
Monday, July 17, 2023

Jacob's Chain PDF Pattern Gift-Away!

Happy Monday, Quiltvillians!

By this photo I am guessing you know what day it is, and I know several of my readers have been waiting for this one - It's Jacob's Cbain PDF Pattern release day!

And yes, that means there is also a gift-away - keep reading and we'll get to that part when we get to that part!

For me, "Patriotic Season" begins with Memorial Day and goes all the way through Labor Day so even though we are mid-July, there is still plenty of red-white-blue to go around.

I have always loved this color combo and I'm happy to keep working with it, no matter the season.

This whirlwind all started with a "cutter" piece of a quilt dating to around 1930 - so named because the good part was cut as shown and sold as is to crafters and quilters alike to do what they wished with it.

My thought was that I would simply rebind it and use it as a table topper somewhere.

That never happened - the piece was folded and put away and forgotten about until we sold the Wallburg NC house a bit more than a year ago. The cutter piece came to reside in the QPO studio where since January it has been used to cover the tablet on my Intelliquilter as a dust cover.

What can I say?  At least it was out in the open!

While I was between more intense projects (You know I take my piecing to the extreme on occassion!) I decided that there was no better time to dig into an easier project than NOW.

Seen next to the cutter piece are my first 8 blocks.  Smaller than the original, and way more scrappy - and I fell in love.

Before I knew it I was pulling strips and making scads of four-patches - Fun fun fun !

Some oldies went in here - even the neutral Millennium Y2K fabric got pulled in to play.

I pulled my love of blue recycled shirts in as well - though you could use any blue (or any color combination you choose!) 

Triangles were already match right sides together and cut - ready to sew - thanks to the use of my Essential Triangle Tool

Do you have on yet? You won't regret it!  It can't be beat for time saving, accuracy, and cutting down on fabric waste.

I love that one dog ear is already trimmed off when cutting with the Essential Triangle Tool.  It makes feeding triangles through the machine so much easier.

If you are a consummate "Go big to sliver trim down" kind of quilter you can still do that - without fabric waste ($$$) by simply stitching with a slightly scant seam, leaving plenty of room to trim and square up as needed.

Oh those light shirts!  Don't forget about these!

While I used random neutrals for my four-patches and the light side of the half-square triangles, I dug deep into the shirt stash to pull in some more recycled fun for sashings.

I finished the top and took part in an "over the porch rail" photo op with a retreating group - they are responsible for this pic! (Did you spy the one quilt-holding-helper behind the post?)

Of course I went scrappy with the back too.

This is one of those quilts with a classic traditional feel, and I just felt that I could put some older yardage to good use and make the back more interesting than if I used just one fabric.

I quilted with a sand colored thread to blend through everything without the thread being "too light" against the darks or shouting out "too dark!" against the lights.

The edge-to-edge design is called Windy Swirls by Kalynda Gran.

I was originally thinking "scrappy reds" for binding, but found this old-fashioned print resembling men's ties in the stash - probably purchased in 1990-something.  It's perfect as binding.

Even Ivy thinks so!

Sew Classic!

Gather up your favorite red, white & blue scraps (mine include recycled shirts!) and stitch up an easy, breezy quilt with traditional charm. Full color graphics & photos and optional methods to sew how you want to sew!

Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool for cutting half-square triangles quickly and accurately from strips with no waste.

Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.

Quilt Size: 83’’ x 83’’

*Introductory Special!* Price marked is 25% off of regular price in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

No coupon code needed! Sale good through 7/31/23. Buy now and save!

And about that Gift-Away!

I'll be drawing for 2 winners on 7/31/23 who will each receive a Jacob's Cbain PDF pattern from me and either a red or blue fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts.

Enhance your stash!

I love the fabrics that Cotton to Quilts has pulled for these rolls - and even better.  If you purchase all 3, your shipping is free within the USA. Yippy!

Their neutral rolls are always my go-to.  Such fun prints!

Are you ready to enter?

To be entered to win, click the blue "add your link" button below! .

You do NOT need a blog or a URL to enter.  Just add your name and email address.  Leave all other fields blank. 

Your email address will NOT be visible to anyone but me, but you MUST include an email address to be entered.

Do NOT leave your entry in the comments section.

Winners must have fabric prize shipped to a USA Address.

Ready, Set, Enter!!

5451 entries so far!!

(Linkup closed)

If you are drawn and live outside of the USA we can send the fabric prize to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to you.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
⁣I thought this saying was perfect after all of the cutting and kitting up I did over the weekend.

If you saw my cutting table, you'd understand!  LOL!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!



  1. Stunning quilt love the red white and blue.
    Thank you for the gift away.
    I'm working on the last border of Pine Tree Point. Strings.
    Rained all day yesterday..
    Another hot day here.
    Love my Juki!
    Take it easy and Blessings 🙏💞

  2. Another winner which means another quilt on my "to do" list! I may have to enhance my stash a bit before starting this one!

  3. YAY!!! I Love it!! and yes, I did have to go back and look for the helper after you mentioned it!! HA! It's perfect for donation quilts, and the no border is absolutely the home run!! I hope everyone has a great week and stays as cool as possible!! Happy Monday!

  4. Cindy Ashby9:46 AM EDT

    I have sooooooooo much blue in my stash - begging to be used in this pattern!

  5. I love the warm and cozy feel of this quilt. Thank you fir your continued generosity in offering a give away.

  6. That is really gorgeous!!

  7. This quilt is another winner! I really love it!

  8. Moiraten10:05 AM EDT

    Ooh! that *is* nice -- I, too, am a fan of the 'no big border look'. I have a *lot* of red and white but very little blue. I'm thinking it may look good as a red and white quilt. I've had a itch to make one of those ever since I saw the Red & White Quilts exhibit at the International Quilt Museum last year.

  9. Oh dear, I don't need to start another but I love the simplicity of this one.

  10. love the quilt and love your quote of the day

  11. I have been waiting on this pattern! And just ordered it. I would love if you would added a blank "coloring sheet" to your patterns. Not sure if that would be easy or hard...

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM EDT

    This would make a great Quilt of Valor!

  13. Anonymous10:52 AM EDT


  14. Theresa_dauria@yahoo.com10:53 AM EDT

    Absolutely beautiful quilt

  15. Another great pattern for the shirts I've been collecting!

  16. Love the quote today.

  17. You could extend the “patriotic season” to include Constitution and Citizenship Day on September 17.

  18. Anonymous3:12 PM EDT

    LOVE it :>

  19. Anonymous3:53 PM EDT

    Love the classic look of this quilt and your use of shirting. I‘ve been wanting to make your Jacob’s Ladder Quilt, but I think I like this one better.

  20. It will be a bittersweet day when you finally run out of that Y2K neutral. ;)

    Love the quilt - instant classic. I especially like how the red chains continue smoothly through the cornerstones.

  21. What a classic design! Red, white and blue are so perfect for summer in the U.S., but I can see fall, spring, and winter palettes used as well.

  22. Those soft blues from the recycled shirts are just perfect in this quilt! Another winner Bonnie :0) Happy Sewing!

  23. Oh, I love this design! Thanks for the gift-away opportunity, Bonnie.

  24. I love red, white, and blue quilts! I can't wait to order the pattern!

  25. That is beautiful! I am working on my first quilt by patter. This would definitely be a step (or stIrcase) up.


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