
Thursday, October 19, 2023

When Greens Turn Golden -

The past few days have been truly running for me - 

A friend has been out of town, and I've been in charge of feeding her dogs and cats twice a day - so there has been quite the bit of opportunity for leaf peeping and appreciating the turn of seasons here in my corner of Appalachia.

I love living in an area that experiences a vibrant fall.

And no matter how much I complain about winter, we really have a shorter winter in Southwestern Virginia than my Minnesota roots gave me as a kid - and I'm fine with that!

Add a cloudy grey sky to the mix and the colors take on a life of their own.

Driving down a dirt road - just look at this!

Yesterday morning - the sun shining through.

And wouldn't you know it - 

I finally caught one of the last pumpkin trucks on its way to wherever as I headed back to the inn.

Going wherever pumpkin trucks go!

Usually the pumpkin hauling is about done by now and we start to see the "getting ready" of Christmas Tree harvest that will soon commence.  I've seen loads of empty tree hauling trailers going up and down the road, likely being put into position for when that starts in earnest - 

There generally has to be two really good frosts before they can start harvesting trees.  The freezing temperatures do something to the sap in the tree. (I'm not educated enough to know exactly what...)

But as nights get colder the further we move toward winter - I'd say it will be happening soon.

Off the back porch at the inn.

Trees are getting fairly bare, and you can almost miss the creek flowing at the base of the mountain unless you are really looking for it.  We need water.  The creeks and rivers are so low right now.

Tula, however is enjoying her autumn days soaking up the sun on the back steps that go up toward the back porch from down below.

"Give me some tummy scratches, mama!"

(That pudgy belly slays me!)

Ahhhh - the life of an inn cat!

Much of yesterday was spent getting the inn ready for the Brown Bird Bee and their first retreat at Quiltville Inn.

They began to pour in around 4:45pm and there was much shuffling and explaining and trying to get everything one in a streamlined manner. First timers need to learn the ropes - where to pull in and off load, where to park, where things are, all of the exploring of every nook and cranny as they take it all in and start their weekend of sewing fun and camaraderie.

I did have an opportunity to finish up my Star of Hope Part 1 blocks.

I worked on the graphics for Silk Path - releasing soon!

And I made an evening trip back to my friend's house to feed the dogs and cats their evening meal and give them some loves and pets before heading home to my own dinner.

Yesterday rolled through like a steam locomotive - not even slowing down uphill.

This morning as the sun rose -

I can almost see mountain ridges behind the trees!

Down the drive.

I'll take this.  This fall splendor.  Let's just hang on to it for a while before all of the leaves are gone.  This is glorious!

And then I'll set my sights on whare I'm going to be during January - heading down under to New Zealand to warm myself back up again! What a great way to spend my 62nd birthday.

I've been doing some YouTube watching of the things we may see just to get a feel of the place. The excitement and anticipation is building!

I'd love to have you join us.  Visit my Craftours Page to learn more and give them a call!

I've got other trips planned for 2024 & 2025 as well - details are being added as each tour is planned out.

YES! We are going back to Ireland in June of 2024 with an addition to Scotland!  

Kenya is slated for September of 2024 - I can't wait to go back.  It was such an amazing adventure.

These are all on my bucket list - how about England for the holidays? End of November to Early December 2024. The thing I can't wait to see the most?  Highclere Castle of Downton Abbey fame.

Australia, Iceland, South Africa, Morocco and Uzbekistan are all on the *MUST GO!* list.

But first - New Zealand.  

And I've got my Kiwi project ready to put borders on - 

But right now I need to go say good morning to the Brown Bird Bee, and head over to feed dogs and cats for the last time as friends return home this evening.

And there is a pattern to write, and starting in on the Star of Hope to begin.

And did I mention there has been a request to hike up to the ponies?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

The task ahead may seem too huge to complete, but just keep taking small bites and eventually you'll get there -

That includes me too!
Have a terrific Thursday everyone -



  1. Oh, what beautiful countryside you live in during the Fall/Autumn time! I couldn't help but smile and chuckle at Miss Tula... she certainly has made herself at home! And I would be doing the same thing she is... porch sitting and leaf peeping!! HA!

  2. TALK ABOUT GLORIOUS... that Tula has the nicest coat and lovely face!!! Apparently her infection is under control, she's one healthy cat and definitely hasn't missed any meals! You are so good to deal 2X a day with neighbors' animals, as well as your menage... and yes the Fall season seems to me to be the most glorious there in New England... and i really appreciate you posting all these fabulous photos!!! Thanks Bonnie, even tho my eyesight prevents me from engaging w/all y'all (love silk road and so want to do Stars of Hope) I love love love the vicarious thrill of your sharing... Cats in Carlsbad CA thanks you again.

  3. Oh… you must live in the “Holiday” belt with pumpkins and Christmas trees..!!

  4. Anonymous11:24 AM EDT

    Your blog is delightful. It's one of the few things I read through in its entirety each time it arrives. I love the quilting, yes, but really enjoy the broader view you take of everything around you - so refreshing. Thank you! Louise

  5. Good Morning, Bonnie. I'm loving your autumn scenery photos. Fond memories of living there long ago. Your schedule for today through the end of the year is breathtaking! Such great memories you will have!

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM EDT

    It’s impossible to resist a kitty belly exposed! I look forward to reading your daily quote…and seeing the quilt background

    Amy in NJ

  7. Lovely pix & thoughts. Much of the colors have moved on here in western NY. A combination a rain & wind. Our first frost is expected early next week. Time to get the last of outdoor work finished and prepped for winter. For me that means putting away decorations, and wind spinners, cutting back the irises, and adding a layer of mulch or burlap where needed. As always, thanks for sharing a little of your world. Best to you.


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