When the going gets tough, the tough get sewing!
At least that was what was going on here in the studio in an effort to avoid what was going on with election coverage.
I did my part. I voted with my heart and then I turned everything off and did what I needed to do through the day.
Watching the results doesn’t CHANGE the results at that point. It just gets ME all twisted up in knots.
I believe in the American people. I believe in the process. I may not respect the people in office, but I will respect the office and hold on to my hope for a better future ahead.
At this point, it is out of my hands. I voted. And now we turn to each other as neighbors, friends, relatives, citizens and we try to heal the division and focus once again on WE the PEOPLE.
WE are no longer blue nor red. WE are no longer elephants or donkeys. We are AMERICANS. We come from hearty hardworking stock. We will survive.
And hopefully at some point we will more than survive, we will THRIVE because we won’t give up.
Even if you sew things upside down!
Life might FEEL upside down right now and things aren’t going to happen over night. The dust will settle, the sun will rise and we will find a way to get back on track. Yesterday wasn’t the END, it was just the beginning. We need to stay active in what we believe is right. We need to see each other as individuals. Not groups. Not denominations, ethnicities, political parties, white collar, blue collar, educated, uneducated –we need to stop the labeling and see each other eye to eye, heart to heart.
I’ve somehow lost the top rectangle for this one.
Has any body seen it?
I don’t have more of this fabric to finish it.
Maybe I’ll just find something close and be done with it.
Only 3 more needed.
Tonight. I’ll sew them tonight.
Today and tomorrow are going to be spent here at home, Friday ---off to Utah and a family reunion!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you're about to give up hope.
Virginia Reel quilt made by me back in 1990 something. If I remember correctly there was political upheaval happening then too.
We survived, life went on and so will we now.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone.

And you have a great Wednesday too! Thank you for a lovely reminder post of WE the People!! Loving the pumpkins coming together. Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA
ReplyDeleteThank you Bonnie.
ReplyDeletedidn't watch TV at all...instead visited a nearby guild to hear sue reich and see her wonderful WWII quilts...awesome speaker!
ReplyDeleteSpent yesterday driving home from Texas (we voted early) and just cant wrap my head around the results. I hope this country can be inclusive of all the people and that it works itself out. Today its laundry and finding the fabric in my "collection" for the mystery, bring it on! I'm loving the pumpkins. Enjoy your family time and safe travels.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments, they help when my stomach is in knots....
ReplyDeleteWell said! Very well said!! Enjoy your day and keep on keeping on.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Bonnie! Thanks! Have a fun time at your family reunion!
ReplyDeleteLove these little blocks, and the fun way they are placed at different levels.
ReplyDeletemy friend and I had a sew day! We didn't even turn on a movie or the radio..I suspect we voted for different candidates, but we NEVER talked about it. Lovely day!
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping the faith....
ReplyDeleteThe same faith I've had all along that has gotten me thru the hope n change.
I was thinking this morning how The four-year term has an expiration date of two years. Nobody talks about this. The first two years you can work -but then you have to begin campaigning all over again! Ridiculous!
In two years we will have to start this all over again. Nobody talks about this.
And is getting more more expensive and we're running out of people who "qualify". Who will be our next Savior?!?!?!
I'm so glad we're getting beyond this and pushing through the glass whatever and moving beyond male female white black Hispanic whatever -let's talk about business. That's all I know, and that's what it comes down to. Feelings are feelings and emotions are emotions ,and their valuable- but when it comes to running our country it takes business sense and practicality because that's what keeps a business going .
I am very much into working smarter, not harder.
I love the closing quote. Thank you for that!
ReplyDeletethank you for this message of hope being sustainable...hugs, Julierose
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post, Bonnie. My friends and I are feeling despondent this morning. We all need to support and care for each other now.
ReplyDeleteHave in Utah. I'm from there and have lived in Tooele. Wish I could transport myself there.
ReplyDeleteLike you we are here in the Netherlands completeley flabergasted by the election- result. I still can't believe it and it makes me afraid of the impact it may have on our world, our peace and enviornment. Sandra you are so right about all these campaning costs...incredibable system. I wish all Americans (and world leaders) a lot of wisdom
ReplyDeleteas for your missing top, don't worry. just sew the others up, and when you least expect it, your missing piece will show up in the last place that you look for it.
ReplyDeleteLOL, they always do!
(and if all else fails, look in the trash can.)
Thanks so much for your comments. I am heartbroken!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments, Bonnie. I, too, am trying to wrap my head around this election. Let us not give up on hope.
ReplyDeleteI am in shock today so seeing your gray pumpkin blocks made me smile! I just love them! Thank you for all the enjoyment and inspiration you share with us readers.
ReplyDeletekindness and respect towards all will go a long way to healing.....
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this Bonnie. I think today we all needed to do whatever was soothing and comforting, while remembering to be kind to everyone we encounter. You are right, we are all Americans, and we need to move forward with that thought in mind.....
ReplyDeleteThank you Bonnie. I needed this. I voted. I prayed. And, I will continue. Yes, thank you - I appreciate your post.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comforting words and wisdom, Bonnie. You are such a special lady.
ReplyDeleteWe all need to try to be kinder, more loving, more considerate and accepting of others. We need more quilters in the world!
Very well said, thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI sewed today as weel. It helped.
Hi Bonnie: I voted on the way to Garden Club mtg last night, and promptly turned the radio in the car off. They always start to announce the election results before the polls are closed on the west coast. And, being in Alaska, it is even later, and in Hawaii also. I did not even turn the TV on when I got home, and there was no mention of it on the radio on the way home. I just turned on the TV this morning, so I could get a good night's sleep.
ReplyDeleteYou said it very well. We will get through the transition, and we can hope and pray the new president will do the things he said he will, or at least start on several of them in the first year. The first 100 days are the most important, as others get a good first glimpse of the situation being here at home or the foreign super powers, also.
I hope you find the rest of your pumpkin block!
Have a Great Family Reunion! Are you going to Idaho? Go to Kuna and see Nancy and David Call at Nancy's Quilts, she would love to see you!
Kasilof, AK
Sandra- You said it very well, also.
ReplyDeleteI think I should or some other military Officer should go forward and make sure the new president understands the military decision Making Process. If he learned and understood this, it would serve him well during his presidency. His business sense should serve him well, also.
We ALL Need to keep the Faith and Prayers always help! And Yes, More Quilting, Knitting and Crocheting to soothe us all.
Kasilof, AK
I feel betrayed like I was promised something over and over and then not given what was promised. I know my feelings today are mixed up with how I was treated by others in the past. I am fearful of what has been promised now and how it will affect others if it comes to pass. Your saying from MLK was a good one for today and tomorrow. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteCoverage of your elections here in the UK was almost as much as our own elections on tv! Very interesting time ahead but also very worrying too.
ReplyDeleteWE THE PEOPLE spoke,and were heard. We want our Constitution, our flag, our military and law enforcement officers, our right to life to be respected and upheld. We want dignity and decency and honor to be restored. We want change.
ReplyDeleteWe must pray for God to help Trump to do this and get America back on track.
Great comment from Martin Luther King Bonnie thanks for that. Here's another one that might come in useful in the very near future " The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments Bonnie. After reading the posts I seem to be in the minority of people who are thrilled to death with the outcome of the election! I see positive future things ahead, choosing the half full glass instead of the half empty one. Change is good.
ReplyDeleteI am also one that is thrilled with the outcome. I think balance is good and I can't wait to see what happened... Now, hopefully the rioting can stop and we can all act like adults and move forward. Me, I am focusing on the Mystery Quilt and trying to find the perfect constant fabric
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your inspirational words , you're absolutely right we been through this before ,we will make it through this again. We are a surviving country.
I hope you have a wonderful family reunion and I'm glad you have an a couple of days off to just relax and enjoy Bonnie .
hi Sadie and take care.
Happy Veterans Day to anybody out there that's a veteran , I thank you very much for your service . I know I'm a day early .
"I believe in the American people. I believe in the process. I may not respect the people in office, but I will respect the office and hold on to my hope for a better future ahead."
ReplyDeleteThis pretty much sums it all up. Well said.
Well put.
ReplyDeleteWow! I thought Bonnie said this page would not get political. Can we please go back to discussing quilting? I hear a lot of whining.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post! Thanks for affirming we are all individuals. I just found your blog and have been enjoying it immensely! Quilters are great people!