I woke up this morning to over 500 comments on yesterday’s post.
More than FIVE HUNDRED of you took the time to share with me your feelings.
You lifted me, you cried with me, you understood where my heart was hurting.
I am so grateful.
I think there comes a time where we just reach “empty” and run out of gas. I have felt this approaching for a while now, but the comments that came on Tuesday were just the very last straw in a long line of things that have drained me.
A good friend and I had a long conversation while in Houston, and the one thing I learned from her was that “Some people are just BROKEN.”
When people are passive/aggressive, when they turn your words around to mean something else, or leave out facts to turn others’ perception of you to their own advantage, it might seem like they are personally attacking YOU, but it really isn’t you. It’s them. They are broken, and rather than trying to accept their own responsibility for their actions, they have to place the blame on someone. Or lash out at someone.
If I feel offended, they win. But if I can imagine them as broken, my heart can care about them more than myself, and wish them to find a way to heal their hurts so they aren’t destroying more relationships through their own brokenness.
Gratitude does conquer hurt. And for you I am so grateful!
Landing in Atlanta.
Even though the sky may be black with clouds, there is sunshine above!
The camera couldn’t capture the brilliance of the yellow orange of sun setting as we landed in Atlanta…the sky was dark with clouds, but there on the edge….the very edge..the sunset shone through.
There is a life lesson in this, I just can’t put it into words right now.
THIS happened yesterday.
Our flight didn’t leave Greensboro until late afternoon, so I spent the day getting box #17 out the door.
It is at this point that I have to tell you that we are OUT of Essential Triangle Tools. More are on their way and expected in the next few weeks. I did give you a heads up that this would happen, and though I feel for those who have to wait, I am amazed that we got all the way up to November 19th’s invoices before we ran out.
Reminder – Small Print!
While I feel for those who have to wait, this is a recap of what the item description is in the Quiltville Store. We are STILL in pre-order status and items will ship when items are in house as stated plainly in the item description. Multiple items will ship together in one package.
The manufacturing process is out of my hands, and I am anxious for more tools to arrive too, but while we wait, let’s quilt!
We have moved 3500 Essential Triangle Tools out of my dining room since they first became available in October! That is an amazing amount and I thank you so much for making this release so popular. I want this to be a tool that we use again and again and again and again.
Amazon is STILL back-ordered with an availability date of March/April. So I am asking for your patience in waiting with me. I’ll still get them in stock and to you long before you can get them anywhere else.
When I get home, I will cherry-pick through the remaining invoices shipping out everything that does NOT include an Essential Triangle Tool in the order.
If this leaves you behind in the mystery, I am sorry. Remember, we made it all the way up to Nov 19, just FIVE DAYS AGO before we ran out.
My suggestion would be to do a few of the units with alternate methods, and set them aside until the tools arrive and you can go back and complete the rest of them with the tools.
On the plane to Key Largo!
Hexie corner growing!
I started at the long side of the corner fill-in triangle and my rows are getting shorter and shorter! I won’t finish it on THIS trip, but rows are getting quicker and quicker to stitch. SO anxious to have this done!
This morning’s breeze in the palm trees!
We arrived at our destination last night about midnight.
The hubster has scuba courses this morning and this afternoon – but there will be time for Turkey Dinner out this evening.
Exploring time!
I have time to myself to finish a certain binding, and put the finishing touches on En Provence, part 1 – which goes LIVE tomorrow!
I only brought handwork this trip – I’ve also got to update the website with workshops from Addicted to Scraps added to the line up for this upcoming year.
Working on Thanksgiving? Well, sort of. Because when I get home I want my slate CLEAR so I can sew my brains out.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Quilt found in North Carolina.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my USA friends and family! I am thankful and grateful for your friendship and encouragement. I've been saving this vintage goblets quilt for quite a while not knowing when it would be a good time to post a quilt with wine glasses on it!
Today I raise my glass to toast you - thank you for adding so much to my life!

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful vacation! You have a wonderful gift of optimism and I feel uplifted every time I read you blog. I hope you keeep inspiring quilters and others to be filled with kindness.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say? You are definitely not broken! Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving! I am adding you to my list of things to be thankful for.
ReplyDeleteI wish you and your family a very Happy and Peaceful Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter and friendship. Thank you for all that you do for everyone and it is greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day. May it be filled with sunshine and love!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie and Dave, Happy Thanksgiving. You both look so happy in your picture. So glad you are feeling better Bonnie. And yes some people are broken and never happy and we can't force them to be happy. If they choose not to be we can't fix them.
ReplyDeleteSo excited about tomorrow. I wont be sewing we will have my mom here for the day from her assisted living home for left overs but I have told DH he is on his own on Saturday I am sewing. It makes my heart happy to know you are feeling better as I hurt with you.
THANK YOU again for all you do. You have no idea what you have done for me at this time of year and how happy you make me. Your blog is first thing with coffee before I start my day. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Thank you for adding so much to our lives. Have a wonderful weekend and I for one am grateful beyond words for all you do for us !
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie! I am so thankful for your blog and the wonderful adventures that you take me on. It distressed me that someone had been hateful to you but it warms my heart that you are feeling better today. You are a light in many of our lives. Have a wonderful day!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you too.....always remember, WE LOVE YOU. Also remember "Hurt People Hurt People".
ReplyDeleteYou are such a cute couple. On this Thanksgiving day, I am thankful for you and all you do. I live alone and you are the bright spot in my day. Happy Thanksgiving !!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and Dave! I hope your Florida getaway is a refreshing one. Today is my Birthday, so it's a 2 for 1 deal. I was born on Turkey Day many moons ago. I am so thankful for my family, friends and special people like you, Bonnie, who is so encouraging through whatever life throws at you and in all that you say and do and share. Have a very special day and Enjoy it all! Hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteAs you do ours! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Dave!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, thanks for everything you do and create for us, you're an inspiration! You're one of the people I'm thankful for today. Have a great time away with your husband and your handwork, you've earned some peace (or should I say piece) and quiet.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving. Well said. I appreciate your generosity. You are a wonderful person.
ReplyDeleteThere is a large group of us that are so thankful for what you do, it takes us through the holidays that are sometimes very hard to do. Thank you so much
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice for me to think of you do close on this Thanksgiving Day as I live in Florida. Being in Key Largo, I can't help but imagine that your dinner will also include something delishiously fishy ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!! One of the things I am thankful for is my amazing first cruise to Alaska, with you!! I'm still working on Razzle Dazzle since I decided to rework blocks with fabrics picked up on vacation so I'm thankful for your patterns and generosity in sharing your talent and knowledge. I'm glad you and Hubster are enjoying this Holiday in such beautiful surroundings! Have a wonderful, relaxing trip.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Bonnie! Love fills us up and leaves no room for the destructive nature of some we meet in life.
ReplyDeleteWe will always have the broken among us. Rising above is not easy. Dont let the turkeys get you down!!! You know who you are, & we love you for it! Happy, happy Thanksgiving! Excited for tomorrow! I've watched 2 now, & hope I'm ready!
ReplyDeleteYou know Bonnie, I always thought you had the best smile. But I'm looking at your fella and he might be the winner! Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day. No doubt one you will remember... Key Largo and scuba diving! Certainly you packed your swimsuit with your hexies! :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat pics especially those with your million dollar smile! Happy Thanksgiving and bring some warmth back northward on your way home - going from 70s to teens in two days is too shocking.
ReplyDeleteBroken. What a wonderful way to describe these folks. In my reading, I have found another way to describe this condition. "Your aliveness makes their deadness, all the more apparent." Please stay alive, and continue to be you. And, it is okay to give the "broken ones" a key to the door. Sending you many blessings to you and your family, on this day to be grateful. Paula in Omaha
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! Enjoy warm, sunny Florida. Thank you for all you do. You make such a difference in people's lives, mine included. Donna in Tallahassee
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear you are "healing" from the nasty remarks from broken people. You have such a beautiful spirit and it shines right through all the bad stuff and you continue to be an inspiration to me. You must know you are loved!!!
ReplyDeleteJust thanks thanks thanks.
ReplyDeleteJust thanks thanks thanks.
ReplyDeleteMuch love for all you do. I have greatly benefited from both your in person classes and all you provide on your site.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteDon't worry what others say if they are talking about you they are leaving someone else alone.
talk is cheap
I enjoy your blog and the trips I will never be able to have.
Thank You for hanging tough. You are an inspiration for us all.
ReplyDeleteHave a WONDERFUL holiday/vacation break! Clearly, we are all grateful that you share your life and gifts with us:-)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your vacation and a peaceful Thanksgiving. I'm SEW happy that you were able to overcome the negativity of the responses to the other day's post!
ReplyDeleteYou are right about some people being broken. (Actually, many are.) We have to keep in mind that we can choose how to react to this brokenness. Try to choose love, kindness, and understanding.
Love wins!!
Grateful hearts around the globe are looking forward to tomorrow's Mystery Clue. We know what a kind and generous person you are. Thank you for all you do!!
Thank you for your optimism. It is uplifting me today. I hope you have a great holiday.
ReplyDeleteSew glad you are feeling a little better. There is so much love in this world but unfortunately the smaller amount of hate shows through more. Cant wait for Tomorrow!!!Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie, you are one of the many people I am thankful for.
ReplyDeleteBackatcha! Have a great time in the sea and sun and turkey dinner!
ReplyDeleteWe love you Bonnie. There are about 3,000 MORE comments in Quiltville Open Studio on a post that truly captures your character. Blessings to you my friend. Enjoy feeling the Gratitude. You deserve it.
ReplyDeletehappy thanksgiving Bonnie - enjoy your vacation and don't worry if a blog post is late - there is always the next day!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your words of wisdom and hope. You made me feel much better!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie. I am so glad that you chose love. You are a very special person and you do enrich my life in more ways than just quilting. Keep being who God made you to be. I am glad you can be with your honey over this break and I am glad you can be in a new place and find new adventures. I love the goblet quilt. Thanks for ALL you do! love you- K-
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you Bonnie. May your day be blessed with love and happiness. Love abounds and triumphs hate. Be yourself and do what you want. We all support you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and Dave! So glad you have that friend in Houston who could help you put things into a better perspective. Have a great trip!
ReplyDeleteThis is your best post ever and I have been following you for many years. Broken that is an amazing description. I'm Not going to our Thanksgiving gettogether because of someone. Broken, yes, that is a good description of someone who is trying their best to put me down. Not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! I, too, have been overwhelmed with the anger and negativity out in the world these days. I have decided to just BE KIND in the hopes of restoring some balance to the world. Your daily blog quotes help me to do just that. Hope your day is a joyous and peaceful one!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, Bonnie! We are all broken in some way. It is what we decide to do with the pieces that matters. Broken pieces can be a quilt or they be sharp, nasty shards.
ReplyDeleteWe are grateful for you.You are a special woman,and so is your husband to put up with all of us!Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteSuch a great Lady. You make my day! Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you & yours from me & mine! So grateful for all you do all year long!
ReplyDeleteCatherine in cloudy SW Indiana
Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you & yours from me & mine! So grateful for all you do all year long!
ReplyDeleteCatherine in cloudy SW Indiana
Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie. Take in a meal from Mimi's. They have a good one for today. Sandi
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and the hubster as well, and thank you so much for all you add to our lives.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and The Hubster :) Soak up the sun and enjoy your time away together. That's more important that a few "broken" peoples comments. They are a minority, anyway, and don't really count. (((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteYou're the best! I enjoyed today's thoughtful posting about people being broken!. We know the great physician. Happy days ahead!
ReplyDeleteSo grateful for you and your ability to share from the depths of your heart! So happy you're in a better place today! Love from Nebraska!
ReplyDeleteGlad we could lift your spirits, you certainly lift ours with your daily blogs & quilt cam. Have a Happy Thanksgiving🦃
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie, what a cute pic of you and Dave, Had never seen a pic of him before, and you look like you belong together, and you both look so happy! I read your blog every day, sometimes even before I eat anything, I always find it interesting, and informative. Is there a chance that we will have a quilt cam before the end of the year, or you going to wait for the new year? I'm so addicted!
ReplyDeletehave a great Holiday!
Bonnie, you have a very smart friend and they are the ones that say all the right things at times when we need it most. I can so relate to the way you have felt mostly hurt and unappreciated at a time when you need love the most from all of us that appreciate you. As I sit here in my chair with broken ribs and can do no work, like finishing Christmas quilts and a dh that has just been released from hospital again, I am trying to be thankful for that one positive in my life fight now.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless You no matter your belief.
Just enjoy!!! May love always win! <3
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family!
Thank you, Bonnie, I needed your words to explain a family situation....they are broken, not me. Tears run down my cheeks today because I need to show them more love. I can't fix them, but I can offer love. Have a very happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI am wishing for you renewed energy and a filling of love!
ReplyDeleteHave fun in Florida!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Happy Thanksgiving from Alaska! It's cold here (-2!) but no snow. I am anxiously waiting for tomorrow's mystery unveiling. Pulled fabrics from my stash yesterday. Hope you hve fun in Florida.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised there aren't more great comments. You do so much for so many. Have a great thanksgiving and keep on keepin on.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie. May your spirit be restored during the giving season. I love the holidays! There are still good people out there.
ReplyDeleteWe, (hubby and I) are going to dinner at the daughter's home. While I have much time to relax, am working on Christmas gifts and feeling grateful for the time to sew on Thanksgiving.
May we all find blessings in these trying times.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie, to you and your family! I don't comment often. I was so gobsmacked with yesterday's post that I did not say "I am sorry, that a kind person, has to bear with such hurt from others".
ReplyDeleteThanks for being you, caring about your craft and helping others. You ARE appreciated. Liz
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving filled with fun, kindness and great adventure. I'm truly sorry about some that have twisted your words around and went on the attack. You have always been such a kind and generous person. I hope you do not let this incident change you in any way. BTW - I released a post that you may want to see: http://quiltshopgal.com/happy-thanksgiving-4/
PS - I hope the hubster enjoys his scuba diving. We also love diving and you guys are in a perfect area to pursue it.
I woke up this morning and my first thought was - did Bonnie post something?? And I was so happy to see you had, it brought tears to my eyes!! I am so glad you let us know how you felt, and let us, let you know, how much we care for you. I have some quilters that I enjoy hearing about but Bonnie, I consider you a friend, even though we have never met. And when you hurt, so do I. And your last post, I felt your hurt and I just wanted to shield you from it - and by reading others comments, I am definitely not the only one!!!
ReplyDeleteNow, I want you to go out there and enjoy the daylight and the breeze and the air and the, well, grab a book and escape for a few minutes!!! You need to recharge your batteries and fill yourself with laughter and joy and fun!!! And I know you can do it because I have seen you do it before. This day, this weekend, is for you. Make the best of it, let 'real life' wait for a bit; you will be back there sooner than you think!!!
Speaking of 'real life' - mine will be here ASAP!!! Daughter will not be impressed if I am not ready when she gets here to pick me up, so gotta go!! Huge hugs and tons of love!!! ~Brenda!!!
Goes back to the old saying,if you cannot say say something nice, do not say anything.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful trip.
Bettie Sue in Middle TN
That a girl. I knew your good spirits would return. Remember there are a lot more supporters out there. Now let's get on with En Provence and sew up a storm (well not until you get back home, of course).
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and Dave. Enjoy your few days in the sun and warmth.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie! Relax, rest, enjoy that turkey dinner out....you certainly deserve it after putting in such a busy year. Enjoy your holiday season and sew to your heart's content
ReplyDeleteI think your friend is right about the "broken" people. I've met a couple of them and they never seem happy about anything, always unhappy about something, and yet won't take the steps to change the things that they complain about. There's not much we can do for them except wish them well and move on.
Your post is right on, there are many broken people that don't know what to do with that. Sadly they take it out on everyone else. Don't accept that, be you.. you are loved.
ReplyDeleteHere's to a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and Dave. Love wins.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your travels and be safe. Looking forward to the beginning of the MQ tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie - your post resonates with me. We recently had a guest speaker at my place of employment. My take away that day was "Blame is a discharge of discomfort and pain." So true from so many different directions!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to En Provence tomorrow. It will be my 50th jubilee quilt - as tomorrow is my birthday! Enjoy Key Largo - next year tell the hubster you have friends in Daytona Beach! (Although...I think it's probably too cool to scuba up here.)
Hugs - Terri
HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the UK! Hope your trip refreshes you. God bless :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the photo of Dave and yourself to your global family. A truly handsome couple. Enjoy your break, well deserved. X
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you & Family..may it be Blessed, full of laughter & peace.
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving all of us a Thankful Thanksgiving with all you do for us throughout the year.
Debra in Ma.
You are a classy lady. Thanks for the lesson on "broken". It brings to mind people I have come across who want to bring me down to their level. You are helping many people get past this.
ReplyDeleteI am very grateful for you, Bonnie. You bring joy to me and many others and WE are all happy to see the upbeat Bonnie coming back to us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as I anxiously await tomorrow's post! ;)
ReplyDeleteThis will be my first mystery quilt. I am very excited. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteWe add to you life..seems so little compared with what you give us each and every day! Put your feet up and enjoy the hand stitching or slow stitching as we like to call it. Looking forward to the start of the mystery tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThank you, and the Hubster, for being blessings to all of us, here in Quiltville. We're grateful for all that you do to help others be encouraged. Thank YOU.
ReplyDeleteOne more sleep, until Quiltville Christmas (aka: En Provence, Clue #1).
Thank you, again, Bonnie and the Hubster. �� Sandy in New Hampshire.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all you do! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteYour post is terrific. Love your smiles in the photos. Keep on smiling! :)
ReplyDeleteKeep on keepin' on, doing what you do best, and your friends will keep on with you.
Have a wonderful trip.
Bonnie, I'm really new to your blog. I initially found it because there was a Quiltville FB post that had gone viral. Since I've started following QV and your blog, I've found one thing to be true. You are universally loved and respected! I don't know what kind of people would be so nasty to you, but they obviously enjoy tearing other people down to make themselves feel better in this nasty atmosphere that is our country now. In any case, I went to get fabric for the MQ last weekend at my local fabric store and explained to the lady helping me pick out fabrics that I was doing a mystery quilt. She was like, "I did one of those several years ago and I loved it. It was by Bonnie Hunter. I said, "Mine is by Bonnie Hunter!" We totally bonded, and she helped me pick out some stunning fabrics. You are a rockstar, don't forget that!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie 🦃 Looking forward to tomorrow, even though I have to work. Grateful for the job. Mary in Boston.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see you smiling and happy with your hubby. Enjoy your time in Key Largo and Happy Thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! What you have done to the quilting world is astronomical! Enjoy your time with your husband! We all love you! Thank you for brings us such happiness and beautiful quilts!☺🌷👏🌸😘
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! What you have done to the quilting world is astronomical! Enjoy your time with your husband! We all love you! Thank you for brings us such happiness and beautiful quilts!☺🌷👏🌸😘
ReplyDeleteI don't normally post, but I wanted to say Thank You! You are truly a giving and lovely person. Stay happy and I wish you the best!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and Hubby can't wait till morning. Enjoy you time with him. You need the break.
ReplyDeleteJust love the photo of you and Dave! We don't often get to see him!! I hope you have a fabulous time in the Keys...always makes me think of Jimmy Buffet! I had to laugh when you mentioned, sort of like a reminder, that the mystery starts tomorrow. Lol. Trust me.....we don't need a reminder! We are all eagerly awaiting the morning to dawn!! Have been for weeks. Never mind today was thanksgiving.....we are anxious for the day after!😀 You are a POSITIVE influence in our lives and we thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, First I want to say Happy Thanksgiving! You are a great inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for your blog/journal without it I would miss how beautiful the rest of the world is. It is through your eyes and words I get to experience other countries. Thank you for being you. I eagerly wait for the fun to begin tomorrow. Hope you have a fun and safe trip.
ReplyDeleteHope your Thanksgiving day is wonderful... love the quilt with the glasses, toasting you a much less stress year!!! Love all that you do.... you are so kind, take care of yourself please!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say I think you are awesome. I followed your link to your original post to follow your story. I don't know what those commenters wrote. Your friend is right. It's not personal. They are haters. But when you have a tender and caring it's hard to hear those words. I think you are awesome Bonnie. I don't care what political side your on. When all is said and done, political or not you choose love and caring. That has my vote. You have my vote. Keep being your awesome and beautiful self.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving we are home from feasting due to the time difference I hope you are blissfully sleeping (uh after setting your mystery blog posting to post automatialy ) and are able to sleep in a bit have your tea in bed or a nice breakfast with your husband in a quiet cafe. Just simple pleasures that we don't often take the time to enjoy
ReplyDeleteYou two look so happy together. Hope you enjoy this get away.
Glad to have you feeling better.
Shake It Off!
Thank you for all you do, And yes you do a lot for us and I for on appreciate you and hate to see you hurt.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, also, Bonnie! You enrich our lives so much, and I really appreciate it. I've learned so much, and having a blast using what I've learned. Have fun Down South!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I hope you find more patches of time for you this next year. You give so much of yourself and travel so often. I dont know how you do it. You always give out and you need time for you somewhere. ;) What you said about briken people is so on target. "Out of the heart flow the issues of life". "Out of the abundance of the heart, a man speaks", some hearts are just off. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Here's to En Provence. It is a great thing to have an exciting thing to focus on in the Winter months for those who suffer from SAD in the winter. I started quilting 3 years ago and I have not experienced this since I have become focused with quilting. I am thankful. I am hooked on Quiltville 😎
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful time away with your hubby. Thanks for all you do. Looking forward to the first mystery clue tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, Bonnie. Thanks for everything you do for us quilter's. Enjoy your time in Key Largo - you deserve it so much.
ReplyDeleteBonnie Hunter, you are a "Gracious Hero."
ReplyDeleteStay exactly the way you are!!!
Wine.......did someone say wine? I'm in!!!!!! Merlot please!
ReplyDeleteSo thankful for your blog. Thanks for all you do. I'm thankful for your friendship and everything that I have learned since following your blog. Can't wait for the mystery quilt to begin.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of you and Dave says it all. Love will prevail. That's what counts. So thankful for all you share, but you have to cherish yourself and care for yourself too. Remember what they say about the oxygen masks on the plane! You can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of yourself. So r&r while we enjoy the mystery quilt and fill up that tank!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say thank you for all you do. I wish you and everyone else a Happy Thanksgiving.
It is nearly 4pm on the 25th Nov, here down under, which means I can't wait till tomorrow for the mystery quilt to start whoo hoo.
Once again a huge thank you for being such a kind hearted and generous person, and we need more earth angels like you.
please don't ever change who you are.
Hi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say thank you for all you do. I wish you and everyone else a Happy Thanksgiving.
It is nearly 4pm on the 25th Nov, here down under, which means I can't wait till tomorrow for the mystery quilt to start whoo hoo.
Once again a huge thank you for being such a kind hearted and generous person, and we need more earth angels like you.
please don't ever change who you are.
So excited for the first clue to En Provence tomorrow! Thanksgiving was fun, but looking more forward to tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, just want to thank you for your generosity and everything you do for the Quilting community. Your response to the absolutely appalling behaviour of others recently was spot on. I'm sure that many of us value your contributions to building a fun and respectful community in this art, just as much as your preparedness to share your patterns and insights in life.
ReplyDeleteSo looking forward to starting another mystery quilt with you! Stephanie, Down Under.
All the best--have a great vacation
ReplyDeleteenjoy all you do--
Wendy D. Long Beach,Cali.
It is unfortunate that sometimes the ugliness in people makes its voice heard in very hateful, unkind, and unloving ways. The only way that the voice of ugliness prevails is for the voices of caring, compassion, reason and love to silence themselves. You, Bonnie, are one of those voices...............please keep on keeping on with your kind, caring, compassionate and loving words......because you need to express them and we need to read them. You have given and continue to give so much of yourself to the quilting community, and, somehow, thank you just doesn't seem to be adequate enough for us to express our gratitude to you. But, for now, let me (and many, many others whose lives you have touched) say from the heart "Thank You!"
ReplyDeleteI think sometimes people speak without thinking. A blogger I know said that some people comment in negative ways just to make themselves feel better, Or to convince others that their opinion is correct. Just like I don't always like what some instagramers put on their feed. I always have the right to show my feelings by unfollowing them. If they don't like your thoughts or opinions they should go else where. Life's little challenges help us grow hope they learn that. I for one am amazed at how generous you are. I love to watch you on quilt cam and you just can't know how many people support you because many never comment. People need to learn the world would be boring if everyone felt the same way about everything. We love and appreciate all you do.
Take time for yourself Bonnie. You are a giver but sometimes givers need to rest up a bit too. We so appreciate all you do. I've been to one of your workshops and you are amazing. But I can't imagine the schedule that you keep, flying all across the country and beyond. I would have broken down years ago. You are a strong woman and we love you. I can't imagine coming home from a long tour to find stacks of books and rulers that you have to mail out. Aren't there fulfillment centers that do this? Your business has grown by leaps and bounds the last few years, just in the time I have been following you. Its far bigger than you alone. Enjoy Florida, the weather is nice this time of year! I'm up at 3:18 CST searching around for En Provence. Back to bed until it appears! Carol
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you are a tender hearted soul. This combined with being plum wore out and foolish people being down right foolish if not mean, can make you and anyone else want to find a cave and live there at times.
ReplyDeleteI am older than you are. When John and I were first married the Vietnam war was going on full force, race riots were all over, sit ins, anti-war protests etc were constantly in the papers and on the news. And yet, somehow our country has withstood that messy time. No one is immune to hatred being spewed out into front of them. Many turn their backs and walk away. Other, like you and I, feel the pain of it so very much.
Take time to rest... As someone who grew up in South Florida, have been many times to the Keys ... It is a transforming place. Take a drive over the 7 mile bridge...just the realize you are traveling over some of the most gorgoreous waters on earth. Take in that deep healing of salt air, run around in shorts and eat Key Lime pie.... Trust me it helps.
Bless you and your family.
Smilies and hugs
Julie inTN
Hi there, Bonnie;
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see this post! Thank you for your generous time that you give us in sharing your talent. I am so grateful. Quilting is where I find a calm place, peacefully work, and reflect on those who came before me. Their world was as difficult sometimes, as ours.
The picture of you and your husband on the plane spoke volumes. You both have beautiful smiles. Keep smiling! I hope you enjoy your trip and relax doing the things you both love to do.
You take care.
Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I am on pins and needles waiting for the first clue today. This will be my first mystery and I am sew excited! Your comments about broken people are spot on. Even knowing that, it is hard sometimes to turn the hurt we feel from them into love. You are awesome. Quilt on, my friends!!!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to write yesterday, but there were already so, so many comments that I couldn't get to the bottom of them on my ipad. So thought I would write today instead to tell you what a wonderful person you are and how much I appreciate all that you do. You are such an inspiration for me in so many ways--most of all with the boundless giving that makes up who you are in fundamental ways. Your message of LOVE was right on, and it is so sad that so many people could not see that message for what it was. Many in our country are in a very dark place right now, and we need all the love we can get to counter that. Perhaps they will come to their senses in time and with enough love. You held a ground for love, and I fully support you in that. I do so hope you will take some rest time as I sense that you are tired. You are too important to so many people to overdo and wear out too soon. My blessings for a wonderful holiday season for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better today. Yesterday's post broke my heart. I wish everyone could just play nice and we could all get along.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the wisdom you shared today that some people are just broken. I needed this reminder. Online, it's easy to forget the person behind the comments. Thank you for reminding me of the brokenness.
Thank you for this post. I miss having someone to have the sort of conversation you had about people being broken. (My friends of that caliber have all passed on). I agree with the thoughts you came away with from it. Think how unhappy someone that makes rude comments must be. I'm glad so many of your blog friends responded to your post. You can see we all have had a rude experience at one time or another and if it hasn't broken us, we are so happy to let you know you have an important place in the blog community.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your business is going so well. That happens for two kinds of people..those that learn how to take advantage of others (not you), and those that have a lot of heart and make their business work by sharing their skill and knowledge and genuinely love people.
Much love to you sent by all of us.
xx, Carol
So glad you are better today and arrived in Florida safely! It is 8:14 AM on November 25th here in sunny Texas. I am so excited, because they just delivered "More Adventures with Leaders and Enders". Can't wait to get started on your Scap Crystals. Love that pattern and colors. Enjoy your time in Florida so you are refreshed and ready to create more of these beauties!
ReplyDeleteHope you and hubby have a fantastic Thanksgiving. I am so grateful that you were able to talk to your friend. As women, I am thankful that we not only need other women, but have a desire to have women friends. They are such a help in good times and difficult times. Stay true to what and who you are. Your friend is so right. There are a lot of unhappy broken ladies out there. And all we can do for them is love them and pray for them. Bless you Bonnie. I love the picture from the plane. How true it is that among all the darkness out there, there is light to lean on and hope to believe in.
ReplyDeletequilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
I w,as so relieved to read your post today. I was so sorry to hear how hurt you were by a bunch of "mean girls". Kind of sad that that sort of behavior continues into adulthood for some people. think you hit the nail on the head when you said that some people are just broken. Thank you for reminding me that I too need to remember that all you can do is love and pray for them. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving,
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I saw your blog yesterday, but was too shocked to comment before now. I worked with a person like these long ago. My thought was & still is that; if I was so miserable that I had to make others lives miserable I wouldn't leave my bed & would just throw the covers over my head! That being said, I was so glad I found you 3 yrs ago, you've helped me to try new things in quilting & I've learned to be scrappy & use all those fabrics that are leftover from other quilts. I've even taken to piecing my backs. When I first was lurking on your site I was so orderly that everything had to be "in the box" so to speak; I couldn't even do a crazy quilt vest w/o matching both sides. I thank you for letting me lurk & learn. Keep that smile on your face & your chin up.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great time in Florida
Wishing you a late Happy Thanksgiving and am hoping you have a great and restful getaway. I think "broken" is a good and helpful way to think about such people. I first became aware of you about 4 years ago. I think I have always liked scrappy quilts because that is what I slept under as I was growing up, but through you I have realized that scrappy is my passion. Thank you for all you do and for your generosity. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
ReplyDeleteNo offense Bonnie, but those vintage goblets kinda look like the Stanley Cup to me! Hope that brings a smile to your face!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and look forward to it and your Instagram everyday! I would really miss it if you stopped! AND I can't wait for that strippy pumpkin pattern!😉
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see a smile back on your face. I was so saddened to find out about the issues of the negative comments (belatedly). God bless you with safe travels and peace. I wish you peace and plenty of time to sew. Always.
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing woman! I don't know how you accomplish everything you do! You are a full time blog, full time store, full time teacher, and still find time for your family. You are a inspiration. I can't wait to meet you in March when you visit Lighthouse Quilt Guild in Grand Haven, MI!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't read blogs every day so I didn't know what had happened but I felt your pain this morning as I read the hurt you were feeling. Many people have felt they have been given license to tell other people what they are allowed to say and how they should think. I turn 74 tomorrow and I have never seen this behavior this bad before but it is everywhere. However, you can tell by all the comments you got that you are loved all over the country, world, and the rest of us just enjoy going along with you for the ride.
ReplyDeleteWow you hubby has just as brilliant of smile as you do. Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteA toast to and your hubby.