
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Traveling Star

Yesterday was an assembly day -

A day much planned on and waited for – Nearly 2 years ago I was just finishing up our Rishi quilt that became our Traveling project when my Craftours group went to China.

2 years next month I had my feet on that Great Wall.

I’m glad I went then.  And who knew then what we would be facing today – and more as we look toward our future.

Rishi is the Chinese word for Star. I fell so in love with the making of the hexagon stars that long after Rishi was done, I kept making more stars, not knowing how I would set them together.

Until June came and my friend Jessica dug into my string box leaving me beautiful blocks to play with – and that’s when it hit, the idea on how to set the blocks with the hexie stars appliqued on top of the strings.

Laying out blocks for placement on the floor at the QPO.

Blocks sewn in rows, waiting for row assembly.

Lola and Jason.

Several of you asked if Lola remembers Jason. I would have to say YES!  Maybe not totally at first – but it was very evident that she was comfortable around him, more than she is with other strangers.  

I would have to say YES.  She is chatty around him, rolls over at his feet as in “scratch my belly” and gladly accepts treats.

We are a cat loving family.  Of course we all love Zoey to the moon and back, but cats are special in their own way.

Top together – waiting for borders.

I don’t know if the name “Traveling Star” will stick.  The quilt will let me know as I continue to work on it.

Yes, there will be a pattern for this one at some point in the near future.

Why Traveling Star? Because all of the stars were made while on the road.  

James Taylor is one of my favorite musicians, and his song “My Traveling Star” is what I hear in the back of my mind when I look at this quilt.  But we shall see.

In other home news – Ivy is roaming the house “a bit” but she still prefers her somewhat familiar surroundings in the basement.  She’ll come up, sniff around, and then back down to security she goes.

She and Zoey are just too funny to watch together – and I am so glad they have become besties.

Thank you so much for the condolences regarding Emmy Lou.  She was a sweet girl, and present here on the blog since I first started blogging in 2005.  She was already 5 years old at that point!

Yes, she lived a good long life  as part of our family – and we are grateful for her long life.

I feel a rather sleepy day ahead coming on as I have been awake since 3-something.  Do I dare hope for a nap?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

6 months into this pandemic thing and it hasn't passed yet!

Anything fun happening with your Wednesday?

Have a good one!


  1. How beautiful that quilt is, can’t wait t see what you will do for borders!
    Mary in New Mexico

  2. The quilt is beautiful! Today is a "baby the joints" day. So I plan to finish a couple of blouses I started for my daughter about a year ago. She says she still needs and wants them. It will be good to get that off my list. Then to triangle piecing for a sew-a-long that I am wayyyyy behind on.

  3. Traveling Star is SEW fantastic, Bonnie!! Looking forward to the final name and the finished quilt. It's sweet to see Lola and "her boy" spending some quality time together. I'm sure you enjoyed some quality time with him, too! :o))

  4. Lola looks perfectly content, and you can see the love Jason has for that kitty! So sweet! Both of my children have cats, hubby and I have two dogs, that are still settling in together. Our little Maggie has been here 7 years, and Mr. Bruno came in April. He does respect the fact that Maggie is Queen of the House, and he will not cross her! She is still sort of grouchy at times. Usually when there is a change in the weather or she is out of sorts for some reason!
    Thank you so much, Bonnie, for sharing your pets, children, and life with us. It is truly a treat to look at your blog every morning. Your little corner of the world looks to be a perfect setting in this turbulent world.
    All the best for a Wonderful Wednesday!
    The best way to double your blessings is to share them.

  5. Wow! Love "Traveling Star"! I have been participating in the post a quote for 10 days challenge and realized my most awesome quilts are Bonnie Hunter patterns. Thank you so much for all you do!

  6. The quote for today made me giggle. It is so fitting for this time. These are difficult time which can make us grateful for the little things in life. I am meeting a few women at a park today for the first time and we are taking our bag chairs and will safe distance and mask it necessary. I am SO looking forward to this!

  7. Wednesday.... finish binding a quilt that was Bonnie inspired and went together so fast, single bed size for charity from blocks made along the way., just waiting for inspiration like stars! Then a backing for another Bonnie inspired ‘stepping stones and bricks’ I had never made, fun and fast also! Thank you Bonnie for the inspiration and preparation with scrapsavers system.

  8. The photo of Jason and Lola is a keeper!! the look they both have...as a mom of 2 grown boys myself, I just love it!!

  9. Love your blog Bonnie. And my coffee. Each morning the two of us meet. So sad to hear of Emmy Lou's passing. What a wonderful life you all gave her and we enjoyed knowing her thru you. Thank you. Hopefully you'll see Jason again soon, I can tell it's been pure pleasure for all of you being together. Traveling Star is a wonderful name. Hope you keep it. And the quilt is gorgeous.
    Today I'll be learning more on my new longarm. So happy to have her.

    1. I am learning a new quilting machine. I had the HQ Simply Sixteen, but moving to the HQ Fusion 24.

  10. I am finishing the last few blocks and will be laying out my moth in the window quilt...pictures later!!

  11. Love the quilt. So happy Jason was able to come for a visit. My son's job took him away almost 20 years ago. Most years he gets to come home twice a year, but that didn't happen this spring, he has reservations for October, we are keeping our fingers crossed.

  12. No sewing for me today, I have honey to extract, peaches to can, and salsa and cowboy candy to can. Fortunately I'll have my amazing 8 year old grandson to help.

  13. Really love the quilt.
    Love, love Lola and Jason 🥰

  14. I love the Traveling Star and plan to make one when the pattern is released. I have been wanting to try hexi stars, that quilt is beautiful so far, can't wait to see the borders.

  15. Packing for a "small" retreat in Texas at Mt. Calm - The Compass Centre. It is a 6 hour drive and I am going by myself for the first time this year. Usually I go with a Mom and daughter but they are unable to go this year. I will be practicing safety measures. Stopping only when absolutely necessary for a break and sanitizing well. Mask on!!! There will be no Quilt Shop stops - straight there and straight back home. I need the break. Love the pic of Jason and Lola. You also have another winning quilt on your hands. It is totally awesome.

  16. Thank you for the sweet picture of Lola and Jason!

  17. My family are cat people, too. Love that Lola remembers her daddy. COVID, just found out a dear friend is in the hospital, and I’m sad.

  18. Anything fun??? Dancing in the rain in Texas! We finally got rain last night...at least 8” from 11pm to 9am this morning. It’s still raining off and on, and we did have a few hours without power. But, I’m not complaining. Our yard looked like the Sahara. It did get rather boring during the power outage. It’s so dark in our house because of the porch and a huge oak that shades the back of the house, it’s too dark to hand sew or read a book. Was wishing I had a working treadle..☹️ Here’s to more rain in the next couple of days. Everyone have a wonderful day!

  19. My Wednesday’s consist of playing skins with my golfing lady friends. I am moving soon and I want to play as much golf with these ladies as possible. They have inspired me to be a better golfer. I think they will be happy when I move, I keep taking their money, lol.
    Really though, I am looking forward to moving and getting my sewing room set up in the new house.

  20. What a beautiful picture of Jason and Lola! Not only a beautiful picture, but a person can just see the love between them! Thank you so much for sharing this. Traveling Star is gorgeous! I can't wait to see the border on it. Stars are my favorite quilt pattern anyway, and all those wonderful, bright colors! Wow!

  21. There's a song in Paint Your Wagon called "Wanderin' Star.You might want to check it out online and see if it fits your China trip. Traveling is also good, of course.
    Marie G Portland, OR

  22. No sewing here either.
    It was a rainy day, so I couldn't work outside. I was getting ready to go out w/ the electric chain saw to remove the tree that fell in the big windstorm Sunday night, when the flood gates opened with rain again. When we were doing our afternoon/evening walk, my neighbor stopped at her place, got her husband to come over with his chainsaw (He had his own tree removal business until last year) and he cut the tree off the fence, cut it up, pulled it away,and also cut another dead tree out that was further up the line. These trees were right on the adjoining property line of raw land. The owner lives thousand miles away w/ no way to contact him. So, I feel blessed to have such good neighbors. It was an easy fix, and now I can fix the fence a little by putting extra clips on it for stability, and it is as good as new.

    I Have pears to can, peach cobbler to make, and more planting of plants in new berry area.

    Kasilof, AK


  23. I think cats always remember their "pets" - my son shifted from pillar to post and often had to leave his cat with friends until he found a place that was pet friendly. He finally settled and his cat was so happy to have him back. The only one who was able to cuddle him like a baby! Sadly crossed over last year at only 8 years old.
    How gorgeous those stars are!

  24. Love Traveling Star. Also love the quote at the end of your post. Enjoy the rest of the time with your son.

  25. I always wanted to attend a retreat similar to the Elm Creek Quilt camp. Now that I have one so close to me (Charlottesville), I'm too old (82) too infirm. I wish you tons of success. I love this quilt. Funny thing is I picked up some old blocks during a swap meet; they are the same hexie stars. Which peaked my interest. So sorry about your cat. I had to give mine up to go into an assisted living facility, but I feel I was lucky enough to find her a good home. Thank you for all you do to promote quilting as the wonderful hobby it is.

  26. Travelling star is a lovely name for this quilt , I’m in awe of how you find your inspiration.
    The picture of Jason and Lola is so sweet well worth framing .
    Have a wonderful day
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xx

  27. Bonnie, the offset star blocks work so well with the uber-busy, string background which creates an interesting, secondary design.

  28. The traveling star, do you keep a record of where a star was made?

  29. This quilt is stunning! I LOVE it. And I love you, Bonnie K Hunter! For who you are, for all you do, for all your sharing and teaching! You teach, encourage, and inspire me! May God bless you and your family.

  30. Anonymous8:58 AM EDT

    After you applique the Traveling Stars to the background squares, do you trim away the extra layer of the background, so that the finished block is all one layer of fabric, or do you leave it as is for a double layer of fabric in the center?

  31. during this "Pandemic" I have managed to put together some rather simple but sweet quilts for 5 grandsons for Christmas. It's a blended family - I already have a complete and one top for the 2 girls involved... Today I plan to get the one boy quilt quilted, as far as I can go today- on my domestic machine. Simple quilt = simple quilting, some sort of grid type. The boys will love them. Then binding tomorrow?

  32. Love your quote today! I've had a rough couple of days and we've all had a rough half a year, so the reminder it will pass, even if like a kidney stone, is welcome here. Thank you for all you do for this quilty community and for sharing your furbabies with us.

  33. I think James Taylor would love your traveling stars quilt. You should send it to him.
    Marcia E

  34. I am seeing this late Thursday night but I have to say that I love the quilt. I don't know if I would have the patience to do this but that is what happens when we have time on our hands. Tomorrow I get to play on my embroidery machine making a Kimberbell quilt and it has been fun. I have also learned to use my machine and that has been fun.


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