
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cheddar Bow-Ties!! 2011 Leader/Ender Challenge!

Every year there is at least ONE quilt that we ALL fall in love with.

This year it was a bowtie using a cheddar solid as a background. Do I have to remind you of how much I love solid cheddar? When I look at antique quilts, those with solid cheddar in them are the ones that jump out at me and straight into my heart.

We decided that this year we would use this quilt as a Leader/Ender project --- not to be completed by this time next year necessarily,but to at least show how far we could get in a year if we used these pieces strictly as leaders and enders in between the seams of other lines of chain piecing on current projects.

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This was my first glimpse of this lovely quilt hanging over one of the racks in the antique quilt booth. Did you spy it in the slide show the other day on my post of the antique quilts?

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Here it is spread out a bit better….I love that there are no borders, it is just bound with a terrific old indigo blue!

Would you like to join us in the 2011 Bow Tie Challenge? There are no rules, no deadlines, no finished size, no muss no fuss. Basically, all you have to do is cut the pieces ahead of time, keep them by your machine, and when you are in the need of a leader/ender, you’ll use the bow tie pieces and watch them grow in number until this time next year!

Click HERE for printer friendly version!

To get started:

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Directions make 3" finished bow tie blocks!

From cheddar background cut: (2) 2” squares.

From bow tie fabric cut: (2) 2” squares and (2) 1-1/4” squares!

((I know 1-1/4” is a strange size,and not one that I keep on hand, so I am cutting all my “sets” for the bow ties from my drawer of 2” strips. I can get the pieces for one bow tie block out of a 2" X 7” strip with 1/2” left over for squaring/trimming!))

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Lay the (2) 1-1/4” squares on top of the (2) 2” cheddar background squares as shown….You are going to sew those on the diagonal as for snowball corners!

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You don’t have to trim the excess, but I do. These bow ties are going to finish at 3” square, and you don’t want a lot of bulk where these seams are going to come together. I just aim for an approximate 1/4” with my scissors and snip!

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The sew the connector units to the bow tie squares in four patch fashion! Press the seams toward the unpieced bow tie squares. Sew the two halves together, and you have ONE bow tie completed!

It takes FIVE seams to complete each bow tie block. So every time you need a leader/ender --- just know that you ARE building something and these ties will add up in no time!

While Lori was working on her Triple Irish Chain quilt this weekend…she was able to complete THESE in no time at all:

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Isn’t this going to be fun! I can hardly wait to get home and into my 2” scrap bin to start kitting some of these up. I want to use up a lot of recycled plaids and stripes too.

Out comes the 5 yard piece of solid cheddar I’ve been hoarding!

Lori wants to continue to do hers with cheddar prints, and I’m a solid cheddar girl, so we’ll see how different these look as they take shape!

Randy, getting in on some camera action too! Oh we have had just the BEST time this year!! And this crazy woman is already making 2" finished ((YES FINISHED at 2"!!)) bow ties as HER leader/ender project. Be watching her blog for updates!

Are you game? Let’s do it!


  1. I am sooo in! However, my color is poison green. And I am going to stick with one fabric for the background. I too have a nice chunk! This wil be fun. Thanks.

    1. I'd like to see your finish. Mine is cheddar my daughter snacht
      ed it up.

  2. I just completed a bow tie quilt using Aunt Grace fabric. It looks very tame and boring compared to the cheddar. I'll have to branch out more. Absolutely love the troll since KC is where I'm from.

  3. Oh, I am in NEED of a stash buster. I am in!!! I just purchases some cheddar fabric....hope I have enough...I swore off new projects until I finish the ones staring me in the face..roll, roll....is one of them, but now....I am excited on this one!!! Thanks Bonnie. I have been in a slump, this was just what I needed to get crackin'!

  4. Oh Yes! Count me in!
    I happen to have a 1 yd piece of cheddar I picked up on vacation last week, just because I liked it, that I can use to get me started!


  5. I have never really done a Leader/Ender project though I love the idea of it...so I am going to bite the bullet and get some cheddar (which I also adore) and join you. I may only do a small one, but at least I will be trying out the concept...and nothing like sewing more stuff in between the RRCB and SMM quilts I am working on!

  6. It is funny that you all decided to make this quilt. I took a picture of this one too and dreamed of making it all the way back to Seattle on Saturday. Yesterday I found some beautiful solid cheddar and started my blocks last night (old style piecing however). It will be fun to watch your progress too.

  7. How do you do it all? I am sorry to say that I will not be joining the fun. My current leader/ender project is all cut and about half of the small units are done. I'd love to play, but I've got about a bazillion flying geese units (you can come count them if you want to) and half that many TriRecs units (whatever half of a bazillion is) to complete before I get to start sewing it all together. I do love the bowtie quilt and will be interested to see the outcome!

  8. How did you know I was almost finished the Jacob's Ladder and "needed" another project?

  9. YES! I doubt I have cheddar stashed, but I'll find some wild color in plentitude from the stash.


  10. Whoopee, Sounds like fun. I'll give it a go.

  11. Sounds like insanity, but I'll join in. I just have to decide on a background color.

  12. This is so funny...I just pulled a bunch of scrap squares out for a bowtie quilt a few weeks ago and bagged them up for later...guess I will be pulling them back out. I pulled 2.5 inch squares because I was overrun with them, so I will be using those.

  13. It IS a beauty!! Will make a great leader/ender project.

  14. I'm in!! I'm contemplating using lavender for my background fabric.

  15. You are Brilliant. And you look great. Brains and Beauty

  16. I'm in, I am going to give it a try. With no recent deadline, I think I can do it.

  17. I'm in too. Sister, sister... TROLL sister ;)

  18. Will the inspiration be coming home with you????

  19. Bonnie, great minds think alike! I'm hosting a Bow-Tie-A-Day Summer Sew In on Facebook! It's been a ball, and it's so fun to see what everyone is doing. I'll post a link to your blog for all the followers as additional inspiration. Karen Snyder - Anna Lena's

  20. 3" blocks will take a lot to make a quilt...I'll try and fit it in with all my other sewing. Thanks for sharing this easy peasy block!

  21. Anonymous7:23 PM EDT

    Now I actually have a use for fabric bought for a mystery before I knew anything about color. Plus I left for a one year deployment and missed the monthly clues. lol. I picked limegreen with squiggles, neon orange with squiggles focus fabric was orange with green pepper slices. What was I thinking. thanks for this bowtie leader/ender project.


  22. I've done a couple of leader/ender quilts in the past but am not working on one currently. This looks like a good idea. Need to go find a good backround fabric to go with the stash. I'll need to make the block a bit bigger than 3 inches but thanks for the idea, should be a good year.

  23. I'm in too Bonnie...I have been wanting to do a bow tie quilt for ages...
    I hope you don't mind but I copied the info for the bow tie and printed them out ...I couldn't find a Printer PDF version..
    Thank you Julia ♥

  24. ok, you just talked me into it...and while I hate orange (love creamsicles tho!)I've always admired antique quilts with it. I've got my 3 yard piece and I'm starting today.

  25. Ohhhh, Gorgeous! I love Lori's blocks, too. I have some cheddar plaid shirts that I can use!

  26. I love it! Tho I have a ton of other stuff in progress I do have some old cheddar that I will use- will have to buy some more but it seems like fun- are you going to leave this in a side bar or something for easy finding? Thanks for more quilty fun Bonnie.
    PS I am working on the Cactus Patch but as usual it has taken on a life of its own- you might recognize the blocks tho once it is done- I will post on your FB....

  27. I don't have any cheddar... but I will have to look and see what I do have! Looks like fun to me!

  28. I'd love to join in. Have been needing a leader/ender project. Just need a background fabric. Will have to check my stash...if I can't find anything, I guess I'll have to go shopping. ;)

  29. terrific! i've got some solid cheddar i've been hoarding for such a time as this...can't wait to get started

  30. *gasps* What! I can't believe you're not sewing that seam twice and saving the bitsy bonus triangles that would result, lol

    C'mon, dare ya. Can't you just see teeny weenie little bear-claw blocks or feathered stars with little half-inch triangles? :D

    Just teasing. I'm gonna play along too, even though there's no cheddar in my stash, I'm SURE I can find something.

    Is it just my imagination, or does that troll look scared of the rotary cutter in those pix?

  31. Must be nice to have a sewing room and a machine....

  32. I like this. I could sent my current scrappy cactus pot leader-ender aside and do this with a PINK background!

  33. How funny! I just finished a Bow Tie Birthday Quilt for my 90 year old father-in law. It was fun and easy. I made my bow ties bigger though. I blogged about it here:


  34. Anonymous5:52 PM EDT

    Sounds good to me. I usually use a piece of scrap fabric for leader/Enders, but see where this will be great...actually getting blocks instead of a piece of thread fabric..

  35. Sounds like fun! I am finishing up a Crayon Box leader-ender that I have been worker on for most of this year so I am ready for a new project. Just to get all the pieces cut and put there by the machine. How fun.

  36. Anonymous9:24 PM EDT

    OH MY ... I always thought these blocks were harder to do. And I have a bin of 2 1/2" blocks so I can hack into them!

    Thanks for the on going inspiration. It is fun to feel like 'friends' are all doing this together.

    Best Wishes from Happy Valley, Oregon!

  37. Anonymous11:41 AM EDT

    Ok, Bonnie...I missed this post because I was camping near Sisters, but count me in! I love bow tie blocks (my Dad always wore bow ties - in wild colors!)

  38. I am IN!!!! I love cheddar now to decide a print or solid
    leaning towards solid
    although I have a great cheddar toile ;)

  39. I just ordered 5 yards of solid cheddar fabric - and after I had promised myself that I would not buy any more fabric the rest of the year! Way to keep your promice, Jan! LOL I can't help it - the bow ties got to me. I have enough cheddar for 24 blocks left over from a jelly roll, and a whole box of Civil War repro scraps. Looks like another quilt just got bumped to the top of the list! Thanks for the inspiration! And thanks for the great quilt show pics. Maybe someday I can attend in person - until then, keep the photos coming, please.

  40. I think I need to join in. Not sure what color I'll use for my background. I'll have to see what I have. I needed a push to get back in front of my sewing machine.

  41. I so completely dig cheddar and I totally love the way you're constructing the bow ties. You've grabbed my attention! *karendianne.

  42. I'm in. I'm thinking about using some Halloween fabric. Orange background with black spider webs where you have the cheddar and purple fabric with yellowy eyes for the bow tie part. I'm looking forward to it, as I have not done any leader and ender projects before. I may start cutting tonight, as I've just finished watching a stage of le Tour de France....I'm so excited about it I can't sleep! lol

  43. Yummy, I am in too!!!!

    Carolyn :)

  44. Great fun! I'm in. THis quilt has it all - scrappy, little blocks, cheddar...check, check, check. Great find!

  45. I would love to be part of this. Learning to love cheddar.

  46. I'm in don't have a large stash of cheddar I am going to use shirtings w/white for the background and make my bow ties plaids or stripes.

  47. Yeah, guess what? I'm in, too.

  48. Oh these blocks looks like so much - may I join you? I need to order some cheddar but then I'll be good to go. woohoo!!!!

  49. I'm in. have just ordered my cheddar and will start cutting while I'm waiting for it to arrive.

  50. Anonymous9:34 PM EDT

    I'm in! I just made my first 2 bow tie blocks after receiving my first ever purchase of cheddar fabric today (5 yards of solid Kona Cotton Cheddar), thanks to your inspiration. I'm already loving it. In one of the blocks I used a red plaid from a pair of grandpa's boxers (!!) and for the other I used a plaid from one of his shirts. Very fun. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Nancy njnielsen@comcast.net

  51. I think cheddar will look great with plaids fom my Goodwill shirts fabric collection! I look forward to making another bowtie quilt.

  52. I've made bow tie quilts like this before (using no-set-in seams) but I love this antique quilt because I love cheddar! If I can find some solid cheddar at my LQS, I'm in!

  53. my guess is 313, may be copying another's number but
    didn't have time to look at all the entries.

  54. Anonymous6:23 AM EST

    Let's see examples for putting ties together.

  55. I just found out about your webpage at our quilters Guild meeting (Waikato region in north island of New Zealand) today (lots of fans) and it is all that your fans said it was. I have to be conservative with purchasing fabrics and your scrappy hints and quilts fit the purpose. Thank you.

  56. I just found out about your webpage at our quilters Guild meeting (Waikato region in north island of New Zealand) today (lots of fans) and it is all that your fans said it was. I have to be conservative with purchasing fabrics and your scrappy hints and quilts fit the purpose. Thank you.

  57. ok, I am not the best with math (I wish I would have paid more attention in school!) but if these finish 3" putting 4 of them together would give me a 12.5 block, correct? I think some bow ties would look cool in a quilt I am working on, but I like a few little ones rather than I a big one.

    Although I do little leaders and enders I might add this as a big one I do.

  58. Dorothy Countryman1:26 PM EDT

    I just finished making the top of my cheddar bowtie, or as my kids call it the Cheezit quilt. Ten years in the making, but I love it. Ordered the tangerine 🍊 solid from the store you purchased it at. 90x90 can’t wait to get it quilted!!! Than LC you Bonnie.


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