
Wednesday, March 05, 2025

In Lieu of Sewing -

I spent Monday doing a clean out and reorg of my cutting table.

I just couldn't stand it any longer.

I was finding it hard to find actual cutting space on my mat as the available area became smaller and smaller due to the piles and stacks on both ends of the table - 

Random rulers, piles of strips and fat quarters -

Leftover lengths of backing margins -

Yardage not chosen to be binding even though it was in the line up, just stacked on the end until I could get myself around to putting it away.

The catalyst?  Somewhere under those piles was the rotary cutter and a pair of scissors that I could not find.

I went from clearing the cutting table to moving on to a box of scraps that arrived from my friend Carrie -

I am short on neutral strings, so I went through one bag and pulled out what would work for pre-cut strips for the Scrap User's System and set those aside and focused on this:

Extra wide strips were placed on my Accuquilt Studio - not to cut to an "actual" width, but placing over the blade to cut them somewhat roughly in half but a bit off center to maintain the appearance of STRING instead of even strip.

Does that make sense?

It does to me!

These lovelies will find themselves in another string project down the road.

Anything really narrow is set aside for working into my current paper-pieced log cabin project.

And yes, there is a bag of cut-off triangles I can work right in to my sawtooth sashing strips too.

Yesterday was an absolutely NO SEW day.

The wonderful March Quiltvillians had already done much clean up and started in on the laundry before I even got there. SO NICE!

And it's a good thing because Housekeeper Susan has had a fall and twisted her ankle badly and is unable to come this week.

So I have been playing Housekeeper Bonnie and appreciate Housekeeper Susan all the more (She is worth her weight in gold, truly!) as I did all the things.

I didn't stop from the time I arrived until it was time to go home for dinner.

Hubster Dave came by late afternoon to help me make beds.  Bless him too.

The downstairs is done - I only have to finish the upstairs today before Celeste's Quilty Pleasures group arrives around 4pm.

Meanwhile on the home front:

Son Jeff arrived right before I left home to work on the deck!

Mabel and Zoey are infatuated with Jeff. You should hear the squeals of delight when they hear his car pull up the drive.

Mabel can't get enough of him.

This side section is now done.

Two short walls leading to the stairs are done.

And best of all - they've agreed to leave it all galvanized grey!  I simply said "We are not getting any younger and I don't want to have to face repainting everything in a couple of years, do you?"

Cost + Time + Aging.  It's a wonderful equation that had them checking the facts.

Great job Carol!

Carol shared her Silk Path top worked in blues and creams to our Quiltville’s Open Studio group to rave reviews.  It's beautiful!

And you saw a couple of retreats back where Charlotte was working hers in everything?

These two tops are Charlotte's - her Big String Quartet is sewn from selvages, and I love that she made her Silk Path in scrappy rainbow.

Each time I make a quilt I wish I could make it again in another color way, or change some things and do variations, but I just can't - so I love having YOU do it for me!

I've seen several posts asking where they can find our Hearts of Hope quilt that we ran as a sew along 3 years ago when Ukraine was first invaded by Russia.

It is included as a bonus in my Solidarity PDF pattern booklet.

Which actually has my heart in my stomach as I type this because it doesn't feel like much solidarity anymore that our current president has pulled all aid and are now aligning the United States with Russia while the allies we've turned our backs on are rallying to support Ukraine without us.

No matter what, this is a sad day. 

I just feel so sad. So I do what I can. Cleaning my studio? Takes up time, occupies my mind. Visiting with quilters? Provides a distraction.  Sewing itty bitty cut off triangles into small sashing strips? Insane, but at least gives me something to do.

And before this post gets a bit more runaway -

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

How many four letter words can I avoid so that I can fast forward to the five letter word?

It's the only thing that's keeping me sane right now.



  1. Love the pic of Jeff and Mabel--so sweet!
    Great line to not paint, Bonnie. I use it alot now-a-days. Rails look terrific.
    Have a terrific Wednesday, Jenny

  2. I'm with you. Quilting is the only sane part of life right now. Keeping our heads down and being quiet will not help us survive. We have to speak up and do what we can to resist.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM EST

    Tough times in the United States for sure . Totally do not agree with that person in the White House. Support Ukraine totally. Only quilting and cross stitch keeping me sane

  4. Marcie Fancey10:33 AM EST

    It's shameful the way we're abandoning our allies and befriending dictators. And I watch this as I wait to see how long my partner, who works for a government contractor, will be able to keep his job.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM EST

    I watched the talk to Congress last night, then ended up not sleeping very well. So this morning I cut some fabric but my heart is heavy.

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM EST

    Thank you for being brave enough to publicly share your views (political?). You are able to state concisely what I believe. Keep up the good work.

  7. Somewhere in Wisconsin11:37 AM EST

    The current Resident is obviously beholden to someone other than the American citizens. Do the members of Congress who were applauding him not realize that he is bringing about their demise as well? I will be at every protest within 200 miles.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM EST

    I had to laugh as I read about your clearing of your table to find cutting tools. Have done that many times myself! I’m glad you share how quilting helps your sanity these days. It has inspired me to do more sewing to maintain my sanity. Many thanks! Sharon

  9. Shirley from Pennsylvania12:19 PM EST

    I too have been feeling very sad and full of shame at what our government is doing to other countries. Quilting is my therapy. Thank you Bonnie for helping me know I am not alone.

  10. I'm sorry you're feeling sad, Bonnie, I am, too. You're not alone. I don't understand what is happening or why, but I'm learning that not everyone thinks the way I do. Take care and carry on! ❤️

  11. Anonymous1:22 PM EST

    I know what you are saying about wishing you could make your designs in other colorways! I used to teach quilting through the local park/rec and I would design the quilt and make it as the sample for class, but I was always so torn about which colorway to make it in. I didn't have time to make multiple versions, so I had to pick one. I tried to encourage the students to do it in different colors, but they almost always did the same as the sample. Too many ideas but too little time!!

    Kathy H in San Jose

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM EST

    Thank you, Bonnie, for your quilts, the beauty and creativity I find here, your humor and your honesty about the current abandonment of longtime allies and alignment with dictators. And…I have had the exact same reason to clean off my cutting table!

  13. Every time I start cleaning and organizing something that I've put off, it reminds me of the saying, "Once begun is half done." It's getting started that is so hard. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who ends up with piles all over the cutting table. And you are so wise about the wire on the deck railings. It wouldn't be so bad doing the side facing you, but reaching the other side with your deck being so high would be horrible! The men are lucky to have your input.

  14. Anonymous2:16 PM EST

    You forgot this four letter word - SNOW

  15. Anonymous4:40 PM EST

    Thank you Bonnie. Sen Slotkin’s rebuttal was a breath of hope.

  16. Anonymous4:48 PM EST

    Thank you, Bonnie and thank you fellow quilters for echoing my thoughts, makes me feel less alone, and thanks for helping me direct my attention to something positive. Love pics of your sweet dogs, all your fur babies.


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