This is Judy! Judy is a funky green Singer 185J, and I would consider her a Baby Boomer just like many of us because she was born in 1954!
Why is her name Judy? Simple! She belonged to the lady who was working at the antique mall where I discovered her. Since her owner's name was Judy, I decided the machine's name is Judy too. She'd had the machine for a while, never used it, didn't know much of it's history, but she wanted a zig zag, and Judy just doesn't DO zig zag. I didn't WANT a zig-zag, so Judy came home with me.
I'm trying to decide if this vintage machine passion is getting a bit out of control or not! I love them...each and every one of them! I feel like they are orphans that deserve and need to be loved and cared for in a home that appreciates them. Okay, yes...this is a bit extreme, I know they can't love me back, but some how it doesn't matter. I like taking turns with them! Besides, I rationalize that I am preserving history for future generations and with any luck, they'll at least HOLD their value, unlike a new pair of expensive shoes.
Judy is going to be in very good company right next to Lloyd!
What? You mean I didn't tell you about Lloyd before? His full & proper name is Lloyd Bell! And he was also a Baby Boomer from the 50s. Much like Studebakers of the same era, Bell machines didn't last long. I wonder why? But the history on them is interesting,and you can read about it on Needlebar.Org! And here is a link on sewnuts with one just like Lloyd, but in a different case, as well as a bigger model. According to the ad, he retailed at about $79.95 in his day. Of course, Lloyd got his name from the gentleman I adopted him from. The REAL Lloyd laughed when I told him I was naming the machine after him :c)

Lloyd comes in a briefcase style carrying case. It comes apart to give him an extended work area, complete with accessory compartment. He even has his original needle packet that says "Bell portable needles" And just to compare, I put HIS bobbins next to Judy's bobbin. Lloyd has VERY SMALL BOBBINS! But don't tease him too badly about it, you know how size matters to guys when it comes to their "parts" :cD

Judy's bobbin is the big silver one. Which reminds me of a cross stitched phrase I almost brought home...it said
"I thought I worked my butt off, but it followed me home!"*LOL* :cÞ I bet Judy, being a SHE, wishes her parts were as small as Lloyd's!
I'm spending this evening working on part 4 of Old Tobacco Road. I know there are some road weary quilters out there who would really like to move beyond 4 patches and half square triangles. Hang in there gals, it's worth it!