Yesterday I met with the Surfside Quilters in San Clemente for their monthly meeting in the most beautiful location, hands down!
The only thing more beautiful than the ocean view beyond, was the show of comfort quilts within.
This group is SO active in providing quilts for those in need within their own community and in outlying areas that my heart was so very very touched in the outpouring.
During the board meeting before my presentation, when it was time for Philanthropy to represent, nearly half the room it seemed stood, lined up with quilts in arms, and paraded them around the room, each lovely quilt a testament to a giving heart and busy hands. Each quilter presented their quilt, holding to the belief that small acts by each an every one of us can bring big comfort one by one to those in need.
I felt such a unity with this group. THIS is where my heart is. THIS is where I started this crazy journey, at one time with a goal of just one lap quilt per month being turned in to be given. Life has taken it’s own twists and turns since I passed that baton on to others, but THIS is where my journey will return upon retirement. I want to make quilts, and I want to give quilts. I want to make a simple difference.
These wonderful quilters fanned my flame of why I got so involved in scrap quilts in the first place. Quilting at its roots is a loving, caring, comforting, giving thing.
Thank you for all you do in your desire to bring comfort to those in need. You have no idea how much your efforts mean to those who are recipients of such gifts.