Happy July everyone!
My Scrap Quilts workshop series with Craft Online University (Craft U for short!) produced by Quiltmaker Magazine & F+W Media was SUCH a success they have asked if I wanted to “Play it Again!”
And I said YES! This course will run again in JULY!
The response has been so overwhelmingly positive, and the interaction so great, and I am THRILLED that they are opening registration right now for the course that will run from July18th to August 29th 2016.
I’m extremely pleased with how this course turned out, and I’ve packed it full of all of the hints, helps, tips and tricks that I could – things I use in my every day scrappy quilt life.
It’s like being here with me in my own studio!
((We had so much fun doing this that I am headed to Golden Colorado again in August to film another workshop series!))
In Scrap Quilts with Bonnie Hunter I’ll talk to you one on one about how to best manage your scraps, how to put the Easy Angle Ruler and Companion Angle Ruler to good use, and how to create the blocks featured in my Addicted to Scraps column-easily, quickly, and oh so scrappily using the fabrics and scraps you already have on hand.
You can sew and view at any hour of the day, work it in to your schedule as it fits!
If you are busy during this time? No worries! Simply download the videos to your own computer. You own them! FOREVER! So even after the course has completed, you can go back again and again and again to view the videos as many times are you want because they are YOURS once you download them.
I was talking to some students just this week who LOVE this feature because they are on slower internet and streaming isn’t always possible. Download the sessions to your computer and you can watch them any time you want, even when not connected to the internet. Save your data plan!
2016 is a great year to GET SCRAPPY!
Kristie writes:
Hey Bonnie!
I have to say thank you once again for your craft online university classes. I have been working on Clue One and here is what I have found out I can make half square triangles that measure out correctly without adjustments and I think that is the difference in what you taught about line on the fabric when cutting and a seam allowance that is marked perfectly with a guide in place.
Using your yellow machine seam ruler allows me to remove the guide if need be and still re-position perfectly to start again.
The biggest improvement is in how I see neutrals, I really grew in that department and you covered it in several of the classes so it stuck in my brain. Now that my confidence is up and I am comfortable with accuracy going to leader ender some Joyeaux blocks so I can make a table runner.
I was shying away from triangles because I never was good at them. I am still struggling with the border or Roll Roll cotton boll but think I will take the units apart re cut a few triangles and try again fresh.
When I sew the units together I nest the seams and that seems fine, but when I open there is not a quarter inch seam allowance to sew the borders to which I think means I cut wrong. So that is the plan for that one.
Just wanted to tell you that I was hesitant to do what I considered to be a “beginner” level course, I found that going back to basics and unlearning what I thought I knew made the difference in being successful.
Best Wishes,Linda writes:
Kristie J
Hi Bonnie,
I joined your class at CraftU and I am one of those who had to download everything and watch everything first. Must be my age!!
I do have the Easy Angle rulers, both sizes, but as I DON'T like math it was a pleasure to learn how to do it and also I am a visual person. Your teaching/instructions are off the wall and I "get it".
I have been quilting for almost 15 years and watching your videos has opened another world for me. "Who Says You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks???".And there are many many more! I have loved interacting with my students through the forum on the class website and sharing in the photos they have uploaded of their projects in progress.
Although I might not see you in Canada I certainly hope to see you in Rochester in 2017 with a few more quilters to bring along. I also enjoyed taking your cruise "in my dreams" on line. Perhaps a cruise with you will be in my future.
Thank you Bonnie for all your hard work but remember to stop and smell the roses along the way. Each day I look forward to your Quiltville emails and I especially like Quilt Cam.
Stay safe and healthy,
Linda R
You can be a part of this too!
Come Get Scrappy with Me!
Register now through THIS LINK and enter the code BHSCRAP in the coupon box at checkout when registering. You will get all 6 workshop segments covering 6 block designs, all of my hints, tips and tricks for $99.00. That’s just $16.50 per workshop segment. You just can’t beat that!
Remember to use the code to get the discount!
**Note** This is not the NEW series, I won't be filming that until August. This is the one that started running last November. If you've already taken it, you already own these videos :)
I'll be seeing YOU at Craft U in July!

I signed up for the class. Can't wait! 😊
ReplyDeleteHoping your Sadie girl is doing well. What a tough time for you to be away from her. It looks like your men took good care of her. Hugs to all of you! ❤️
Go Go its great to look back at the videos.
ReplyDeleteSo happy the online class was a success and will run again! This may be an answer for you Bonnie... more online classes and less traveling. It's got to wear you out to travel and teach so much. Hope the online classes will continue.
ReplyDeleteThe course is on my list. I think this is perfect for. Now the many magic moments from a workshop with you are just a click away,for everyone, forever. Again I so appreciate your talents shared so openly and lovingly. How many times talented people will deliberately leave
ReplyDeletejust"one little bit" out to hold on to their knowledge and make themselves feel more important. Glad to have met you in person. Thanks for giving the true you to all of us.
'See' you in class!! For the first time in years, I am excited to go to 'school'!!! Thanks Bonnie!!!