
Friday, September 05, 2008

Book Pre-Orders!

You wanted to Pre-order, and now you can!

My editor sent me this note today:
Hi Bonnie.

We have your book up online at PickleDishStore.com to take preorders. Feel free to post on your site, directing your fans where to purchase! Here is the DIRECT LINK:

Boy, we have waited a LONG LONG time for this, haven't we?!

I am also going to be selling books on my website at the same retail price of $25.95+ shipping, and I will be signing the books that are ordered through me. But if you don't care if it is signed or not, and you want to be the first one in your guild or sewing bee to have this hot little book in your hands, feel free to order directly from Kansas City Star at the link above!


  1. I'm gonna share the link over on the HGTV quilter's board and then go grab my crdit card... :)

    Thanks for letting us preorder!!!
    I can't wait! Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  2. WHAT MARVELOUS NEWS... I do want mine "autographed" so I'll be watching for the link on your website. SOOOOO exciting for you!!!

  3. Oh crud, not sure if my message when through -- YES , I will watch for instructions on how to order FROM YOU, autographed, because you are going to be MORE famous 8-)

  4. congratulations! a long time in the process....

  5. What a great cover design! Congratulations, your baby is launched.

  6. Anonymous12:02 AM EDT

    Congratulations! Does this feel like you're about to give birth? How exciting to finally see your "baby" in print.

    Now, when is the next installment of Tobacco Road going to be put up? I've got half my rows sewn together and will finish up the other half tomorrow -- Finally!

  7. Mazel tov! I will order from you when the time comes, hopefully that means you get a bigger cut, cuz you deserve it. ;)

  8. Congratulations!!! It's a great new! I prefer wait and buy your book directly to you.

    I live in spain and i would like to know if Internacional shipping will be avalaible.

    Many thanks!!

  9. Congratulations Bonnie! I want my book Auotgrpahed as well so will wait for the link on your site.

    Hope the you are far enoughinland not to be too worried about the storms heading your way.

    we call them Cyclones in Australia but they ahve the same destructive nature whatever you call them.

    Stay safe, dry and happy

    angela in Aust

  10. OK, are you going to ship overseas - Australia. I want my copy autographed

  11. As much as I would like an autographed copy, I just CAN'T wait!!! So...I've preordered one, to be part of the gazzillion orders to blow 'em away and show those Kansas City Star folks that they not only need to print up LOTS of your books...but get you to do another and another and.... :-)

  12. I want to purchase from you so I will get a signed copy. Will you be offering PayPal with your checkout cart?
    Hope you stay dry this weekend.
    XOXOXO Subee in Northern Indiana

  13. just wondering if you're gonna know along the way how many preorders you book gets... do you think they'll keep you updated? I'd be so currious!

    I know of a few of my HGTV friends that have alredy preordered theirs... I made my preorder last night for just 1 copy... and like everyone else that wants a signed copy - I'll order that one from you directly from your site later.

    One copy for me and another for a friend ;) ~bonnie

  14. Don't you love that:
    Author: Bonnie Hunter

    I wonder if someone will see the cover and say, "That looks like my husband's shirt I donated to Goodwill!" LOL

  15. I'm too impatient - I pre-ordered through PickleDish before read far enough through your post to see that I could order directly from you and get it autographed. I also didn't think about you getting a "bigger cut" through your own website sale - does it really happen that way? If so, I'll cancel my preorder from PD and order direct from your site. I'm so excited for you!

  16. Bonnie,
    I am waiting for the official signed copy so that I can get one for myself and two for my quilt buddies. Have credit card out and ready to go. I even have a box of shirts from the thrift shop!Thank you for a wonderful site with so much inspiration and gernerosity


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