
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mystery TUESDAY Link-Up, Part 5!

For some it’s “The Day After.”  For others, Christmas continues into “Boxing Day.”

Whatever you name it, and however you spend it, I hope this day is a happy one for you and that you get just a few minutes to pet the fabric and check in on what others are sharing in our Mystery Monday Tuesday Link-Up!

I’m so thrilled with all of the wonderful shares through social media, and the togetherness it brings! 

I love seeing your colors, your sewing areas, family photos when shared through your blog posts.  The holiday shenanigans when shared through your Instagram.

And the other shares that have come through my email have just touched my heart.

Quilting isn’t something we just do….it’s who we ARE and I can’t imagine a more wonderful community with which to be associated.

Meet Cheryl M!

She writes:
As ready as they're going to be for Christmas gifting tonight! Smith Mountain Morning (From Scraps & Shirttails II ) for our eldest son. 
Half of a king size Orca Bay (From String Fling ) for our oldest daughter and her husband - to be finished in the new year - sorry kiddo! 
A king size Celtic Solstice for our second daughter and son-in-law. A queen size Tumalo Trail (Also from Scraps & Shirttails II) in plaid for our younger son and his new bride. 
And finally, a full size Tumalo Trail in cool blues for our college age daughter. 
So much love in these stitches! And many thanks to this group for encouragement in my efforts to finish five big quilts in a year. I didn't quite make the deadline but I had a great time trying
I want to thank you for making the following fb post even possible! Without your quilt-cams to instruct and accompany me, and your mystery quilts to make me realize that any quilt can be done one step at a time, I don't think this would have happened. 
Thank you for all you do and the supportive, online community you have created.
May you and yours have a blessed Christmas season.
I just love this photo!  it was one of the best gifts I received to know that our mysteries have us stitching globally together.  Thanks for sharing, Cheryl! For those who are new, Orca Bay and Celtic Solstice were two of our past mysteries.


Meet Mary C!

Mary has been a long-time Quiltvillian and I have been honored to meet her and spend retreat time with her on occasion, and we always have a blast.  She writes:
4 of us met at the New Walla Walla Sew N Vac & Spas on Mystery Friday. Each of us working on a different part.

2 of them are Mystery 'Newbies'. I'm so excited to post pictures of their blocks to link up on Tuesday. 

It was snowing by the time we left! 

Mona H,  chaining away!


Jan E. busily working on part 3 and 2.


Sarah made last year’s En Provence quilt. She is working on Part 1 & 2.

And someone needs to keep an eye on is Melissa Bieman!  She is working her On Ringo Lake in 1/3 scale!  Oh. My Goodness!

No matter where you are in your On Ringo Lake, you can share blocks, design wall photos, fabric choices, completed units with your dog, cat or grand baby – just share!

If you do not have a blog, you can link to an Instagram post, google+ post, Flickr photo or even a Pinterest photo. But you MUST have one of these to participate.  Accounts must be PUBLIC, not private.

Be sure when you are filling in your information below that you include a URL to your specific post or photo, not just your main blog or profile address.  We need the address of the page where your photo and post is, not the whole account.

For those who don’t understand HOW to find the URL of any given post PLEASE read this linky tutorial before you link up again.

For an example of a blog post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Pinterest post including a link back, click HERE.
For an Instagram post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Flickr post including a link back, click HERE.

Click the links above for examples of folks who have done it correctly!

If you hare having trouble, why not contact someone who has “done it correctly” and ask for their help? Leave them a comment on their photo.  We can help each other.

If you have linked to my main blog address http://quiltville.blogspot.com that also needs to be changed to the URL for today's linky page. Please check your post or photo and make sure you have the right link.

Include this link in your post: http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2017/12/mystery-tuesday-link-up-part-5.html or short link: http://bit.ly/2zy5TdB

If you don’t know how to link it so it is clickable in your blog post, don’t worry about it. Just copy and paste the above URL into your text.

We are also using the hashtags #quiltvillemystery and #onringolakequilt and a link back to this post for social media.  Please use them so we can find you!

If you post to Pinterest or Instagram, your blog, etc. - you need to add the link to the link-up post in your photo description. Hash tags are not enough. It doesn’t matter if it is a hyperlink or just plain text, but it must be there.

One more time:

Please do NOT post unit sizes or unit counts in your post.  This is a mystery.  The sizes and counts are plainly available in the mystery directions themselves.  Folks can get them by coming to my directions.

Also, your link-up post, be it on Instagram, Pinterest, your blog or wherever MUST include an easy to find, obvious link to the link-up post. The link you are to use is given to you above.

Our posts are reciprocal.  Which means I link to you, you link back to me.

Those who do not follow these three simple requests – No piece count, no unit size, and link back included to the link-up post will be removed from the link-up.

The linky pages will be alive FOREVER in the archives, Your link will stay there so people can find you, please link correctly to my post so people can find me and the others who have also shared their links as well.  Don’t be the dead end street for everyone else.  Thank you!

Just look at all of this progress!

Link to your specific post about your progress by clicking the blue "Add Your Link" button.

Do not leave the http:// field blank. This is where you link to your photo or site.

Entries that do not link back to this page will be removed because they break the circle for others.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

This link-up will close at midnight on Thursday, December 28th in time for Part 6 to go live on Friday the 29th!


This morning’s sunrise.  GLORIOUS!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Quilt shared by Kevin H.

Of all of the gifts one can receive, these are the most important!

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Too many typos in first comment. Just wishing you relaxation and family time. Take care of OUR Sadie Jane, just like we would if we could.
    While I am waiting to see what On Ringo Lake looks like, thank you for thinking of folks who can really use a wonderful new project this time of year. Bought some fabrics, shopped my stash and thinking this looks like one I will make. If not, will use the fabric in another Bonnie quilt.
    God bless and keep yuo

  3. GM..GOOD MORNING... the perfect time to thank you AGAIN for sharing your talent and gift(s) and family with us...hope Sadie continues to heal, i think i spied her on the couch coaching the Mario game! My gift to you would be continued health and happiness thru the new year and all connections and transfers successfully made thru travel to be with us. Hope to be able to meet you in person... of course i feel like i already know you... Cats Whitcher

  4. Lol, Walla Walla is Famously on the Blog today. Looking great there Sarah B, Jan E & Mona H!! Sew fun to share my pictures and get these ladies progress on the Link up. They don't have Blogs. Adding more block parts to my BOX!!! 3 days til Part 6, whoa. We'really almost there, right. I couldn't imagine doing block parts in a smaller size. M. Bieman, You go girl

  5. My Christmas is just beginning with son and family arriving tonight, son 2 and family on thursday, in-laws on Friday and the whole gang of 27 on Saturday. I am so excited to see them. New Year's Eve I will be relaxing and thinking of cutting out the mystery quilt in the new year. Happy New Year. Thank you Bonnie for all your hard work to help so many people love quilting.

  6. Cheryl is so inspiring! Love that photo of Bonnie quilts to gift to her family all hanging on the clothesline!

  7. Just had a funny "ahh ha" moment. My Sadie who looks a lot like your Sadie only in the giant economy size, (yellow lab) also has a double name. My Sadie is Sadie Louise to go with your Sadie Jane. She got her name because when she was a puppy she was just so exhaustible & in to everything she reminded me of the movie "Thelma & Louise" all wrap up in one. My Sadie is 6 and about 79#s. Have a wonderful New Year.

  8. Thank you Bonnie for another super nice quilt!


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