
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sewing In The Basement!

First off, I want to thank all the lovely friends who participated in a birthday-card shower for my birthday, and included snips and pieces from their own stashes for me to work into my quilts! You guys are priceless---THANK YOU!

I got to SEW all day yesterday, after I made my morning Post Office run – They are open til noon on Saturdays!

littlemonkey 005

You know I’ve been thinking and thinking about this baby quilt I need to make for my soon-to-arrive neice! And I was planning this back in November with a bunch of cute and scrappy and fairly bright Monkey Wrench blocks, thinking they would make an adorable baby quilt. The blocks ----Well --- Okay, a confession:

I was so excited to sew on my brand new hot pink featherweight at the retreat in Shipshewana that I just assumed…ASSUMED…..to know where that 1/4” seam was. I’ve been sewing all my life right? I’ve been quilting for 30 years! How hard could it be?

Well….ALL. ((All except the test block I had brought with me as a sample to remind myself WHAT I was doing)) ALL the blocks turned out about 1/4” too small! Sleepy smile And they wouldn’t work for the current project they were slated for because the next units wouldn’t fit them. But never fear…Baby Quilt was on the brain, and I could leave these the size they were, and simply sash them and tada. Easy Peasy, right?

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I laid them out yesterday, pulled out my trusty box of little leader/ender 4 patches that I thought would be cute and splashy as cornerstones and started pulling for sashing.

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This is that bin of 4 patches. I have made umpteen quilts using these, and the box doesn’t seem to go down much, only yeah…I’m kind of left with the dregs of the colors now!

All was fine until I talked to my Sister in Law and she is thinking mint green for the nursery. Do you know how many SHADES of mint green there are? They go from greenish to yellowish. And bluish. And…my blocks are not happy with this green! I thought I had the “perfect” soft green, and it was blah by itself.

So…welcome to my disaster dilemma!

When I first started thinking of using these blocks for the baby quilt, I found THIS adorable fabric! it says “Little Monkey” on it..and I thought it would be cute since the blocks were Monkey Wrenches, right? ((A thought that would be completely lost on the parents and/or the baby, but it’s a Quilter thing, what can I say!))

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It just washed ALL of the block corners away….the lights were lost in a sea of Monkey Cuteness. BAD CHOICE. So on to the next:

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Wow…bring on the shades! Though this is a cute fabric, everything is just overpowered by it! NOT a happy camper with this one. So can we do something to tone it down a bit? ((You can see where I was headed in the upper right of this pic))

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I remember seeing quilts set with a two-strip sashing and liking that before, how both colors were placed to frame the blocks in opposite colors. So I chose pink and green…that original mint, and a really cute pink dot. Baby pink dot..you know, baby quilt, right? Eeeuuuwuururrgh. I do NOT like this either! What is wrong with me? Why can’t I find something I like?!

littlemonkey 013

By this point I am not even CUTTING strips to try anymore. How many 2.5” X 5.5 ((okay, really 5.25” but that’s between you and me!)) rejected sashings should one Quilter have to deal with? I have this yellow dot. It is kind of funky, it seems to want to play with the others…but I’m not sure. What do you think?

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When I go back to THIS picture, I like the layout. It’s any time I add ANYTHING in there that I just am not happy. Why couldn’t I convince the Sis in Law that she really wants me to use a SOLID RED?!? That would do it, that’s the ticket! ((Or maybe Cheddar-Is-Better?!? And A special High-five for those from Wisconsin routing for Green Bay Today!))

Next time I make a baby quilt, remind me that I am happier when I follow my own muse, and not try to match someone else’s decorator color scheme!

So on to the book Give-Away from Yesterday’s post! Such GREAT comments, and I am laughing at one from this morning who says that we ALL look great from the FRONT, but look at our backsides and ewww…..LOL!!

There is STILL TIME to be in the drawing. I’m going to draw during SUPER BOWL HALF TIME! That will be later this evening since the game doesn’t start here on the East Coast until 6pm….So leave your comment on Yesterday's post to be included!

Again, I’ve had emails from people saying they couldn’t comment because they don’t have a google id or a blogger id. GET A BLOGGER ID. It’s free. It allows you to comment oh so many places. It might encourage you to start a blog of your own. This could be a good thing :cD

Back to the drawing board ((Maybe I SHOULD just head for the solid red after all?!))


  1. I think you are going to have to go with what you love and tell your SIL all the other color choices weren't working.
    As I was reading your post I thought you were going for the mint and pink...whew, thank goodness- that was ugly! LOL

  2. Just looking at the pieces on your floor, I rather like the neutral of your carpeting. It makes the blocks and the 4-squares POP.

  3. I think you are right about the red, Bonnie. Good luck !

  4. I like the way the blocks look on your carpet. Haven't you any sashing fabric which is carpet-coloured?

  5. I still haven't finished the last grandbaby baby blanket and hes 7 months old because of the matching the decor problem. Finally started something that wont match but will be loved! We are now expecting 2 more grandbabies and im not even going to ask their mothers how they are decorating the rooms before i start! I say go with red... it will be loved and every room needs a splash of red in my opinion!

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM EST

    I think anything solid would make your blocks POP...the tan carpet does that. RED may be a bit much though we quilter's would love that!

  7. Not red, but since it's my least favorite color I may not be the best adviser. I'd go yellow because it would compliment the "minty" color scheme.

  8. Hi Bonnie,
    Those monkey wrench squares on your baby quilt are adorable. Go with the red or cheddar it will be smashing! I had to laugh about your 1/4 seam issue. Apparently, I'm not the only one who can't sew a precise 1/4 seam on the fly. I did the same thing with my nine patch chicken quilt and the blocks ended up being 10.75 inches instead of 11.. whoooooops. Of course, I didn't realize this until I made 16 of the 30 blocks. Thank goodness for slashing.

  9. I would go with white for the baby quilt but that is me - it would go with everything in the babies room wouldn't it?

  10. Definitely a solid --- blocks are too cute to have to compete with anything else.

  11. I think you need to go with a dark sashing - the light ones you tried just wash out the blocks. If you look at the ones with the green and pink sashing - the green ones pops the "wrench"...or is that the "monkey"?!?! So, "Pop the Wrench" or "Pop the Monkey" and put mint green on the back.......

  12. I don't make baby quilts to "go" with anything... quilts are QUILTS and stand alone. They will be (hopefully) used after the mint green decor is changed and will be carried around to snuggle with. What's cute in the nursery looks kinda weird in the family room. Go with what looks good to you... the quilt will last much longer than the decor of a baby's room...

    Love the blocks... the quilt's gonna look cool!

  13. Well, my opinion is that every quilt that a Baby gets or uses does not have to match the color scheme of the Nursery. They are used in many different places. Also the Baby may not like the color chosen by the Mother when they are big enough to choose their own color. Go with the sashing that makes a "Happy Quilt".

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM EST

    I think white would look great and showcase your adorable blocks.

  15. I was thinking "use the carpet color" before I read the comments! Or how about a white with small multi-colored dots? The blocks are so cute and colorful, they don't need any competition. A baby quilt doesn't have to match the nursery, it should be taken out and enjoyed other places anyway. I don't usually ask about the nursery color when I make a quilt and it is amazing how many times I get the colors right accidentally!

  16. Anonymous11:14 AM EST

    OK, my 2cents. Have you trird a raspberry? Red might be too neutral for a girly quilt where a hot pink or raspberry would make it girly.

  17. Bonnie, does our sister in law read your blog????

  18. If you like the way the baby quilt looks on the floor, choose a fabric that resembles your carpet. Try a muslin. I know it's not your normal "go-to" fabric, but you might be surprised at how well the blocks and cornerstones shine against it. It can't hurt to lay it out and see...

  19. I was think the same as few others, the carpet color or muslin. The monkey print was a good idea but sure wasn't right. It is like trying on clothes, look good on the hanger, but no so much on the body.

  20. I vote for just the pink for the sashings. I think a light (like white) washes out the blocks...and a print (like the others you chose) are too busy for the busy blocks.
    But I like the way the pink brings out the blocks.

  21. I love to make baby quilts. Usually take five variation. I appliqué the baby's name across the top and embroider birth date on lower part of quilt. I'm from PA, and a PROUD STEELERS fan

  22. I agree with you........no more baby quilts to match the nursery.........the last one I did was yellow and green.....so flat and ugly..........now I listen and say oh the nursery is going to be so sweet and make what I had in mind all along......No one complains!
    My theory is to make them bright and happy so a baby likes looking at it during "tummy time"...use it in the family room on the floor and leave the matched stuff by the crib.

    go with what the quilt is asking for......RED!

    Happy Sewing

  23. This may sound radical but I would put black sashing on this quilt. The monkey wrenches and corner stones would really pop and you could add a monkey border. I hope this doesn't throw a wrench into your plans...


  24. I like the neutral carpet best- what about shirtings for the background.

  25. Hey Bonnie - you're sort of assuming that SIL is going to use the quilt in the baby's bedroom. Maybe it will be used in the car when going out, the floor in the living room, as a snuggle in daycare. Who knows? I say go with whatever looks good red, cheddar or anything you like. Trust me, the quilt will be loved and cherished even if it's not mint green!

  26. I think you should go with your inner voice. I had the same dilemna and if you don't listen you end up with something that you don't love!

  27. The quilt looks great on the carpet. Why not a beige to match the carpet. But really, just do what feels right to you. You know what best and they will love the quilt no matter what! They have to!
    We should never ask the parents to be what theme they are going with, they make it almost to difficult to work with.

  28. I would definitely go with your own muse. A quilt does not have to be matchy, match with a room. It's a whole lot easier to change the color of the room. lol.

  29. love the little blocks. yes, follow your heart and use the red!!! or whatever works best.

  30. I too assumed my sweet Featherweight would sew a 1/4" seam! NOT SO!!! As a matter of fact it looks like my foot was 1/8". So I bought a 1/4" foot for the Featherweight that has the little guide, and WOW what a difference it made! Love it!

  31. have you tried .... gasp... WHITE!!! then bind in mint green?

  32. Kona Ash-it goes with EVERYTHING!

  33. I think I would go solid with white, gray or lighter pink.

  34. Shirtings!
    Brownish with whites shirtings!
    Red/white shirtings!
    I know it, I should keep quiet...
    But, its's the solid-like colors that kill the other scrappy features. And it's not you. A whitish background with tiny stripes and/or plaids will give the blocks some pepper ;^)
    Hope you eventually find out what works for you!
    Love, Irene

  35. It is such a pretty quilt and perfect for a baby. You know, in my (extremely humble) opinion you could go with your plain red sashing as long as it toned with the shade of mint. There are so many reds, some yellow based and some blue based and if you could get a sample colour from your SIL I am sure you can find something that works for everyone. Good luck!

  36. Left my post for the book but also want to say.... as a childcare provider for 15 years, baby needs a contrast like red, black or white as that's the colors they need for visual stimulation the first 3 - 4 months. Hope that makes it easier to choose. :)

  37. How about just PINK? I love scrap quilts on pink. I am currently working on a postage stamp one. It will be forever before I am done. Or, just go with the red. They won't only use this quilt in the nursery-quilts are mostly for tummy time on the floor or covering up in the car.

  38. Do what's right for the quilt - whatever color that may be and pleases you. I'm sure that your sister-in-law will love it.

  39. I agree with the person who suggested raspberry/pink, sort of a light cherry color. Your adorable blocks do need a strong sashing - all the light or pastel things you tried washed them out. A berry color would really set them off but be a little less ka-POW than red, esp. for a baby girl, and berry would partner better with mint.

    Maybe scrappy double pinks?

    I was gonna look up a color online as a reference, and when I went to the Pantone website I discovered that the 'color of the year' is a honeysuckle pink just about like I was picturing. Funny! Check it out: http://www.pantone.com/pages/pantone/Pantone.aspx?pg=20821&ca=4

  40. Do a neutral for the sashing & bring some sort of mint green in for the binding. The quilt does not have to have mint green as a pronounced theme, it just needs to play nicely with it when it's in the nursery. And that quilt isn't going to stay in the nursery anyway. It's going to get used all over the house & where ever the baby happens to be.

  41. I also like the neutral look of the carpet and hey some quilts are go on the crib quilts and match the decor, other quilts are go with the baby quilts and just need to be cheery with lots of different colors.

  42. Try a color wave. Start in one corner starting with dark sashing and move towards the other corner ending with light(er) shades. Mixing and matching the sashings might just work.

  43. I like it with the monkey fabric....have fun continuing to search and good luck! P.S. Neither of my kids quilts matched their room ;)

  44. I agree with most of the posts. That quilt will be used in places other than in the nursery. If you were doing a wall quilt I could see going with the theme colors. I like the color of the carpet but it really doesn't POP. I think the sashing should be a solid color as there is enough going on with the individual blocks. I love the little 4 block additions.

    Leah's posting of the new Honeysuckle color is beautiful. Thanks Leah for posting the site.

  45. Anonymous2:44 PM EST

    Can't imagine you having a tough time with a quilt, but we all get to wrestle with one occasionally. Am sure it will come to you. Love your blog FOREVER.

  46. Anonymous2:48 PM EST

    Thanks for the info on how to comment. Have always had an ID, I guess, but different blogs work differently, and somehow I could never get your blog to accept the ID I usecd on other blogs. This will open lots of opportunities now for me to comment on blogs I love. Your blog is great and I check it EVERY Day. I have made some of your quilts starting back when you were fininshing massage school. They are among my favorites.

  47. Baby will also need stroller quilts, carseat quilts, playday quilts and on and on so I would not worry about matching the nursery decor.

  48. Bonnie love the blocks. Your quilts always come out so fantastic....so you should follow what you think will look good.
    I never ask what the baby's room is going to be, I just make the quilt. LOL

  49. I like the rasberry idea. I like bright but go with what feels right to you.
    Nancy L

  50. Omigosh; this bay Monkey Wrench quilt made me think of this baby monkey...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_sfnQDr1-o Bonnie this is so SO funny! (No it's not gross or lewd or anything)

  51. I am reading your posts in reverse order (that's how they appear in my reader). I really like the changes you made to the quilt! I'm not sure my comment "took" on a later post. I said I can't believe what you can do with a border from your scrap stash. The border you picked was perfect and looked like you planned it that way all along, not like you just pulled from your stash and said "What will work here?" Well done. Bravo!

  52. Bonnie that quilt is screaming for black sashing. It will really make it pop! I know it's a baby quilt and people always think pastels, but babies can't see pastels- brights are what help them to develop their visual acuity and focus.

    I LOVE the fabrics and the layout. Nice work!

  53. I know from experience how frustrating losing your blue tooth is for you. I carefully laid mine on the counter in my sewing studio a few weeks ago and then couldn't find it. I turned everything upside down and sorted through the trash cans--twice--looking for it. I was certain I would never see it again. A couple days later my husband called me at work--laughing--and told me I should be more careful with my things. He found it behind the laundry room door along with a leather thimble that had been on the end table in the living room. We then realized that the cat had carried both items to the basement laundry room. Now when something is lost we just blame it on the cat!!


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