
Monday, March 24, 2025

Quilty Through The Weekend!

Sorry for the not quite in focus photo -

This is not only through the front door window, but also the storm door that is in front of the front door...so you get double distortion here -

But I wanted to show you how Flash is coming along.

There is still the whole "Get Tula started on her food in the Garage so that Flash has a chance to eat his food that includes dewormer...."

And we found evidence that it is indeed working. (Don't ask) 

And though he is still super skittish, he knows that I am the food-bearer and he doesn't run away far when I come to bring his bowl.

The left front paw he had injured somehow seems to be healing and he is now back to using it, but guarding it a bit.

The retreat gals have been keeping an eye out and informing me of any goings on that they see -

And yes, they have been bringing the food bowls inside at night because....RACOONS!

Any floor is a design floor!

I had a stop-by with some friends from Canada who were on their way to visit relatives in Tennessee and I gave them a little tour - not expecting to see LeAnn's Indigo A Go-Go from String Frenzy on a bedroom floor upstairs!

Space is at a premium, and what can I say - use the space you can find, and get some exercise going up and down stairs as needed.  Lovely!

So are the vintage quilts on the bed nearby.

LeAnn's Hunter's String Star is another favorite! It comes free as a bonus PDF with the purchase of String Frenzy  or you can get it as a stand alone in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Another string beauty in progress!

Leann is on a roll getting her big string quilts from String Frenzy assembled. This is Straits of Mackinac.

My favorite thing about this quilt was the tiny sashings - a pain to make, but worth every stitch, and how the 4-pointed stars break out into the border.

Her fabrics including the neutrals are so lovely!

There were also Santa gnomes on another design wall -

Old Town on the wall here -

And some gorgeous thread play happening here!

Indigo Way top completion!  Hooray!!

Such a busy merry band of quilters!

Super cute and tiny pinwheel stars!

For me - yes, this is ongoing.

But I'm getting there (Even if it feels super slow.)

There are now 200 sawtooth sashings in the baggie.

I'm closing in on the number ai need!

The ladies also wanted to come next door on a field trip to see the inside of the QPO studio.

That forced a stop on the sewing, and a hurry up and clean.  LOL!

I did *FINALLY* (in this madness) make that an opportunity to clear off one flat surface that had been gathering bigger scraps of fabric that needed a cut down into useable strip widths.

Due to the shortness of time (and lack of desire, honestly!) They are still hanging on my long arm take up roller for me to put them in their drawers by color and strip width.

Maybe today?  Maybe not.

The weekend flew by too quickly, and I can't believe we are here at Monday already.

Did you get any stitching in?

In case you missed it - this happened and is on-going!

My Waterford PDF pattern is now available in the Quiltville Store with an automatic 25% introductory discount good through 3/31/25.

It was inspired by a tile floor I photographed on my last trip to Ireland, when we took our Craftours group to the Waterford Crystal showroom in Waterford.

Waterford measures 80'' X 80'', but is easily made smaller or larger just by changing the number of blocks.

And yes, there is a Gift-Away!

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a Waterford PDF pattern from me and a Notable Neutrals fabric roll from our friends at  Cotton to Quilts 

Get your entry in on That Post!

We'll draw for those winners THIS SATURDAY 3/29/25. Whew!

Did you catch this from this post?

My friend Bruce Leonard's newest Hadley Carroll novel Quilt City: Safety Second is joining the line up of other fun quilty mystery titles, continuing the story of Hadley's adventures in Paducah Kentucky.

I'll be giving away 3 copies of Quilt City: Safety Second so head to that post and get your entry in.

I think that catches us up to now.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

"Slow down, you move too fast. You've got to make the morning last! Just kickin down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feeling groovy!"  

Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!



  1. Thank you! for the quote of the day. It really is words of wisdom.
    The photos of all the ladies projects just blew me away. Every one of them was BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM EDT

    Did I ever get some quilting in this past weekend! I was at a most lovely retreat in beautiful Brant Lake, NY where we retreaters were treated like royalty. And my project was your Morning Glory quilt. Still lots of blocks to go! The time went too quickly! Back to real life today!

  3. I actually got several hours' worth done on a repair quilt. New binding, and several small patches made to match the quilt to cover rips and tears. I'm glad my stash could support this enterprise!

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM EDT

    I love the update on flash and your sawtooth sashings are fabulous!

  5. would say that IS a Merry band of busy quilters!! They are super busy and producing some great stuff!! I got a quilt finished for a customer... so, with that, I am officially back to my donation quilts. I have Triple Treat on the wall and I am working on 9 patches now for Dancing 9 patch. I will also probably be looking at Nine in a Hole after County Claire as my L/E's. I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Back to the grind tomorrow. This week will be some shuffling going on since we have track meets at school and we are FINALLY expecting some rain!! :-) Hope you get some stitching time in this evening!

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM EDT

    Love the gnomes, super cute

  7. Anonymous11:16 PM EDT

    I have been busy, not sewing as much as prepping for a trip…. to Quiltville!!! My friends and I are heading out next week and can’t wait to see you!!!
    Sue Burns

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM EDT

    Thank you Bonnie from your Canadian Friends!! We had a lovely visit, albeit short. It was wonderful of you to show us around and introduce us to your gorgeous Inn and current retreaters. Some day, some day I will make a retreat happen at your gorgeous facilty. We head home this coming Thursday, unfortunately back to snow so will really miss the daffodils blooming. We are a month away from that sight yet. Thank you again. Stay safe and healthy and all the best for the upcoming season


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