
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Resistant to Change?

There are certain things I dread.

Top of the list - changes in formatting as when Blogger, Facebook or Instagram make huge changes to how things appear or function. (Drives me crazy!)

New phones and phone updates (Same reason as above.)

And something that had to happen for me - something that came yesterday - a new computer.

Oh, all of the logging in, the transferring of data, the "Why won't it accept that password?!?!"

It causes me much more stress than it should.

And yet - here I am this morning typing on my OLD laptop because it has all of the files and the saved hyperlinks to insert into this post - 

It's comfortable. It's predictable. It's a long time friend.

I have serious trust issues when it comes to new formats, new programs, new ways of doing things, new equipment -

I'm set in my ways.  I guess this means I have officially reached the age of Old Fuddy Duddy?

Welcome to my life New HP.

You may sit there getting the side eye from me for a while, until we get to know each other better.

In the mean time - all those things "I NEED" Are uploading to Drop Box so I can transfer them over. 

The new one IS LARGER. I wanted a bigger screen as these eyes get older.

It's heavier, but it isn't going to travel. I have the smaller one for that should travel once again become part of my future.

Also part of yesterday's jaunt to Wallburg -

I brought up a few more sewing machines.  I filled two big black trash bags for trash day.  I unloaded the upstairs bathroom linen closest and under the kitchen sinks.

It doesn't sound very exciting does it?  It wasn't.

But it was a BEAUTIFUL "hint of spring" day for a drive.  It reached 64 in Winston-Salem by the time my afternoon appointment was over, and I did something I've been needing to do all winter:

Moby got a car wash!

But the funniest part was AFTER I got home.  I had posted this photo to social media just before I drove off on my way - upon checking comments I found:

Now go back to the car wash photo - 

I see the Leanne's 4 Runner in my rear view mirror! LOL!

You know your life is really sedate when this is the most exciting thing to happen for months. LOL!

As my dad would say "Now isn't THAT a Co-inky-dink!?"

Speaking of Dad - I got the best news yesterday that a daughter could wish for her nearly 81 year old dad. (His birthday is tomorrow!)

He was able to get his first Covid shot in Phoenix yesterday - and has an appointment in 3 weeks to get his second.  This just makes me SO HAPPY.

That light at the end of the tunnel just got one step closer.

Love from the mail box!

A special thank you is going out to the special pet-whisperer in Champagne Illinois who transcribed a couple of super cute Valentine's cards evidently from Zoey Jo and Ivy. LOL!1

Thank you so much for thinking of us!

It was a late arrival back home for me last evening (With temps back down to 38 up here.  Sigh)

We fixed a quick dinner of burgers on the grill - just yum - and we each opened a card from the fur babies while we were enjoying our dinner.

Ivy thought SHE should get in on the burger action for being so clever.

And just to throw something quilty in the mix -

Now that the "rainbow thing" no-name-as-of-yet quilt has gone off to quilting (Hopefully will start on that today!) I can keep a promise I made to myself to whittle down on the overload of blue strips in the Scrap User’s System.  

I've gone this far -not making blocks yet.  I need a bazillion ton of half-square triangle units.  For now I've got a stack of blues and neutrals on my ironing board.  During evening chats with my dad, I've been cutting pairs using my Essential Triangle Tool and stacking them in a shoe box at the side of my cutting table.

When I have a good stack, I'll spend an hour just sewing, pressing, and removing dog ears and stacking them on a couple of cookie sheets like this.

And then I'll make blocks.

Because I'd rather be dealing with a bazillion ton of triangles than dealing with setting up this new laptop computer, and all the headaches it presents.

Do you feel that way about "New Tech" stuff too?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage nine patch quilt found in North Carolina.

Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside.

I guess that means I need to learn to feel good about changes and progress and new devices and....but I don't want to!

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!



  1. I feel your pain. And I don't have any 6 year olds around to help me when me and technology are almost at fisticuff stage.

  2. Oh good! Your dad's getting the Pfizer vaccine (I was in the trial with Pfizer beginning 8/6/20)!! I rec'd the 2nd shot 2 wks ago today so I should be at about 95% immune. I know you AND your dad are two happy campers!

    1. I'm with yoiu Bonnie on the new tech stuff. I recently upgraded my I phone and had to learn the different ways this one works. I too would rather be stitching up half square triangles. And since I am recovering from a broken shoulder, that's about all I can do in the sewing room. Using the rotary cutter to cut them from stips was a challenge. A very slow process, and required a new blade in the cutter. Because I have no strength to put pressure when cutting. But I am healing and can soon put the border on my latest rain bow scrappy.

  3. Oh boy do I ever understand your frustration. My laptop is long overdue to change but I keep putting it off and suffering through a slow computer that often freezes.

  4. Yes technology = Stress for me. Its here and I slowly dive in as I like the results.

  5. I feel the exact same way. My.phone desperately needs replacing. And I let my laptop sit in the box for a year before I set it up.

  6. Happy Birthday to your Dad!! I had to upgrade our Laptop last fall. Luckily I had a Techie onsite who transfered all my Docs and Pics. The passwords ya, I get that!! It's always an issue.

  7. I know what you are talking about with getting a new computer! I got a new HP two weeks ago and have only streamed music on it so far. It is hard to make the tech change esp. when you know there will be grief in transfer. Still using my old old to write to you...LOL!

  8. I'm not a fan of technology. My philosophy when I was working was push buttons until it worked or died, but then I had tech support to fix my mess ups. Now days I don't do that. Good luck with your new laptop.

  9. So good to hear that your dad is getting his vaccine. It's difficult to be patient but hopefully this will allow us all some kind of normal again.

  10. Reading your post today made me smile - because I feel a bit more 'normal' with my feelings of detest when there is any change technology-wise! My husband (who is 67 about 2 weeks) gets his second Pfizer vaccine this Saturday. I found a place locally that had openings for an incredibly short time, as soon as I got him signed up, it closed. I'm hoping I'll be able to get my shots in the next month or so....I'm 65 in April. I'm SO glad your dad was able to get his first shot. Deb E

  11. You are a quilting rockstar and your fans are happy to see you even at the car wash! LOL
    My Dad says "co-inky dink" too! Must be a saying from back in the day!
    I hear ya on the new devices... so challenging for anyone over 20 years of age!

  12. I just retired. As a therapist, I had to put a lot of notes on the computer. I can easily admit, I hate changes in software or updates or new equipment. It is the very thing I am so glad to be away from. I resist making changes at home but as you well know, it has to be done. Yet, I sit here knowing I need to update my computer, my TV and to set up the dot, the computerized cameras but I will procrastinate until they are vintage.

  13. On May 21, 2021 I'll be the grand old age of 80! Proud to have attained those years and hopefully a modicum of wisdom as well... I've come to learn that change is inevitable, i'm not an expert at techy things and both make me itchy... Happy V-day and you are allowed to be uncomfortable! LOL, Ivy is such a gorgeous hunk of kitty! Love and well wishes from Cats in Carlsbad, CA

  14. I'm not overly fond of new laptops either but I highly recommend you get & use a password manager. It will have all your passwords in it so you don't have to remember them or type them in. I use 1Password. If I can do it, it must be fairly easy.

  15. New technology! That is the blessing of my twin sons, as they love it and are good to help their aging parents set up new phones, this last week. That has to be one of the perks of raising them!

  16. Yes, I feel that way, too. Anything new (technology, new cutting rulers & patterns, clothes & shoes, kitchen gadgets, etc.) except for books must sit awhile as I get ready to tackle the changes. It's a well known fact that I am anal and want, a.k.a., demand things stay the same. Good luck with the new laptop. My old desktop computer blew up with a firecracker sound and smoke about 10 months ago. I am still trying to get familiar with what I refer to as the new one.

  17. I received my 1st Covid vaccine yesterday. Hopeful is what I am!

  18. (Unless it's the cash variety...) I'm not a fan of change, either. Best of luck with your new computer, Bonnie!

  19. My 83 year old Dearly Beloved (Hubbie) got his second shot on Saturday. I truly understand the relief that goes with that occasion! I am scheduled for my first shot this Friday. As you say, slowly reaching the light at the end of the tunnel! Stay safe, Bonnie and all my fellow Quiltvillians! Catherine from icy SW Indiana

  20. I feel your pain. I just got a new iPhone 2 weeks ago and I am constantly asking my son for help. This only came about because I couldn’t get a new battery for my old flip phone!

  21. I completely understand as I am going through the same thing myself. My hard drive crashed, so I am forced to start over, gathering my data from the backups and hoping it is all there.

  22. i hear you! I just got a new iPhone and am constantly asking my son for help. This only happened because they don’t make the batteries for my old flip phone anymore!

  23. I'm sure Lola would have loved to send you a card if she could ...

  24. Oh boy!! I'm with you and the computer/phone thing! I need to upgrade the laptop, still running windows 8. It's slow, slow, but I know where I want to go on it so it stays for the time being. I get my 1st Pfizer shot on Friday. A little nervous because I have allergies that require me to carry an epi pen but taking a friend with me that know all about that.

    1. I have a computer that runs Windows 98...it still works and has never been hooked up to the internet, so it has never been updated!! Granted, it is a desk top and I don't use it (inherited from my parents), but I have it!!

  25. I'm another person who dread updates to my favourite software! I take care of the website for my guild, and the program we use was updated a while ago, but fortunately for me, they added a link to the "classic" editor, so I am still managing......

  26. I'm enjoying working on the Forever Mine table runner. I got a late start so it won't be done by Valentine's Day and I'm thinking of putting shamrocks on the back so it will be a dual purpose runner. Good luck with the new computer. You can do it!

  27. My feeling: is if it ain't broke, don't fix it! That being said, I have had several new computers over the years. When I bought mine they transferred everything from the old one to the new one.

  28. So happy to hear that your dad received his first shot. Unfortunately I am one of the few who won’t be able to get the vaccine (I had Guillain-Barrett as a child) so I’m hoping everyone else takes advantage of it a soon as possible.

    Good luck on your new computer and that your transition goes smoothly!

  29. That would make me a nervous wreck with new computer. It's bad enough when they do an update and have to adapt! Just love your critters. They're so lucky to have you and Dave loving them.

  30. New Technology is tough. I have a new phone! Yikes! When overwhelmed, I go to my basement sewing room and cut and sort my scraps and then sew some string blocks. Ah, relief!

  31. I recently bought a new cell phone (newer & more storage space) and changed to a new carrier. Everything was supposedly transferred to the new one. Not so. And now I must cancel their FREE offers before they will start charging me to continue it. I am too old for this, I guess. I have used computers for nearly 35 years but I shudder at the thought of getting a new one.

  32. So right there with you when it comes to new tech and fear of losing files.

  33. You might want to check out Laplink software to transfer your files. I'm going to use to migrate a Win7 to Win10 desktop. But I know how you feel 😝

  34. I don't like getting a new phone or a new lap top!! And the updates...ugh! I wish they would update computers and phones so I could just talk plain English to them and they would do what I want! My brain just doesn't work the way their "brains" work...totally incompatible!! Feel your pain. You are definitely a great pet parent with Lola, Zoey and Ivy...the best!

  35. I feel your pain. When I read the snip I panicked thinking blogger or google was changing something. Oh no! I'm the same. Nothing frustrates me more than technology problems that I can't fix.

  36. I love new tech and gadgets....until the set up... sets in. Do-oh! But once I get through that I'm back to being almost excessively happy again. Not too thrilled with my fit tracker....cheap for a reason...not a tech gadget that will stay around long. Laptops on the other hand...my eyes get bigger and bigger...almost as good as fabric. Sacrilege, I know. Good luck!

  37. TOTALLY with you on new technology! Somehow windows keeps updating my laptop and threw it into temporary files, so I can find none of my files. Researching it, seems to be a problem among many. I go from being upset to mad as hell. Has me so frustrated I’m ready to go by a mac. Windows is the worst!

  38. I have a brand new Laptop sitting in my sewing room. (From about three months ago!)
    I have opened it and turned it on maybe three times. I got it so I could look at tutorials while sitting at my sewing machine. I have no clue as to why I haven't done much with it. I usually grab onto the challenge of setting those things all up as soon as I get them home and I won't stop until I have it the exact way I want it. I think I have hit that "ol' fuddy duddy" stage! LOL

  39. Anonymous5:29 PM EST

    I feel your pain Bonnie. I gifted myself with a new phone over Christmas. I went from a teeny-tiny Trac Fone to a big 5-G phone. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. My granddaughter is having fun teasing me about it.

  40. Awe... happy birthday to your dad! So happy to hear that he was able to get his vaccine. My parents are still trying to get theirs. Hopefully soon. As for the technology thing, it helps that I have a person at home who is more adapt at that than I am. When I got my Instant Pot for Christmas a couple of years ago, it just sat in the box for a few months until I was brave enough to learn it! Haha! As for the car wash incident that was too funny!! Have a quilty evening! :)

  41. I too dislike new technology. I like using when it works great and I do have the people at the store transfer the old computer files to the new one for me. I miss the great word processing program I had and now do not have on the new one. And it won't play movies for me from CD's
    And a new phone is coming as my files are full on the old on and no way to take them off to make more space. hum.
    My husband complains much more about his mac products. And they are more expensive to replace.

  42. Feel your pain! Have a older Dell laptop on its 3 battery. I purchased an HP. Oooo I HATE windows 8 and 10 and all the darn updates. Have the two batteries when out on both only replaced the one. Ugh!

  43. Wow. I get it. I have my Apple stuff and haven’t used my computer for 6 months. I only use it as storage for pics and music right now and to use EQ. I can’t wrap my head around Microsoft anymore and I hate Bing. And Edge. And that they are charging me monthly to keep my Office files on my devices. I said I would get a Mac next but, thought I would be good and “save money” but I hate it. I always felt I better keep up or get left behind, so I tried and got left in the dust anyway. Same with my SLR camera. I don’t take pics anymore and can hardly remember how it works. So, guess I just play along and muddle through. Glad I don’t have a business to deal with! I feel your pain! (I turn 60 this summer...)

  44. I agree with you about technology. Like I tell the twenty-something salesman that's touting how great the latest TOTALLY NEW upgrade is, "I enjoy learning something new. What I don't enjoy is RELEARNING how to do something I could already do in the old version!"

  45. had an hp laptop 'spectre' for 4 yrs, i am 85, i use it every day its my lifeline. also have two grand kids who are wizzes at setting up and they love .to change settings, so my learning curve is ongoing. keeps my brain awake. learn to love the challenge, you are amazing at just fitting in ten times more than the average person,so let that laptop know who is boss. luv barb from melbourne oz

  46. My tech-y husband and son are my go-to when my phone updates...much groaning and eye-rolling from me “oh no it’s updating again!” I feel your pain. I still miss my old iPad because this one just feels...different. Thank goodness you have the fur babies for consolation!

  47. I agree about updates. I put them off as long as possible. And this new trend to "subscription" programs, ie MS Office - UGH! Everytime they think up something new you are stuck with it. I refuse to give up my old program which I own!

  48. Bonnie, When I read your 'name' for the 'rainbow thing' I thought if it were mine I would call it Sometime Over the Rainbow...sometime things will get better, sometime we will be reunited with our love ones. Sometime implies hope and we all need that right now! Just my thoughts...and I don't need 2 cents! LOL, enjoy your 38 degrees...it is 12 here in St. Louis and we are headed to a high of 4 on Sunday and Monday!!

  49. Crazy days all around here too. Computers!!! Mine had a Windows update (I had no choice about installing it) on the weekend, and never came back. It's now in the shop. My hubby's battery will not hold a charge, we just had a new battery done last year. My sewing machine decided to leave me in the lurch, I broke 4 needles in a row, so something is very wrong. ( I do have a spare machine) Happy Birthday to your Dad. My Dad shared the same day. He would have been 99. I miss him. Happy Quilting.

  50. I too need a new phone and laptop computers but just hate change I probably go to the store and get help setting them up. We have stayed in so there as been no shopping for phone or computer. We got our vaccination Monday get second one in March so hoping by then thing will be better. I just love everything you do!

  51. The security is SO good that even I can't get into MY own accounts!

  52. That's what sons and grandchildren are for. My cell phone kept telling me I was dangerously low on storage. So? I handed the rude thing over to my son and it stopped saying that. Now, all the pictures are on the computer. Of course, now he has to show me how to access them. I apologized top him one day for needing technical assistance. He said "Don't apologize, Mom. I've been using computers since kindergarten - you didn't have that advantage." Now, my grandchildren start using computers almost as soon as they can walk. As horrible as this pandemic is, we have had the advantage of being able to communicate with friends and relatives so easily, send pictures, telecommute, attend school virtually, etc. My quilt guild has been doing virtual meetings and even virtual sew ins. It certainly does help keep us less isolated from each other. Plus, we have access to Bonnie's blogs and that helps keep us sane and less isolated.

  53. My daughter gave me a new lap top for Xmas, my old one was literally falling apart. It took me over a month to get windows straightened out. But I still have some apps to get transferred. One being Publisher, which I use to publish our guild's newsletter and time is approaching fast. I will also, have to take my head out of the sand and finish getting everything transferred, ugh!!

  54. Ah new toys! Once you get used to it you’ll love it. At least that’s what I keep thinking as I fight with a big jump in iPhones. My desktop is out of memory and some gremlins won’t let me update to windows 10. I really don’t want to, I like it just as it is! I’m older and trying to learn where they moved the print button or some such drives me mental. The older I get the more I need organization and sameness to feel like I still have a brain! Going for my shot in March, glad to hear people are actually getting it, a relief. Hang in there Bonnie!


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