
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jan/Feb ‘18 Quiltmaker Gift-Away

Wait a hot dern minute!

January/February of 2018?!?!?!  Someone please slow down the publication process just a bit please!

I haven’t caught my breath through the end of 2017 yet, and we are already pushing February of 2018?!  OH my goodness!

Well, the one good thing about pushing January/February 2018 to the front of the line is that the magazines are full of gorgeous color, and spring can’t be far behind.  THAT I can go for!

This magazine issue arrived just before I was headed to the cabin for Thanksgiving, and I finally had a chance to sit down and enjoy it, thinking it would be the perfect post for today – a Gift-away ahead of the holidays with the hope of spring in mind.


What’s not to like about a quilt called Sand & Surf, a Caribbean Sunset?

I’m there.  Gentle breezes, warm sunshine, the sparkle of aquiline waters?

I have loved 2-block quilts for as long as I can remember, and blocks that create secondary designs are definitely a favorite.  This issue is chock FULL of fun options from easy to intricate, something for everyone.

Take a peek at this index:


Oh wow!!

These are just a few of the patterns and quilts that caught my eye right off:


Star to Star by Sarah Maxwell is found on page 54.


Grandma’s Spools by Barbara J. Eikmeier is found on page 62.


Reflecting Pools by Jo Kramer and Kelli Hanken is found on page 16.

And don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps Column! (The tab for the column at the top of the blog is under re-construction since magazines merged under the umbrella of The Quilting Company and all of my links went wonky and images went poof!)  


Meet in the Middle is found on page 85!

Solid sashings really make the colors pop in these blocks.  You know of my unending love of 4-patches, and this block uses 8 of them!  Imagine this block alternating with another block, either plain with room for loads of fun quilting or applique, or a pieced one to make more secondary designs.

I’m so early with this post that Quiltmaker doesn’t even have the page updated for this issue yet, but as soon as it is, I’ll show you the sample layout they have chosen for this block!  In the mean time, go get the magazine if you haven't subscribed already.

I used my Essential Triangle Tool to make the half square triangles for this block easily from pairs of strips, and alternate rotary cutting directions are provided in the magazine for those who choose to use other methods.  This is a 9’’ block! Imagine what you can do with it!


Goodies up for grabs!

I’m going to be choosing 1 lucky winner who will receive not only the Jan/Feb 2018 issue, but the current 100 blocks, vol 16 along with a 100 blocks vol 16 CALENDAR for 2018!

To sweeten the deal, I’m throwing in a yard of  Leah Day’s Heart Medallion in green and a spool of Isacord machine quilting thread to match!

12 different medallions for you to create with!

You also know how I love to read quilt-related novels.  I’m also offering up my copy of Carol Dean Jones's quilting cozy, Left Holding the Bag!

To be entered to win, click the blue "add your link" button below! .

You do NOT need a blog or a URL to enter.  Just add your name and email address.  Leave all other fields blank. 

Your email address will NOT be visible to anyone but me, but you MUST include an email address to be entered.

Do NOT leave your entry in the comments section.

Ready, Set, Enter!!

5603 entries so far!!

(Linkup closed)

This next several days with 4 nights in Arizona followed by a week in Oregon being hosted by 3 guilds is going to be a bit of a cracker.  Let’s draw for the winner of this bundle on Saturday morning before I fly to Oregon. (Can you see the wheels spinning in my head?!  I’m thinking this through as I type.)  Yep.  That will do it.  Saturday morning it is!

Look what else has arrived:

Thank you, UPS man! The Bonus Buddy singles are finally here! find them in the Quiltville Store.

If you wait until I get back from Arizona and this teaching trip to Oregon, I'll also have the Simple Folded Corners rulers in stock and you can order them together.

And with that I am wrapping this post up at the airport...my way-too-early morning carcass and I are off to Phoenix!

If my airplane amenities are right, I hope to be hexie-stitchin’ while watching more of GENIUS on National Geographic, Albert Einstein is a fascinating character in this series. I can’t get it at home, but if it is on the flight, I’m in!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

This one is for me.  I second-guess myself WAY too much!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone -


  1. Where are you going to be in Oregon? I am in Merlin (SW OR)

  2. Thank you for another generous give-away! Safe travels!!

  3. I wish you a safe journey and hope you get some R & R.

  4. Thank you, Bonnie, for a chance at a fabulous giveaway! I really don't know how you do all you do! What is your secret - where do you get all of your energy from?

  5. Safe travels, Bonnie! Lucky are the quilters who will get to meet you!

  6. Safe travels, enjoy the warmth!!

  7. The thought for the day resonates with me too. Just last night at rehearsal, I shared with the chorus this image: we all have a little duck on our shoulder, whispering in our ear. "You're not good enough", "You can't do it", "You'll never sing that right", "That note is going to crack, you just know it!" Well, it is up to us to just SHUT THE DUCK UP and choose to start believing that we *can* do it!

    Safe travels! The air will be much nicer to breathe this time.

  8. That would be a great ruler to have.
    Have a great time while gone.

  9. I just wanted to let you know how much I admire you and enjoy your blog. I look forward to it every morning.
    Also if you still haven't watched land girls on Netflix it's a good one.
    Safe travels to you.

  10. That is another great block you designed for this issue, Bonnie. I really am impressed with how you keep them coming! Safe trip. :D

  11. Oohh poor Sadie, she looks so sad! Safe travels and enjoy the days with your family.

  12. There she goes off into the wild blue yonder....I don't envy you your busy schedule but so happy that you get to go celebrate something as glorious as a tumor GONE with your brother! Oh happy day for him and for his family. :0) Safe travels Bonnie and Happy Sewing.

  13. Wow....thank you for your generosity!

  14. I love Spring. It's our payback for enduring Fall and Winter. So happy you get to visit AZ and see the Sunshine. No sweater weather. Your block name has me singing and old favorite song by Diamond Rio. Thanks for the earworm.

  15. LOL, already got mine in the mail. I really like you block "Meet in the Middle" and will be trying it out after Christmas, just too much to do until then. Looking forward to being in a couple of your classes in May 2018 in Manchester, NH. Like everyone else I'm a big fan of your scrappy inspiration. Safe Travels, Kitty Rolfe

  16. Thank you for your generosity.

  17. ME, ME, ME, waving arms in the third row - the pleasantly plump old gal!!!
    Elaine Adair

  18. Thank you Bonnie for the chance to win, and for the joyful inspiration you bring to our lives. May God bless your travels.

  19. Have a safe trip and thank you for the chance to win this give away, such a neat way to kick off the New Year or end 2017.

  20. Thank you for the chance to winn this wonderful package! And for this new mystery!

  21. Safe travels ....Thanks for all you do!
    I'm ready to read a new book 😉

  22. Thank you. I oe your ew scrap block. Barb

  23. You are one busy lady! Can't wait to meet you in person in January.

  24. I can't imagine YOU second-guessing yourself... you only have time enough for one guess and go!!! LOL... safe travels, i'm waffling myownself about the neutrals on the latest mystery... first, tempted to go with all one neutral thru whole quilt,and more or less solid chocolate; second thought mix-it-up, scrappy a la Bonnie... in the meantime i'm paralyzed with indecision... sigh... as always, thank you for your contribution to my life and all the others who love you...

  25. Enjoy the end of year and holidaze as much as you can ... you deserve it with all you do. Loving the mystery but no I can only lurk and enjoy it as I don't have time and I am okay with this knowledge. Eye candy is good therapy and you always have good eye candy going on. Thank you!!!!

  26. I am loving receiving your Quips and Snips! I enjoy the variety of topics you post. Thank you. Where will you be in AZ? I live in Prescott...

  27. Ohhh! Spoil quilt patterns I see. Also, more if your patterns I sure hope I get a chance to receive this package. I may be a day late. Darn

  28. Thank you! I enjoy reading your blogs! You rock!!

  29. I love all your Patterns and your leader/ender challenge

  30. Love it!!! Guess 200 geese will be flying!! Thank you!!

  31. Thank you for all you do!!! Love your work!

  32. You get so much done! I wish I could be as productive! I love all your ideas and your quilts!

  33. Every year I try to tidy my sewing room, then I stumble across all these amazing patterns. At the beginning of this year, I took the plunge and sorted. Then I started putting all the patterns together. Looked at what size squares and triangle each needed. Organised all the colours and started cutting and storing everything into clear containers. These are all my leaders and ender's. It the meantime, all the other projects I am finishing up, while doing your Leaders and Ender's. It feels good to know I have made the start, now my future projects have all been planted, every time I sew a few more, it is like watering my little seeds that will grow into beautiful creations.


If you are commenting as "anonymous" please leave your name at the end of your comment.

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