
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Winter at a Snail's Pace!

I spent my Friday at THIS for most of the day -

This isn't all of the blocks that were completed, but it really wasn't much more than this.  In true Quiltville fashion, I love big quilts made with small pieces that take a lot of time to complete..

Temps never got out of the 30s - but at least there was blue sky and sunshine for most of the day, and having the window shades up for all of the windows at the Quiltville Post Office brought on a bit of "greenhouse" effect and the light was just wonderful.

Lola spent much of her time being as close to me as she could.

Holding down the pile of scraps as I worked!

When she wasn't as close to me as she could get (sometimes wedging herself along side of me in my chair) she was on top of her cat tree snoozing in the sun coming in through the big picture window at the front of the QPO studio.

Are the scraps going down in volume?  Not really.  LOL!  But I keep sewing anyway!

I'm shooting for king size on this one, remember? It will be a while.

Audio books and sewing time - it was bliss.

Binding went on the denim quilt!

This was actually done in a hurry on Wednesday knowing that Thursday would be an ice day at home - I wanted something to stitch in the evenings! Something that would keep my lap ultra warm in the cold cold evenings ahead.

I've had the wavy stripe fabric in my stash for quite a while - every time I tried to use it for something, it was just never the right choice so it has sat.

This time - it's perfect!  It looks as good against the back of the quilt, as it does the front.

Ready to flip to the back and stitch down.

I love how it is turning out!

I have been asked about what to do with seams.  Well, folks - seams happen.  And yes, denim is bulky.

I just did the best I could with it.  I'm not a fan of pressing all seams open - especially when that means that 2 strands of thread are the only thing found in between the patches.

I pressed the seams to nest.  I just did the best I could.  You can always use a mallet if you want things to lay flatter.  It's a couch quilt.  The quilting makes it a bit puffy anyway, it's not a problem.

Your jeans have seams - do you worry about how flat they lay?

In my book, there is a time to worry about it, and a time to not.  This is definitely a not. It's going to a 5 year old boy.

I'm going to have a hard time holding off until his birthday - I want to give this to him so bad!

We finished Everwood last night. I'm still so sad it's over! I was told that One Tree Hill is another good one, and would be a great one to move on to.

Miracle of Miracles - I have gotten Dear Hubster to watch the first few episodes of Gilmore Girls as I need something that is less heart wrenching and more humorous!  I think he's liking it more than he thought he would (I knew he would if he gave it a chance!) and it makes a nice mix with other more serious shows like CSI Miami (Still finishing that) or Blue Bloods (catching up on this year's episodes.)

Today I hope to be back to the Snail's Trail blocks - alternating those at the QPO with the blue triangles at home. 

More denim quilt binding to happen tonight.

I really AM cherishing this slower pace of life we've been dished out.  It's been crazy going through my Facebook memories over the past many years and seeing just how go go go go everything was for so long.

It's time to draw for our winner!
Who is winning a Shattered! PDF pattern -

And a Colorcopia fabric roll and Neutral String Time string pack from Irene at  Cotton to Quilts?

Irene also has other fabric offerings perfect for our Quiltville Quilts in the Cotton to Quilts online shop, so check it out!

Who is entry 4239 out of 7325 entries?

MaryAnne Hinz!  CONGRATS!

MaryAnne, please reply to the email I sent to the address you provided with your entry.  I will get you your Shattered! PDF pattern to you, and your fabric bundle will be coming from Irene at Cotton to Quilts!

Thanks for participating, everyone - there will be more fun gift-away opportunities in the future!

Good through February 28th - ALL digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are 25% off  using coupon code DIGITAL25 at checkout!

Coupon code must be used at purchase for discount to take effect - be sure you click REDEEM YOUR COUPON, place the code in the coupon box and hit apply before checking out.  No refunds if you forget, okay?

I hope that things are starting to look up for our frozen friends in Texas/Oklahoma, and elsewhere where winter has taken out power and left people in apocalyptical conditions.

If there is anything that this year has taught us - is that NOTHING is predictable.  My heart is with you.  Please check in at the comments section below and let us know how you are doing.

We are still running on propane fumes here at the cabin - but we have somewhere to go (Quiltville Inn) if we do run out. It was 17 degrees this morning - so we wouldn't be out of the woods with freezing pipes if we do lose our heat (Which is all propane, no wood, no electric) so we have our fingers crossed and are trying to use as little propane as possible until they can fill us up on Monday.

The truck should be able to make it up the drive now that the ice is gone and the drive is clear.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage four patch quilt found in North Carolina.

This was a hard concept for me to grasp.
But we have to slow down long enough from time to time so inspiration can come in.
Be sure to leave yourself some margins in your daily life.
This past year has taught me the value of margins in mine!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone - I'll catch you back here on Monday!



  1. I made you crock pot peanut clusters,,,I'm in heaven! How dare you post such decadent things such as these!I am trying (not very successfully) to save them as a reward for getting my 3 miles walked daily

  2. after so long unwinding it's going to be real work to return to your frenetic lifestyle i would guess...

  3. The zig zag binding was such a fun choice! Looks great.

    We've done the 'hold your breath' game of propane chicken before. Fingers crossed that you get through the weekend.

  4. Thawing out has begun. Finally getting some water. Boiling it in effect for a few days as the water plant went down. I have been more fortunate than some as my power was off for only 12 hours. But oh my I can't even imagine what thats going to cost on my bill next month. Thermostat set for 50's and still run continuously. But can't complain too much because people have had no power or water for days. At least I have a fireplace. Thank you Bonnie for all your encouraging words and the sharing of your talents. 💖

  5. Bonnie I am sure hundreds , thousands of people were saddened by not being in a class with you or being in one of your visits afar, however, I am also sure many of us would never gave been able to purchase your beautiful patterns you gave created this last year (Unity, Appalachian Autumn, the mystery Grassy Creek, Shattered, the blue one???and there is probably a couple I left out, ??? I’ve got them all and waiting on more!!!Thank you for being our constant companion during the year of COVID. And beyond. You are amazing.

  6. I live in SW Oklahoma and it has been a crazy 2 weeks. we had 2 snow storms back to back and are still digging out. We were fortunate to only lose power twice and they were both less than 2 hours, so we can't complain.
    I'm eagerly waiting for this Snail's trail quilt pattern. Excited to see what you do with it.

  7. Just love the spark that the binding is giving Casden's quilt. He's gonna love it! i have so many family and friends in Texas that are dealing with the unbelievable cold, the lack & power, water, gasoline, and grocery/supplies - can't help but worry about them. It has been heartwarming to see the folks helping each other as much as they can, especially in the smaller rural communities. as you have, I try to find the silver lining in trying circumstances. Sometimes it is harder than others, but if we dig deep enough we can find it, even when it's just a sliver. Have a great weekend.

  8. I would hope the lessons learned by us all this past year are: (1) the world is unpredictable (2) home is a wonderful place to be and we need time there to re-charge (3) frantically running from one commitment to another is not living, it is existing (4) we can do so much more with what we have than we ever imagined. Loving the denim quilt...I need to make some of these...you know I saved the jeans!!

  9. The sun is out, more snow forecasted for Sunday. Just a few inches.love a striped binding. Casden will love it. Not this Mary, darn, congrats to the winner.

  10. Thank you so much for the crock pot peanut cluster recipe! I’m on my 2nd batch... easy peasy, makes lots, delicious, & fun to share!

  11. Are the cutting directions for Casden's denim quilt going to be a pattern we can purchase? I have mountains of denim and would love to use some of it up and gift the quilt to a homeless person.

    1. Eventually, yes! But likely AFTER he has received his birthday quilt.

  12. The denim quilt is awesome. It is amazing what can come out of pieces of jeans. The binding is so very perfect. Once again, Bonnie, you out did yourself!

  13. Ohhhh love those snail trails, and will watch them every time. I kind of got lost in the shuffle of covid, services, and all the things that 2020 threw at us. I know some of your blocks are in Quiltmaker, was this one of them? If not will there be a block pattern? Thanks for all you do and share. You are a treasure.

  14. Love the jeans quilt, I may have to copy that one, those colored strips add so much and the binding takes it over the top.
    If you like police series, New Tricks is from Britain, cold cases, 4 old retired cops and a great woman head of department. Humor, included. Make sure you watch the first episode for the 'how and why' of it. Several seasons.

    1. Love "New Tricks" and you definitely should watch the first episode to get an insight into character development. We enjoy most of the British police and mystery shows even the 30 year old ones like "Inspector Morse," "Endeavor," "Midsummer Murders." If you get a chance to watch "The Vicar of Dibley," definitely do so. It's a village of loonies with a woman vicar and many a laugh. If you want to see a doctor that makes Dr. House seem personable, watch "Doc Martin."

  15. Have y’all watched Bridgerton? It is excellent

  16. Its amazing how 20 degrees and no wind can feel like a heat wave! The sub zero temps we had here in Oklahoma was not something I want to experience again! Come on sunshine and warm weather.

  17. Love your blog! I've seen every episode of Gilmore Girls many times! My husband jokes that it is waaaaaay too much dialogue for him! Happy Sunday!

  18. Can't wait for that paper pieced pattern of the snails trail. I have so many scraps and fat quarters I want to use up so keep plugging on. I know it's going to take a while.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM EST

    I loved One Tree Hill, try it you might enjoy it also!


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