
Friday, August 04, 2023

All On A Rainy Thursday!

Some days things don't go as planned.

As in the rain that started around 2am yesterday morning and continued all the way till mostly bedtime last night.

Rain isn't a problem for the quilters - they are happily sewing away and enjoying temps that never left the 60s yesterday.

Me on the other hand?  DOGS do not like to go out in the rain!

Which meant I worried, stewed, coaxed, coddled, encouraged and wrapped my whole day around  the possibility that they may be withholding "business" and causing discoveries later in the day when I returned home to check on them.

We'll start here -

I couldn't even get out when I wanted as just when I had grabbed my lunch, my purse, my phone, my keys and was headed out....I heard the beep beep beep of the propane truck rumbling up the drive.

Oh shoot!  I was already running late!

The Hubster was gone for the day - so it was up to me to take care of this....

And to get the guy to make it back down the drive he had to back up.....and I jumped in the van to move it - so he could then use where I was parked to turn around in some sort of 16 point Y turn to finally rumble down the drive again and off he went.

Some days - adulting is hard!

And the dogs STILL wouldn't do business....they were too busy just sniffing around the propane tank to see what smells Mr. Propane had left behind.  

I did eventually make it over to the inn to find everyone enjoying a luscious brunch spread and ready to dig into that thing they are here for - QUILTING!

A giving quilt on the wall -

I love to see bright donation quilts coming together - so cheery!

Tonni working on her Jacob's Cbain blocks!

Sue is up to the borders on her gorgeous scrappy Dresden plate!

Can you guess what this is???

It's Straits of Mackinac from String Frenzy. All the pieces are cut and most are sewn...we hope for a full quilt top by the end of retreat!

And what could this be?

It looks like Jamestown Landing from String Fling to me!  So exciting!

It hit about 2:30pm and I knew I needed to go home to see if the dogs needed to go out.

Just as I pulled in it started to pour hard again....they weren't going out in that!  No way, no how!

And the rain continued.  Good grief.

Anyone else have persnickety dogs like this?

So what's a girl to do but clean, organize and rearrange her sewing space at home?

(See Mable outside the screen door??? Nope!  She won't go out from under the deck where it is dry into the yard!)

Do I need this many sewing machines in my sewing space?  Yes.  Yes, I do.

From the other side of the room.

Zoey on her bed.  Not going out.

And the rain continued.

By this time it was past 4pm -

And I knew I wouldn't make it back to the retreat before it was time to turn around and come home again so I just stayed. I put things away.  I dusted.  I wiped down.  I polished.  And I'm happy with how things are.

Nope.  Not going out.  Sheesh.

This morning the rain has stopped, but the trees are still dripping and Mable doesn't like that either.

I tried to convince her it was different...it didn't mean the same thing...but to her, dripping trees are still a no-go.

No big business has been taken care of.

But at least today (I think) They can be put out in their play yard when I leave for the inn and if another big storm comes through I'll come home and put them back in the house.

When there isn't another "parent" around - it's like having a house full of toddlers!

And Lola just laughs and shakes her head.

Today - I'm digging into a project that got waylaid with all of my June travel.  It's August already, dang it - it's time to get the sewjo back for this one and see what I can do with a bunch of gifted brown/neutral strips.

What's on your plate for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Attitude is EVERYTHING.
And there is abundance all around us just begging to be noticed.

I think I found a bunch of it in yesterday's studio rearrange. LOL!

Happy Friday, everyone!



  1. Anonymous9:31 AM EDT

    My dog wouldn’t go out in the rain either. But if I put on her long leash she’d think we were going for a walk. I stood in the garage and she happily went out and did her thing 😂😂

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM EDT

    Your studio looks great, do you hire out for this job?

  3. Diane Mannion9:41 AM EDT

    Sounds like my life with dog Daisy. Arranging my day between rain drops. Ha ha

  4. My Molly hated going out in rain...I had to put her on a leash and hold a large golf umbrella over her to get her to go outside for her business.

  5. Some days I am afraid to try to plan my day. Everyday my yardwork and sewing room are my priority. Here it is 10am and I am just getting to my deskwork which is usually my 7:30 task. Oh, well! Hope your animals are all happy again.

  6. If there is any kind of dripping from the sky, no way are my dogs going out!! It has stopped here for a bit, but it is still muddy! Then after being forced out, back in to their beds and needing covered up with their blankets!! (not quilts, they chew things up when bored or upset with their humans!)

  7. No litter boxes for the dogs, Ivy ponders. I love the multiple projects that are in waiting on your design wall. Happy Fri-Yay. Almost the Weekend.

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM EDT

    One of my favorite quotes: "Enough is as good as a feast."

  9. My Heavy-when-wet Norwegian Elkhounds never cared about the rain. They regularly got a walk every evening and nothing would stop them. So, out I'd go with a large umbrella, as well as 2 dogs on leashes. Towels at the door when we got home! It's ME who would refuse to go out, say , when the temp was below freezing!

  10. My Lucy will not go out when it rains either. She will not do her business ( on dry days) in the yard. So when we I have a rainy day, I have to put on her rain gear so we can walk. Some dogs are just like that.

  11. Anonymous3:46 PM EDT

    My dog doesn't like the rain either. However, she is small enough that I put on my raincoat, pick her up and carry her out in the rain. We stay out until her business is finished.

  12. It doesn't really rain here enough for us to enjoy it, as in staying inside and quilting through it. The dog is a big baby when it comes to thunder, and he Will NOT go out when it rains as well! Oliver is like Lola... he just laughs at him, and jumps in his box to do his thing! Ha!! Thank you for sharing your personal sewing space, it looks really cozy and like one I would not want to leave! And sometimes it does the soul good to clean it up once in a while! HA! Happy Friday! I'm hoping this weekend to get a baby quilt cut out and sewed up! ( at the very least put on the wall to sew together next week in the evenings!)

  13. Oh Bonnie, I feel your pain! A had a blue heeler who would not go out in rain, no way, no how. Was always a challenge during a hurricane...... I had to "gear up" in rain gear and aim for a lull in the bands and go out with her. We were probably quite amusing...... good luck with the pups. They certainly have personalities and minds of their own! :-)

  14. I used to have a dog that hated storms & rain, & wouldn't go out. One time, I think she held everything in for at least 48 hrs!!

  15. Anonymous1:13 AM EDT

    I once walked my dogs in a hurricane. They always seemed to think "well, if she is going, we better go too." (That thought also seemed to include the bathroom. lol)


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