
Monday, May 22, 2017

Scrap Crystals with the Quiltville Fans of Washington!

Oh, how quiet this room was as everyone trundled down the hill to the dining hall at Royal Ridges Retreat as the dinner bell rang!

Meals are promptly and expertly served at 8am, 12 noon and 5pm –I’m beginning to feel as well fed as the 50 horses stabled up here!

My belly has never been happier.  There have been gluten free and vegetarian options at every meal.

In fact, just the other morning I was running a bit behind because the blog was taking so long to upload on slow internet, that by the time I arrived, my gluten free pancakes were waiting for me in the warmer, and they were DELICIOUS!

(I like my pancakes with peanut butter and real maple syrup.  It’s been an obsession since childhood!)

Dinner last night was barbequed chicken, sweet potato casserole or mashed redskin potatoes (or both!) and a huge tossed salad with all of the fixin’s. There was home made cornbread on the side, both gluten free and regular, and dessert was amazing.

Go hungry on retreat?  Not a chance!

We needed all of this fuel for our Scrap Crystals Workshop!

Look at our design wall!

It was so great to see these beautiful blocks be placed on the design wall one by one as the evening passed by.

It may have been rainy and slushy and windy and yuck when I arrived – one lady had to drive through a scary snow storm coming over Snoqualmie pass to get here during our fist group –and here it is nearly the end of May!  But the sun has been out the past few days, and yesterday it left our sewing room quite warm.  Windows and doors were open to catch any hint of breeze.  But as things are in the wonderful pacific northwest – after dinner things cool down to blissful, and the cool coming through the windows was so wonderful we wanted to linger and sew and laugh and chat until we couldn’t keep our eyes open any longer.

You gotta love our Quilt-Wear!!

And mother and daughter teams who come and sew together!

It touches my heart to watch the interaction between these two.  They are having a great time and making some wonderful memories along the way.  I’m happy to be included amongst them!

Well done girls!

I hope to see many quilt finishes when I return for another double dose of reteat fun with the Quiltville Fans of Washington in 2019!  Dates are set, I’m already ready for a reunion.

Catch the rest in the slide show below!

It has been balm to my soul to be here in the midst of all of this beautiful nature in Washington state.  For the first sound I hear in the morning to be the whinnying of horses in the horse barn just above where my little cabin is.  For them also to be the last sound I hear at night as I snuggle under the Roll Roll Cotton Boll quilt that someone else’s hands lovingly made.  To greet these faces at breakfast with a joyous “GOOD MORNING!” and have it returned 10 fold.

This has been just WONDERFUL beyond words.

And I’ve been sewing my brains out too!

I want to thank everyone who left supportive comments on last evening’s post.  It meant a lot to me to know that #1 you had NO idea this was going on behind the scenes.  That meant that my silence did what I hoped it would do for so long.  #2 That you agree it is time to stand up and share my side of what has been an awful series of events over the past 1 1/2 years that I fear will continue on if I continue to remain silent.  #3 That sometimes it is VERY necessary to stop bullying in its tracks.  There are only so many times a person can be kicked repeatedly in a public forum such a professional facebook page before standing up for themselves becomes the right and ONLY thing to do.  Thank you.

This morning as I write this post I’ve got the door to my cabin wide open.  I’m listening to birds singing back and forth to each other, with the occasional frog croak coming from the nearby rivulet of running water.  The breezes are gentle, letting me know it’s going to be an awesome day.

This morning I give my last presentation to group #2, followed by THEIR Show & Share, which to me is the best icing on the cake.  The afternoon/evening are designated for as much free sewing time as we can squeeze in.  I hope that design wall be be chock full of blocks by the time bedtime once again creeps up on us.

Tomorrow -  HOME!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage four patch quilt found in Washington.

I don't think I need to add anything to this. Don't tell me what you believe, it already shows in our actions.

Make your actions speak for you today.

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Join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


  1. As your actions have spoken for you.

  2. Always loved peanut butter on pancakes..yummy..

  3. What an awesome slide show!!! So fun to see so many friends. I'm glad you have having a great time on our little corner of the world. Thanks you for a great time.
    Peanut butter and pancakes! The best!!!

  4. The Scrap Crystals blocks are sparkling on the WALL. Thanks for being YOU and sharing your quilts with me and my PNW friends. It is bliss to get away from it all and just QUILT/SEW the night away. Safe travels home tomorrow to your Mountain!

  5. It is always refreshing to read your blog and you are inspiring us all in many ways. I also want to commend you on being a humble woman. God Bless You!

  6. The Quote today says it all. I am so sorry that you have had to endure this. It is good that you spoke up now. I am a believer in the fact that now people have
    "the rest of the story".

  7. I'm so happy that you've had this time away from everything and had a great time at the quilt retreat! You will be blessed for being the bigger person. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all quilters!

  8. Love that Scrap Crystal block. It is a must do on my project list. Let go of the hard feelings as the warm breezes and the new friendships fill your heart. I hate bullies and our electronic world is filled with them. I look forward to your blog everyday.

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM EDT

    You are a good person, generous, creative, loyal and curious...and many other adjectives!!! I had absolutely no idea what you have been going through. I so admire your strength.

  10. I knew I wanted to try and join in this WA retreat in 2 years even BEFORE the food was described!!! Whoopee!

  11. Dear Bonnie, I feel for you, and the idae that you would use quotes to get to her, is the proof that she is a person that thinks she is the sun which planets move around! Fact: She's not!

    Lesson learned: Very few people think alike and some even work hard at seeing the bad, blowing up misunderstandings and spreading the word about the EVIL people around. You don't have to listen to them, not even out of respect, I cut all dead branches at once and never even give them a thought again ever after, and suggest you do the same with branches dying or already stone dead.
    A scar of a small cut grows bigger if you keep on scratching, better forget, put on a band aid and just let it go.

    I read her blog and she repeats that "the bullying" has nothing to do with the quilt. So, why bringing the book/pattern up so many times? I don't really see where the bullying entered the stage? Difference of opinion, exchanged ideas claimed to belong to just one part, but bullying? I think this is a enormous exaggeration!

    Finally, I feel sorry that this happens in the wondeful world of quilting...

    Best regards,
    Agneta in Sweden

  12. We were told growing up "Actions speak louder then words" , I always try to make mine speak kindly....Thank you Bonnie for all you do, you are amazing, kind and generous!!!

  13. Don't see as many familiar faces in this second group.

  14. Yes Bonnie Thanks for being you. You are an inspiration. Hope to see you there in 2 years. It was fun to see many of my WASIQ group. Thank you Robin Medley

  15. Sorry for what you have been through, it was so wonderful to meet you today, so many beautiful quilts you have inspired, have safe travels home!!

  16. Oh, My! The blocks on the design wall are all so beautiful! What wonderful colors!
    Very nice job, Ladies! Very inspiring quilt pattern, Bonnie. Awesome video display.

  17. Oh Bonnie, it sounds like you are in heaven here on earth, how I wish I would be able to attend one of your retreats. The next best thing is enjoying everything you show on your blog, thanks for always sharing!!!

  18. Great as always!!!!

  19. Bonnie, life is too short to be loaded down with other peoples bullying & bad attitude. Glad you are doing something about it after a long time of trying to let the other person calm down & stop their destructive & bad behavior. Thank you for your positive comments on all you are involved in and your followers in every part of the world. As always take are of yourself.
    Simone (Sima) in pretty autumnal Melbourne Australia.

  20. What a wonderfully happy post. Those blocks and your descriptions just make me feel like I am there.

    Well done on confronting the bully. Thank you for braking your silence.

  21. Loved the slide show. I couldn't agree more with the quote of the day in fact I've saved it to print out. Sounds like this retreat Bonnie in the woods with such wonderful like minded people and fantastic lovely horses was just what you needed. I'm envious of mum and daughters sewing together I found quilting after my mum died so never got to share with her, but often think of her when I do sew. Awesome blocks ladies just love seeing all the colour combinations.

  22. Anonymous8:35 AM EDT

    personally I think that since quilting has been around for such a long time that two creative people working independently of each other could easily come up with similar ideas for their quilts.
    Simply put, it's not rocket science; there are only so many variations that can be made from circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles.

    At some point in time as quilters we will all have ideas for blocks that we have never thought of before....and then we discover that, by golly, someone else had that same idea! That's the time to rejoice and realize that our good idea has been validated; it IS a good idea.

    And that's all that should count in the end, because when all is said and done, it IS just a quilt block.

  23. So glad you are RELAXING...and I bet everyone is excited about 2019. I know I would be. Seems like a retreat is the best teaching and learning opportunity. I learned to love peanut butter and maple syrup on pancakes or French toast young...and so my kids love it that way too! So glad we aren't the only ones!!

  24. Each day is a gift. Walk through this day lighter and enjoy. Love you for all you do and share. You bring brightness to both my life and my husbands. Thank you

  25. love the crystal blocks, I would really love to attend your next retreat in WA, but I always find out about them after the fact. Love all that you do, you are an inspiration.

  26. The thought for the day brought to my mind the signature line of a dear, now passed on, online quilt friend. She always signed her emails with "Quilty hugs, Bev, still, and always, a work in progress." I mess up, i accidentally hurt feelings (never on purpose!), but please, please let me be always trying to do better than the day before. Hugs!!

  27. I look at your blog almost every day, love your quilts, and have a few in progress. I had no idea all of this was going on in the background. You work so hard, glad there is some relaxing as well.

  28. I have been a fan of yours for many years and do not understand why someone (s) stoop so low to bully especially behind a web site where they feel safe. You give so much joy to so many every day in your blog. I wish someone would come up with an app that would be able to block any posting that had certain phrases in it so you would not need to feel the pain that others seem to enjoy giving out with hurtful words. You have more appreciative followers than bullies. Please remember that when these hurtful people invade your in box.

    Quilt Hugs to you!!

  29. I have been a fan of yours for years. You are the most open and honest person I know. Please please keep on with what you do best. Always know I have your back. In fact your Quilting fans all has your back. Something has gone very wrong on our Quilting community. We were the last I guess to be attacked by bullies.I guess we thought our honest Quilting was protected from this but I guess not.

  30. Bnnnie! Keep calm and Carry on with your Creativity & Quilting!! You are the best!! :)

    I've been trying to search your website for any other references to your Scrap Crystals pattern but could not find a "Search" tab and not sure what book it is in. You usually say which book it is in or if the pattern is for sale on your site but I could not find it - This is a lovely pattern and I would like to add it to my "to do" list - any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

  31. So glad you had such a great time! You are probably feeling much better to have shared what has been going on in the background. Chin up. Keep being yourself!


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