
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Good Things Come in Blue!

Yesterday was a work SEW from home kind of Tuesday!

It all came about due to the Hubs needing to be in Winston-Salem for the day - leaving Zoey's care up to yours truly.

Rather than haul Zoey to the QPO studio to do stuff there we stayed at the cabin.

And it was such a LOVELY day (Highs got to mid 50s! Whoowhooo!) that it seemed a shame to keep her inside at the QPO where she couldn't run and explore due to the busy road.  She has 42 acres to play up on the mountain.

Little miss in the sunny spot!

Sticks and bones - her favorite things!

And upside down she goes!

I felt it too - the sunshine was joyful!

Blue triangles and blue sky - good things definitely come in blue!

It will be a couple of months before we get green leaves up here.  But that's okay.  Just keep that blue sky and sunshine coming - we've surely missed it!

Back to more cutting -

I love my Essential Triangle Tool for this job!

Sewing, sewing, sewing some more.

In between it was kind of nice to do all of those other household type of things.  Run the dishwasher. Empty it. Wash and fold laundry - put it away.  Wash bedding, remake beds.  It just felt great.

It was one of those days where you just nod to yourself and say "Life is GOOD."

And that sunshine!

It's been a while since I posted a selfie - and this is how age looks on me. 59. How did I get to 59?

Something happens with 59.  No desire to dress up, or to "do" my hair, or put on make up for the "public." Because who really cares? I have no need to impress anyone.

Every crow's foot and wrinkle shows that I have spent a lifetime full of smiles and laughter.  

Every crease is a road map of where I've been.

We all age, if we are lucky enough.

I'd rather buy fabric than Botox.  The quilts made from that fabric will be around long after I'm gone.

2020 - 2021 has also been the year of allowing myself to really discover who I truly am. Not who other people expect me to be.  And it is wonderful and so freeing.

Sorry - I don't know where this came from - just that it is so wonderful to simply NOT CARE what others think about my outsides.  

It's the insides of people that we should strive to see.  Not the outsides. This also makes me want to look deeper when it comes to others.  Kind of hard to do with all of these masks, but what a joyful day it will be when masks are no longer needed anymore and we can really greet each other with smiles.

More blue!

I also finished the binding on this!

This was just SO MUCH FUN -

And fast.

It was really great to work on something that I could piece together in a weekend. (not including the quilting and binding) I would love to do more quick projects like this in between other things.

The quilting is just right -

It is spaced far enough apart that the quilt doesn't feel flat.  It is enough quilting that the quilt will wear like iron.

Of course, if you don't have access to a long arm, you could simply tie it.

The back was a fun way to use up little boy stuff.

(label yet to be signed.)

I can hardly wait to give it to Casden - his birthday is in April, so I'll need to hold on for a while longer.  I really hope he loves it!

Yes - there will be a pattern.  Soon. I'd like to give it to him first.

Today - back to the QPO.  In the morning sun.  If things keep going this way - long hikes up Round House Road - or up to Grayson Highlands to see if the ponies are about (And if there are any new babies!) will happen soon.  I can't wait!

Anything fun happening for your Wednesday ahead?

I'm hoping that you saw yesterday's post! We've got a gorgeous February 2021 Quilty Box to gift to one lucky winner along with a PDF pattern for me new Shattered! quilt.

That drawing will happen on Monday, so head over and get your entry in!

And remember - ALL digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are 25% off through February 28th using coupon code DIGITAL25 at checkout!

Please remember to type DIGITAL25 in the coupon box and hit APPLY before you complete your purchase.  Code must be used for discount to take effect.  No refunds if you forget!

Okay - I'm out - in the sunshine!

Smile on my face, ready to tackle this day.

With a bit of madness!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage basket quilt found in North Carolina.

This explains everything!

Embrace your own kind of crazy!

Have a wonderful Wednesday -



  1. Last week we were iced in for 9 days. Today it is supposed to hit 74! Gonna open up the house and scrub the day away. Fresh and new! Marilyn Marks

  2. Now your smile can start my day. I can rejoice in the weather today and Thursday and not spend my time dreading Friday into infinity.

  3. Love it! I just turned 59 this month and feel the same way! My hair is almost all white-ish but I don’t mind. More important things to worry about!

  4. “I’d rather buy fabric than Botox.” YES!!!

  5. It is good to know I am not the only one feeling the natural, no makeup feeling! Beautiful giving soul you are!

  6. You are beautiful! Yor posts are wonderful. They light up my day. Thanks Bonnie.

  7. Loved the 'rather buy fabric than Botox' ..... sure says it all!!!! hugs

  8. Your beautiful smile makes makeup and a fancy hair do totally unnecessary!

  9. I know what you mean about the no makeup thing. I retired from a life from being a nurse when I was 66. That was 7 years ago and the desire to wear makeup isn't as important now. I am me in the raw and oh how good it feels. Keep up the good life Bonnie and keep on with what you enjoy and we as quilters are so thankful for.

  10. Beautiful at 59 !!!!! I’m 68 quit coloring my hair during this pandemic I discovered I have pretty silver hair. I put a purple streak in front I love it.

    1. Bet your hair is gorgeous, especially with that great purple accent!!!

  11. I'm not sure which comment I've the best. Great post. We finally have had temperature up to 64 yesterday and an over night geml of 48.whooohooooo is so right. Your Zoe is nutty as a fruit cake i wouldn't want her changed for anything.

  12. The denim quilt is just wonderful. The little pops of color really enhance the denim.

  13. I predict a very happy little boy when he receives that quilt. It is adorable. Looking forward to the pattern. I've got a lot of denim to play with.

  14. I'm still knee deep in snow here in New York but it is sunny and will be in the 40s today. It makes me feel like spring is just around the corner.

  15. Love your blog as always.

  16. What a breath of fresh air. I stopped worrying about the outsides a while back. Others worried twice as much about me as I did... LOL Found out IT DOESN'T MATTER. You're right! It is FREEING! Soooo after years of uniforms, just plain old sweats, jeans, t's whatever. Hair has been left to grow, One single large pin holds it out of the way.... How DO we get to be in our sixties, and not wanting to revisit prior age brackets... I am loving just being me. :) Thanks for a wonderful post! <3

  17. "I'd rather buy fabric than Botox." There's got to be a country song in there somewhere!

  18. High in the Colorado Rockies it was 19 degrees this morning. not much snow and looking forward to Spring. It comes late here, May if we are lucky. Your posts are a delight. At 71 there hasn't been any makeup for quite a while and I don't miss it a bit.

  19. I love Casden's quilt and am sure he will also. We both share the same attitude regarding makeup and hair, I am giving both a break when I am not going out anywhere and in these circumstances who is going any where, not me. I also love your hair cut it looks great. We also have sunshine in Michigan and the snow storm from last week is melting and making a mess. I personally would rather look at the snow than dirty brown as long as it is not on the roads.

  20. We woke to an inch of snow and our mountain is out, the first time in weeks. After our morning walk, basking in the bright sun, I’ll finish up tax return and then celebrate by quilting my hexie quilt. Rain is forecast for tomorrow....true to the Pacific Northwest way.

  21. Staying home means more quilting, silver hair and no bra - plus hopefully slowing the spread of covid - sunshine here today too!

  22. Trying to wait, patiently, on Casden's quilt pattern. I have denim I want to use up! Have a great sunny day!

  23. Happy sunshine! Question - when you work with denim, do you still use 1/4" seams? Just curious what Bonnie does! And, BTW, I was finishing a binding last night and my thread got a bit tangled...my husband said, "uh oh, what would Bonnie do?" I thought it was funny!

  24. Ladies Ladies Give it another 15-20 years about the wrinkles. (don't ask how I know!) You REALLY won't care. haha Let the quilting continue as long as we're still breathin'

  25. Love all the blues in this post! I think the denim finish looks like a new classic. And who doesn't love triangles. I do! That's about all I've been doing for months.

  26. Soak up that sunshine!! Natural Vitamin D always does a body good!! Awe, thanks for the Zoey update; it looks like she will enjoy it just as much as momma does! Yes, blue is a beautiful color and good things always come in blue. Love, love, love the denim quilt. and the back is just as much fun as the front!! You are very good at building excitement... I cannot wait to see what the blue triangles are for. Unless they are just busy work! You are aging beautifully. Keep it up, and thank you for the life lesson of not caring what others think. Yes, life is good for the moment. Have a good evening!!

  27. You did an AMAZING JOB on Casden's quilt, hope I can remember it when I need to make them for my 3 brand new Great Grandsons.

  28. We're enjoying a heat wave this week, temps are in the 30's!! The snow is melting and it feels like spring. I stopped wearing make-up in my late teens as I couldn't stand how it made my skin feel. I just turned 60 a few weeks ago and while I have more aches and pains, I still feel young on the inside. I so enjoy all your outdoor pictures. Your mountains are breath taking any time of year.

  29. So glad to be able to see the completed denim quilt! I want to do this with my jeans stash.

  30. A brand new day for me. After a day of suffering through a reaction to the 2nd covid vaccine, today I feel like a new person. May even get into the sewing room for some bonding time with my Janome. I've missed her during the recovery from the broken shoulder. She has been fickle tho , my daughter decided to take up paper piecing and has been working on projects while I recuperate. I never got paper piecing. I love cutting up squares and triangles and stitching them back together. That's my thing.

  31. A little sunshine goes a long way with me!

  32. What a lucky little boy to receive that beautiful quilt.

  33. Please only enter ONCE. Duplicate entries are removed.

  34. On the vintage quilt I love the sashings and would love some direction to make those work for me! I love reading your posts when I can get to them during my "still working" life, and hoping to embrace retirement soon!

  35. I'm reading this on Thursday morning (I do all my email first thing in the morning) and, yes, even up here in Albany, NY yesterday was almost 50 and it was WONDERFUL !! I'm 72 now and for a while I haven't really worried about how I look. I ditched makeup quite a while ago. And I don't really care what you think of my physical self - always been overweight - the wrinkles are here and I'm with you. Buy fabric is more important (or paying my long armer) than Botox -- besides that stuff really is poison. I don't have to have the latest fashions - just clean comfy clothing. And it's so freeing. It's the inside that really counts - and how we treat others. Anyhow, that's my 2 cents for today. Bet my two grandsons would like that quilt eventually. They're only 5 and 4 at this point - so I have time to collect jeans! Have fun today and always

  36. Societal expectations are all overrated! I became disabled at 33 and learned real quick that all that really doesn’t matter. My hair is short because I simply can’t care for it. My makeup, only if I’m leaving my house, is a bit of eyeliner and lip color.... though my daughter reminds me every time that no one can see my lips behind ,y mask! Haha. Ito my only makeup habit. But my days in are comfortable, often braless, and about what I want. To hell with society and the expectations on women to look perfect! Just smile and enjoy your moments the best you can! :)

  37. Do you add your signing tag when you are sewing on the binding or when you are doing the quilting? Thanks

  38. Oh Bonnie, I love the vintage quilt of baskets! Do you know the name of it so I could purchase a pattern for it. I also love the sashings. Thanks!

  39. I love, love, love your denim quilt. I've been saving my denim pcs. & I haven't seen one I was drawn to til now. I'll save this for the future. I know where to find you. :) love to ya.

  40. I love the back of your quilt Bonnie. Way to use up what's in your stash. It gave me an excellent idea for the backing for my grandson's quilt. Thanks so much! enjoy your day! nancy Yechout

  41. I think you look great. No one would know if you didn't tell us.

  42. Love the vintage basket quilt with the quote of the day. Only thing is it's driving me crazy trying to figure out how the sashing was done. Is there a pattern for this quilt or would you consider doing one? Love reading your blogs and seeing the projects that you do. Thanks

  43. I say the very same thing -- how did I get to 78. But it does happen, doesn't it:)
    Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com

  44. Thank you for your posts Bonnie, they inspire us all. It is feeling like a spring day here although cool. Crocuses and snowdrops are in bloom. My rhubarb is pink with tiny green leaves. We have had a colder winter with more snow than usual this year. I like the sashing on the basket quilt and I think it is done like a basket weave, to look like it weaves over and under every two blocks. Very clever and it looks so much more interesting than regular sashing with cornerstones. I wonder if I am right?? Be Kind, be calm, and stay safe.

  45. Bonnie, a question. I noticed that Quilting Daily is offering one of your courses. Do you still benefit from them using your old classes? Do they have to get your permission or do they "own" them. Just curious.

  46. I absolutely love your dog, and I haven’t even met her. I’m afraid if I did, I would try to sneak her home with me!

  47. I love the denim quilt with the accent strip. I'm working on a denim quilt using my Singer 185J. What machine are you using for piecing the blue? I would like to find a machine that does the straight and a zig zag, but not all the cams. Is there such a machine?


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