that special" moment too. My chains don't go the right way! I'll be doing sashing too, and I guess it won't be "County Clare" but maybe "Galway"!

  3. I love your new layout! I think those "design" mistakes are really supposed to happen... Have a great day! ☺

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM EDT

    Beautiful photos…nice to see Lola, how is Ivy? Enjoy your day off. Pat in NY

  5. Oh I like that setting and with sashings it'll be beautiful.
    I do not look forward to the time change coming up.
    I found a new quilt shop about 20 miles from me. My local quilt shop closed a couple years ago. The new one is a old church with stained glass windows. Just beautiful ❤️.
    And these very ornate lights hanging down. Mostly reproduction fabrics.
    Have a Sparkling day

  6. I can see the construction difference in the picture with 2 piles of County Clare blocks, but I had to study for a while before I could see it in the overall picture. No worries--I think the focus will be the green and blue chains and that the neutrals won't even be noticed. Love the colors you're working with.
    Your morning's sunrise is absolutely gorgeous! I hope you have fun with friends today. As for me I plan on quilting my Vintage Kite quilt today. I got it all set up on my quilting frame last night and next step is to pick a pantograph and get busy. Jenny

  7. Now I don't feel so bad that I've done that, too!

  8. Old Quilter10:16 AM EDT

    I would never consider this a mistake in a scrappy quilt. Tis all part of the charm of a quilt meant to be snuggled under and loved.

  9. Bonnie, I think the layout for your County Clare blocks looks amazing! I think I’ll have to make one too —as soon as the pattern is released.

  10. Enjoy your fun day, Bonnie! I’d definitely brush off the laundry. There are better things to do than rewash.

  11. Now why would you even think of washing away all that good kitty fairy dust? Your approach is absolutely the correct one, and you can count your blessings that your clean laundry has been chosen. That really is 'special.' tee hee.

  12. Anonymous11:15 AM EDT

    I like how you always find a way to make things work 😊 Isabel

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM EDT

    You know what? That new layout is going to be fantastic! This year with my sewing, several things that haven’t worked out as I originally envisioned were actually better for my having to pivot. Not to say I didn’t thrash a bit and roll my eyes when it happened! The Universe will indeed speak, if you’re open to it, I’ve found. Then I say “thank you!” and go on to the next project. NancyO.

  14. Bonnie thank you so much for the wonderful "Now isn't that special" earwig....... I loved Church lady!!

  15. It's okay NOT to have a cell phone, I have lived very happily without one. Now I have to look at my County Claire blocks and see if I have done the same as you....I think I have :0). It's all good...happy sewing!

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM EDT

    In my house, cat hair is a condiment.

  17. Well, I'd venture to say that Lola has the best spots in the house!! :)
    Just give it a good shake... it'll be fine!
    I love the pinks in the sky with a good sunrise. Especially when the clouds are wispy and all cotton candy-like. It's good to hear of you getting a day to just be. Enjoy it; hopefully tomorrow's post will be full of the fun things you find! Another funny quote for the day. Have a wonderful evening.


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