
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

From the TaDa Quilters WIth Love -

Some retreats just fly by too quickly!

And that is definitely the case for a Wednesday tp Sunday pack it all in and do the most you can retreat!

What can we say?  Folks have jobs and obligations, and not all groups can stay until Tuesday, even if I wish they could.

It seemed the TaDa quilters were packing up and heading out before I was ready for them to go!

But it goes without saying that we did fill it full and make use of every moment - including loads of just relaxing and chatting on the porch time.

And these quilts!  Lovely!

ChilhowieGrassy Creek, a newly finished star top (unknown pattern) and way to the right is Sandcastles from String Frenzy.

Here's a better look at Sandcastles -

It's all ready for binding, and that quilting texture of swirls is gorgeous!

Three completed temperature quilts!

Roll, Roll Cotton Boll ready for binding!
Pattern from String Fling.

This labor of love was started by Jill's mom, and when she passed away, Jill finished it for her.  I'm sure there will be loads of memories and feelings to be sat with as she finishes that binding.

Three lovelies!

Card tricks shared by two sisters -

The last two I am unaware of what the patterns are - if you know, please leave them in the comments below.

We'll see you back next August, TaDa Quilters!

Tula playing sphynx at the bottom of the front steps.  LOL!

Yesterday was a short day - just a few morning hours at the inn and studio before heading over to the hospital for both the Hubster's and myj pre-op for our procedures.

Our colonoscopies are a week apart.  That way he can drive me home, and I can drive him home.

So there was only a bit of time for  this.  Click to Play:

Trimming up the backing/batting margins was exciting!

It looks so good with all that excess gone!

Hand quilting texter so far -

Now that the binding is on, I can spend the next several days giving my hand quilting callouses a rest as I stitch the binding and sleeve down, and then back into the hoop it goes to continue on with the freehand fan quilting.

Look what is in my hot little hands?  I'm so excited!

And he inscribed it! 

I can hardly wait to start in.

Did you get your copy yet?

Hard Exit is available in both paperback and hardback, and also on Kindle.

You all know my friend Bruce Leonard as the author of the Quilt City Hadley Carroll mysteries.  The ones with the cozy (if murders can be considered cozy!) mysteries happening around Paducah, Kentucky and all involve quilting as a theme.

You might not know that he also writes other genres - and since we all have a wide variety of things we like to read, I'm helping Bruce promote his newest release Hard Exit - which became available on Amazon last week!

I'll be drawing for 3 winners who will each receive a signed paperback copy of Hard Exit directly from Bruce!

Head over to 8/9/24 Post and get your entry in. We'll draw for our winners on Wednesday, August 14th.  Good luck, everyone!

Today I hope to get the Diamond Tile quilt finished and out of the machine, trimmed up and binding put on.

I need to finish up all that needs to be done for Wednesday's August Quiltvillians 2.0 arrivals.

Clear liquid diet starts after I've had a bit of light breakfast - and appointment at the hospital is at 11am tomorrow morning.

I'm already hungry.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

24+ hours of clear liquid diet for a procedure tomorrow, and I'm already Hangry! ⁣
Today's forecast includes a high probability of rage quilting!

What's up for your Tuesday?



  1. Wow! Gorgeous quilts over the porch railing. Love them.
    Tula is the prettiest Sphinx I've ever seen.
    I'll be finishing up with the quilting of indigo Way today. Trimming and then binding. Ooooh! It has a pretty vintagey backing.
    I'll be posting it in the Open Studio when done..
    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. It will go by quick.
    Have a Sparkling day
    Blessings 💞🙏

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM EDT

    I like the binding fabric. It looks like a man’s tie fabric, sew fitting for a shirt fabric quilt!

  3. Love this quilt in every way - wow for the border making it really come alive. Great planning for your procedures - give yourself a good treat when it's over.

  4. prayers for good results.....

  5. Go, Bonnie, Go!! You are a busy lady! I'm loving the Diamond Tile. The binding on the stars is perfect for it. So happy that you are at that point. Great porch photo. As always, so much inspiration! I'm definitely putting the Sand Castles on my list. Good luck tomorrow. It will be quick. Quicker than our first day back to school with the kids. UGH!!! HAHA! Talk about crazy city. Happy quilting!

  6. Anonymous7:16 AM EDT

    As always I enjoy your blog, pictures, stories of life! When I was there with the August Quiltvillians I forgot to tell you how much I enjoy my Sew Q laser! I use it often. Yesterday I used it to quilt diagonal lines on a simple and small 15 patch quilt for my granddaughter’s doll. Thank you for this recommendation.


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