
Monday, September 28, 2020

Pumpkins & Sunday Driving!

Yesterday was a day of hard goodbyes and half-way drives.

Son Jason left early afternoon – destination Kentucky and the Daniel Boone State Park. 

His desire to see as much of America and record it through the lenses of his cameras is his goal.  In his own words and feelings, there is no time like the present, and he isn’t in that great of a hurry to get back to Portland, Oregon.  He does, however, want to make the best use of the weather before things get too cold and rainy – and dare we even say SNOWY – before he reaches his destination.

I am hoping he will share his photos with me so I can share them with you.
There was also a drive half-way between here and Elkin, NC to transfer the mower on the trailer from son Jeff back to us. Jeff had been using it to take care of his own property and the Wallburg yard, both at about 1.5 acres each, and we need it to do the same here.

It’s not a long drive, and the day was great for it -

And when I spied the workers gathering pumpkins in the fields, I made the Hubster pull over so I could try to get a shot!

I know it is hard to tell from so far away, but this field goes up to the top of the hill (And likely beyond it) and there are pumpkins as far as the eye can see!

I was on the far side of the road at this point, but on the way back fate put us behind a slow moving vehicle and I quickly shot a little video of our drive-by.  Click to Play:

Oh, and check this out – Zoey loaded herself up into the back of Jason’s car – she knows a good comfy quilt lie down place when she sees one!

Sorry, big girl – you can’t go with Jason.  But you can go with us to see Jeff instead!

This denim quilt was made for Jason when he was 17. He is now nearing 37.  And it has withstood the test of time being made out of his own collected jeans over several years.  It has worn like iron.  It could use a new binding, but I didn’t find out it needed one until far too late!  

Both of my sons received denim quilts when they were teens, and Jeff's is featured in my first book, Scraps & Shirttails

Jeff even stated yesterday that Casden likes Jeff’s denim quilt so much – that I think I need to make a Casden sized denim quilt for the little guy.  You know how those quilt seeds are planted, right?

One word about something someone would like and I’m on it! I think there is still a big bin of denim pieces at the Wallburg house for the next trip down there…hmmmm….

Forgotten things found!

When I cleared stash shelves, I also unearthed and moved many UFO pieces.  This Yellow Brick Road top was made from leftover blocks that had been given to me to “do something with.” And I only ever got this far -

I squared them up to a common size, I added borders – and there it has sat – for years, forgotten!

To celebrate a QPO studio that is “almost” back to normal, I am pulling backing fabrics out of the culled pile and plan on quilting this up today.

At least that is the plan…let’s see how it goes!

Anything interesting happening for your Monday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Of all the things we've trained ourselves to do during this pandemic, not touching my face is the hardest!

Hoping this starts your week off with a nod and a giggle. 

Don't touch your face- there are still too many quilts to make!


  1. Will you remove the old binding on the denim quilt or just make one a little wider?

  2. That denim quilt evokes funny memories. Before I 'knew what I was doing' quilt-wise, I made a jeans quilt for my then 3 yo son and backed it with a red flannel sheet. It was SO HEAVY that if I covered him with it at night, the next morning he was still exactly how I left him the night before..I don't think he moved an inch!! HA I have no clue what happened to that thing.

    1. Equivalent to the weighted blankets of today! Lol

  3. So rewarding to see our adult children forge their own paths. We miss our babies and love it when we see bits of them in these adults.

  4. My hardest is not hugging a friend or family member.

  5. Thanks for sharing pumpkin harvest time. I had never seen it even in all my years of living in NC.

  6. We have pumpkin patches and farms here in Arkansas but I have never seen one that big and extensive. It was beautiful and thank you for sharing. We are having some lovely fall temperatures, albeit with rain coming and going. Today I am going to do some borders, bindings and start a table topper or runner for the Thanksgiving table.

  7. I am the same way--mentuon the need for a quilt, and I am on it! LOL Terry Atkinson would he thrilled that you are inishing Yellow Brick Road. I have the day off and determined to border Frolic. Have a great day!

  8. Jeans quilts, saying good by, a hint of another jeans quilt oh my! And the worst part of this pandemic for me is.... yepper... stop touching your face! Thank you for sharing.

  9. As I was dropping off my middle son after a very short visit home, he said I need to watch a Backstreet Boys video where they are all dressed in white. It is called, "The Perfect Fan." He said, "That one is for you." I think it also applies to you, Bonnie. If you do watch it, just have a few tissues handy !

  10. That is a pretty denim quilt. We have a heavy denim quilt too and I just love it. The quote did give me a good chuckle. So true.

  11. Now if Casden has any outgrown Oshkosh overalls left from his toddler years they would be a great addition to his denim quilt.

  12. Loved the quote and made me giggle. Those pumpkin patches are super big and they're busy packing them up for all those Halloween lovers!

  13. Love this! I have realized I touch my face a lot!

  14. OMG I totally love punkin season!
    Thanks for the punkin video 😁 beautiful countryside!

  15. I think I need to make each of my puppies a quilt. Right now they use older fluffy throws and towels for kennel liners and to sleep at the foot of my bed. Younger one is not house broken yet so gets held or kept in the kitchen or in her kennel in the house. She is learning and barks to go out and does not have accidents in kennel but does in the kitchen. So she is not loose like her two year older brother. He does not have accidents.

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM EDT

    If he has time, have him stop by the London Post of the Daniel Boone National Forest. Levi Jackson State Park has an old grist mill there he might like to see.

  17. I am so happy that you have been able to be home to enjoy all the different things happening in your “neck of the woods”, as well as getting yourself settled in your new digs. 😉. I know this wasn’t your original plan, but I love that you have taken advantage of the time to proceed w/necessary adjustments. I would have half your drive and energy!! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Lol, I just touched the lower ridge of my nostril, then saw what you wrote. For sure, I’ll be mad if I die from touching my face...😂 Then again, maybe I won’t know. Even better...😂

  19. I will be joining a new sewing group tomorrow, excited about that. Been looking for small projects that the group may be interested in making. Also I believe we are going to make a quilt and donate to the church that is allowing us to use the space for free. That should be fun. I am not sure how many experienced quilters are in this bunch but guess I will fine out tomorrow.

  20. I made a denim quilt with flannel backing for my son too when he was growing up. I wonder where that is. The lady that mentioned gave me an idea that maybe I ought to try it since I've been having trouble sleeping. Also, I think Zoey needs a denim quilt too. LOL

  21. Daniel Boone State Park used to be a place I would stop to give the kids (very young) a break, and me a break too, on our trip to see "Nana and Poppy" (East TN to Ohio). It has good memories.

  22. My 58 year old brother still sleeps under a denim quilt my mother made him when he was 16. They last forever!

  23. Does Zoey really smile all the time? She sure looks happy in the back of the car.

  24. The fabric you used for the binding on the denim quilt....I used some of that fabric for a quilt just this summer. I just got the binding on it last week. That's so funny to see the same fabric when it is soooo old! LOL!


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