Things on board for today:
Gym. Bank. Tan. Massage. Return/Exchange Shoes.
In that order.
Gym, Bank, and Tan are done…Massage is at 3…Shoes can either come before or after. I bought a size 8.5 yesterday, and when I got home and put my arch support thingies in them (Yes, fallen arches, that dreadful sign of middle age, along with the fact that my glasses now sport bifocals?) I realized I should have gotten 9s. So..back they go.
I loved spending time working out with my trainer this morning even though she kicked my butt to Mars and back. (Love you Charlee girl, you know I do….)and doing all those “normal” errands around town things that most people take for granted. Isn't that silly? What to do what to do....what can I take time for that I haven't had time for lately!?
My friend Jen from the next town over emailed and said...WANNA SEW?! Oh yes..oh YES I DO! And I've got time to do it! I told her any time between now and 4th of July works for me. Doesn't that sound blissful?
I wanna rent some DVDs I've been wanting to see (Anyone else besides me still fall into the habit of calling them VIDEOS?! as in TAPES? Sign of my age I guess..I am so not with it.)I've got a couple bindings to finish and I can do those leisurely in the evenings...that is....if I can get DH to stop watching all night long marathons of "America's Got Talent". It was on for HOURS last night, and about 1 hour is all I can handle of that. I'm just such a softie, I don't like to see anyone get the XXX, even if they are horrbile..hehehe
I am also feeling the need to do some more dejunking and organizing around, not in the studio..but things like the drawers in my bedroom. Get rid of old tshirts I'm really not into wearing anymore. Find all the socks with no mates, and either match them or ditch them...get rid of all the old undies that the elastic is worn out of (You guys don't actually save those too, do you? It's a sickness, like...someone in :::name the country::: might not even have underwear, and would be glad to HAVE these, so you have to keep them out of guilt?!)and just toss.'s about over abundance. How many do I have...why do I have 46 pairs of socks, and how many can I really wear, and why am I keeping the ones that are past their time?
This inevitably will move on to things like getting rid of bras that have lost their shape, panty hose with a run or two (But works with slacks or long skirts??)And into the hanging stuff in my closet.
I want to skinny down EVERYTHING. I want my drawers to shut. I think....if I start with just one....I can work through quite a few in the next 10 days before I head to Oregon.
And there with I issue you this challenge....A Drawer A Day..are you IN!? What drawer do you want to tackle first? Leave me a comment. I'm throwing down the gauntlet!
OH, and before I forget! Here are some pics from the Virginia Bound class in Arlington Heights!
Virginia Bound, Arlington Hts IL 2010
We really had a great time, no storms happened on Saturday!
PS....I've got an appt tomorrow morning early for a physical and bloodwork, to start the baseline for my blood sugar testing. Nothing to eat past midnight tonight. Good thing it's an early appt, I have to leave the house at 7:30am! I'm hoping this is the start to really finding out what's what and how to deal with it. Thanks for all the support I've received via email. IT HELPS to know I'm not alone facing diabetes!
I'm in! This is such a simple thing to do and I never would have thought of it that way. Today I will clean hubster's work pants and sweatshirt cupboard-that's a good place to start. Thanks for the incentive!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy your time at home.
Haha, I just did the drawer-cleaning thing yesterday. Whittled down the undies I'd gotten where I didn't look at the size on the pack (too big!). Got rid of some socks. The hubby was unrelenting and made me keep only 25 dresses and shirts (tank tops and sweaters not included as we're moving to a very very cold place and layers will be our friends!). It was hard, but the shirts with sentimental value will end up being framed (theater shirts) or as rags (because you use so many fewer paper towels if you have cloth rags around). It was really hard to do, because everything that was once a gift is precious to me, but I'm glad he made me do it. The closet looks SOOOO much nicer now! And I feel a bit lighter without all that stuff!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I do the same thing with socks, underwear, etc. and I often wonder if anyone else does the same thing. Well now I know I'm not the only one! I a little behind with sorting clothes, as a matter of fact I just finished getting rid of some of my old summer stuff before I trade summer and winter in my drawers (yes, I know I'm a little late) so I'll be willing to join the the challenge. I'm going to sew, enjoy your message.
ReplyDeleteI am in on the one drawer a day thingee!! Hey Bonnie, good luck with the sugar thing...everyone in my family is diabetic, so I will be too one day, I am sure...I noticed in a previous post that you are skinny too, as well as skinnying down your life a bit!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie, Is this pattern from the Scraps and Shirttails book?
ReplyDeleteI sorted socks last year and came up with 110 pair of black socks. and about that many white ones. Really? I can go almost a year without washing socks? Who needs that many socks? I guess I do! I matched them all up and wouldn't you know, I wear about 7 pair of socks and have a whole bucket of black socks and a whole bucket of white socks waiting for these to wear out! I will never buy socks again. :)
ReplyDeleteI need to clean/straighten up the kitchen drawers...and I save almost ANY plastic container that comes into the house...need to de-junk the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteXOXXO Subee
T-shirts. That's my drawer to attack first. I'm in with you Bonnie. I could probably get rid of a whole dresser if I just pared down all the stuff I don't wear very often or AT ALL.
ReplyDeleteA drawer a day...I can handle that as long as it is only clothes and does not include going into the sewing room! (does one side of a closet count as a drawer?)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the doc...Dh has been able to control it with diet (though once a year the doc has to lecture him so DH gets serious for a few months then s-l-o-w-l-y slides back to all those bad habits....)
Big thanks for the photos - I have my papers printed and cut, but no quilt yet. LOVE the clear plaid with red/white. Really fresh looking.
ReplyDeleteI'm in, too. Also, I used to live in Arlington Hts and started to watch the video to see if I knew anyone and then realized that we moved from there 40 years ago: I wouldn't recognize anyone even if there was a close-up. HA! Anyway, I need to clean so will start with drawers and move on to unpacked boxes (of clothes) and then hanging stuff. Thanks for the challenge, I needed it.
ReplyDeleteA drawer a day for 10 days - I'm in!!
ReplyDeleteI will start with socks/underware, then t-shirts and then to the kitchen. My "gadget" drawers are STUFFED!
Good luck at the Dr.
I'm in! I am going to start with the underware drawer. I think every drawer in my house needs dejunking about now.
ReplyDeleteI just cleaned out some kitchen cupboards and got rid of things I just don't use. Every drawer, cabinet and closet in my house needs attention...About the socks: Recently I flipped back the runner in our hallway that the cat is always pulling out pieces of with her claw sharpening, and I found one of my favorite socks underneath it. No idea how it got completely UNDER the runner!! Good thing I saved its mate :)
ReplyDeleteWHEEEEW! Easy challenge: cleaning out drawers. For whatever reason, I am not a big fan of drawers/dressers. I got rid of my dresser and bought a night stand sort of thing: two drawers. And a fancy basket to put my socks in.
ReplyDeleteIn the kitchen, I do not have a "junk drawer" never have had in this house. In fact: I have canned goods on their sides in two of my kitchen drawers; the other one has the silver ware and small tools.
SO ... I can feel successful with this challenge!
(Mystery word: shinum. What the flip does THAT mean?!)
No mate to a sock? No problem with my teenagers! They never bother to match their socks, not even by color, lol! I don't know if it's all teens around here but it's two of my four kids, lol! Good luck. I just finished my spring cleaning and organizing so give me a couple of months and I'll be dejunking right behind you!
Absolutely I'm in. I've been wanting to spring clean all year, but haven't been able to do very much. I definitely need to do a little bit at a time and get it done! The less stuff there is, the easier it will be to clean the rest of the year.
ReplyDeleteOK - I am in .... off I go to my PJ drawer!
ReplyDeletesao in Midlothian, VA
OK - I am in .... off I go to my PJ drawer!
ReplyDeletesao in Midlothian, VA