I am in love with the color Fuscia! Growing up, we always called it “hot pink” and these flowers in the garden center at Wal-Mart yesterday just drew me in…SO pretty.
And they were HUGE!
I hadn’t been off mountain since Wednesday when I arrived, and there were some definite things on the “must get” list for the cabin, so it was time for a drive down to Wilkesboro to restock.
I also did quite a bit of cleaning up of my sewing area after my whirlwind of finishing my Twirl Around top, and also making and completing ALL of the blocks for my 6 Addicted to Scraps column blocks that will be appearing in 2016 issues of Quiltmaker Magazine.
All of the blocks for my column are submitted all at one time – in August, and this time I’m bringing them with me when I go do my tapings for my 6 online workshops.
The amount of “I’m sewing like a crazy woman but can’t show you anything!” around here has been staggering! But you are going to love next year’s columns!
I can show you this:
Honest Cutting Table!
After taking an hour or so to set it back straight!
I kitted up a bunch of these!
I have NOT given out cutting directions for this block because it may appear in a future publication when it is done. But if you have mad drafting skills, the background square on the H is 1” finished.
H Quilts are popping up EVERYWHERE on my radar! Check out this vintage one I found on the 4th of July:

I love how stylized these are! FUN!
For those of you NOT excited by the H blocks – why not make up a block to go with your own initial? There are a ton of alphabet tutorials and patterns out there…or go freehand!
Meanwhile in the Tumble-Zone:
As I was cutting, kitting and sewing…any scrap I came across was also getting cut down into tumblers! This little basket is quite full, and my rows are quickly growing.
I’m so excited to see this project grow. I have always liked this pattern, but it seemed a tedious project if doing it as a regular quilt….but doing it as Leaders & Enders is a no-brainer and it’s going to be a great year for tumbler quilts all over Quiltville!

And we sure have fun while doing it!
It’s going to be hard leaving the mountain this morning, but it must be done. I’ve taken a long holiday weekend and there is work awaiting at home….Anyone who placed an order after I left home on Wednesday morning, your orders will go out this afternoon! They will be on their way, I promise.
I have already ordered MORE of the Easy Dresden tool that I am using to cut my tumblers with ---if I run out with what I’ve already got at home, there will be more on my doorstep in a couple of days.
I want to piece a backing this evening and get the Twirl Around quilt loaded in the machine for quilting – I need to be binding it by next weekend when I’m back up here again!
Through my time off, I’m vowing to take WEEKENDS off –I figure I deserve a weekend just as much as the next person, don’t you agree?
Oh another thought-provoking front:
Yes, this is a comment for the soul who contacted me yesterday – a Sunday morning on a holiday weekend wanting answers to work related questions- What have we gotten to as a society as far as respect for a person’s time and boundaries go?
Email is instantaneous. You can buy merchandise from a website at any time on any day -- So folks expect answers to be instantaneous also.
I get crazy requests via Facebook as if I am on Facebook every waking hour –and those I can wait to reply to.
But phone calls on a Sunday on a holiday weekend? I should learn not to pick up my phone and just let it go to voice mail and answer it on the next working day. The behavior issue is my OWN. I need to learn to not pick up the phone during off hours. Let voice mail do what it is there for.
I guess in this society where stores open late on Thanksgiving to get a rush on the Christmas Black Friday sales – where Amazon is always on –and there is always someone to answer your call on some help line, we forget when dealing with a small business that they are not always open 24/7/365.
I’m not LLBean. I am not Amazon.
I am vowing to take better charge of my own personal time and leave business to business hours.
That will give me more time to quilt, create, and share with you!
Quilt Cam on THURSDAY evening at this point -- 9pm! But keep watching, I'll keep you updated!
Oh my! That is completely unacceptable. Yes, turn the phone to silent or at least don't answer the calls of anyone not recognized during YOUR vacation. Seriously people!
ReplyDeleteI read the post from a quilter who called your "help" number. She was genuinely surprised when you answered in person. I think she honestly thought she was going to get voice mail.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a week at home that allows you to fulfill what obligations you have and to feel accomplished. I agree that society is becoming "instant gratification" based. I live in a small town and we still have small businesses closed on holidays and Sundays, but we also have shift workers that have round the clock schedules and so some business cater to them. Where are the days of respect for other's personal space? I hope I don't inadvertently accost friends or family, or business owners when I need something. I am going to try to be more cognizant of the day and time before I call. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Weekends are YOURS whether at Quilt Villa or at home. Its hard for us to remember that this is a job for you, not a hobby, and you should have office hours and out-of-office hours. I am coping with that challenge right now, having retired 6 days ago. Still not sure what my week is going to look like (aside from lots of quilting!), but very different than before.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I figured out the H block dimensions some time ago and have a stack to figure out how I want to assemble. My maiden name is Henry. :-)
Safe drive home. Hugs to Sadie.
Donna Fisher
You are always so-o-o generous with your time and talents. I absolutely love reading your blog and appreciate the time you take to share with us! BUT... please take care to have time for yourself and avoid those pesky calls etc that can sap your energy and spirit.
ReplyDeleteOh my daughter (where I'm staying right now) has two of those flower "bushes" in her yard. They are gorgeous and constantly blooming.
ReplyDeleteDo set aside time for your self. It's easy to get caught up in the 24/7 routine and forget that not everyone is a big box business. I forget to turn my phone back on frequently and that's even better. I finally realized I don't need it attached to me all of the time.
Perhaps callers are simply "getting in line" when they contact you on weekends and evenings, never expecting you to reply in "real time" at odd hours. I worked 12-hour weekend nightshifts for decades. I answered emails and phone calls at my convenience, and expected others to do the same. Distractions lower your productivity even more than multi-tasking. Would a business phone improve your situation?
ReplyDeleteKeep on quiltin'
With both a first and last initial H I just may have to try this!
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely a good idea to set some boundaries around your personal time, but like an earlier poster, I would like to think that your caller expected voicemail, not a personal/instantaneous answer. Good lesson for all of us.
I know how it goes. My dad had a lawn mower repair shop in our back yard. I can't count the number of times he would get up from supper to wait on someone who came during dinner time. Which meant we all sat there until he came back and was seated. As kids we protested and said if someone was that inconsiderate, they should wait until we had finished our meal. But my dad was of that generation that really believed the customer was always right. Thinking of your cruise in August 2016 as a retirement gift to myself.
ReplyDeleteI have an idea Bonnie.....assign a separate ringtone for your family and friends that you may want to hear from or get a call from more often. Then if the (default) business ringtone alarms during off hours don't answer. It's kind of like screening your calls without having to look I do it...lol Still love to your girl and keep on with the GREAT quilting ideas.
ReplyDeleteHappy Scrapping
I think we are sadly moving to a 24/7 world, with no boundaries. Even Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are no longer quiet days. I don't think it is a good thing for us psychologically to be 'on' every day... good luck fighting the trend, Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteWe certainly live in an immediate gratification world now. Our personal downtime is even more important now. My cell and home phone have voice mail for a good reason. Many at my workplace have a hard time understanding this concept. Keep on cherishing your personal time!
ReplyDeleteI so miss the days when stores closed at a decent hour and no one was open on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteThose hibiscus are the Luna series, I have the Pink Swirl, the other I think is just called Red. Beautiful plants and flowers and hardy here in Maryland.
ReplyDeleteI saw the post and the lady was very surprised, amazed that you answered, and very delighted.
Have people no respect or knowledge of acceptable boundaries? Solution may be 2 cell phones with one being business only and the other being a "private" line. I didn't hear the conversation, so it may have been ignorance and not stupidity. Someone calling expecting to leave a message on an unattended phone. I do that a lot. I tend to forget to make calls in the 9-5 zone, so I call my doctor at weird hours and leave messages on the answering machine. Oh well, it is over and your readers will at least be warned.
ReplyDeleteAs I said..the issue was with ME answering at all hours. I want to help people, I would rather answer as it comes in, than have to listen to a recorded message and return a call later --it has nothing to do with the person who is calling..it's my knee jerk answering! I'm going to work on that. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, Bonnie, I think many people now expect that they will get voicemail or an answering machine, so they call whenever they think of it, figuring you will listen to the message later. So, you are right, if it is your off-time, let them leave a message & answer it later, when you are back to work. And don't feel the least bit guilty either!!!
ReplyDeleteTheir Mamas did not teach them ...... we could not make phone calls before 9 a.m. Saturday morning or ring a neighbor's doorbell to see if SusieQ could play..... Sunday was OUT... glad you are taking charge of your end of it..... I don't know how you keep the pace you do. It would be smart to slow it down and do less travel... if you don't make a big deal of it folks will not notice. Now do I want to draft an "S" block????? maybe
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am happy, happy with your wisdom to take care of your time- The only way you will be able to make it long and not resent the people/work. Been there, done that! Treat yourself as well as anyone else you love. I absolutely do not need response.
ReplyDeleteWith great regard. Jo Watson
Vilas, NC (8 MILES WEST OF Boone, NC
It's true that small businesses need to set the parameters of their working life. My husband used to be good at it when we were raising children but has allowed it to creep into our lives 24/7. As we head to bed on Sunday night, he was checking to see if any of his own email missives had been answered and was happy to see that some had replied. Of course the answers reinforce his argument that is the new way to do business. I don't agree with it but that's how our bills are paid. Guard your personal time and use those tools like voice mail or perhaps a "weekend auto reply" to email. If more do it, perhaps we can get our time back.
ReplyDeleteI can't change anyone else's behavior...though I might reallyreally want to and they might reallyreally need it, but I can change my behaviour. I like how you "own" it. Turning off a business phone and letting things go to voice mail...wise woman!
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head - boundaries! For many people who are retired or have no family, one day is the same as the next, and they don't get that it's a holiday weekend or a Sunday. Not an excuse, just a reality. I like that you're taking weekends - yes!!!
ReplyDeleteEek! Hubby and both worked retail for several years, so, we make sure we DON'T shop on holidays. We don't want to be the reason someone else has to work then. I even try to be careful of what time it is when I send a text message (don't want to wake someone up). People need to remember to respect other people, and THINK before they do these things. Enjoy your weekends off. You've earned them.
ReplyDeleteLove the flowers but they aren't fuschia. They are a form of Hibiscus that I know as Rose Mallow. I have several in my yard and one is called dinner plate because the flower is literally the size of a dinner plate!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, when I had my quilting business, I told all my personal friends that I would accept their phone calls only after 4 pm. If it was urgent, and it never was, I asked that they leave a message and I'd get back to them when I could. At first they were horrified that I wouldn't answer their calls, but as the months went by, they just accepted it. If I had your schedule, I would filter ALL my phone calls. You have little enough home time and are VERY generous with your time. Do not feel any guilt, my friend. Home time is precious. Business can wait until Monday morning!
ReplyDeleteA lot of people have great expectations of others being at their beck and call. I'm the director of a small town library and over the years I've had people call me when the library is closed so they can get something they just HAVE TO HAVE! No dice.
ReplyDeleteFor years I was bugged to get an answering machine but didn't until I got a new land line phone and they all seemed to have answering machines built in. I'm still bad about noticing that blinking message light and returning calls. I've always said that the phone is for MY convenience and that I don't like being considered available all the time. Same goes for my cell phone, it's shut off most of the time.
I also don't check work email except when I am at work. Same goes for work FB messages. It's a library for pete's sake not a trauma center that always has to be ON! We as a society need to slow down a little. Not everything is an emergency and doesn't have to be attended to RIGHT NOW!!
I totally understand about boundaries. That said, I'm the person who calls Costco at 2am just so I'll get the answering machine to refill a prescription. I know my call will be answered and my scripts will be filed. Thanks for all you do. I was wondering if your new publisher has copies of your books yet? I want to order but I'm not sure if you have copies. I can't afford the Amazon prices. LOL
ReplyDeleteI totally know what you mean about expectations when it comes to working! I am a nurse and used to work at a nursing home. I normally went in every time they were short and called me to cover shifts. One time I didn't go...it had been a long week...my husband looked at me very weird and said "you aren't going?" I said, "no, you know what my week has been like...heck, even God rested one day a week, today is my turn." We all need our down time. I say screen your calls and only answer those that will make you smile. We all appreciate what you do! Take care of you!!!
ReplyDeleteMy maiden name is an "h" and I've been eyeing those up! Thanks for being such a generous soul to share your journey. ..I can't wait for your classes to release!
ReplyDeleteAmen! My husband has a job where he is called on weekends and evenings--many times for insignificant things. People don't respect what used to be common courtesy...Sundays were for church and family and not to be disturbed. No calls after 9:00 pm, etc. I'm afraid those days are over. It is amazing how many solicitation calls we get late in the evening or on weekends. Caller ID is a great investment!
ReplyDeleteLoved the Twirl Around peek. Working on the size for the triangles for the "H" block. I also loved
ReplyDeletethe picture of the cutting table-real time look. I like it when it's what I call back to normal but
sometimes that's at the end of the top. Hope your vision is responding to the treatment, it's gotta
be a bother. Kind thoughts going your way. rjc2cam(at)gmail(dot)com
When I leave comments or questions I think they'll be answered sometime if the blogger wants to respond. I am totally fine with that. As I'm typing it's 12:45a PST. I will email you now but I would never call anyone now. I wouldn't call someone too early or too late or when I think they might be eating. All that said - and it comes down to this - you do what works for you. I totally agree with the others who have said you give in so many ways so now take care of you. Thanks for all you do for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with all the comments- you are so giving of your thoughts and time- only you can take care of you!! I think people today think everything must be fast-fast-fast and never stop to think WHY are we constantly rushing. Love your pics of the mountains and wish I were there!
ReplyDeleteYay! Bonnie. I'm a psychologist. I'll check messages to be sure no one is on a ledge, but otherwise I don't call anyone back until normal business hrs. Then I am 72 and raised in a different generation. I don't call anyone before or after 9 either. Mother taught me well. Set boundaries, Bonnie. You will live longer!
ReplyDeleteThe scrappy tumbler is moving along, I want to do one.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your statements. This world is being taught to think of self first, so sad.
That pink colour used to be called Schiaparelli pink, after the designer.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all the time Miss Bonnie you devote to your blogs and website, with all the free advice. You are a very giving person, THANK YOU. As women sometimes we make ourself too available, but maybe she is like me,
ReplyDeletethe older I get, the less I remember, so if I can leave a message even at weird hours or weekends I will, she may have thought she was doing that.
Boundaries are good, so keep them up strong and clearly. Take those weekends and rest, it's so good for your body, mind and spirit.
ReplyDeleteYou have to take care of yourself. I turn my phones off on the weekend and holidays. My job doesn't like it, but too bad. My time belongs to me.
ReplyDeletePaula B
Bonnie take care. I just had a scare from a test and for six days I had to wait to see s specialist. The problem is not a problem. It is mostly stress related and not knowing to turn off my brain and relax. I've been warned before and this time I will listen.
ReplyDeleteYou should enjoy life. V Carter