
Friday, May 08, 2020

Block Arranging By Zoey!

“You should have a big design wall” they suggest.

But what do you do when there are no available walls and blocks are too heavy to stick there anyway?

While some have large houses with  10 foot ceilings and can “wall out” an entire quilt with ease – there are those of us who are grateful for partial walls, and available floor space.

I set in to sewing together the sampler block quilt top I shared in yesterday’s post. It was all going swimmingly well, and I was using units from our Unity Quilt Along part 7 as Leaders & Enders along the way, so it was all grand.

On-point quilts are one thing I can’t “web” continually as in straight set quilts, so I simply build each row, adding each row to the mother ship as I go until half the quilt is pieced.

Looking good so far!

And it is when I started to work from the opposite corner in that things got to be a bit of a jumble:

Uhoh!  What happened here?

Birds on the lawn! Birds on the lawn!

Oh boy, birds on the lawn!

We call this window Zoey TV because she LOVES being right here watching what is going on outside of the glass.

The bird feeder is right above, and these birds are pecking up the bird seed that has fallen.  There is also a chipmunk that comes to steal the seed occasionally and then all heck breaks loose with many squeals of puppy delight.  Oh boy.

Block surfing from stairs to window!


I hope to get this together today.  I’m thinking about borders – if it will really even need any.  I will measure when the quilt top is together and decide what it needs to fit a twin bed at Quiltville Inn.

My weekend will be spent getting ready for part 7 of our Unity Quilt Along to go live on Monday!  (I can’t believe it is Friday already, can you?)

Some stitching at the QPO happened as well – no new blocks made, but blocks sewn together in fours.

Find the oldest scraps in here!

Are any of these still lingering in YOUR stash?

What are you waiting for?

My least favorite job?

Pinning to match points that don’t nest.


I’m calling it “close enough is good enough” on these because the pursuit of perfection is crazy making. It’s a bulky point being matched and pinned with another bulky point.  Get over it!

I am 45  blocks into this thing -

with a long long way to go yet.

One thing I can say is – the further I stand away from it – the more I like it.  LOL!

I was thinking full size – but you know what?  I could use a king size on the upstairs guest bed at the cabin so why not?  There is no shortage of old scrap fabric that needs to be used somehow (or pitched?) and one can only use so many twin/full quilts.  Occasionally one needs to be made to fit a bed in the house so it can really be used.

I am not going to figure the number of blocks total yet – it would be too daunting.  Instead I am just going to sew a few here and there in between everything else and watch this grow. 

When I got home I discovered this.

The washer had eaten the sheets.


I have a sneaking suspicion just where it is that missing socks go.

Could we fix this?  Yes.

Did we have the tools to fix this?  No.

There is a bolt down the center of the agitator that allows removal of the whole shebang, but who has a ratchet extension THAT LONG?!

Well, we do now! LOL!

It was deemed  an “essential trip” to town – a 30 minute drive back to Lowes to obtain said ratchet extension pack.

Zoey and I rode shotgun just because – and stayed in the truck while transactions were made.  And since we were in town – a quick stop for shredded cheese and eggs at the grocery and we were back on our way home in no time.

The sheets have been released from the sheet eater, the next load washed with no problem and all is well in our world once again.

Friday is much a repeat of Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday – mail order out, piece some blocks, come home, piece some more on the sampler quilt top – all the way to dinner time.

And what’s for dinner?  BBQ ribs and baked sweet potatoes.  And a salad.  The ribs are already cooked, we just need to reheat them through on the grill to get that yummy sauce caramelized.  I’m thinking of doing the sweet potatoes in the air fryer.  I haven’t tried that yet.  Any suggestions?

How is your Friday shaping up so far?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is something I keep reminding myself as life continues to be turned upside down.

I am imagining myself one year from today looking back on this and counting all the blessings that happened along the way.

And into this day we go -


  1. FYI, Tomorrow, May 9th, is National Lost Sock Memorial Day!!!

  2. I have tried sweet potato fries in the AF and they are good but my favorite is just baked like a baked potato. A little olive oil and salt, crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside any way easier!

  3. Puppies give you love, they give you enjoyment and they give you patience. Stay warm I hear cold is heading your way. Oh I love your Snail Trail blocks, they are fabulous.

  4. For the last few on-point quilts, I've worked from opposite corners to the middle. In that way, I can build two identical rows (same number of blocks and orientation of setting triangles) at the same time. It helps me keep everything in place and turned the right way. At the end, I join the halves, and voila--instant quilt!

    Zoey is so adorable! :)

  5. Im not usually a big fan of the snail block but as I watch you putting these together, I’m rethinking that! Loving how it’s shaping up! You are quickly converting me to a scrappy quilter! Lol Have a great weekend!

  6. So far Friday has promised to be a great day! We are having BBQ ribs tonight too, I'm cooking them in the Instant Pot, then finish on the grill. One of the things I miss about Texas is the BBQ so we make it here often. I have always wondered where those missing socks go, I always thought the fell over the edge and got stuck between the tub and out side of washer. I have always loved the Snail Trail block and it's been a while since I've made one, I'll add it to my list of quilts I must do as I gave the one I made away.

  7. Love Sweet Potatoes in the air fryer. Slice them up like french fry sticks, toss with a little olive oil and go 375 for 25 minutes. Stop at 15 and "toss" them so they crisp evenly. Dip them in blue cheese dressing! (In Boise they are called Blue and Orange fries ;-)

    Love your super scrappy Snail Trail!!!!

  8. Love your snail blocks. That air fryer sounds like something I would like to get - when they start selling them again. A small victory this week: as I was piecing some other blocks, I managed to sew the scraps together for some later project. My mom came by and loved them. I learned that from You! Thanks

  9. What a fun post! Love that little Zoey and your Snails Trails is beautiful.

  10. Since most of my rooms have walls of bookshelves and windows and doors, I use my queen size bed as a design wall (and too much furniture for a design floor). As quilters do, I make it work. Love Zoey! And the two quilts.

  11. We just had this happen to us on Saturday!! We had the tool but couldn't get it loose and didn't want to wreck anything and have the warranty voided. But if you allow the agitator to barely start and then stop it then try to remove the sheet and repeat as many times as necessary you'll get the sheet out. Apparently this is an issue with thin sheets on these washers, probably not where your sock went. I will be apprehensive now every time I wash thin sheets. Have not had an issue on anything else. Read your blog everyday!

  12. Friday is going ok. Carefully pressing an old basket quilt top in preparation for quilting. Long chat with my daughter who needed a hug. Groceries delivered and put away. Dinner is planned, hubby is in his workshop and I will head to my sewing room after we enjoy BLT's for lunch.

  13. Zoey doesn't quite have this quilting thing figured out yet! Love the aqua setting squares and the yellow edge triangles!

  14. Love the snail trail blocks! Looking forward to the pattern.

  15. I have always understood that the lost socks were in a warehouse in Walla Walla, Washington along with all other things you put in a safe place where you can find it, and never see them again.

  16. Cook your sweet potatoes 3/4 cooked. slice lengthwise and scoop out flesh. Mash and mix with about half as much cooked rice, chopped fresh ginger and garlic to your taste, I like lots, stir all together with honey and put back in the air fryer to finish off. Being an Aussie we don't do BBQ like you guys. Do you have a favourite recipe that I could use on ribs, chops or anything else I am finding in the bottom of the freezer? Kelpies are just gorgeous. I am a German Shepherd person but Kelpies are the same, they will become an adult at about 7 to 8 years of age. Just love the puppy.

  17. Here in Guernsey May 9th is liberation day, the day we were freed from Germany occupation at the end of WW2, this year will not be the normal celebration because of lockdown. But still a time to remember all the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.
    Love you quilting helper ZoeyJo is such a busy girl. Your snail trail blocks are looking wonderful and it’s fun to see these wonderful and cheerful blocks grow.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  18. I did some smaller red potatoes in the air fryer tonight and they turned out wonderful! Thank you for sharing that! My cats used to do the same thing when I would have a floor layout. Annoying and funny at the same time! Love the quilts you are working on! Working on Part 6 with some mask making. I have been very productive with the stay home situation.

  19. I love reading your newsletter, I think Zoey is adorable, she gives you so much pleasure.
    Can I ask for help please, I would like to make labels on my printer, any help would be appreciated.

    1. There are several treated fabric sheets that will feed through your inject printer, see your local quilt shop. I use a combination of power point and clip art to make my labels.

  20. My washer has done this too but I got them out just by coaxing and pleading. You might see if your handy hubby would make you a design wall out of PVC pipe and batting or fleece that you could lean against a half wall and can be dismantled if not needed.can't be in the way of a puppy saving you from those killer birds and squirrels.

  21. I made a design wall with two sheets of 2" Styrofoam insulation. I had them cut to 6 foot height, laid them on the floor side-by-side and made a 'hinge' with lots of duck tape. To use it, I just stand it up against something and put a flannel backed tablecloth up. When not in use, I fold it up & wrestle it behind the couch. Good enough.

  22. I laughed when I saw your picture..... I’ve tried to do the floor but 2 cats and a dog make it impossible! It’s like a magnet for the cats to come play on the pieces! 😹😹 The quilt looks beautiful!

  23. I do not have a wall large enough for a full quilt so I put a sheet on a bed, place blocks, when happy with the layout, roll it up starting at the bottom and take it to my cutting table, unroll as I sew as I have time. Label one end of the rows, press seams, sew together in pairs, press new seams etc. No heavy bending and stretching to change the block placement.

  24. i do not have an air fryer so i've never made sweet potatoes in an air fryer. BUT...several months ago, the "pick a better snack" person from public health came to school to do her monthly classroom presentations and she cooked sweet potatoes in her air fryer. YUMMY!!!! it was like eating candy! or potato chips. after eating 1 sample cupful, you wanted 10 more!

  25. Good thing you took pictures before Zoey Jo block surfed!

  26. O.K. I'm in suspense - did or did you not find anymore laundry inside the agitator?
    Also, I love the Zoey stories. I can't find a 'pre-loved' dog here that doesn't have pit bull in it. Not my idea, my house insurance's. So I'm living vicariously thru your pics and and stories. Please keep them coming.

  27. For my "design wall," I have 2 sheets of 2" insulation which I stapled batting to. We had to cut the tops off the insulation, since my ceilings are a rather normal height (maybe 7'5" or so). I have them leaning against the wall in a narrow corridor on the way into the sewing room. I pull them out and put them side by side (blocking a bathroom door!) as needed to put stuff on and take pictures. I usually end up pinning pieces on to make sure they don't come down as I'm walking by, but that's a choice, not a necessity.
    I love how the snail quilt is coming together, and I love the choice of aqua to put the gifted blocks together.
    Stay safe and sew on!


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