
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sometimes Days Go Like This...

I'm starting out this post with something happy!

With laundry running and much house cleaning happening before today's arrival of the Stitch Mob, I took a few minutes to hang Eclipsed in the front foyer at Quiltville Inn.

Yes, I know that Kismet topper on the table also needs to go - I think it's time for bringing out Appalachian Autumn as it was in the 40s this morning when I woke up.  Brrr!  Fall is around the corner.

I'm loving it hanging here inside!

And this is where the rest of my day went Off The Hinges.  Literally.

John and Dave came to swap out the non-working microwave for the newer model.  New one is now installed!  That's not where the excitement ended, though.

I had walked down to my studio - and I couldn't open the door.  It was locked somehow...and it wasn't the keypad deadbolt that was keeping me from opening the door, it was the regular knob beneath.

So....since guys were busy with microwave installation, and I'm not the most patient person - and since I've been locked out before - 

Let me back track - it was a lovely morning and I had already been inside the studio earlier to open some windows, set my things down before going up to the house to start laundry.

So I thought maybe I had mistakenly somehow turned the little lock thing on the regular knob (Even thouh it had duct tape over it so I wouldn't.) and that is why I was locked out.

No problem. I have a spare key on my fob for that knob.  Nope.  Wrong fob.  THAT fob was at home.

So up to the garage I go, grab a ladder, traipse back over to the studio window, pop the screen, and in I climb.

Only.  The twisty turny lock thing is not the problem.  

Latch bolt!  It was the latch bolt thing that was stuck!

(Had to look it up.)

No turning of the latch bolt would budge it.  

So...I call Hubster Dave on his phone.  It goes right to voicemail.  Which means it's either.

A.) In his car
B.) He wasn't connected to the inn wifi and had zero phone signal.

ANd here I am stuck INSIDE the QPO with no way out, because I didn't trust going back out that window with a rickety ladder outside and no one to spot me.

So I call John's wife, Cindy.  And she is laughing hysterically.  We both were.

She tried to call John.  She couldn't get his phone to pick up either.  We really ARE in a middle-of-nowhere-dead-zone.

So she says "I'm on my way." She is about 8 miles up the road.

As soon as she pulls in - the guys come walking around the other side of the garage and the story unfolds.

Bonnie is now locked IN the QPO.  And they (being guys of course) think that I should just be able to open the door from the inside, which I can't - because the latch bolt is frozen in place.

So now...it's Hubster Dave crawling through the QPO window.

We get the door knob off, but that latch bolt thing is not budging.  Not with a screw driver, not with a hammer, not with a freaking crowbar.

The only way to get us out was to pop the hinge pins and remove the door.

But at least we were out and I could continue to flip laundry and get the house ready.


Dave headed to town to go get a new non-locking door knob and all is working again and it was way too much for me and discombobulated my whole day.  

Susan and I made beds.  The inn is ready for the Stitch Mob to arrive -

And this morning it's Hubster Dave's turn for his colonoscopy and I'm playing driver this time.

Is that enough for one day?  One day where I didn't really even get to do anything for my new project?

I think so!

Hand stitching more fans as we laughed through is prep.  Poor guy!

And once this procedure is done we'll both (hopefully) not have to repeat this back-to-back appointments again.

The pattern release of  Eclipsed has been absolutely phenomenal! Thank you!

The one thing I've had emails on is folks outside of the USA having trouble with the Buy Now button as it uses autofill and as they are international, they then get a message saying that we don't ship outside of the USA.

PDF patterns are not shipped. There is no problem if you simply add the item to the shopping cart, then click to the shopping cart and choose either your PayPal or Credit Card option.  It should process just fine from there. It has something to do with purchasing digital files with the BUY NOW button if you are international.

Do not use the Buy Now button.  Add the item to your cart and then click the cart and check out the normal way.

Sorry for the headache - but give this a try and see if it works for you.

Also - if you've downloaded and can't find where your PDF went on your device - do a SEARCH by pattern name. Most of my issues come from iPhone/iPad users who don't know where to look.

How to find a PDF on an iPhone in Files.

The broadest place to look for your PDF is in the Files app. You’ll be able to find it there if it’s on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Files app.
  2. Tap Browse > On My iPhone.
  3. Search your folders for the PDF.

It’s very likely that the PDF ended up in the Downloads folder, so search there first.

How to search for PDF files on an iPhone.

Using the search function on your iPhone might be one of the simplest ways to find the PDF that you’ve downloaded. Here are the steps for using the search function:

  1. Swipe down to find the search field.
  2. Enter the name of the PDF into the search field.
  3. Tap Show More to scroll further through searches.
I really hope this helps!

Would you like to win an Eclipsed PDF pattern?

I'll be drawing for 2 winners who will also receive a Facets of Black fabric Roll from Cotton to Quilts. And yes - they have other color rolls perfectly suited to enhance your scrap stash for Eclipsed too:

Beautiful purples, oranges and yellows! I love the variety that color rolls give to my quilts.

Click to the Gift-Away Post and get your entry in.

We'll draw for our winners on Thursday, August 29th!  Good luck, everyone!

Of course, Eclipsed has an introductory price already marked 25% off and good through 8/31/24.  Hurry now and save! 

Eclipse Inspired!

Stitch a solar eclipse of your own with fun string pieced blocks! Full color photos and diagrams included. Strings are pieced on paper foundations, PDF templates included.

Quilt Size: 70’’ X 70’’ 

I can't wait to see what you make with this one!

If you are drawn as winner in the gift-away, and have already purchased Eclipsed you can simply choose another PDF from the Quiltville Store as your prize.  No problem!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

There are many things to love about living in the middle of nowhere. ⁣
"But you are so far from civilization!"⁣
Exactly, my friends. Exactly.



  1. Thanks for the morning chuckle, LOL.

  2. Oh my ... I can see you and Dave crawling through the window!!! So sorry you had to go through that.
    Murphy's Law.
    Your Eclipse looks fabulous on the wall. I say yes to putting Appalachian Autumn 🍁 on the table..it was in the 40's here too.
    You have such a good husband to do all the handiwork for you.
    Especially on an empty stomach.
    Wish him well on his appointment.
    Have a great day 💗
    Blessings 🙏

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM EDT

    I haven't commented in a long while even though I read every, entertaining post. There is a simple although, to most people, confusing and misunderstood reason for your odd dilemma today: Mercury Retrograde. Yes, it's a 'woo-woo' astrology thing but after many decades of being an astrologer, I can tell you, it's real. Three times a year, the planet Mercury which 'rules' communication and travel, appears to go backward in its orbit, at least to we viewers on Earth. When this happens, odd things happen such as what you experienced here. You take a wrong turn on a route you've traveled a thousand times and end up lost, a letter you mailed does not reach its intended destination for weeks (if ever) you show up for the party on the wrong date. You may say what does a door have to do with communication or travel? You had to call for help and it put a monkey wrench in your 'forward progress' for the day. No rabbit's foot or lucky charm seems to keep it from happening but 'understanding' the wonders of the Universe can give you an excuse to shake your head and chuckle. Glad you have 'rescuers' at hand, Bonnie!

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM EDT

    Glad both of you are getting Colonoscopy's. My first one was Nov 0f 2028 and they found a tiny speck which was Stage one cancer. April 2019 was surgery to remove the speck . Every 2 yr since has been a colonosopy and no more surprises. Next year I go again. Never be afraid of doing it, it may be messy and uncomfortable for the day before, but peace of mind is the best!

  5. What a pickle!! How lucky you are to have an 'In-house' handyman.

  6. Eclipsed looks lovely hanging in the front foyer of Quiltville Inn! I must apologize, Bonnie, but I got quite the giggle reading about your locked door problem. Glad you got rescued by hubster and friends. Love your today's quote. The pretty vintage quilt behind the quote was one of my Mom's favorite designs to handsew. :-) Jenny

  7. Anonymous11:18 AM EDT

    That deadlock did it's job. Locking you in when you have things to get done, No Good! Glad the guys realized they needed to find you and help. Maybe seeing the neighbor drive in gave a clue. MEN! Hope you get some stitching in this afternoon! I get to go to the Dr this Morning for follow up, forgot to get Bloodwork done, opps! It's the beginning of Shop Hop! My Mind isn't on the task at hand.

  8. Sheesh! You have really been having a few days of once-in-a-lifetime craziness. I hate to mention this but they do say things come in threes. LOL Quick, say a prayer and knock on wood!

  9. Poker Bar Quilter12:03 PM EDT

    I have identified with your present issue with lack of good internet for the last 14 years that we have lived in a canyon on the Trinity River. First, it's 25 minutes to the nearest market or gas station in Weaverville. Then, it's 50 minutes to the nearest big town for major grocery shopping, Lowes, etc. in Redding, CA. About 2 years ago we said goodbye to Hughesnet and hello to Starlink. We now have fast internet for streaming and cell service in the canyon! Hurrah! for hand hubbies!

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM EDT

      Welcome neighbor---I live in Yreka, CA! --Connie H

    2. Too fun! I grew up in Crescent City (on the coast, 20 miles from Oregon) and had dear family friends who lived in Yreka for many years...

  10. Oh my gosh! That sounds like my life!!! My husband works next door to our house in his shop and I don’t know how many times I’ve had to walk over there because he doesn’t hear, or is ignoring his phone. The funniest time was when I had a friend over. She was showing signs of having a seizure, which was a common occurrence, so I didn’t want to leave her at her house alone. I told him to keep his phone handy, because I would need his help with her. Lo and behold, her seizure started, I texted him, and nothing……
    Finally I called 911 to get help, and it wasn’t till the fire department showed up with sirens blaring that he realized I had been trying to get his attention. Men!!!
    Glad you’re at least getting some hand sewing in while Dave is having his procedure. Hopefully it will work out all the stress of the morning.

  11. Judy Clayton2:40 PM EDT

    Bless your heart. Momma said there would be days like this! Lol! Hugs to you my dear friend. I LOVE your Eclipse quilt!!!!

  12. Anonymous5:06 PM EDT

    "Lucy, What happened!"......

  13. Oh, gosh!! What a definite pickle to get in!! But, I would rather be locked in the sewing room ( as long as there is a bathroom!!) than where I was today... outside with the band in the heat! Oh well... gotta do what you gotta do! Thank goodness for that rescuing crew you had!
    I loved the quote for today. I live in the middle of nowhere too & it's about a 20 minute drive anywhere I need to go! Somedays I enjoy the drive but others I wish I lived in that subdivision close by & walk! Hopefully tomorrow goes a WHOLE lot better, & you get to work on that gorgeous new project your working on! Happy quilting!

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM EDT

    What locked in QPO? How much sewing did you get done?

  15. Anonymous6:49 PM EDT

    Amen to your quote of the day. Country living is an absolute privilege!!

  16. We live in middle of nowhere also. Recently switched from Hughes net to starlink. It's great. As far as the lock goes, we had the same problem in June. We had to break a sidelite window (about 6"wide and 4' tall)to be able to reach the doorknob. Still couldn't open the door as the bolt was stuck. Our phones and all our keys were inside. So had to walk a quarter mile to the neighbors house. He was able to get us in. The lockksmith said this kind of thing happens a lot as those bolts get worn out and refuse to move. Glad you got in ok.


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