
Friday, August 02, 2024

Quilters - Start Your Engines!

So this happened last week.

I took the last stitches in the binding of Huka Falls - and set it aside.

It didn't get much fanfare - maybe because I"m holding it off for a January release.

Why January? Because all of the other months are taken.  January is one year since our fabulous trip to New Zealand.

January has us back down under in Australia warming our toes while the northern hemisphere deals with ice, snow and cold. (Yes there is room for you!  Bring a friend, spouse, significant other, sibling, adult child!)

And I think the lovely aqua/turquoise colors are going to see us all through the winter doldrums.

I haven't gotten any full out finished photos of it yet - it's been rainy and fairly uncooperative here. There is time.  

But you can see a bit of it here.  Click to Play:

I love how this turned out. I truly do.  It was a joy to stitch all of the fun fabrics together like this.

Bring on the wild, the weird, the ugly, the things that "do not go."  Together they make a beautiful whole!

The question is now - what next?

When in doubt, check the UFO bins!

I'm revamping this one.

Diamond Tile was featured in my Addicted to Scraps column in Quiltmaker Magazine in May/June 2018.

Guys!  That's 6 years ago?  How can that be?

It's time this became something.

And yes, there will be a pattern - with MY cutting directions and extended detailed options for construction.

I had block kits that were already cut out -

I just had to sew them together.

When I counted, I was only short 3 block kits.  How long could that take?

I have one left to finish stitching up and then I can start setting them together.

It boggles my mind how things like this can be set aside and then forgotten.

I guess all of the other stuff-with-a-deadline means that things like this just get shoved aside for things like mysteries, Leader & Ender challenges and other things that do have hard and fast deadlines.

So.  This one is next up. And I'm hoping I fall in love with it all over again - if I ever was.

Meanwhile, nextdoor at Quiltville Inn - The August Quiltvillians are settling in!

As of yesterday afternoon we were still short 3 folks who would be arriving by dinner time.

Along with the Jacob's Chain beginnings up on the design wall, Tonni is digging in to her Mabel's Choice and both projects are looking so great!

And yes!  There is County Clare happening as a Leader & Ender project on the side as well. I love the pink where I'm using blues.

Tracy is making some Elizabeth Hartman forest friends!

There are fun things happening on this side of the room, too!

Becca has taken my Four Patch & Furrows from the Free Patterns tab and is making it in mini size!  Even the pinks and greens are as they were in my quilt! 

This is so fun to see as my Four Patch & Furrows lives with my niece now.

Patriotic Pineapple underway!

Jacob's Chain is happening here too!

And more Tula on the porch.

Did you see we have a Summit St. Box gift-away happening?

Head over to THAT POST and get your entry in!

I'll be drawing for 2 winners to each receive a Road Trip box from Jordan at Summit St Shop.

Summit St Shop is in Webberville, Michigan!  Are you within driving distance?

They spent a year and a half renovating a historic church building into a storefront open to the public.. 

Summit St Shop carries quilting fabric, of course - but also decor, gifts and more!

And yes, you can order online. Summit St Boxes are currently on sale as well, and there is free shipping on orders over $75.00 within the USA.

I just know you are going to want to collect ALL of the boxes - especially the quilty ones!

Today?  More rain in the immediate forecast.

Much quilting in store!

What's up for your Friday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Announcing "I'm offended!" is basically telling the world you can't control your own emotions or allow for differences so everyone else should just tiptoe around you. ⁣
And if you are offended by this, you should hear the stuff I hold back.

Happy Friday, everyone!



  1. I remember diamond tiles!
    I'm getting calluses on my " under finger" when hand quilting. Suppose I could wear a bandaid but nah.
    My Strawberry runner is coming along nicely quilting wise.
    Only 5 blocks and a border.
    It's supposed to rain here today too.
    Hot and humid. 94*. Ugh. I'm such an Autumn girl.
    Have fun sewing your tiles!
    Have a Sparkling day
    Blessings 💞

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM EDT

    Bonnie I read your blog every morning and look forward to hearing all the happenings in your neck of the woods. I admire your dedication and tremendous effort that goes in to your blog. Keep your wings on and keep flying!

  3. There are offended people all over the Web today. Some days you step in it and Some days you don't. I am not offended by much. Tell us how you really feel. I have so many block sets from Block Lotto wins. The colors are weird to put it nicely. That's why they are languishing in UFO bins. Yea for having some kits ready to sew and only 3 more to make! Go Bonnie Go!

  4. What a great Friday post! I love the quote... but the patriotic projects coming together just take the cake! I can't wait to see the progress over the weekend! It's my last Friday of summer break... ;(
    Have a fabulous quilty weekend!!

  5. The phrase that always annoys me is "I'm outraged" and it usually by something that doesn't deserve that kind of anger. We really need to get back to "Live aand let live" and "Let it go". Live your own life instead of directing people how to llive theirs. Peace.

    1. So right! And I do try! But some days I just have to poke the bear over some way out there post. On those days it's even fun! :)

  6. Anonymous11:29 AM EDT

    LOVE the quote of the day! I laughed out loud! Thank you Bonnie. Also love seeing Tula, she’s so pretty and so lucky to have a mom like you. Fran in Pa

  7. Bonnie I love watching all your creations come to life! I saw you posted about how to get your sewjo back, have you? Another thought I had with those beautiful tile blocks was wondering if you had any other UFOs you could combine it with. Or have you ever thought of doing a sampler with your addicted to scraps blocks?

  8. Oh Bonnie! I am printing out your quote today!!!

  9. I LOVE this quote ! Made me laugh out loud when I read it. I plan on sharing it with our quilt guild.

  10. So much fun seeing all those happy quilters creating together :0) You are a true inspiration to us all Bonnie!

  11. Anonymous12:53 PM EDT

    Live and let live!! To each her own!! The list is long and fits us all….You, Bonnie are a fabulous teacher, leader and brave soul to share all you do daily with the multitudes. We sincerely appreciate your contributions to our lives and by choice we enjoy each writing. Stay strong and keep on.
    Blessings, Dawn, Central Valley, Ca

  12. Anonymous1:28 PM EDT

    I have a bunch of diamond tile blocks that I had set aside. Can’t wait to see what you do with yours,

  13. Love your posts and I read every day you post. I wish if someone get offended by what someone else says or does, as long as it is not hurting them directly, I wish they would just move on or not react. shrug it off. I try to do that but sometimes it is very hard. I am big stitch quilting my quilt tops these days. I do not have a long arm machine and I was sending my quilts to MSQC to get quilted but the hubs says it is getting to expensive. I still have about 8 quilt tops to get done. lol. Today I am starting my "chickens" wall hanging quilt top. Pattern is by Erica Arndt. It is so cute. Be safe and stay dry...Hugs

  14. I love your motto for today! Make like a goat! 🤣 A long time ago, I heard a wise person say, it is far worse to take offense than it is to give it. I've been contemplating that one for a long time! 😁

  15. Barbara Dieckmann6:38 PM EDT

    Love the quote for today! I have a neighbor who often does "stuff" that would warrant this comment, but mostly I just let it go, wishing for her to find some peace and hope her rant does not last as long as usual (the woman is LOUD, lol).
    Now Tula is one beautiful kitty, and so lucky she found her way onto your porch. Has she learned to trust humans enough yet to collect scritches and pets?

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM EDT

    A wise man I know once said, "You have the right to be offended, but you don't have the right to not be offended." Meaning that offense is something people have the right to feel, but other people are not obligated to police their speech so that you never are offended. It's on my fridge to help me stay sane.

  17. Anonymous5:05 PM EDT

    I do remember the Diamond Tile blocks. I loved them then so it will be fun to see how you set them together. 🧵🪡

  18. I love the quote --- My laugh of the evening!!!


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