The New River has conquered Round House Road.
Whenever I see wide expenses of water this tune comes to mind - first written in the 1600s and still popular with various renditions today. My favorite being that of James Taylor. Listen HERE.
I can't cross over
And neither have I wings to fly
Build me a boat
That can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
There is a ship
And she sails the sea
She's loaded deep
As deep can be
But not so deep
As the love I'm in
I know not how I sink or swim
Oh love is handsome
And love is fine
The sweetest flower
When first it's new
But love grows old
And waxes cold
And fades away like Summer dew
Build me a boat
That can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
And both shall row, my love and I
Our explorations to ascertain the extent of the flooding in Grayson County, Virginia stayed mostly along Big Wilson Creek, and right here where the “Mouth of Wilson (creek)” empties into the New River -
We also drove along the New River to Independence and further on to Fries checking out how the dams were managing the extensive rainfall we have experienced this week.
As stated before, it has been days upon days of heavy rain.
And I do want to mention that this post isn’t meant to cast light away from the devastating dam breakages and flooding that Michigan has experienced – but I am sharing what is also happening in my own corner of the world.
Besides – it was a “gotta get out of the routine and see something different” kind of feeling – the need to break away from the 7 mile leash my life is basically limited to (other than trips to the grocer or the dentist, or new tires for the van, etc.)
The water is CLOSE to the Round House -
But we were supposed to reach our peak last night around 11pm so water should start receding. I have taken several short video clips so this post will be heavy with them. I hope it gives you an idea of just the humongous amount of rain we have had – the ground can’t hold it.
Click to Play:
The Round House photos were my last of the day, happening about 7pm last evening on our return trip from Fries – so let me turn this around a bit and start on my morning drive to the QPO.
Grassy Creek Road.
This is a couple of miles from the drive way up to the cabin. That river you see rolling through is usually just a trickle – here it is raging. But that was only a small indication of what I would find on my way to work.
Click to Play:
Bridge crossing Wilson Creek on Hwy 16 -
Click to Play:
By this point I was a bit anxious to see how things were faring as Wilson Creek ran past the back porch of the Inn – so that was my next stop.
That is pretty roaring!
It’s as high as I have ever seen it!
Click to Play:
The inn is very much on “high ground” and it would take a global flood situation for the water to reach the house. No worries there.
My beautiful Rhodies have been beat to heck by the weather!
But still pretty!
It was after work when we decided we wanted to go check out the dam a bit up the road, and then head over to Independence and on to Fries. (Freeze – not FRYS!)
Driving past the longhorn ranch -
There were some baby ones out there – so cute!
And you thought they only grew these in Texas? HA!
The dam at Fries.
Holy smokes.
Zoey is intrigued, too!
Click to Play:
The dam on Hwy 58 between Mouth of Wilson and Independence.
It was just incredible. In a very scary way.
Mother nature is a force to be reckoned with.
This morning things are foggy, but the sun is trying to break through and our temps are destined to get out of the 40s and 50s and reach into the 60s today.
Could it be possible that we MIGHT have nice weather for Memorial Day weekend? Too muddy likely for hikes – at least over the next few days. But perhaps spring isn’t a complete “wash out”?? (that was a pun on words…get it?)
All of that driving wears a girl out!
And somehow while walking up Round House road – where the creek and the river run together and covered it with water – Zoey and done some exploring along side on her leash and by the time we got her in the truck it was evident that she had walked through something very fishy. The girl reeked! And we had no idea why as she hadn’t rolled in anything and she was leashed and with us the whole time.
All I can think of is the fish that overflowed the banks as the water rose – whatever – this girl got a BATH when we got home. She was not impressed. But she handled it well.
So here we are at Friday – and it’s time to kick this day into gear. I’ll be checking on the water levels as I drive back to the QPO this morning.
Long weekend ahead! Not that we have anything special to do, or anywhere to go really – but some nice weather and eating on the porch and enjoying the yard without all of this rain would be much welcome.
There is a Scooby Doo quilt I want to start! (Thank you to all who have been sending charm squares! I have several to start with!)
I need approximately 150 5’’ squares of Scooby Doo and little boy novelty fabrics to make this a go.
If you have a couple of scraps in your stash that you’d like to send, my address is
Bonnie Hunter
12615 Wilson Hwy
Mouth of Wilson VA 24363
Thank you so much! I know that Casden is going to be super excited over this quilt!
So – the big mishap I had with Google Photos and the deleted May folder has caused ALL of the posts for the entire month to be photoless for the most part. And I will be unable to go back and add photos again. I can’t rewrite a month’s worth of posts. And I am a bit devastated. But we will go on from here.
However, I did fix the photos on our SewPad Gift-Away! Our drawing happens on Sunday – so be sure to get your entry in ON THAT POST! It’s an $89.95 value.

And remember – ALL DIGITAL PATTERNS are 25% off using coupon code DIGITAL25 at purchase. Code MUST be used to receive discount. No refunds if you happen to forget. This sale is good through the month of May.
If you've been waiting for this book - now is the time. Put your stash to good use while you retreat away at home.
Virginia is on “Shelter at Home” until June 10th, so hurry! Time is running out.
You'll find it in the Quiltville Store along with other goodies you may want to add to your cart - check the NEW category to see what else we've added.
And I think that catches me up!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
What will you do to stretch your mind today?
We don't need to go completely out of the box, we just need a bigger box for our creativity to play in!
Have a lovely Friday – and a wonderfully long Memorial Day Weekend!
I'm so sorry that all the May photos disappeared. That is disappointing for sure.
ReplyDeleteWish I had some Scooby Doo to send you... it's not something I have ever seen so I look forward to seeing your quilt!
I hope you have a relaxing weekend and enjoy some binding time outside!
Is that Round House really an Octogon? Hope is stays dry!
ReplyDeleteWould you like my left over Thomas the Tank Engine fabric - about 1/2 yard? Bright red, green, yellow and blue trains on a lighter blue background.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to send it - yes!! :)
DeleteOn its way!
DeleteYour song reminds me of Van Morrison and the Chieftains Carrickfergus. You can listen here and enjoy some beautiful photos. Someday I'll make it there...
ReplyDeleteI've had my own little flooding situation in the basement - it rained for a couple days.
It's always nice when you get past the crest - it's all downhill from there! Hang in there!
My family and I have dealt with the power of water and it's damage. Flooding is hard for people to realize if you never have seen it. It's a blessing when you get what you need but entirely different when you deal with floods. I'm glad to hear that you have reached flood stage and hopefully now things will go back to more manageable amounts. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
ReplyDeleteThe song is actually an old Scottish ballad, sung hauntingly beautifully by Jean Redpath. I don't know if it's on YouTube or not.
ReplyDeleteLots of water rushing through your corner of the world. At least it's not filled with big chunks of ice destroying everything in its path. That's what happened in my corner of the world a year ago in March. Frozen ground, ice breakup and tons of rain, causing much destruction including a dam washed out, bridges washed out, roads washed out, homes & businesses destroyed, farm land covered in feet of sand and several deaths. Stay safe, stay dry if you can and stay well.
ReplyDelete@ HospiceNP - I looked up Jean Redpath and while I couldn't find the exact song you were referring to without the name, I listened to Song of the Seals while my cat Hubert sat on my lap listening very attentively. Thanks for mentioning her! I'll have to listen to more. It would be great music to quilt by!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have nice weather for the long weekend. After days of rain, the sun is so appreciated. Today and tomorrow are supposed be beautiful here, but snow - yes, snow! - is predicted for Monday. Gotta love living in the Rockies.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous photo of Quiltville Inn with the rhodie blooming. They're such a beautiful bush, just wiah the blooms would last longer. All therain doesn't help either. Mne were beat by the rain then assaulted by high winds.
ReplyDeleteSo good to know the water is receeding for you. The song is one of my favorites. I have it on an album by Barbara Streisand.
Will be sending a bit of boy fabric your way. Have quite an assortment that spans a few years (perhaps decades). Look forward to seeing what you create for Casden.
Have a safe weekend and enjoy it to the fullest. Virtual hugs to you.
My parents are on Wixom Lake in Michigan, the first dam to fail. They had 4 feet of water in their half finished basement when the dam broke. It kept the water from reaching their second floor which was comforting, but I grew up in Midland, Michigan and we have many friends that will be flooded and affected for a long time. And now my parents won't have a lake to use for at least a few years. Glad to see your water shouldn't be getting too much higher.
ReplyDeleteI had some scooby doo fabric, it's too bad I used it for masks for my grandson's or I would have sent to you!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I think I can go back on the posts I've looked at in May. Maybe we could all see if we can get the information and pictures back to you that way. it's a thought.
ReplyDeleteWhat a marvel nature is. The water is beautiful and deadly at the same time. Love your blog.
Your post was interesting, distracting and awesome. The distraction came when I watched the video on Youtube - and surfaced and hour later. Then the water! We are having flooding too. Glad those dams are holding. Amazed at all the litter/logs that were going over the dam. I have a dam about 1 mile away from me. But I am on high ground too. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI wondered how the Round House was going to flood, sitting up on a knoll like it does. Guess it is possible.
ReplyDeleteThat river is certainly rushing now so much water, so pleased you are safe where you are and the inn and post office. It’s a scary time and you can definitely not argue with Mother Nature.
ReplyDeleteKeep safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx
I have about half a yd of Scooby fabric on it's way to you. He has a light green background and he's pretty big so you might have to fuzzy cut him, or use him on the back. Polly Blank
ReplyDeleteLove James Taylor. Wow, that is some water! Been stretching my mind trying to stretch some backing fabric by slicing it through the middle and adding a cross. Hope it works ok when I pin up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your photos, but have you tried going into your trash folder in Google Photos? Photos that are deleted are put in the trash and stay for 60 days before being permanently deleted. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to compare the weather we have had with yours. Our leaves are just coming out and the tulips are colourful. However, all the rain has missed us and we have started watering flowerbeds and seeds to encourage them to sprout. Peas have been in the ground for over 2 weeks yet not a leaf to be seen. The farmers have been able to get their seeding done and the temperatures have gone from freezing to the 70's in a week. We are sitting on an Island at the top of Georgian Bay in the Great Lakes. We can only work with what we get no matter what it is and be thankful we are here to do so. Getting lots of quilting done!
ReplyDeleteWould that be the Manitoulin? Beautiful place. My Grandfather grew up there.
DeleteI have seen Scooby fabric, perhaps Walmart?
ReplyDeleteI think all fabric is just gone these days. I hope you find some I will keep my eyes out a'lookin' for any.
Boy that is a sad situation when you lose stuff on the internets.
All we can do is say "oh well" and "stuff happens"
Happy Week-end Bonnie.
Zoey-Jo is so lucky to be with you two. She is one content pup.
Hi! Am sending you some small chunks of the handful of boy fabrics I'm currently using for face masks. Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteI have some Bob the builder and train fabric if you would like.
ReplyDeleteOh, Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the song. I love James Taylor and I'd never heard that before.
songs like that make me cry at the moment, but they're good tears
There is flooding all over. Unfortunately, idiot kayakers decide that the fast running water will be fun. Experienced boaters avoid the dangerous waters, but first responders have to risk their lives to try to save the idiots. As for Zoey, who knows what got dumped by the water that caused her to stink. I'm sure it won't be the last time. Just part of dog ownership, as you well know.
ReplyDeleteI've fallen behind and just caught up reading posts from April. I tried several browsers last night to try to make the photos show, now I know it's not me. That's started my morning really well - I have not broken the internet after all