
Monday, August 05, 2024

Quilting Up The Weekend!

Happy Monday, everyone!

We made it through the weekend!

And this is where I left things on Saturday afternoon - 

My Diamond Tile quilt is moving forward!

In this photo I'm in the process of webbing the top - all rows are assembled at the same time, held in place by the chaining threads between the rows.

All that is left for me today is to do the cross seaming.

Bug I digress.

There was a slight delay on Friday to making this happen as the scrappy strips I wanted for squares on the ends of the pieced sashings were at home.  

So Saturday - those strips came to the studio with me so I could begin to make strip sets.

Short strip sets are my favorite as they give me more variety - it's also a way for me to dig into the shorter strips that I had on hand and put them to good use.

And just like that - I had all the scrappy sashings that I needed!

Click to Play:

Before laying in cornerstones.

But we are getting there!

Meanwhile in the Quilting Quarters:

Becca's triangle mini is coming together!

Split Nine-Patch from the Free Patterns tab is growing!

Here is the finish - with a lovely yellow/purple sampler on the wall.

What a fun print as the background of a double Irish chain!

Tracy is appliqueing her hexies to background squares.

More patriotic stars are happening here -

Another Stack n Whack, One Block Wonder -

This time Sue is using a gorgeous Kaffe print.

Any guesses what this might be?

If you guessed blue crab, you are right!

Something golden hexie happening here!

Go App State!

More fun with the striped fabric challenge!

Jacob's Chain is taking over this wall!

And some kind words of advice to quilters who bring portable design walls:

Please take time to pin your pieces on! LOL!

It only took the slightest movement of air from the front and back door opening and closing for the design wall to be caught by the breezeway and send pieces to the floor.  OH NO!

Never fear - all is well!

Sunday had me making a quick run down to Mt. Holly, NC to pick up a set of 4 dining chairs that match the chairs in the dining room at the inn. They were posted on Facebook Marketplace and I couldn't believe my luck as this style has been discontinued by IKEA.

Click to Play:

It was beautiful up on the Blue Ridge Parkway!

The chairs were delivered back home at the inn in time to get the over-the-porch-rail photos taken - be looking for those tomorrow!

Today's post is a bit delayed due to my oversleeping on a morning where I also had a 9am appointment for a van oil change and tire rotation.

Typical Monday!

Lola knows to stay safely away from me on mornings like this!

It's the last retreat day for the August Quiltvillians.  Yes, they are still at it, creating up their own quilty storm.

And I think I'll head to the machine and start getting that Diamond Tile top together.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Things are a bit scrambled, but I'm sure they'll turn out fine!

Happy Monday, folks!



  1. Kudos to you for getting into town for the work on your van.
    Very talented quilters you have there. Beautiful quilts coming together.
    Lola is 💞 precious in the basket.
    My scrap basket is full so I'm cutting them into usable sizes.
    Have a Sparkling day
    Blessings 💞🙏

  2. I'm in awe of the beautiful projects! Such inspiration!
    Bonnie, thanks for showing the pic of your short strip sets. Love the variety of colors, and your Diamond Tile quilt is looking fantastic! I'll definitely keep the short strip set idea in my toolbox.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM EDT

    Bonnie, thank you for the videos. I think it is so interesting to learn about your process and thinking when putting quilts together. Can't wait for Diamond Tiles pattern! I found my Sewjo by volunteering to help make prayer quilts. I bring home a small lap quilt to quilt during the week and return it. Helps me keep up with my projects! Carolyn

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM EDT

    Thank you for explaining webbing! I am just learning to piece quilt tops and this will help me sew squares together in the correct order; I understand and use chaining but last time I cut everything apart and then goofed when I sewed them together.

  5. A rainbow of Sashing strip sets. The multicolored squares bring it to life!!
    Go Bonnie Go! I am sleeping in too. Back is screaming. Icepack is my friend!

  6. One of the best quotes I’ve seen lately…so true!!! 🧺 Bonnie, love your videos and really appreciate your enthusiasm about all things quilting!!❣️❣️

  7. Sounds like you had a MOnday better than mine... I went back to work today but the mister & myself have tested positive for Covid. UGH!! But as long as we are feeling ok then I can go back tomorrow afternoon... (I have a doctor's appointment in the morning.} just keep my distance. Of course, that is if my fever breaks tonight! But at least the kids aren't back yet. That's next week. I absolutely love all of the inspiration coming out of this weekend! Such great quilts. :)
    Happy quilting!

  8. Bonnie, is there a name for the block that is the mini triangles on Beccas quilt? I am making that block and setting it on point after seeing it somewhere, but I don' t know if it has a name. Thanks.


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