
Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday Update

I'm still here. And I'm still posting from my phone as I just completely screwed everything up on my big desktop computer at the QPO.

I won't go into that right now - it's small potatoes compared to everything else. But I am excited to say that we do have power at the retreat, and at my post office studio.

I am washing all of our household laundry first. Then I will be washing Retreat laundry. This is my list of to do today.

I am grateful for it!

There is still no power at home but we are hopeful it will be restored within the next day or two. Compared to other folks - we are doing really well.

We saw the Orthopedics doc yesterday and Dave has a good 6 to 8 weeks recovery for his fractured clavicle. We expected that. The hardest thing is keeping a good man down and immobile.

Son Jeff was back up yesterday to work on wall cleanup. 

While we are sad that the wall fell due to the storm after my men folk put so much work into it, we know that we can rebuild and it really affects nothing as far as our day-to-day life goes. Our houses weren't washed away as some folks were.

Our cars didn't go floating down the creek.

We didn't lose our crops or our livestock.

We didn't even lose anything in our fridge or freezer thanks to the generator that so many people do not have.

And now that there is power I can wash laundry! It's truly simple pleasures around here.

And when the generator is running, we have some Outlets that work and thanks to extension cords I have been able to have enough light to get back to some hand quilting.

Yes! The desire to stitch is coming back. Bring It on!

Since the power is back on at the inn, and the propane tank has been refilled there, next week's retreat is a go.

This also brings back a sense of normalcy and I can't wait to have the house full of happy people enjoying themselves and creating beautiful things.

So I guess today I will be putting things back in order and hopefully restore the files that I completely screwed up on my desktop computer when I tried to get rid of OneDrive.

Again - it's a small headache and I can recover quite a bit. It's small potatoes in the whole scheme of everything.

Yesterday we were even able to stop by Walmart and get the groceries that we needed. It was almost like normal and that was a nice breather.

We were able to top off the gas tank which was still half full at a small gas station downtown. There was just one guy in front of us filling gas cans for his generator. No problem there and happy to be on full again.

Once more, it's the small things I am most grateful for.

Have a wonderful Friday  everyone.



  1. So glad things are going back to normal for you slowly. Every little bit counts.
    I was thinking of going quilt shop hopping today out east in my state.
    We'll see.
    Blessings 🙏💞

  2. Getting rid of one drive is on my to-do list. I don't sync to it but all my documents are in that folder and one of my programs doesn't like it . It appears that Windows defaulted to that when I got the computer. I would love to know what not to do when I move my files!

  3. It's good to hear things are getting back to normal. Dave will heal in good time, electricity will be fully restored, and soon you will have retreaters again. Thank goodness for generators, gas, and propane.

  4. Happy for the update. Praying the ones who are still stranded get help. Helicopters are the way to get to some areas. Grateful for the private copter guys that are saving lives! Gotta get a stitch on something myself. MOJO is lacking when I have to do "other" things.

  5. Judy Clayton12:11 PM EDT

    I am doing a happy dance for you and continue to pray each day for all of you. Hugs from Indiana!

  6. You're so good at gratitude, it feels so good to read. I love how much you talk about what you're learning from this experience, and how you want to be even more prepared in the future. It's especially helpful when you mention what's worked for you in being ready for an emergency, so that your readers can copy your homework and do the same!! Sending good wishes to you and the homestead, and for an easy recovery for Dave.

  7. You are right getting your life back into a normal routine so helps your equilibrium in life, being grateful for all we have is another way to realizing that everyday life is a gift not a burden. Happy Sewing..it's the best therapy!

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM EDT

    Prayers continue for Dave's recovery, for you and all involved. Karen M.

  9. Did they ever figure out why your cabin generator didn't work? So glad things are getting better . Hope your cabin power comes back soon.

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM EDT

    I just finished a quilt from your Trip Around the World for Katrina pattern from 2005. It is going to a local organization here in Florida that will be sending quilts to your area. I have lost count of how many quilts I have made using that pattern, but I just counted pictures of 15. It feels like a way to heap with your heart.

  11. Kathy Rockey5:44 PM EDT

    That was me with the Trip Around the World quilt.

  12. Anonymous6:01 PM EDT

    So happy UR okay!! Forgot IF you're west end of NC or VA!! Take care & enjoy retreat!!

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM EDT

    Oops forgot to include my name = Linda F and happy UR Okay!

  14. Anonymous8:20 PM EDT

    Thank you so much for the updates. I care so much about you. Its strange that us on the outside feel so connected to you. Your world has become somewhat mine. Wish my world was part of yours. Thanks for all you do.

  15. So happy that things are recovering slowly, but surely! The computer thing is minute compared to others. It will be nice to have fresh laundry, I'm sure! Prayers for continued positivity & healing. Much love & hugs from South Central Texas!


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