Borders are on! This is what I decided to do. I liked the blocks laid without sashings, but I didn't leave enough floating space from squaring up the blocks to put them next to eachother. Next time I will twist and turn them with deeper triangles so that when I square them up there will be more than 1/4" from the edge of the center block. I found the black-on-black checked sashing fabric at Joann's yesterday and it was 30% off and worked perfect. The blue cornerstones came from my stash, as did the yellow inner border. The outter border is a black/blue check with stars on it..daisy kingdom! I thought it was pretty horrid when I bought it, but walmart was closing it out at $1.00 a yard. I was using it on the back of neonatal intensive care quilts...They wanted dark backs to make the incubators darker when they covered them with the baby quilts. Long story short...I never thought this fabric would be perfect to show on the FRONT of anything! *LOL* Who knows when this will get quilted, but I'm thinking of what kind of quilting to do on it...

This is gorgeous AND cute! I've been collecting pictures of house quilts and gearing up to do one of my own-- I love your happy interpretation. I've been poking around your galleries and really love your work. Thanks for sharing.