
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Epic Starts and Fine Finishes!

I wish you could have heard the cheering when Jacquie (And I've probably spelled that wrong!) put that last seam into her Straits of Mackinac quilt top.

I love this quilt so much - her fabrics are fabulous and I KNOW just how much time goes into piecing something like this.  Well done! 

The pattern is from my book String Frenzy and is a perfect example of everything I love about scrap quilting - including strings!

And hers wasn't the ONLY Straits of Mackinac quilt shared during retreat.  There are more in tomorrow's upcoming post where there are several over the rail!

Is there anything better than finishing a huge project when you are surrounded by quilty friends to cheer you on?  Fantastic finish! (Notice the Spider & The Fly hanging on the foyer wall!)

Jean is a wooly girl!

I love seeing her handwork projects and her stitching is out of this world.

Look at that gorgeous embroidery!

Look at all of those little geranium flowers!

One stitch at a time!

Some tops made it up to borders!

Diamond Tile block from my Addicted to Scraps column in Quiltmaker.

New projects were started and are making progress!

More Jen Kingwell explosion going on in this corner!

Sherry is working on these blocks - super fun!

Scrap Crystals blocks from MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders are increasing in number!

One of the group members was unable to attend due to a grand baby deciding to make her appearance several weeks preemie, so the group made blocks to make her a baby quilt. It's a girl!

Mama, baby, and grandma are doing fine - and we hope to see her back next year.

Girls out on walks!

I'm so glad that ladies are taking the opportunity to get out when the weather is so lovely.

Selfies down by the river!

And  hike to the top!

Fun times!

Everyone is headed their separate ways this morning - and we'll see them again same week, next year.

Hanging in the Front Foyer!

I've placed the PDF pattern for Spider & The Fly  at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop - no coupon needed!

The price is good through 10/31/22 and will revert back to full price on 11/1/22.

Today's plan?  LAUNDRY! LOL! You should pretty well know my schedule by now.

I'm headed over a bit early to see everyone off and set in on what needs to be done.

I'm saying goodbye to The Sewciologists and getting ready to greet the Muddy Creek Misfits tomorrow afternoon.  Whew!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Talkin’ Turkey quilt from my book String Fling.

This is something I’ve really been working on and some days it isn’t easy.
Remember, no matter what others may say, your heart knows what is right for you.
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Make it a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



  1. Beautiful quilts. Lovely smiles on the hike. Looks like a epic day for it.
    I'm plugging away on my Spider and the Fly quilt. Easy peasy.
    Hope to get it done by the mystery start. Have to go for a 2nd mammogram again. Every time.
    Have a sparkling day ❤️

  2. Wise words for a Tuesday! Thanks for sharing their handiwork. So varied and inspiring. One Stitch at a time is right. Flying Geese border going on my Rhododendron Trail, hope I made enough.

  3. I Love, Love the wooly pieces. I have always liked the way they look but I am not an embroidery person. I am working on a mini Periwinke quilt top out of 1930's prints. I have 2 rows to go. Have a happy quilty day everyone.

  4. All the quilts are beautiful. I finally finished all the blocks for Bear Paws. I layed it out and moved some blocks around. Had to add 2 rows in order to fit my grandson's bed. Now I am working on the border. No sewing today as I met my friend and her dog at the park. The weather is just too beautiful to sit in the house. Came home had lunch and then worked in the backyard for 2 1/2 hours. I wish everyone a nice rest of the day.

  5. All their work is lovely. I belong to Kapiti Woolly Stitchers in Kapiti, New Zealand. I loved Jean's wool applique pieces. Would love to find out whether she designed them or are they patterns that can be purchased. Fabulous work, ladies.

  6. Such lovely work. I am a Woolly Stitcher myself and loved seeing Jean's work, I would love to know if those ar eher designs pr patterns that can be purchased.


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