
Thursday, July 08, 2021

Feeling Thrifty!

The great Wednesday Morning Escape to fit in ALL of the errands in the 28 hours between one group leaving and the next group arriving was a quick success.

All of the food containers for leftover storage were snatched up at Dollar Tree, and I was off to my next destination in a flash.

I must be somewhat control oriented in my life - The route was planned in such a way that there was no backtracking, making the best use of the nearest light to make a turn, get that stuff done and get on home.

My third stop was Goodwill where I somewhat fell off of the "NO MORE ACQUISITIONS!" modus operandi.

I was in search of IRONS for the inn....and what caught my eye first was not only the Rubbermaid basket in the size I use for toting things back and forth, but a pretty divided glass dish with a very quilty look to it.

The basket was $2.00 and would be instantly put to use in the studio - so that qualifies as a needful thing.

But more glassware??  SIGH.


It has crosshatched nine-patches!

I caved.

I love divided dishes in the bathrooms, next to my sewing chair (when will I ever be able to sit in it again? It's been more than a month since the tailbone crack incident now!) or next to my machine to keep notions and stuff contained.

And it also was just $2.00.  It came home and I washed it up.  It sparkles.

Prize of the day - $3.00!

Light & Easy 3/4 size iron by GE.  

I received one just like this as a wedding gift in August of 1981.  That's 40 years ago, folks!  How does that happen?

It's in great shape - and the perfect size for table top pressing next to my machine for things like paper-piecing, etc.  It gets hot hot hot.  It has no auto shut off.

I'm ecstatic about finding this iron - it's like welcoming an old friend back into my life.

And I found a great full sized iron as well, cleaned it, and stacked it back for replacement irons at the inn.  

When irons are running on high 18 hours a day, being used by 12 people, it doesn't take long for an iron to simply wear out.

Oh, and back to the top photo of this post - upper left?  We live in southwestern Virginia - it does get humid here.  Salt shakers on the porch tables has been a problem - so I picked up the salt/pepper grinders also at Dollar Tree thinking they will be less likely to clump.  

They will go out at meal time, and come in between in an effort to keep things DRY and grindable.

Yes, I know about putting rice in salt shakers.  I have lived in the south for 22 years. I have rice in my salt shakers at home. But these can't be opened. Different thing - 

Lola - waiting patiently for Judy's Stitches to arrive!

And they did at 4pm yesterday!  We got everyone offloaded and settling in before I headed home for the evening.  I'm excited to get back over there and see how everyone spent their first night.

These gals are from Mississippi and Alabama - many are members of the Mississippi Quilt Association.

It was 3 years ago when I taught for the MQA.  

It was that same 3 years ago when they presented me with a beautiful Magnolia block barn quilt - the magnolia being the state flower of Mississippi.

The block adorns the front entrance at Quiltville Inn.

Do you remember my receiving it HERE

I'm so excited that they are here to see the block hanging, making some more memories up here in Virginia with me!

Last night's arrival at home -

The Rhodie in my front yard is exploding with blooms!

They look white from far off -

But close inspection shows them to be soft baby pink!

So pretty!

My day ahead includes much computer time, as well as some machine time - in between visiting with the gals at the inn.  

It's going to be a full day -

How about your day ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

You never know, your next big adventure could be right around the corner. It could be close to home.
It could be far away. ⁣
I think the exciting thing about life is that we really can't look far ahead, We have to experience it bit by bit as it happens.
I'm super excited to be traveling the world again through Crafttours!

Our Quiltville goes to Poland adventure is happening in September! I really have missed seeing the world with groups of quilters.

There are only 2 spots remaining - Let's go!

For more information on our tours - click any of the tour tabs found at the top of the blog!

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



  1. Bonnie, your glass dish looks like it was used for things like pickles, olives, etc. Glad it's being repurposed.

  2. Good idea regarding the salt grinders. I wouldn't have thought of it. Your front door looks SO inviting. Some day maybe I can see it in person. I may have to sign up as a "singleton" though, as I don't have 11 others here in St. Louis to come with me.

  3. Today is Thursday, so it is QUILT DAY for our group, Rocky Ridge Quilters in Pilot Rock, Oregon. I look forward to Thursdays... friends, laughter and a great potluck lunch. My brother comes for lunch on Thursdays with us, and watches the quilts and the antics unfold. So much fun. Sorting a large donation for our community quilt chest, and refilling stash. ELEVEN vintage machines with more on the way... how I love them. I have never seen a "Simplicity" machine? Learn something new every day.... wishing you a BLESSED day and lots of laughter and quilty things!

  4. The tour of Poland sounds wonderful, so many fun things to do! Alas my grandson is getting married about them so no trips.

  5. Mom had a set of Tupperware salt and pepper shakers that had lids. I wonder what ever happened to them...

    1. I think Tupperware still offers them. Might be a new design.

    2. We had a summer cottage in NH. Same problem with humidity. I loved my Tupperware shakers. Salt was always dry. Even from season to season.

  6. That dish does scream "scrap quilt pattern", doesn't it? I can see it as a Layer Cake quilt, too.

  7. I love those white Rubbermaid bins, and they're getting harder to find. Score!

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM EDT

    I’ve been working on a Double Wedding Ring. Hope to finish the king size quilt this week

  9. Love the divided glass container. My Mom and Granny always had them about. But, it is Karma that you found that cute little iron - same as the wedding present iron you received 40 years ago. You are right....does it even feel like 0 years? Ya done good, girl!

  10. Bonnie, I was looking at your tours that you have lined up from this fall into next year. Oh. My. Word. Once you start those tours, you will be traveling A LOT!!

  11. ...And the gorgeous glass divided serving plate for the WIN! It's beautiful! If you ever tire of it, I'll take it off your hands. :) About that tailbone...try to be extra patient with it. I broke mine numerous times in gymnastics, then had to have it removed in college. I felt like I had tailbone issues for four years straight and it was the pits. You never forget what that feels like. Who knew the tailbone played such a vital role in every which way you move?!? As it heals, it WILL feel better again. It just takes time. I can literally say, I feel your pain. I hope you feel better and well enough to sit and sew soon, Bonnie! :)

  12. Regarding irons from thrift stores: How do you know they work? Do you plug them in and give them a test run before purchase?

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM EDT

    Your comment is so timely! Officially hired for a new position yesterday... one that will be fulfilling and challenging in many ways!

  14. I have a very similar dish - fell in love with it at a consignment store. I use mine on my dresser for small bits of jewelry, especially rings.

  15. I thought that quilt block was the one given to you by MQA. We enjoyed having you at MQA. If the ladies are cooking, you can get a great taste of Mississippi.

  16. I inherited a glass dish from my mom exactly the same as the one you found. My mom used it for different pickles on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. It even came with the cutest little fork. I should use it in my sewing area. I certainly have enough little geegaws to keep sorted.

  17. That iron was one I bought to go to go to college many years ago, my son took it to college, and now it is my iron that goes to retreats an workshops with me---it is a wonderful iron


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