As the saying goes, It's Friday in Australia! (That is akin to saying that "It's 5:00 somewhere!" *LOL*)
I've uploaded Part 1 of Old Tobacco Road! I'll probably post Part 2 either tomorrow night,or Saturday morning.

I've got a cool thing I want to share with you. How many of you have files and files of inspirational quilt pics you've saved on your hard drive, but never take the time to flip through them? A few months ago,DH attended a business thing, and one of the door prizes was a Kodak Easy Share digital picture frame. I've taken a memory stick, and uploaded all the inspiration pics I've taken over the years, and plugged in the digital picture frame to the left of my sewing machine! Now as I'm sewing I get this little inspirational slide show.....constantly refreshing my memory as to why I loved this quilt, or that border, or those colors. I love it! It's like flipping through my favorite quilt books or magazines without having to turn the pages!
And...those pics are safe off the computer. It's been acting weird lately and I was afraid I was going to lose all this stuff anyway. I still may be due for a reformatting of the hard drive soon, so I'm in the process of backing up everything else I need as well. Maybe I just need more RAM? Whatever. It's not a happy computer and is running in slow-mo.
But no matter what...my "dream quilts" are safe on the memory stick, doing their dance near my machine while I sew!
I have my pics set up to form a slide show on my sidebar of my desktop -- lets me enjoy quilts throughout my work day :-)
ReplyDeleteThat is a great idea!
ReplyDeleteI actually have a second hard drive due to having saved way too many pics for inspiration :D I do go through them all the time though! Especially with holiday's approaching and needing ideas or inspirations for gifts. :)
Happy quilting & viewing!
I have been wanting one of those for pics of kids also.. we live in RV so hard to haev tons of pics all over the walls.. I save pics from all sorts of websites,, funny enough. I was looking for a layout for a string quilt I am doing.. and was looking through tons of pics on heartstrings.. and BTW I am working a Christmas fab, scrappy bargello, thanks so much for inspiration and information.keep up the good work.Amy
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed Friday in Austalia and is actually 5.30 pm as I write this, glass of red in one hand typing with the other. I am also, like you, an enthusiastic dyed of fabric. Love reading your blog, Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie from Friday night in Australia, thanks for thinking of us here where spring is starting to whisper to us. My Tennessee husband recognised the Carolina's in the photos, and the young man looks just like him and with his love of the fall and me having the same brown fabrics as you, this quilt has to be for him. He needs long quilts to fit him!! So thank you for being so inspirational. Do you know I even had my storage in the converted garage to a quilt studio based on your advise for organising fabrics!! :>)
ReplyDeleteGreat idea...I am showing this to my hubby. A nice xmas present. Guess where he is working???Yup the big yellow box. (thats what I call Kodak) lingo of the locals. Thanks for the great idea.
ReplyDeleteI back up every month and take off last month's photos. I also have the screen saver set up so it shows the photos on the hard disk which is brill when I'm sewing away. I see them whizz past and think "I forgot about that pic!".
ReplyDeleteI was afraid of losing all my pics too so Hubby bought me an external hard drive and all my pics are safe on that. Really sped up the computer with the pics off.
ReplyDeleteI have not started the Old Tobacco Road yet. I got a great idea (grrrr) of going through fabric I have had stored too many years out of my reach on a shelf in the quilting room. I spent yesterday climbing a ladder to reach it all. And last night cutting 1/2 yard hunks off them. (75 fabrics!) Yummy leaf fabrics all foilage and Fall colors. I just finished startching and pressing them. Started at 6 a.m. this morning and it is now 11 a.m. So now I need to do a mega cutting session for my personal Scrap User's System. I already had over 200 4 patches all made from the last OC Mystery. But they are mostly browns and I want to add some greens and deep reds into the mix. I am pooped!
Yaaaaaay, Bonnie! Headed for the sewing room now to get started. Great idea for all those inspirational photos. Happy Sewing, all!!!
ReplyDeleteI've just been catching up with your blog and girl, you have been busy!!! Have you had any time for customer quilts or have you retired? I couldn't find a reference to LAing anywhere.
One word: BACKUP.
ReplyDeleteDon't substitute your digital picture frame for backing up your files. The digital frame can fail and you'd lose everything on it if that is your only copy.
If your computer will write to DVDs, that is one way to do backups. I almost certainly will write to CDs, but they don't hold as much.
This reminds me I need to backup everything before I head out on vacation next week.
*laffin* Thank you for thinking of us Aussies, Bonnie. I'm looking forward to making the quilt.