This is the view from my desktop while working out pattern section #7 for the BIG DEADLINE project.
I breathed a heavy sigh as I realized that I was 7/12 the way through the pattern sections. There is still much more to do after those are done, but I am making headway.
I’m doing all I can now to make up for the time shift when I hit up Oregon the first week of December.
I love my super huge monitor for designing. 5 more to go.
The 4-patch quilt was an eBay “Cutter” find many years ago and it adds a bit of color and comfort to my desktop, also protecting the desk underneath it from pen & pencil scratches, or beverage rings!
4-patches are just my favorite thing ever and this makes me smile. When the desk is clean enough to see it, that is!
The rest of my time has been spent here!
It’s been super busy in the Mail Order Fulfillment Center AKA Dining Room, and I have a funny story to share.
I have sent a screen shot of what happened to both parties and am hoping that 1st one will forward it on to the 2nd one and I'll refund her the shipping and send her a little something for her effort.
No, never perfect --but maybe I should get a B- for effort?
The first names were both 4 letters, and the same last name…ordering just a few days apart from each other. Can we say brain on auto-pilot?? You just have to keep laughing at yourself. Or at least I do. Mistakes happen, but they show we are trying!
I also think this macular thing I’m living with has a bit to do with it. The names are the same shape even when I can’t read them clearly. And so we go on!
There are 100 more Quiltville Eco-Pouch Sets in the Quiltville Store. This is as many as I can get out before I leave for Florida on Tuesday.
On the Quilty Front:
I See Half-Way!
I have managed to sneak in a few passes of quilting here and there in between everything and I finally got to see the half way point! It’s like unrolling a rainbow one color at a time. Whoowhooo!
Yep, it’s in there!!
I don’t know what I’ll do when this neutral one is gone. I have plenty of the black and blue with sparkly, and some of the rainbow 2000 on black – and they show up now and again in quilts where I can get away with it (Always fun to sneak some in, it’s become somewhat of a calling card!) but the neutrals….when they are gone they are gone!
This is the FUN part about scrap quilting. Anything and everything goes in. Makes me giggle, and giggling is good medicine.
Put the phone down, mama and turn out the light!
Emmy Lou is a cat creature of habit. About 10:30 pm she starts pacing the floor and meowing waiting for me to stop what I’m doing and come to bed. She is ready. She wants me. If I walk past the stairs, she’ll start running up like I am going to follow here. And she’ll stop half-way and turn to find out if I am following her or not. If I’m not, down again she comes, meowing at my ankles.
Somewhat like a cow dog, she is a people herder cat. So funny. Sweet old miss at 17.
I am so looking forward to Quilt-Cam tomorrow via Facebook live at 2pm Eastern! Do you have it on your schedule? If you miss it, it will be appearing in Monday Morning’s blog post so you can catch the re-runs.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage Log Cabin quilt found in North Carolina.
Welcome to the weekend, everyone-
I hope you find some time to spend with fabrics you love and quilts in progress!

Hi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering - What program do you use to write directions for your patterns? I like how it allows you to add diagrams. I'm a wanna-be designer with many designs on paper. Thank you! Happy quilting!
From Taipei,
Mary Ann Cooke
I am suffering severe monitor envy. LOL
ReplyDeleteI am continually amazed at how many of us have pets that tell us its bedtime. For me its an 80 lb hound that lets me know loudly its bedtime thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteNow if he would only let me sleep in in the morning
It's Day 2 of our Quilt Festival. They frown on us "touching" the fabric of the Quilts, even if it is our own Quilt. The vendors encourage it. I may need to make a stop by the bank enroute this morning, lol. I saw a pretty En Provence there- Full size and made by a 1st time Mystery Quilter. Auto-Correct and fat fingers get me when I am typing. Getting old isn't for sissies. I ordered the Simple Folded Corner Ruler 2 times! Glad you are taking breaks to get in a few stitches there. 4 sections to go, WHOOP, WHOOP! See you on QuiltCam
ReplyDeleteI just love simple sets like four patches too. There seems no end to what can be done with them. My all time super favorite quilt is the ol' nine patch snofwball. Bonnie, keep those old pattern coming in your unique way!
ReplyDeleteDo you only order the evo poichs 100 at a time? I would like to get on the lst.
Sweet piecing
Mary I did the same thing. My Pay Pal account is closed and so I used my plastic the second time! HA HA Sorry Bonnie
ReplyDeleteI stopped following my pets' orders by ignoring them. They've learned to put themselves to bed. The downside is that they're awake, wanting out to potty then fed at O'dark thirty.
I have the same model longarm as you and I keep noticing that you put your quilt top on a roller, too. I have always "floated" mine. Any benefit you find in your method? I learn by picking up tips from other longarmers. Thanks for anything you might share!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear your kitty 🐱 needs you to go to bed with her.
ReplyDeleteWe had a lovely small dog that loved to go to bed, we would say it's bed time and she would lead us down the hall to bed. She was so sweet.
Now we have one old cat she moves in the night between sleeping on top of me then my husband and back all night long. When I get up she quickly takes my spot (nice and warm) and well that's why I don't make my side of the bed some days I don't want to disturb that old cat.
She spends evening TV 📺 time on my husband
What kind of long arm quilting machine do you use? I want to buy one. I need something really simple.
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie...I saw some millennium fabric in the flat folds at M & L Fabric last week. Are you sure you don't want some more? As soon as I saw it, I thought of you!
ReplyDeleteHahaha, Mary
My dad and I shared a sweet, sassy cat--who actually became my mom's cat after dad passed, and was such a comfort to her, knowing she was looking after "Dad's girl", but now I'm digressing. This funny cat was the only one who could get my night-owl Dad to go to bed at a reasonable hour. She would nag him and he would give in because he couldn't deny her anything. Otherwise, he would have stayed up half the night and then fallen asleep on the couch, watching tv. But if the cat said it was time for bed, off he went, bless his heart. I loved them both even more for that ritual. Thanks for the sweet memory.
ReplyDeleteHi, Bonnie! I haven't commented before, but have been enjoying your blogs for several months.Something happened over the weekend I'm SURE you'd enjoy. . . at a local Garage Sale, I found a beautiful black Singer for $25!!! Debated, went back & got her for $20!! Oh, she is a beauty. But the gal doesn't even hand sew, got her at an auction, knew nothing about her. I had to give her a home. No cabinet, no manual, nothing much to identify on her except a serial number in two places. I'm searching online & have pieced together (pun intended) the probability that she is an 1858 Treadle style 27. Waiting for confirmation from the Singer folks (who just weren't at work @ midnight, for some reason), & hopefully a resource for her missing parts to get her working. I found a million posts online, am not sure where best to start - do you have a routine you follow to identify & fix the gems you rescue & re-home? I live in Indiana, in a small town, most likely will have an hour's drive in any direction IF I locate a "local" (rather than online) resource. Any input would be appreciated. Hope you enjoyed my story! Jennie