
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Things in Bloom

There is a benefit to sheltering at home.

Over the past 3 years we have lived in Virginia, I have only seen the Dogwood Tree in front of Quiltville Inn bloom ONCE – and that was before the house was even ours.

Due to self-quarantining, I’m seeing changes on a daily basis.

The daffodils are in large clumps on the hillsides, banks of the creeks and roadsides – giving everything their best show!

And those weeks are sprouting up QUICKLY!  A week ago they weren’t here.  Now it looks like a lawn mower will be needed within the week – if it ever stops raining.

Forsythia (of which I have none here, but certainly wish I did as it is my favorite burst of spring color) is growing all along my 7 mile route from cabin to inn (safe within my van, not stopping or talking to anyone on my way in between.)

Things are getting greener!

Photo in the rain -

This is the end of the drive in front of the inn, and I love seeing these bloom.

There are a couple of bradford pears by the USPS that are also in bloom – all I need is a blue sky and some sunshine to get a really nice photo of those – and I’ve noticed pink buds popping on other trees as well –pink blooming things light up my life.

Pink project boxes light up Dresden’s life! LOL!

As I worked to press and cut and sew on the remaining Elvira quilt blocks from Gudrun’s Quarantine Quilt Along from Sunday, he just plopped himself on top of that project box and would NOT leave.  Like – he was keeping it from falling to the floor or something.

Dresden – there are many other comfier spots in the QPO – that doesn’t look so snuggly!  But whatever – you are a cat – and you do things your way.

I kept my blocks in “uphill and downhill” piles -

Trying to keep things in order.

Block Lay Out Time.

I have never made a quilt with such big blocks, but I know Jeff is going to love this one!  I was able to use quite a few older prints, and smaller cuts – as long as I could get the required size of rectangle out of the fabric it went.

And yes, I was using the Stripology Ruler to do my cutting.  What was nice is that I could cut the size I needed, determine what I could get out of the leftovers, and immediately cut what was left to my Scrap User’s System sizes for storing for later.

I have SEVERAL 2 1/2’’ strips that I cut from the leftovers without having to move the ruler – there were also some pieces that I was only able to get 2’’ or 1 1/2’’ – and some leftovers were just enough to go into my string bins. 

So the fabric scraps from this quilt live to piece another day!

Lola, you blend right in!

She says that Dresden can stay on that hard plastic box – she knows where the comfy spots are and where she would rather be!

Rows together – how I left it last evening.

All that remains is to sew the rows together, and then decide what I can do for a backing.  This quilt was definitely fast and fun, and great for quick satisfaction.

Let’s face it.  My son isn’t going to care of a quilt has super huge blocks and was made in a flash, or if it has a zillion tiny pieces and took forever.  He would value them both the same – a quilt with a billion pieces that took forever to make doesn’t hold any more love in it than the quilt made quickly with big pieces.

What matters to me is that I can get this quilt quilted and bound and into his arms as quickly as I can.

Did you know that yesterday was National Puppy Day?

Zoey was sure to let me know!

Yep her right eye is half blue/half brown!

And this makes it impossible to get ANY binding done!

(But I’ll take it!)

Let’s have some fun!

I’ve been in touch with Scott at IronEz and he has reached out to offer us a Gift-Away to lift people’s spirits!

There is MUCH sewing going on with our need to stay home – and quilters NEED things that make their sewing and pressing just a bit better!

I was so sold after the first one I received  that I immediately thought of where else I NEED to put one.

The adjustable clip can fit a multitude of thicknesses – this will even clamp to a table top, tray or big board.

You can also save 15% using coupon code BH15off ordering from IronEZ directly!  You’ll input the code on the checkout page.

Get two or three while you are at it.  You are going to LOVE keeping those spray bottles in line and off of your ironing surface.

I love that it fits and corrals a multitude of favorite bottle sizes – and the free bottle that comes with it has even a finer mist than the traditional trigger spray on Best Press.

It will also hold an aerosol spray starch can, Flatter spray, or many beverage bottles – keep it near your machine and remember to HYDRATE!

We are giving away THREE! (Due to shipping, this gift-away is available to USA residents only please.) Enter below:

We will draw our three winners on Sunday Morning, March 29, 2020!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Ocean waves quilt top shared by Diane in Michigan.

This is so true.  Good things come out of patience!

And we are sure learning about the need for more patience right now, aren't we?

What’s in line for your Tuesday?


  1. Thanks for doing a giveaway. I love your new big block quilt. I have been wanting to do something similar for a while. You always inspire me!

  2. ah, scientists tell us cats are more or less color-blind (dogs too), but it seems to me they seem to choose the perfect color(s) to pose and rest... for sure Lola and Dresden did this time... thanks, again, for all you do... Love the blog every a.m. w/tea and biscuits... English type biscuits! Cats in Carlsbad CA

  3. I played along on Sunday! Ended up making two baby quilt tops. Fun, fast pattern. Best thing was doing it with everyone. Fun times!!

  4. I think Dresden just wanted to be close to you. He has such a look of love in his eyes.

  5. Today is my last chemo treatment!

    1. Blessings to you! As a sister of one who just went through Chemo, I know you are so glad to have that over. Keep positive and live life! -Sue T

    2. Hooray for you! Wishing you many happy days ahead! Cheryl

    3. Jeannine, ❤️❤️ I am very happy to hear this news. God Bless and stay strong. 🥰 you have a lot of love on your side!

    4. Congratulations! Ring that bell loud and clear! pam

  6. Zoey is so pretty! We have a mostly golden lab that has one blue eye and one brown. We think there is Husky or Australian Sheppard in his mix somewhere. I've never heard of one being two colors! I love the quilt you are working on.

  7. I so enjoy reading your blog. With self isolation, I get lonely and this is like a wonderful visit with a friend. Love the furry sweethearts and all their situations. You make me start my day with a smile.

  8. Thanks, Bonnie, for keeping us positive. I am finishing up a Queen and a matching Crib sized Elvira. I have a new granddaughter that needs a quilt to match her Gigi’s quilt. 😉 It is nice to have a big block quilt for a fast and rewarding finish.

  9. Having lost our oldest dog the day after Christmas, we decided to get a puppy the first week of Feb. So I can totally relate to the potty problems you are going through. It is great to see pictures of your new dog. I know she is sweet and will grow into a wonderful member of your family like your previous dog. Best wishes to all of you.

  10. I love the pink quince- my favorite spring bloom. Glad you are well!

  11. So happy to have a day off. Just sewing everything in sight. In my happy place and listening to replay quilt cams. Thank you so much Bonnie ❤️. Stay safe and be well. Vandi

  12. I am busy making Face Masks Cyndy Rang on You tube She is a retired Nurse and a wonderful lady!

  13. Yay, I love giveaways! and you are so generous Bonnie!

  14. I just finished my lap sized Elvira quilt top. Now I'll go back to my Frolic quilt project. I'm about half through with it. Zoey Jo is a beautiful dog. Have a wonderful, safe and productive day. Bonnie Wightman in Washington State

  15. I cleaned up my sewing room and gathered all my strings into one place. So I will be making string blocks for awhile.

  16. Anonymous7:50 PM EDT

    Love the spray bottle holders- I use mine all the time!

  17. Trying to get a long time UFO on the quilt frame. I’m terrified to quilt it! It’s the most intricate one I’ve made and it’s almost king size. Barely fits on my frame, and I don’t want to mess it up. Had to order thread today. Didn’t realize I never bought any to quilt it with. I’d much rather be snuggling with Zoey
    Jo! Hope your day was wonderful!

  18. I love the quilt you are working on and I love your lasagna recipe!! That will be my go to recipe from now on!! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Wash your hands,stay home,stay healthy!


  20. Virginia is beautiful. I am all the way up here in Loudoun County. It used to be cows and corn only about 20 years ago, but like mushrooms, the suburbia has sprawled.... but along with it, a lot of nice neighbors and grocery stores and nail salons everywhere haha

    I love your three helpers.
    Thank you so much for offering a give away. What fun.
    And Of course, much thanks to Scott

  21. It looks like we see who the boss is in your home! Like the colors in your quilt.

  22. Hi Bonnie, if Zoey has a bit of a Blue eye, she may well have some through back to the Australian Shepherd, they predominantly have blue eyes.

    Bernadette Izod

  23. Love seeing where cats sit/sleep. We moved my 90 yo mum into our house for care and our cat thinks it is just splendid....new places to sleep. My mom's suitcase is her favorite spot right now.

  24. Thank you for caring enough to isolate. As the mom of a son who had a double-lung transplant and now has a non-existent immune system, I thank all who keep themselves at home. Did you read about the church group here in Arkansas who have close to two dozen of their congregation down with covid-a9 because they all went to a kids crusade. It was sure to be all right as they all knew each other and none of them felt sick. Good grief! Now they are telling everyone how ignornant they were to do that and are begging others to not be as careless as they were. Stay home people! Love your blog!

  25. I just love to see pictures of Zoey, Dresden & Lola within your blog, thank you, they are so precious! And thank you for your blog each day; it is so inspirational and so full of good information; I look forward to receiving it and also reading the comments of your other readers and quilting friends.

  26. I am so glad you listened to your heart and went and got Zoey when you did. She sure is a blessing for you at this time. I taught my dog to ring a bell hooked to the door when he wanted out. He caught on fast since he got a treat every time! LOL Take care of you! pam

  27. Anonymous12:42 PM EDT

    I am still able to work in the office of the elementary school where I work even though no students are attending so I have not been able to work on projects yet. I am in the process of hand binding a Halloween throw quilt that I didn't get finished in time for Halloween :( oops! As a beginning quilter, I told myself that I would not start a new project until this one is finished and finish it I will lol!! Thanks for all the inspiration you give on this blog and for the great giveaway opportunity!! Stay safe everyone and happy sewing.

  28. I love the photos of spring in Virginia. Minnesota has a ways to go before bulbs will bloom. Thanks for the giveaway. Stay safe and keep posting your quarantine sewing accomplishments.

  29. Your posts about springtime blooming is inspiring. Feels like: This too shall pass, while we are enduring staying at home for now. While I am disappointed that we won't be holding the 'Retreat' at Loving Stitches in April I am in agreement with being careful. Hang in there!

  30. I was looking at the Elvira quilts, and yours popped up. Great masculine quilt.


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